Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 27, 2024
Do you know the importance of the rosary? Did you know that the practice of the rosary contributes to piety? The holiness of the Christian life comes through the practice of the rosary. Did you know that?
We have taken some steps to obtain convincing answers in order to satisfy you. But first remember this:
The rosary called "Saint Michael's or angelic crown" is little known, although it was favored by Pope Pius IX with some indulgences from August 8, 1851. It is a means which allows a Christian to strengthen his faith and establish a stable Christian life.
In this article you will discover:
The importance of the rosary
The piety that comes from the rosary
Christian life without the rosary
And if you want to wear a sacred symbol of the archangels, we share with you all the pieces exclusively available in the jewelry store by clicking just below:
The Promises of the Holy Archangel
In an apparition to the illustrious servant of God, Antonia of Astonaco in Portugal. The Archangel Saint Michael asked that nine greetings be composed in her honor, corresponding to the nine choirs of the Angels, each consisting of the recitation of an Our Father and three Hail Marys.
The glorious Archangel promised that whoever would thus honor him before Holy Communion would be accompanied to the Holy Table by an angel from each of the nine choirs. And those who would recite these nine salutations every day, he further promised his assistance and that of the holy angels during their life and that after their death he would deliver them and their loved ones from purgatory.
Ways to pray
Through the intercession of Saint Michael and the heavenly choir of Seraphim , may the Lord make us worthy of the fire of perfect charity.
Through the intercession of Saint Michael the Archangel and the heavenly choir of Cherubim , may the Lord grant us the grace to walk on the path of Christian perfection.

Through the intercession of St. Michael and the heavenly choir of Thrones , may the Lord grant us the spirit of true humility.
Through the intercession of Saint Michael the Archangel and the heavenly choir of Dominations , may the Lord grant us the grace to be able to dominate our senses.
Through the intercession of St. Michael and the heavenly choir of Powers , may the Lord preserve us from the deceptions and temptations of the devil.
Through the intercession of Saint Michael and the heavenly choir of virtues , may the Lord grant us not to be defeated in the dangerous battle of temptations.
Through the intercession of Saint Michael and the heavenly choir of Principles , may the Lord grant us the spirit of true and sincere obedience.
Through the intercession of Saint Michael and the heavenly choir of Archangels , may the Lord grant us the gift of perseverance in faith and good works.
Through the intercession of Saint Michael and the heavenly choir of Angels , may the Lord grant that these blessed spirits may always guard us, and especially at the hour of our death. 🙏
The Promises of the Holy Archangel
In an apparition to the illustrious servant of God, Antonia of Astonaco in Portugal. The Archangel Saint Michael asked that nine greetings be composed in her honor, corresponding to the nine choirs of the Angels, each consisting of the recitation of an Our Father and three Hail Marys.

The glorious Archangel promised that whoever would thus honor him before Holy Communion would be accompanied to the Holy Table by an angel from each of the nine choirs. And those who would recite these nine salutations every day, he further promised his assistance and that of the holy angels during their life and that after their death he would deliver them and their loved ones from purgatory.
Ways of praying
Through the intercession of Saint Michael and the heavenly choir of Seraphim , may the Lord make us worthy of the fire of perfect charity. Through the intercession of Saint Michael and the heavenly choir of Cherubim , may the Lord grant us the grace to walk the path of Christian perfection. Through the intercession of Saint Michael and the heavenly choir of Thrones , may the Lord grant us the spirit of true humility.
If you want to have some ideas for praying to St. Michael, here are 10 steps that you can follow:
- Find a comfortable workspace. Sit in a comfortable chair or, if you prefer, lie down. Make sure your head is well supported.
- Imagine little roots coming down from the soles of your feet. They dig into the ground beneath your feet, making them feel safe and protected.
- Now see a circle of golden light from heaven pouring around you. Feel as if you are sitting in a golden circle of this loving light.
- Call upon Archangel Michael by saying for example: Archangel Michael be at my side, I implore you.
- Visualize Archangel Michael. Imagine him moving quickly on a beam of golden light with his sword and blue light. Imagine Archangel Michael putting his strong blue light around you to protect you.
