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Chrism Meaning: Constantine Chi Rho


Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 27, 2024

Summary :

    The chrism is omnipresent in Roman iconography of the 4th and 5th centuries. This symbol represents Christ by superimposing the first two letters of his name in Greek (I and X). A lot of false information has circulated and continues to circulate about the chrism. We have therefore decided to clarify things through this article.

    This is one of the very first Christian symbols . Remembering Constantine the Great, he established another version of the chrism which became a Constantinian sign. It was perched on the vexillum, fixed on the emperor's helmet, worn as an adornment while having an apotropaic power. This is the particularity of this Christian symbol which can be transformed into a sign and object of a magical nature . It has a sacred value, because it calls the name of God. This magical characteristic is still accepted by Christianity since it does not go against divine omnipotence. In addition, the chrism establishes a link with Christ, who is known for the many miracles He performed during his time on earth.

    To better understand the chrism and its link with Constantine Chi Rho, we will see:

    • The meaning of chrism

    • The letter of the chrism

    • Chi Rho: one of the forms of the Christogram

    • The history of the Christogram

    • The different forms of chrism

    • Constantine short biography

    Here is a hand-crafted ring representing the symbol of Chrism. This Chi Rho Ring was made to pay homage to this sacred symbol

    Chi-rho ring

    Meaning of Chrism

    The chrism is also known as the " monogram of Christ ". This Christian symbol is formed by two Greek capital letters X (chi) and P (rho), the first being affixed to the second. These two letters designate the initials of Jesus in Greek: Ἰησοῦς Χριστός . Often, they are accompanied by the first and second letters of the Greek alphabet α (alpha) and ω (omega). These symbols thus signify the whole, the beginning and the end . When these letters are put together, the word " ἄρχω " is formed, thus meaning "to lead, to go ahead, to command" and therefore refers to Jesus Christ who is the founder, the first head of the Christian Church.


    Generally speaking, the sign of chrism is inscribed in a circle, an image of unity with divine perfection . It symbolizes both the Christian religion as a whole and protection. The chrism is often represented by a star with 6 branches and refers to the Star that guided the Three Wise Men to the Child Jesus. Most of the time, it is displayed on the walls of Christian religious establishments such as basilicas, churches, chapels and some mortuary buildings. It is also found on various objects and accessories specific to Christians. It also appears on many mosaics.

    Understanding the letter of Chrism

    The chrism is the result of the combination of several letters with a very specific location for each of them. As it is a monogram of Jesus Christ , we are then talking about a religious object and a particularly strong Christian symbol. The letters of the chrism superimposed on each other form a sort of star and mean "Christ". The first and last letters of the alphabet found on the left and right induce the notion of unity and totality , because they frame this same alphabet while symbolizing the beginning and the end of everything.


    The letters that form the chrism are true wells of meaning and significance. Nothing has been left to chance. Placed one after the other, these letters form the Greek verb which means "to lead and be at the head". This refers us to the Son of God. There is also another form of chrism, formed by I (Iota) and X (Chi), still Greek letters. In this way, chrism is composed of the word "Ἰησοῦς Χριστός" which means "Jesus Christ" . According to legend, the letters of the chrism were carried as a banner by Emperor Constantine I when he crushed the opposing army during the Battle of the Milvian Bridge . But when we look further, we understand that the association of the letters of the chrism dates back to an earlier era and that the symbol was borrowed by Constantine to establish the power and legitimacy of the Christian Church following his victory. For non-Christian Greeks, the letters of the chrism are a simple representation of the abbreviation of the word "χρηστός" (chrêstos), which means "useful, auspicious".

    Chi Rho: one of the forms of the Christogram


    The Christogram also involves the letters Chi and Rho (XP) , coming from the Greek word ΧΡ ΙΣΤΟΣ or Christos. The vertical line of Rho cuts the center of Chi . This Chi Rho symbol was also used by Constantine , Emperor Constans around the years 306 – 337 as part of a military standard. Constantine's standard was known as the Labarum.

    The earliest symbols similar to the Chi Rho were the staurogram and the IX monogram. The Chi Rho symbol, in pre-Christian times, was to mark a valuable and relevant passage in the margin of a page and abbreviated "chrēston" meaning good. Some coins of Ptolemy III (246-222 BC) were marked with a Chi Rho. Although formed in Greek character, the device serves as an abbreviation in the Latin text with added endings suitable for a Latin name. Thus, XP meaning "Christo" or "to Christ" and the dative form of Christus.

