Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Dec 23, 2024
Haniel is a mystical archangel in ancient Judaic scriptures like the archangels Metatron and Sandalphon. Haniel means the grace of God or the joy of God. Archangel Haniel is a benevolent and incredibly powerful entity in the angelic realm.
To learn more about archangels, here is a list of several articles to discover from our archangels blog:
- How to invoke Archangel Raphael
- How to invoke Archangel Metatron
- Who is Archangel Michael?
- Who is Archangel Metatron?
- Who is Archangel Uriel?
- Who is Archangel Gabriel?
- Study on the Archangel Raphael
- Archangel Raziel: Powers and How to Invoke Him
- How to invoke Archangel Gabriel?
- How to invoke Archangel Sandalphon?
- How to invoke Archangel Zadkiel ?
- How to invoke Archangel Zaphkiel?
- How to invoke Archangel Camael ?
And if you want to wear a sacred symbol of the archangels, we share with you all the pieces exclusively available in the jewelry store by clicking just below:
Who is Archangel Haniel?

Just like Archangel Jophiel, Haniel is also strongly connected to the moon and has a powerful feminine energy. Archangel Haniel acts as a conduit between the higher realms of the angelic realm and humanity . This is why Haniel can elevate your theta state and spirituality to higher vibrations and expand your consciousness. You will gain access to higher spiritual truth, divine wisdom and your soul will also be healed.
Archangel Haniel is the ambassador of the higher heavenly realms here on earth. She can mediate and translate all communication with the celestial realms and heaven in a way that is easy for humans to understand. Having a strong connection with Archangel Haniel is very beneficial, especially when it comes to spiritual nourishment and developing sensory gifts.
There is a mention of Archangel Haniel in Kabbalah as pointed out earlier. The book speaks of a tree of life consisting of ten different Sephirot, each of which represents the branches of the tree managed by archangels. Archangel Haniel is one of these angels.
Sephirot angels usually have special divine attributes of life energy force. Eternity is one of the forces and the most dominant force of Archangel Haniel. Haniel helps humans to eliminate time and space barriers, as this is especially necessary if you want to be aware of the eternal nature of God .
Why it is important to have a connection with Archangel Haniel
Now that we know the role of Archangel Haniel in the angelic realm, let's look at the importance of having a connection with her and the benefits that come with it in our everyday lives.
Menstrual pain
Menstrual pain, among other difficulties, is one of the most terrible experiences that women go through every month. Archangel Haniel specializes in healing and relieving women from this pain. Women should call on him during their periods.
Developing clairvoyance
Clairvoyance is the claimed ability to have information about things or the future, usually through extrasensory perception. Many people desire to have this power. However, you must have a strong connection with the divine, angelic, and celestial realms to develop clairvoyance.
Archangel Haniel is the ruler of the higher realms of divinity. You must decode the language used in the celestial realm to develop the skill. Haniel generally helps people develop clairvoyance by not only translating but also guiding them in decoding these divine messages and having a greater level of understanding since they are at higher levels of consciousness and wisdom. Archangel Raziel also helps develop the additional sensory gifts of God.
Attaining Spiritual Enlightenment
Archangel Haniel usually brings joy to the soul in different circumstances by enlightening humans with ideas, thus helping them fulfill their purpose in life. She provides spiritual determination and virtue by raising your vibrations to higher levels that can match hers.
Enrich your love life
Archangel Haniel will bring light to your love life. She usually controls all the erotic details on earth. Most people associate this archangel with Eros in ancient Greek mythology. She has a powerful connection with the planet Venus which is said to be a planet with erotic energy, love and romance.
Here are some helpful tips to help you easily connect with Archangel Haniel;
Connect with Archangel Haniel
Choose a sacred place in your home where you will focus and be comfortable enough away from the destruction and noise. You can open your mind, heart, and soul here and focus on entering a level of consciousness. On your special space, add objects and images that bring the feeling of peace and love . In this case, when invoking the presence of Archangel Haniel, it is important to have turquoise colored crystals and objects. The representative crystal of Archangel Haniel is moonstone since it has a turquoise tone and shares a connection with the sun.
Archangel Haniel connects strongly with the moon, making moonstone an appropriate crystal that fits her aura, especially when she invokes it. Taking advantage of the connection during the different phases of the moon would be of great help. Make sure to coordinate all your meditation sessions during this time when you are looking to connect with Archangel Haniel. Include oils in your prayer and meditation sessions as this is equally important. Also, you do not need to use a specific oil.
You can now call upon Archangel Haniel once you have coordinated your prayer sessions with different moon phases. You can do this through prayer and meditation although it can be quite difficult.
Prayer of Archangel Haniel
Direct your prayers to Archangel Haniel to invoke his presence. However, reciting a simple prayer is usually not enough and will therefore reveal himself to you. Take time for spiritual enlightenment, meditation and faith as well. Mental clarity is also important as you need to focus all your attention on Archangel Haniel and forget everything else.
You will feel different after praying , which is a clear indication that Archangel Haniel is close to you and what you have prayed for is probably already manifesting. You may feel a slight tingling, spikes of energy around you, or your hands and head will feel warm with a tickle.
Here is the standard invocation of Archangel Haniel . This prayer is quite basic but powerful. You just need to carefully follow all the steps mentioned above, including mental preparation and meditation environment. Recite the following prayer when you are ready:
“Archangel Haniel, joyful and benevolent master, reveal yourself to me and surround me with your energy full of wisdom and love . (Mention your request here if you want it to help you relieve your menstrual pain, develop clairvoyance or enrich your love life. Describe the situation carefully to Archangel Haniel). Thank you, oh Archangel Haniel, for guiding my actions, my behavior and my words. Thank you for filling me with happiness and joy with your presence and for increasing my level of consciousness. Thank you, powerful and divine Archangel Haniel. Amen.”
Archangel Haniel usually has an uplifting effect when we connect with her. She will help you realize your purpose in life and recharge your strength and spirituality .
Turquoise light
Archangel Haniel's aura color is turquoise. You can see the turquoise light after praying when your vibrations and spiritual levels are high. Seeing the light is an indication of enlightenment and establishing a strong connection with Archangel Haniel. The light is also known to give strength to the weak and help them endure the problems and stresses of their day. He also guides people on their spiritual journey.
Archangel Haniel usually speaks to those who see the turquoise light in their dreams, conveying divine messages. You may also have clairvoyant experiences and see visions.
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