Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 27, 2024
Do you know Archangel Gabriel? Are you looking for his prayer? Do you want to know in which situation to address a prayer to him? This article is for you.
We have conducted some research for you on Archangel Gabriel. We will present you with some information and prayers that may be of interest to you.
He is the Archangel chosen by God to be his messenger to humans. He is the famous Angel who announced the coming of Jesus Christ.
In this article, you will discover:
- Prayer to find love;
- Prayer to have a child;
- Prayer for healing;
- Prayer to Archangel Gabriel for protection;
- Prayer to unblock a difficult situation;
- Novena Prayer to Archangel Gabriel.
Without further ado, here are some basic prayers that you can learn by heart. You can also say your prayers in your own words. Know that any prayer is perfect when it is said with sincerity and with good intentions.
Prayer to his guardian angel, Archangel Gabriel
His name means "force of God" he is very close to humanity and his power is unlimited. This archangel can act in all areas of our life: family, conception of a child, a need for protection, the wish to meet love, resolve a conflict, a financial blockage. Each of us can call upon this being of light, at any time, in all trials and in all circumstances.
Archangel Gabriel has unlimited power, he can help every person at any time. He can support you, when you feel weak and demotivated.
I invoke the presence of Archangel Gabriel with all my gratitude. Oh Mighty Gabriel, help me to fully realize the wish of my heart:
(what you really want) I implore you to grant me my wish for a better life in all good and honor.
Archangel Gabriel; if this is right, give me the Word of intuition before the verb.
Give me the power to read in the mirror. Transmit to me the messages of the Almighty Mother. Grant me the secrets of the bodies of Water and Energy.
Give me the strength to be where I need to be. Guide me to a crystal galaxy to see the inner Being of Light. If this is right, if this is meant to be.
Thank you Archangel Gabriel
Author of the prayer unknown
Prayer to Archangel Gabriel to find love
"Through the miracle of Christmas, Archangel Gabriel brings Divine love to all humanity. This unconditional love fosters communication between hearts."
Christian prayer
Most Holy Archangel Gabriel, God has entrusted you with his love and power. You have received this unconditional love directly from our Creator.
Teach me to love you as you love me. Teach me the true meaning of love, for I long to love. Grant me your help so that I may find my perfect match.
Archangel Gabriel , you know me more than I know myself. I trust in you to send me the right person and allow us to experience true love.
I ask you to protect my heart from disappointments in love. I don't want to experience that again. Keep all ill-intentioned people away from me.
Archangel Gabriel, allow me to place my request in your hands. May you intercede with God our Father, our creator, so that my request becomes a reality. I open my heart to let myself be loved and be loved.
Thank you for being in my life!
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Amen, Amen, Amen.
Prayer to Archangel Gabriel to have a child
“Prayer has inestimable power. With your childlike soul, with your faith, with your heart, ask and believe that you have already obtained it, because it will be granted to you” (Gospel according to Saint Mark).
Christian prayer:
Saint Gabriel Archangel, among the thousands of angels and archangels, the Eternal has designated you to announce the powerful message to the Virgin Mary: the coming of Jesus. Grant me the grace to be filled with your tenderness and love so that I may in turn procreate.
Let me know the happiness of being pregnant with a healthy child. My partner and I want to know the happiness of being parents. Let life spring forth in us and let my couple recognize the fertility in you.
Oh my mother, my most Holy Virgin, you who have received the grace of carrying the child King, help me to carry in my womb, this child that I desire so much. Grant me the grace of fertility. This son or daughter is healthy in body and mind. He or she will be raised and will follow the teaching of our Lord.
Oh Holy Archangel Gabriel, being of divine light, I ask you today to bring me my share of good news in response to my request since this is just and does no harm to anyone.
Come to the aid of all infertile couples, manifest yourself in the distress of childless women.
For everything is accomplished according to the will of our Father: “Whatever is above is like what is below, and whatever is below is like what is above!”
So be it!
Prayer to Archangel Gabriel for Healing
Address your request to the Archangel and then you entrust yourself to his good care. Like a child with all his innocence and all his trust who entrusts himself totally to his mother. Do not be afraid anymore, let him do it!
Christian prayer
Excerpt from the prayer of Father Julio to the Archangel Gabriel (this prayer is to be recited every day. You can use it for yourself or to ask for healing for another person) Make the cross on yourself or on the sick person.