    History of the Christogram


    The Roman Emperor Constantine I is considered the first Christian emperor . In 312, according to legend, during the Battle of the Milvian Bridge between the emperor and Maxentius, Constantine I saw the chrism appear in a dream with a message saying "by this sign, you will conquer" or "In hoc signo vinces" in Latin. It was with this sign as a standard that he won the victory. The chrism thus became the symbol of Christianity and was used as an emblem of the Roman emperors who succeeded Constantine I.

    However, this legend remains controversial and the Emperor Constantine is said to have converted safely only on his deathbed . Nevertheless, the chrism existed long before, but it was adopted by the emperor at a time when Christianity was still a minority. The battle won by Constantine is said to have demonstrated his favor towards this religion, and even to impose the supremacy of Christianity. For the pagan Greeks, the chrism refers to a wish or an approving comment .

    Different forms of chrism

    The chrism is a primitive form of the Christian Cross . It consists of two Greek letters that evoke the name of Jesus Christ "Ιησούς Χριστός" or "Iesous Kristos". It is therefore an emblem that unites several letters in a single design . In reality, the chrism comes in different forms:

    • The chrism formed from the initials of Ιησούς Χριστός which means Jesus Christ, namely I (iota) and X (khi)

    • The chrism formed from the first two letters of the single word Χριστός which designates Christ. Here, it abbreviates the word to X (khi) and P (rhô). This form is the oldest and was adopted by the emperor Constantine.

    • The complete chrism is composed of the letters X and P, and completed with the Greek letters alpha and omega enclosed in a circle.


    There are many other variants such as the Pyrenean chrism . This symbol is often present in many Romanesque scripts from the Pyrenees. It then corresponds to a chrism X and P completed with the S or Latinized sigma, right side up or upside down. This sigma can designate the bronze serpent, but also the Holy Spirit.

    Furthermore, even though it was already found before the 3rd century, the chrism is associated with the emperor Constantine I , who saw it in a dream hours before the battle of the Milvian Bridge in 312 (a decisive battle to lead the empire). Indeed, the emperor saw this chrism in a dream with words that tell him that by this sign he will win. Constantine then decided to reproduce this acronym on the standards and shields of his soldiers. 🛡️ Discover in addition to the Chrism, our article on the Christian sign of the cross.

    Constantine Short Biography


    To better understand the chrism, we decided to bring a short biography of Constantine I the Great . Flavius ​​Valerius Constantinus was born to Constantius Chlorus and Saint Helena. When his father died in 306, he was proclaimed Emperor by the army. In 312, a battle to control the empire took place and he won against Maxentius, his Italian opponent. He then shared the Roman territories with Licinius, his sister's husband. After believing he had emerged victorious thanks to the help of Christ , he promulgated the Edict of Milan which offered tolerance to Christians.

    Conflicts between Constantine and Licinius took place and put the kingdom in danger. But by 324, the empire had finally unified. Following in the political footsteps of Diocletian, Constantine the Great reorganized the administration. He increasingly supported the Church and convened the Ecumenical Council of Nicaea. It should be noted, however, that his conversion to Christianity was not immediate. He was also concerned with the construction of his new capital, Constantinople. It was completed in 330 on the site of Byzantium.

    In the end, Constantine was not baptized until his deathbed around May 22, 337. On December 8, 324, Constantinople was founded. On the site of the ancient Greek colony of Byzantium, it was inaugurated and quickly supplanted Rome thanks to its wealth and large population. Emperor Constantine I the Great laid the foundation stone of the city that succeeded Rome, the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire. Constantinople had its best periods under the rule of Justinian in the years 527-565. In 1453, it fell into Turkish hands and became known as Istanbul. On October 13, 1923, it lost its first place to Ankara, the capital of the new Turkey.

    Now you know the meaning of chrism . You have also been able to discover a short biography of Constantine the Great . We hope that this article has helped you understand the meaning of this symbol.

    In addition to this article, we have a wonderful article that tells you how to make the sign of the cross .

    Keeping a Christian symbol on you protects you at every moment of your life. This is one of the reasons why Constantine also wanted every soldier to wear the symbol of Chrism, which is none other than a sacred religious sign of protection. If you want to keep a sacred protective object with you, we have this Religious Ring to offer you, but also many other religious rings in the image of Christian Saints and the cross of Christ.

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