Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 26, 2024
Raziel is one of the most fascinating and mysterious archangels in heaven . Some people tend to confuse him with the archangel Azrael. Raziel can also be a fictional character in the TV series Lucifer, as is the case with Amenadiel ...
If you want to wear a sacred symbol of the archangels, we share with you all the pieces exclusively available in the jewelry store by clicking just below:
And here are several articles on archangels that you can discover on our site:
- How to invoke Archangel Raphael
- How to invoke Archangel Metatron
- Who is Archangel Michael?
- Who is Archangel Metatron?
- Who is Archangel Uriel?
- Who is Archangel Gabriel?
- Study on the Archangel Raphael
- Archangel Sandalphon: Powers and How to Invoke Him
- How to invoke Archangel Gabriel?

Archangel Raziel is known for keeping the secrets of God. He knows all the secrets regarding divinity and the wisdom of the entire universe. He is usually an alchemist and a sorcerer.
However, Archangel Raziel did not keep God's secrets entirely to himself. He wrote a book known as Sefer Raziel , which loosely translates to the "Book of Raziel the Angel." In the book, he reveals all the secrets of the universe. When Adam was cast out of the Garden of Eden for sinning, he became lost and desperate. God sent Archangel Raziel to help him find his way back through the book Sefer Raziel.
In the book, the Archangel begins: "Blessed are the wise through the mysteries coming from wisdom ."
Raziel's other angels were deeply disturbed when Raziel gave the book to Adam. Therefore, they stole it from Adam and threw it into the ocean. God decided not to punish Raziel, but instead, retrieved the book and returned it to Adam and Eve.
According to some sources, the book was passed down through the generations to Enoch , who later became the angel Metatron. Enoch may have incorporated his own writings into the book.
From Enoch, the Archangel Raphael gave the book to Noah, who used the wisdom within to build the Ark. The Book of Raziel was last known to be in the hands of Solomon but has since disappeared.
Some of the information deduced from the book is that creative energy begins as thoughts in the spiritual realm, which then manifest as words and actions in the physical world .
Archangel Raziel's understanding of the workings of the entire universe and God is complete to a complete degree. Therefore, when you connect with the archangel, you can unlock an unlimited cascade of countless benefits and ancient wisdom.
Symbol of Archangel Raziel
In art, Archangel Raziel is usually depicted bringing light into the darkness . The light symbolizes his role in bringing understanding into the darkness of people's confusion as they try to uncover divine mysteries.
Archangel Raziel Colors
Unlike most angels, Raziel is usually associated with rainbow colors instead of just one color.
Archangel Raziel in the Bible and other religious texts
Raziel is mentioned in various ancient religious texts. For example, in the Zohar, the sacred book of Kabbalah, the angel is said to be in charge of Chokmah (wisdom).
In Jewish tradition, the archangel rules over the second level of heaven and helps protect the other angels.
Raziel is also the patron angel of those who enforce the laws (such as judges and police officers), those who write the laws (such as elected government officials), and lawyers.
Why Connect with Archangel Raziel
Here are five reasons why you should connect with Archangel Raziel.
Healing from pain
For those struggling with frequent headaches, sinus pain or migraines, connecting with Archangel Raziel will help . The archangel brings calming effects on organ systems and bodies.
Archangel Raziel will heal any pain in the body and eliminate diseases related to the organ system. For example, he can help with diseases such as thyroid, pituitary or other glandular problems.
The Archangel's aura has the colors of the rainbow, carrying all divine ideas that bring both mental and physical healing.
Besides Raziel, you can also call upon Archangel Muriel to help you feel better, especially when you are stressed or in pain.
Understanding Occult Knowledge
When something is hidden and therefore cannot be easily accessed or found, we consider it occult. Human beings can access wisdom when they connect with Archangel Raziel. The angel has perfect and total knowledge of the mysteries of life and the world. There is nothing under the sun that he does not know. Raziel helps people overcome their spiritual and physical blocks.
Archangel Raziel can illuminate your spiritual darkness, while helping you resolve abstract and metaphysical barriers that may be holding you back.
Most beginners in the awakening journey are usually attached to the material realms in their spiritual journey. However, materialism is one of the most significant obstacles to your understanding of spirituality. Archangel Raziel will give you clear understanding, unlocking your spiritual growth.
Open the crown and throat chakra
The throat is linked to sound elements that generate it to different vibrations and to the air. The organ plays an important role in communication and the way people express themselves.
