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Guardian Angel Haziel: Angel Powers No. 9 and Invocation


Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Feb 10, 2025

Summary :

    Guardian Angel Haziel holds a privileged place in the celestial hierarchy, as an ambassador of peace, forgiveness and unconditional love.

    This article explores in depth the powers attributed to Haziel , methods of invoking him, and how he can positively influence our lives.

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    2 Powerful Prayers to Invoke Guardian Angel Haziel

    Prayer 1: Prayer of Mercy and Forgiveness

    O Angel Haziel,
    You who embody divine mercy and forgiveness,
    I implore you to purify my heart and my mind.
    Grant me the grace of forgiveness,
    So that I can forgive those who have wronged me,
    And so that I can also forgive myself.
    Fill my being with your infinite love,
    And help me to live in peace and harmony with myself and others.
    Thank you, Angel Haziel, for your compassion and mercy.

    Prayer 2: Prayer of Protection and Trust

    Beloved Angel Haziel,
    You who are the guardian of trust and benevolence,
    I pray that you surround me with your protective light.
    Keep away from me all negative energies and harmful influences,
    And fill my heart with confidence and serenity.
    Help me to have faith in myself and my abilities,
    And to move forward with courage and determination on my life path.
    Thank you, Haziel, for your protection and loving guidance.

    The Powers Attributed to Haziel

    Forgiveness and Reconciliation

    Haziel is revered for his ability to heal hearts and reconcile broken relationships. He brings understanding and tolerance where there is conflict and discord, facilitating forgiveness between individuals.

    Unconditional Love

    Haziel teaches and embodies unconditional love, reminding humans of their capacity to love without limits and without expectation in return. He helps expand the heart and mind to embrace this pure and selfless love.

    Divine Protection

    This celestial guardian offers protection from negative energies and malevolent influences, enveloping those under his charge in an aura of divine security.

    How to Summon the Angel Haziel?

    1. Dedicated Prayer: Reciting a dedicated prayer is a direct way to get Haziel's attention. A prayer can be simple and heartfelt, expressing your desire for guidance, protection, and support in your quest for forgiveness and love.
    2. Meditation and Visualization: Take time to meditate on the essence of Haziel. Visualize a golden light surrounding you, symbolizing Haziel’s protective and loving presence. This practice can be especially powerful when done early in the morning or late in the evening.
    3. Creating an Altar: An altar dedicated to Haziel can serve as a focal point for your invocations. Objects such as white candles, crystals such as rose quartz or citrine, and images or symbols representing love and forgiveness can enhance this sacred space.

    The Signs of Haziel's Presence

    Feelings of Peace and Serenity

    A clear sign of Haziel's presence is a sudden feeling of inner peace and serenity, often felt during or after the invocation.

    Dreams and Visions

    Haziel can communicate through dreams, offering comforting visions or guiding messages to help you on your spiritual path .

    Chance Encounters and Coincidences

    Unexpected encounters or coincidences that seem too convenient to be chance may be the work of Haziel, quietly orchestrating events for your benefit.

    Haziel's Impact on Daily Life

    Improving Relationships

    By invoking Haziel , you may experience a significant improvement in your personal relationships, with more open communication and better mutual understanding.

    Personal Development

    Haziel encourages personal growth , helping you overcome inner obstacles such as resentment and selfishness, and fully embrace love and forgiveness.

    Support in Difficult Times

    In times of sadness or despair, the angel Haziel is a source of comfort and hope, reminding us of the constant presence of divine love .

    The Personal Connection with Haziel

    Journal of Gratitude and Reflections

    Keep a journal where you record your thoughts, prayers, and perceived signs of Haziel's presence . Writing down these experiences fosters a deep awareness and appreciation of the subtle interactions with this guardian angel.

    Study and Meditation on the Sacred Writings

    Deepen your understanding of angelic teachings by studying sacred texts or works dedicated to guardian angels. Meditating on these teachings can open new avenues of spiritual connection with Haziel .

    The Benefits of Relationship with Haziel

    Inner Harmony and Balance

    Individuals who develop a close relationship with Haziel often report an increase in inner harmony and better emotional balance , reflecting the serenity that Haziel embodies.

    Inspiration and Creativity

    Haziel can also serve as a muse, inspiring creativity and innovation in various fields, whether in the arts, writing, or even in solving everyday problems.

    Sense of Belonging and Guidance

    Haziel's constant presence can bring a deep sense of security and guidance , strengthening one's confidence in oneself and one's place in the universe.

    Incorporating Haziel into Ceremonies and Rituals

    1. Moon Ceremonies: The phases of the moon provide powerful times to invoke Haziel. New moon or full moon rituals can be dedicated to asking Haziel for inspiration, clarity, or inner peace.

    2. Angelic Altars: Create an altar dedicated to Haziel, incorporating elements that connect you to this angel, such as specific colors, crystals, candles, and angelic images or symbols. This sacred space can serve as a place for your daily prayers and meditations.

    3. Feasts and Celebrations: Incorporate Haziel into religious or spiritual celebrations, recognizing his role as guide and protector. This may include special prayers, songs, or dedications at significant events.

    Guardian Angel Haziel is a powerful ally for those seeking to cultivate love , forgiveness , and peace in their lives. By opening oneself to his benevolent energy and practicing his invocation regularly, one can experience a profound inner transformation, leading to a more harmonious and loving existence.

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