† O You, by whom all was made and by whom all will be transformed to return to the first source, Principle emanated from the bosom of the Eternal, Soul of the universe, Divine light, I call upon you to help me. Yes, come, creative Fluid, penetrate my deadened senses. And you, august Messengers of the Most High, Angels of light, celestial Spirits, all of you, Ministers of the will of my God, come to me, I implore your assistance. Hasten, come enlighten me and guide me, bring my prayer to God: he knows my desires. I want to heal… (First and Last Name of the person) from his illness… (Say the name of the illness) I implore you through the only Son, equal to the Father, who reigns with the Holy Spirit, in the Unity of one God.
So be it!
Saint Gabriel: the saint who listens to our prayers
Saint Gabriel held an important place in the salvation of humanity. The fact that he was chosen as the announcer of good news made him a mythical character. Indeed, the announcement of the coming of Christ is a much heavier responsibility than it seems. By having accomplished this mission, the Archangel Gabriel was able to elevate himself to the rank of Saint. Since then, believers have addressed prayers to him to obtain grace and blessing.
Saint Gabriel can help us in our daily worries. For example, he can help us find love. While for some people, this is something that goes without saying, for others, it is almost an impossible mission. Many people have suffered from love. Disappointment, betrayal, breakup, divorce… This is what they have endured. Sometimes, they even think they can no longer love. If you think you are experiencing one of these unpleasant situations, do not hesitate to pray to Saint Gabriel to help you.
Apart from love, Saint Gabriel can also help you in many other areas (infertility, illness, aggression, difficult situations, etc.). The many prayers we have seen above deal with all these subjects. Since Archangel Gabriel has managed to obtain the rank of Saint, he is now able to grant us certain privileges.
Saint Gabriel will listen if you address him with all your heart. He will do what is necessary to ensure that you obtain answers to your prayers quickly. You may even receive more than you asked for.
Prayer for protection to Archangel Gabriel
It is necessary to ask for the protection of an archangel, because we live in the world full of pitfalls.
Christian prayer
Being of light, Saint Gabriel the Archangel, with your word you taught us to spread the goodness of our hearts around us.
Unfortunately many of us prefer to ignore your holy word. They lack trust and patience so they have chosen the ways of darkness.
Dear Archangel, I beg you on my knees, protect me from all evil, keep evil, satanic and diabolical spirits away from me. With your legion of angels, create a protective shield around me so that every negative force weakens and dies, so that it cannot reach my heart and soul.
Saint Gabriel the Archangel, receive my prayer of strength and protect my family, all the people I love and all those who recognize God in their hearts.
In the name of Jesus Christ, by the strength of Jesus Christ, by the power of Jesus Christ, by the love of Jesus Christ and by the holy blood of Jesus Christ.
Amen Amen Amen.
Prayer to unblock a difficult situation
At some point in our lives, we find ourselves facing blocking situations. This can be family, love, financial, professional. Address a prayer to Archangel Gabriel for 21 days. You will be amazed at the result.
Christian prayer
I come before you, Archangel Gabriel, to implore your help in my current situation.
Bearer of good news, you who accomplish changes, Angel of wisdom and intelligence, Archangel of the Annunciation, Angel of the incarnation, I call you, I invoke you with faith and respect, with love and hope. I ask you to intercede with the Eternal to obtain the help I need. The Eternal has always answered your prayers.
In the face of the great difficulties that I am currently facing, deploy the divine force within you to radically change the situation in my favor. May your love and infinite mercy be manifested in this situation, may everything be transformed in its positivity in my favor. Be my advocate with the Almighty, the creator of heaven and earth, of the entire universe so that my cries of distress may reach him.
Eternal Father, Almighty God, my creator, master of the Universe, yours is the kingdom, the rule, the power and the glory. Send me Archangel Gabriel with your divine grace to protect me, to protect my family and to guide me to new victorious paths.
For 21 days, I offer this prayer to Archangel Gabriel to express my gratitude for all the times you have given me special attention, your patience, for all the favors I have received and for all the divine solutions I receive in relation to my current situation.
Grant me the grace to carry out my plans. May the angels work in accordance with the Holy Law in heaven. Heart of angels, heart of angels, heart of angels!
