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The Meaning of the Word "Amen"


Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 27, 2024

Summary :

    The word “amen” is used very often in Christian prayers. But what is its true meaning? If you too have questions about the meaning of this word, this article is likely to interest you.

    "Amen" is usually used to close a prayer. In this sense, one might think that it is some kind of magical formula or incantation. But the true meaning of this word goes far beyond that.

    In this article, you will discover:

    • Origins and etymology
    • The use of the word "amen" in the Bible
    • The use of the term "amen" in a prayer
    • Some examples of prayer with “amen”?

    Without further ado, let’s find out what the word “amen” really means.

    Origins and etymology


    The word “amen” is not a magic formula that can be added to a prayer to make it come true more quickly. However, it does have a very special meaning. It is a Hebrew word, and it is used in exactly the same way in every language. So the “amen” that we say is exactly the same “amen” that Jesus used.

    Amen is a very old word. The Hebrews were already using it ages ago. "Amen" is said to come from "aman", a term used to confirm or reinforce words. So, this word is equivalent to saying "in truth" or "let it be noted".

    Amen is still used as is, because it has no equivalent or synonym in Western languages. It has therefore never been translated. The most important thing is that we understand its meaning. Just keep in mind that the word "amen" is a response to an immutable, firm, and stable statement. If this term were translated, its original meaning would be greatly impoverished. Furthermore, "amen" has a sacred meaning in that it can only be used when referring to God. The Judeo-Christian tradition is very particular about these principles.

    Today, the word “amen” is often described as a synonym for the phrase “so be it.” These are probably the words that best explain the term. If you look in the dictionary, for example, this is how the term “amen” is explained. But remember, this word is sacred and this is one of its most important aspects.

    The use of the word "amen" in the Bible

    Amen is a word of Semitic origin, but its use has spread in Christianity over time. This is why this term is repeated recurrently in the Bible. It is mainly used to confirm words. Its meaning is therefore very similar to "it is so" or "so be it". The word "amen" is undoubtedly the most typical liturgical acclamation in Christianity. In fact, it is a formula to close prayers.

    According to the Gospels, Jesus used the word "amen" when he began a speech. In this way, he gave a certain nuance of firmness and solidity to his words.

    The use of the term "amen" in a prayer


    In prayer, the word "amen" is always used as a concluding formula. The pronunciation of this word means that the praying people accept as true everything they have just said. They confirm their words and make their prayer their own. When several people pronounce the word "amen" (during a religious service for example), they give their assent to everything that has just been said.

    This term should therefore not be used in any way. For believers, this word has a very particular power, and that is why it is sacred.

    Some examples of prayer with “amen”?

    Generally speaking, all prayers end with the pronunciation of the word "amen". This formula does not only serve to confirm words, it also marks the moment when the prayer ends. As soon as the praying people hear this word, they can therefore raise their heads and reopen their eyes. But concretely, how is the term "amen" placed in a prayer? And with what kind of prayer can it be used? In order to better explain this to you, let us look at these few examples:

    “Lord, without you we can do nothing (John 15). Help us today, not so that we may feel strong in ourselves, but so that we may find strength in looking to you when we are weak. Amen.”

    “This is the day the Lord has made; let it be our joy and goodness (Psalm 118). Amen.”

    “Lord our salvation and our light, give us the opportunity to live this day as true children of light, with trust and without fear. Amen.”

    These few examples of prayers show us that the word "amen" is the term that closes the discussion. To the extent that a prayer can be considered as a conversation with God, "amen" is therefore the formula that ends it. This formula can not only be used with prayers that are addressed to God (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit), but Catholics also use it to pray to the Blessed Virgin, the Saints and other divine entities.

    Now you know what the word "amen" really means. You know why it is usually placed at the end of a prayer. You know its origins and how it was used in the Bible. This term has a special value for Christianity. Because of its sacred character, it should not be used indiscriminately.

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    Stephane tshiabanga

    Feb 18, 2025

    Suis édifié par votre explication.

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