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Archangel Zaphkiel: Powers of the Angel and How to Summon Him?


Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 26, 2024

Summary :

    Did you know that Zaphkiel is mainly known as the angel of divine justice and evolution? He would therefore have the power to intervene in many aspects of our lives.

    Archangel Zaphkiel is a very good protector for you and the people you love. He has very great powers, and can help you in many circumstances. You can invoke him for relationship or emotional problems. You can pray to the angel Zaphkiel if you are suffering from depression or trauma.

    Let’s find out in this article:

    • Archangel Zaphkiel
    • What is the mission of Archangel Zaphkiel and what are his powers?
    • When to invoke Archangel Zaphkiel ?
    • Invoke Archangel Zaphkiel through Prayer

    Before you continue reading, here are several articles on archangels that you can discover on our site:

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    Archangel Zaphkiel


    The name "Zaphkiel" can be translated as "the knowledge of God ." It can also be written as Zafkiel, Tsaphkiel, Tzaphqiel, Zaphiel, Zelel, or Zaphchial.

    According to the angelic hierarchy , Archangel Zaphkiel is ranked as the "chief of the order of thrones." He holds this title along with eight other angels: Caliel, Melahel, Pahaliah, Lauviah, Nelchael, Yeiayel, Leuviah, and Haheuiah.

    Zaphkiel leads an army, and his main mission is to rule the heavens. He is mainly known for his attraction to divine justice and purity. He is able to issue pure and just judgments. Furthermore, those under his protection can enjoy a breath of courage and will from him.

    Sometimes, Zaphkiel is called "Binael" or "Cassiel", and thus completes the 7 famous archangels . Moreover, Jewish tradition associates him with "Binah", the third Sephira of the Kabbalistic tree of life.

    Zaphkiel is endowed with great wisdom. According to some, he is even the "alchemist of life". He is often depicted wearing a white linen robe. Depictions of the archangel Zaphkiel always show a peaceful and very gentle face. On his back, we can see a pair of shiny wings, and he always holds a writing desk in his hand.

    What is the mission of Archangel Zaphkiel and what are his powers?

    Archangel Zaphkiel has the power to spread his light to all those under his protection. They will be able to change their perception of life's trials. They will now have the ability to always see the bright side of things.

    Zaphkiel can also help you to have more courage and more willpower. You can ask for his help if you are preparing to face difficult trials. In addition, he will make sure that you can fulfill your destiny. For this, he will give you maturity and wisdom. Zaphkiel will help you to become aware of your true value.

    Archangel Zaphkiel can therefore help you in many aspects of your life. But his greatest vocation remains to establish a connection between beings who cherish each other. Love , passion and sensuality are his greatest areas of predilection. You can ask Zaphkiel for help so that he intervenes in your love and sexual life. Whether you have libido problems, you lack desire or if you have suffered an assault, call on this archangel to make you see things on the bright side. He will show you that you are capable of great things and that you are a person of value.

    When to invoke Archangel Zaphkiel?

    The ruling hours of Archangel Zaphkiel are:

    • Mondays, between 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.
    • Tuesdays, between 12.00 and 13.00
    • Wednesdays, between 4.00 p.m. and 5.00 p.m.
    • Thursdays, between 13.00 and 14.00
    • Fridays, between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.
    • Saturdays, between 2.00 p.m. and 3.00 p.m.
    • Sundays, between 11.00 and 12.00

    Invoke Archangel Zaphkiel through Prayer

    Prayer 1:

    “Archangel Zadkiel, please help me heal my heart. If I am stuck in resentment, please help me to completely remove that feeling . If there is something I am missing, please help me to see clearly what it is. If I am lacking in compassion, please fill my heart with mercy. If I am worried or anxious, please fill my heart with trust and calm. I now fully surrender to you and God, and I know that through your divine powers, you will oversee every detail with wisdom, grace, and harmony. Thank you.”

    Prayer 2:

    "I call upon you Zakyel, I ask for your help, I ask for your guidance, I ask for your protection , I ask for your healing, I ask for your love, I ask for your light, I ask for your presence, I ask for your wisdom, I ask for your blessings, I ask for your love and light, I ask for your help and guidance, I ask for your healing and protection, I ask for the opening of my Star chakra, I ask to join the ascending humanity, I ask for your love. Amen, Amen, Amen."

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    Nov 16, 2023

    Je suis très content et Satisfait, Merci pour cette Connaissance.

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