- Ask Archangel Michael for all the help you need. You can simply imagine him with his sword of light, cutting or dissolving any negativity in your life. Then ask Saint Michael for strength and courage in your life.
- Visualize or imagine Archangel Michael sending his heavenly angels to assist you. See a golden light from heaven pouring down around you.
- Say thank you. Trust that your situation is being taken care of.
- Continue to surround yourself with the strong blue light of Archangel Michael. Do this for the rest of the day.
- Trust now that Archangel Michael and his group of angels are looking after you.
The antiphone
Most glorious Saint Michael the Archangel , first of all Angels, defender of souls, conqueror of the devil, who stands to the glory of God and following our Lord Jesus Christ, you are our admirable protector , endowed with superhuman excellence and strength. Deign to reach us from God to see us free from all evil and help us to be faithful every day in the service of the Creator.
Pray for us, O Saint Michael, Prince of the Church of Christ .
That we may be made worthy of the divine promises.
For your protection and that of your family
Have you heard of the promises of St. Michael to whom he prays his rosary daily? In one of his apparitions to the servant of God Antonia of Astonoac in Portugal, the archangel said that he wanted to be given nine greetings corresponding to the nine choirs of angels, which would consist of the recitation of an Our Father and three Hail Marys in honor of each of these choirs.

In exchange for this service, he promised a procession of nine angels throughout his life whenever he approached the Eucharistic table, and after his death, the release of that person and his family from purgatory. The devotion crossed borders, was approved by many bishops and even by the holy Pope Pius IX, who enriched it with indulgences on August 8, 1851.
This rosary will be a powerful weapon for you, because from the moment you say it, you can be sure of the heavenly presence at your side and for that person you are praying for. This is how you pray the rosary of Saint Michael .
O God, come to my aid.
Lord, hurry to help me.
Glory to the Father...
Interecession: An Effective Way to Talk to God
Through the intercession of St. Michael and the heavenly choir of cherubim , may God our Lord grant us the grace to abandon the ways of sin and follow the path of Christian perfection. Amen.
Through the intercession of St. Michael and the heavenly choir of thrones , may the Lord God pour into our hearts the true and sincere spirit of humility. Amen.
Through the intercession of Saint Michael and the heavenly choir of dominions , may the Lord God grant us the grace to control our senses and thus dominate our passions. Amen.
Through the intercession of St. Michael and the heavenly choir of powers , may God our Lord protect our souls from the wiles of the devil. Amen.
Through the intercession of Saint Michael and the choir of virtues , may the Lord God deliver us from all evil and not let us fall into temptation. Amen.
Through the intercession of St. Michael and the heavenly choir of principalities , may God our Lord fill our souls with the true spirit of obedience. Amen.
Through the intercession of Saint Michael and the heavenly choir of archangels , may God our Lord grant us the grace of final perseverance in faith and good works and thus lead us to the glory of paradise. Amen.
Through the intercession of St. Michael and the heavenly choir of angels, may God our Lord grant us the grace to be protected by them during this mortal life and thus lead us to eternal glory. Amen
On the four beads following the medal, an Our Father is recited in honor of each of the following angels: Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Gabriel, Saint Raphael and the Guardian Angel.
Full of Prayers of Consecration to St. Michael the Archangel
Saint Michael the Archangel, I consecrate myself to you. I place myself, my family and all that belongs to me under your powerful protection. Increase the fervor in my heart and remember that from this day on I am under your protection. Obtain for me the grace to love God, my Father, Jesus, my Savior, the Holy Spirit, my Sanctifier, and Mary, my sweet Mother, with all my heart.
O great prince of heaven , most faithful guardian of the Church, Saint Michael the Archangel, I present myself to you, although unworthy to present myself to you, but confident in your particular goodness, moved by the excellence of your prayers and the multitude of your good works, accompanied by my Guardian Angel; and in the presence of all the Angels of Heaven , whom I take as witnesses of my devotion to you, I choose you today as my protector and my particular advocate, and I have the firm intention to honor you always and to exalt you with all my strength.
Help me during my life, that I may never offend the purest eyes of God, neither by deeds, nor by words, nor by thoughts. Defend me against all temptations of the devil, especially those that oppose faith and purity; and at the hour of my death, give peace to my soul and bring me to the eternal homeland.
