Offer of the day included in your order

Silver chapelet necklace

Golden steel rosary

Olivier wood row necklace

Pearls chapelet necklace

Gold plated pearl bead necklace

Gold plated steel rosar

Stainless steel rosary

Silver steel rosary

Cross tens ring

Silver cross ring

Tens yellow gold (offer of 25 tens)

Dozain virgin miraculous Mary (offer of 50 tens)

Olivier wood row necklace

Black pearl rosary necklace

Lourdes pink rosary necklace

Lourdes Bleu Chapelet necklace

Lourdes Black Chapelet Necklace
Beige wood rosary
Light brown wood rosary
Dark brown wood rosary

Golden wood row

Red wood roslet

Brown wood

Black wood row

Gold -plated religious rosary bracelet

Silver pearl roslet bracelet

Gold plated pearl roslet bracelet

Gold -plated string bracelet

Silver roslet bracelet

White and golden pearl rosary necklace

Pink pearl bead necklace

Flower pearl bead collar

Clay pearl bead necklace

Resin pearl bead necklace

Multiciler steel charter necklace

Golden black steel charter necklace

Silver black steel charter necklace
Shamballa Chapelet necklace

Multicolored pearl rosary necklace

White pearl roslet bracelet

Golden pearl roslet bracelet

Red pearl roslet bracelet

Cristal black bead roslet bracelet

Black pearl roslet bracelet

ONYX Stone Rosary Necklace

ONYX Stone Rosary Necklace

ONYX Stone Rosary Necklace

ONYX Stone Rosary Necklace
Opt for the best rosary that suits you.
Among the different religious objects that we are used to distinguishing, the rosary necklace is undoubtedly the Christian jewelry Who is at the top of the list, just before the baptism medals. And to get yours, we offer a wide range of rosaries, specially select so that everyone can easily find their happiness.
Everything you need to know about the rosary.
Although many people think today that the rosary is just a vulgar accessory of fashion, it is necessary to remind everyone that this is not the case. Since we are talking about a religious accessory, a real Symbol of religious devotion.
Physically, the rosary resembles a grain necklace, to which is added a pendant in the shape of a cross, and a medallion, but symbolically, it is a perfect object of prayer and meditation. And during its use or its recitation, we devote ourselves to one of the mysteries of the life of Christ.
For those who ignore it, the rosary is used to recite prayers repetitive or meditative prayers, offering a certain power and benefits to each. But if your prayer is aimed at a specific person, the latter also quickly risks seeing changes in his life.
However, to make a whole rosary, you have to go through three types of prayers, which starts with the Creed, goes through our father, and ends with three "I greet you Marie", more glory to the father. A perfect winning combination, which is already within everyone's reach.
The advantages to benefit from the rosary.
Indeed, the rosary is not just a fashion object as some people claim, even if some young people can be on this side. The rosary is first of all, a religious jewelry, which allows everyone to maintain their heart, by cultivating their spiritual life at the same time.
By reciting the different Rosary prayers, like I greet you Marie, and others, you internalize the life of Christ, while meditating on it. And the more time you take during your meditation, the more time you devote to God, entrusting him with all your intentions. Knowing that the fruits of your prayers never look forward to manifesting.
You should know that the pray From the rosary holds its power of the Virgin Mary, because it is through her that this prayer passes, and it is she who takes care of presenting it to God. Which has its weight compared to our prayers without rosary.
Recite the rosary.
To perfect its Rosal recitation, we must already start by determining the series of mysteries to meditate, then make the sign of the cross, while reciting, I believe in God. Then recite our father, then three I greet you Marie for the three grains that follow.
Subsequently, between the next two grains, say the glory is to the father, and announce the mystery chosen first, as well as the intentions that come with, and finish with our father. Afterwards, say I greet you Marie for all 10 grains.
And before moving on to the second mystery, recite the glory either to the father, followed by the prayer of Fatima. Then pronounce the second mystery, resume from the start, and so on to the fifth. And to close everything, finish with Salve Regina.
The different types of rosaries.
Many people are still today to think that there is only one type of Christian rosary, while this is really not the case. And by type of rosary, we do not want to talk about its type of manufacturing materials, but rather of its model or its design.
To do this, we refer for example to the rosary for the family, the rosary of Saint Michel Archange, the rosary of Neuvaine to Marie who defeats the knots, or the rosary for the priests. Just like the rosary of the precious blood, the rosary for France, as well as the rosary for peace.
There are different others, but we will not be able to list them all here. However, you can still review each of our offers, in order to find the perfect rosary that corresponds to your criteria and which suits you best.
The rosaries accessible in our Christian shop.
We meet a large number of types of rosaries in our Christian shop. And for more practicality, you can orient your search according to your budget, since we have done the necessary to try to complete our offers.
And to do this, you are offered wooden, olive wood, silver steel, stainless steel, stainless steel, gold plated, pearls, or even chain. With a wide choice of products, between the keychain, the tens, the rosary rings, rosary bracelets, gourmettes, and of course, the rosar necklaces.
We then invite you to take example from the white pearl rosary necklace, the Notre-Dame Roslet Cittle Ringie, the Cross of Wooden Jerusalem Cross or the Croix de Tau rosary. Passing through the gold plated rosary ring, the Notre Dame de Paris chapelet ring, the Cristal White Pearl Broak Bracelet, the ONYX Stone Stone necklace, as well as the multicolored pearl bead necklace.
However, you can still find a silver pearl rosary bracelet, a silver steel chapel, an olive wood row collar, or a silver rosary necklace and a golden steel chapel. If not for a black bead rosary necklace, or a gold -plated steel rosary, as well as a beige wood rosary and a black wood rosary.
By going around our offers, it should then be easy for anyone to end up with the ideal rosary that meets his needs. All, without having to get out of home, or to have to go from a religious shop To another, without real hope of achieving its ends. While everything is now done in a few clicks on our site. Especially since a rosary can be worn at any time, or any occasion.