Novena Prayer to Archangel Gabriel
To ask for a specific grace, you can also address a Novena prayer to the Archangel Gabriel . This is a pdf book for prayer in the name of Saint Gabriel.
Equip yourself with a religious item of Archangel Gabriel to draw closer to him in your prayers.
With this article, you will be able to pray to the Archangel daily to ask for his protection. You now have everything you need to communicate your spiritual message to the sacred angel of God .
Address your prayer to Archangel Gabriel with unwavering honesty and all the love in your heart. Be patient, surrender to him completely, your relationship must be fluid. Let yourself go.
Stay in humility so that the archangel can manifest or act freely. You can light a candle or incense to accompany your prayer. At the end of each prayer, do not forget to thank him. In addition to the prayer of Archangel Gabriel, we have a prayer to Jesus Christ that could help you in your relationship with GOD.
Archange Gabriel
Viens à mon aide, j’ai de gros problèmes financiers, je suis dans une situation très difficile, je t’invoque pour que ce que j’ai mis à vendre se vende rapidement et que je puisse trouver du travail rapidement
excauce mes voeux
J’ai confiance en toi
Je te rends grâce
Merci beaucoup à l’Archange Gabriel pour m’avoir accordé beaucoup des choses qui marquée souvent dans ma vie , je t’implore que par tous ces prières que je viens des reçevoir maintenant c’est grand bonheur qui me conduira dans le bon chemin
Saint Gabriel Archange , merci pour ta protection et ta guidance dans mon quotidien.
Puisses tu continues à me montrer le droit chemin afin que je vive dans la joie la grâce et l’abondance et surtout avec la paix intérieure.
Gratitude infinie
St Gabriel je viens a toi car je suis en difficulté financière je suis toujours à découvert en début du mois.je je sais pas quoi faire.je suis fichier a la banque de France j aimerais que tu m aide.Amen
merci de prier pour une dépression profonde
Saint Gabriel,
Prenez enfin pitié du pauvre et misérable pêcheur que je suis. Faîtes que pour une fois une seule on pense un tout petit peu à moi. Faîtes que je puisse avoir un infime brin de chance au lieu d’un maximum de problèmes. Faîtes que je puisse vivre dignement ce qui n’est pas le cas actuellement.
Dans le passé, je reconnais avoir fais beaucoup de mal à une jeune femme mais je voulais réparer tous les tords que j’avais à son encontre, j’ai eu de gros problèmes avec son patron car 3 plaintes avaient été déposé contre moi et ils avaient monté une magouille par dessus, depuis ma situation n’a cessé de se dégrader.
Faîtes que la santé de messieurs René SAUZET, Michel BERTHAIL, Guy BONNEFOY s’améliore. Faîtes que mon ami Christian sorte enfin de la misère et qu’il puisse se rétablir le plus rapidement possible.
Merci de nous protéger tous les jours et sur la route.
Actuellement, j’ai de très gros problèmes avec des voyous. Faîtes que les événements se déroulent en notre faveur. On remet nos vies et nos destins entre les mains de la Sainte Famille.
Saint Gabriel : cette épreuve m’est imposée, aidez moi à la surmonter.
Saint Gabriel : accordez moi la grâce d’avoir un enchaînement de circonstances favorables et que toutes les conditions soient enfin réunies pour que je puisse enfin comprendre ce qui m’arrive et de tout solutionner définitivement à mon avantage.
Sainte Gabriel : veillez et protéger toute ma famille, mon ami Sonia et tous ceux qui me sont chers car j’ai très peur qu’ils nous arrivent n’importe quoi avec ces voyous sans m’oublier tout en reconnaissant que je ne suis pas parfait.
Saint Gabriel : j’ai reçu la statue de Saint Patrick, le jour de l’anniversaire de Maria, juste avant d’aller à la messe. Nous sommes catholiques tous les 2. Est-ce un signe du destin ? plusieurs personnes pensent qu’il y a beaucoup de coïncidences. Une nouvelle vie avec Maria à mes côtés, c’est le plus beau cadeau que je puisse offrir à mes parents. Maria n’est pas une utopie. Maria est à bien des égards, une revanche de la vie.
Ainsi soit-il.
Très instructif
To write a comment
Sep 23, 2024Une prière de l’archange Gabriel, parfaite. Merci