On the other hand, the crown chakra is located at the top of the head and is the seventh chakra. The chakra is usually activated when you are in a higher state of consciousness when you realize that everything is beyond our selfish actions during meditation .
The key to unlocking the higher understanding and wisdom that Archangel Raziel reveals to us is to open the crown at the top of your head.
Raziel helps us develop spiritual insights to unlock new states of consciousness and higher spiritual levels. This is done through the opening of the throat and crown chakra.
Archangel Raguel also performs similar functions.
Developing innate extrasensory skills
Some people have unique extrasensory abilities, which are usually heavenly spiritual gifts. However, developing such gifts to higher levels of consciousness and using them voluntarily requires divine intervention. You cannot simply resolve to use them on your own because every gift you receive from heaven has a divine purpose.
Archangel Raziel helps to develop different skills, which can be extrasensory or psychic. He also helps you understand why you were given the divine skills and how to use them properly and help others.
Raziel can also guide you and advise you whether you have the skills or not. He will not do this verbally but will make his presence felt when you pray and meditate. This helps speed up the openings.
Unlock Higher Manifestation Powers
While you can attract miracles and manifestations in many different ways, what matters most is the relationship you have with major archangels like Archangel Raziel and God. Raziel can help unlock all manifesting blessings , especially from the higher spiritual realms and bring light into your life.
There are different manifestation teachings and techniques that focus on material desires and superficial things in the world. Archangel Raziel will help you understand the laws of attraction in the higher level of spiritual consciousness so that you can feel and experience the true power of manifestation.
You can check out the four-sentence prayer if you want to learn different ways to manifest miracles in your life. It will guide you on how to use it intentionally and also build a stronger relationship with the archangels.
Invocation and prayer of Archangel Raziel
Invoking the presence of Archangel Raziel is not difficult. You only need to be consistent and disciplined. Praying to the archangel once is not enough, especially if you want to call upon his aura, light , and attention.
You should make it a habit to always include Archangel Raziel in your meditation and prayer sessions. This is especially true if you are looking to clear up dark areas in your life using his light.
After a while, as you pray, you will begin to feel the Archangel’s aura flickering on many levels of consciousness and divinity . When you undeniably connect with Archangel Raziel, the feeling is not easy to explain. However, you will instantly recognize it as soon as you experience it.
Here is the prayer of Archangel Raziel to use to invoke him:
“I am super grateful for the showers of blessings woven into my life and the laws of attraction Archangel Raziel. Please let me know all your secrets about the divine laws of creation and the entire universe to one day understand them and also manifest miracles and guide others. I am honored since you have accepted me as an amateur to teach me some truths about the universe. Archangel Raziel, communicate with me in different ways today so that I may taste and feel. Guide and support me to release all the wisdom and knowledge that you can possibly give. Raise my consciousness and spirituality to new heights and light. Be my guide as I try to understand the purpose of these divine gifts from God and how to use them wisely.”
We pray that this article will plant the seed of Archangel Raziel directly into your heart to help you begin a strong relationship with him. This angelic magician and alchemist will also help you unlock magic and miracles in your life.
The fact that you have stumbled upon this is a clear sign that you need a connection with Archangel Raziel. So, take a leap of faith and begin the journey today.
Besoin des articles et des prières de anges raziel
Depuis le 11 09 24, je suis dans un état second…
Suite à une discussion avec mon fils, il a été odieux…
Je suis partie au calme qqles jours, à mon retour, je ne comprenais toujours pas ce qui m’arrivait…tout mon être est triste.
Suite à un article, qui parlait d’une aide apportée par un Archange, en cherchant j’ai rencontré l’Archange Raziel.
Merci pour l’article et je pense aller plus loin avec ses enseignements
Bonjour je suis très heureuse de pouvoir
Communiquer avec Archange Rachel
Faut til allumé une 🕯 blanche et dire la prière pour que que je soit guider pour moi même et les autres pour obtenir des miracles Amen
Merci infiniment de m’éclairer sur cette belle rencontre que je viens d’avoir avec Raziel. Je ne savais pas qui il était mais il est venu à moi. Je souhaite de tout cœur garder cette connection Divine.
avoir bcp des connaissances sur les anges pour devepper ma memoire
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Benoît S.
Dec 8, 2024Bonjour Adora, si vous souhaitez recevoir les prières de l’article, nous vous invitons à nous contacter depuis la page de support, nous vous enverrons dès que possible les prières à l’Archange Zaziel. Benoît S.