Amen .
- A Prayer for St. Michael (short version of the prayer):
Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do it yourself,
O Prince of the heavenly armies ,
by the power of God,
push Satan into hell,
and all evil spirits,
who roam the world
in search of the ruin of souls.
- Prayer for help against spiritual enemies:
Glorious Saint Michael, Prince of the heavenly armies, who is ever ready to lend assistance to the people of God, who has fought the dragon, the old serpent, and has cast him out of heaven, and who now valiantly defends the Church of God so that the gates of hell may never prevail against it, I earnestly beg you to assist me also, in the painful and dangerous conflict which I sustain against the same formidable enemy. Be with me, O mighty Prince ! That I may courageously combat and conquer that proud spirit which you have gloriously overthrown by divine Power and which our mighty King, Jesus Christ, has, in our nature, completely conquered; thus, having triumphed over the enemy of my salvation, I can, with you and the holy angels, praise the clemency of God who, having refused mercy to the rebellious angels after their fall, has granted repentance and pardon to fallen man. Amen.
- A prayer for the Christian faithful who praise Saint Michael the Archangel:
God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we invoke Your holy name and humbly implore Your mercy, so that, through the intercession of Mary, ever Immaculate Virgin and our Mother, and of the glorious Archangel Saint Michael , You may deign to help us against Satan and all other impure spirits, who wander in the world for the misfortune of the human race and the ruin of souls. Amen
The power of prayer
Prayer is a vital aspect of the Christian life . It is therefore important that as a Christian you can give priority to prayer, in this case the rosary of Saint Michael the Archangel . As a prayer you can say: in your wonderful goodness, and with the merciful desire to save the souls of the human race, you have chosen the glorious Archangel Saint Michael as Prince of your Church. We humbly beg you, Heavenly Father, to deliver us from our enemies. At the hour of death, do not let any evil spirit approach us to harm our souls. O God and our Lord, guide us through this same archangel. Amen .
If you liked this kind of article on prayer, then you would probably like our article on the rosary of the Way of the Cross .
Les anges et les archanges sont au service de Dieu et au service des Hommes. Gardons nous de les vénérer par des bijoux et autres fantaisies. Ce chapelet a pour but de demander aux êtres célestes d’intercéder pour nous auprès de Dieu. Ce chapelet n’est efficace que si nous faisons tout pour être saint. La sainteté fait fuir les démons. Si ils viennent nous défendre, ce n’est que par la volonté de Dieu. On n’honore pas. On remercie. Le combat spirituel c’est pour les enfants de Dieu qui obéissent. On aura toute assistance.
Bonjour Mickaël,
Nous vous invitons à visiter la page de collection avec tous les bijoux à l’image de l’archange saint Michel. Voici quelques noms de bijoux discrets et très appréciés par notre clientèle chrétienne :
- Médaille religieuse saint Michel protection
- Bague religieuse saint Michel
- Bague croix saint Michel archange
- Bague croix saint Michel
Pour découvrir tout notre catalogue de bijoux de l’archange, nous vous invitons à visiter la collection “Bijoux Saint Michel”. Prenez soin de vous 🙏
je me prénomme Mickaël et je voudrais porter un collier ou une chevalière avec l’archange
auriez vous une idée a me fournir pour porter quelque chose de discret et au quotidien?
merci a vous
C’est Satan et ses acolytes qui détruisent l’humanité sur tous les plans; seuls c’est le Saint Michel Archange et ses groupes des anges qui ont le pouvoir d’anéantir le diable et ses démons pour nous sauver et nous donner le pouvoir et la force de résister au mal et faire le bien, progresser dans la vie chrétienne et espérer à la dernière heure de notre mort hériter la vie éternelle. Merci.
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Benoît S.
Dec 22, 2024Merci pour votre réflexion. Vous avez raison : les anges et archanges sont au service de Dieu, et le chapelet est un outil pour demander leur intercession, non pour les vénérer. Toute grâce vient de Dieu, et une vie de prière et de sainteté reste essentielle dans le combat spirituel. Merci pour ce rappel inspirant 🙏