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How to Make the Sign of the Cross?


Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 27, 2024

Summary :

    The cross is a very significant symbol of Christianity . It marks the love that Christ has for us. As a reminder, it is indeed on the cross that the Son of God Jesus Christ gave his life to wash us of all our sins. It recalls the sacrifice that the Lord made to save us and grant us eternal life. It is for this reason that the sign of the cross is widely used in prayers or at the entrance to the Church. 🙏

    What is the sign of the cross? Who makes the sign of the cross? And above all, how to make the sign of the cross? All these questions that you may ask yourself, we will answer them. We will provide the answers to these questions in this article and inform you about the essentials about the sign of the cross and how to put it into practice. You will discover more specifically:

    • The importance of the sign of the cross
    • Religions that make the sign of the cross
    • When to make the sign of the cross
    • Steps to make the sign of the cross
    • The discovery of the Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant sign of the cross

    The importance of the sign of the cross

    The sign of the cross is undoubtedly the symbol of Christianity most used in the Catholic religion , not only during masses and confessions, but also in everyday life. Generally speaking, every prayer begins with this sign of the cross, where the mystery of the Redemption is associated with the mystery of the Holy Trinity. It therefore combines the Holy Trinity which is the mystery of the God of Love, the one who saved the world from the grip of the devil, with the mystery of the Redemption.

    In the Churches, the cross is a symbolic mark that demonstrates God's unconditional love for us poor sinners. Synonymous with peace and the victory of Jesus Christ during his Resurrection, the cross represents much more than we can imagine. Also a sign of blessing, adopting it in prayers and praises will only seal our union with God, in addition to strengthening our faith and love for him.

    Religions that make the sign of the cross


    As mentioned above, making the sign of the cross is a common practice among Christians. Particularly in the Roman Catholic Churches, in the Eastern Orthodox Churches, in the Lutheran and Anglican or Episcopal Churches. In principle, the sign of the cross is used to begin and end both prayers and religious ceremonies. Occasionally, in a quiet and isolated place, the sign of the cross is also made in order to solicit God's blessing and protection . Furthermore, many Christians have the custom of crossing themselves or making the sign of the cross every time they hear the name of the Holy Trinity.

    When to make the sign of the cross?


    Contrary to what we may believe, the sign of the cross is not only used during prayer or when entering Church. Indeed, depending on the Christian religion to which you belong, you will be led to make the sign of the cross in many contexts . Among Catholics, the sign of the cross is notably made at the entrance to Churches after having dipped the tip of the index finger in holy water. This is a symbolic gesture that recalls the washing of the Hebrews before entering the tent of the Ark of the Covenant. During the passage of the cross carried by the deacon or a crucifer, Catholic Christians also make the sign of the cross. Without forgetting that the latter use this sign as part of the liturgy, to open or conclude an adoration and in important circumstances of life. Also, know that Catholics use the sign of the cross when faced with supposedly diabolical manifestations in order to prove their fidelity to the divine light and to ward off the spirit of evil.

    Among the Orthodox , the sign of the cross is made in front of and at the entrance of a Church or simply near a cross. They also use this mark three times in a row in honor of the Trinity, at the time of the liturgy, to begin or end a daily family prayer. Orthodox Christians also use this sign at any time as soon as they feel the need .

    This is to tell you that the sign of the cross is very appreciated and used in various contexts, regardless of the religion and tradition of the person. The most important thing when we make the sign of the cross is that it allows us to give value to our praises as well as to invoke the spirit and divine protection to deliver ourselves from evil. 🙏

    Steps to make the sign of the cross

    Contrary to what one might think, the sign of the cross is made quite differently depending on each person's religion . Yes! There is indeed a slight nuance between the gestures used by Catholic Christians and Protestants, for example. We will immediately teach you how to make the sign of the cross in two ways: according to the Latin tradition and the Eastern tradition.

    The sign of the cross according to Roman tradition


    For this method, the one used by Roman Catholics, the making of the sign of the cross is done in seven major steps . Start by taking into account the tradition of the Latin and Protestant Rite Churches first. This approach is what one would say is the most common in the Latin Catholic Church and in the Protestant rites that value the sign of the cross. The same is true for the Anglican and Lutheran Churches.

    Then raise your right hand , ideally with the hand open and the 5 fingers to recall the 5 wounds of Christ during the Passion. You can also raise your index and middle fingers to symbolize the divine and human natures of Christ. Most of the time, the thumb is more specifically flexed in order to touch the ring finger. The sign is then made with two fingers only. Furthermore, it should be noted that there are other ways to hold your hand. Although there is no particular requirement as to how you will hold your hand, all of your worship leaders will certainly encourage you to follow the tradition of your congregation for more spiritual benefits.

    Continue by touching your forehead with the fingertips of your right hand . Notice that the sign of the cross is used in different contexts, both in private and in Church. At the beginning of the service or when you bless yourself outside of Church, the sign is usually accompanied by an invocation of the Holy Trinity. During this step, you should then begin by saying "in the name of the Father...". This done, it is now time to touch your chest by bringing your hand to your sternum, saying "and of the Son". Then, touch the front of your left shoulder while pronouncing "and of the Holy...". And your right shoulder should ideally be placed at the same level with the announcement of the word "spirit".

    To finish it all off, you can join your two hands together and say "Amen". For your information, it is common in many Latin countries to draw a small cross with your thumb and kiss it before saying amen.

    The sign of the cross according to Eastern tradition


    As mentioned above, the way to make the sign of the cross differs slightly depending on your religious traditions. To make the sign of the cross according to the Eastern tradition, start by holding the tips of your thumb, index finger and middle finger together and touching your forehead . This practice is particularly used in the Eastern Orthodox and Byzantine Churches. Namely, these three fingers symbolize the three main elements of the Holy Trinity, gathered in God. The fact of tucking your two fingers inside the palm of your hand, represents the two natures of Jesus Christ: fully human and at the same time fully divine. Very ancient, this practice dates back to the 400s.

    For the second step, bring your hand from your forehead to the top of your belly . Remember that some Christians place their hand on their chest, while others fear that this will trace an inverted cross, with a short lower branch. Then, think about making the sign of the cross from right to left . Unlike the Latin tradition, the Eastern cross actually begins on the right shoulder and ends on the left. With a centuries-old character, this tradition was previously dispensed by the Latin Church.

    Once this is done, all you have to do is join your two hands together , while reciting a blessing to give your prayer its full value. In general, for this step, you can proceed in different ways. For example, you can recite indications when you move your hand such as: "Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us."

    The discovery of the Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant sign of the cross

    By taking the time to read this article, you have therefore learned everything about the true definition and importance of the sign of the cross . The list of religions that use this sign has also been made available to you. Not to mention the different ways to make the sign of the cross in Christianity. You also know how to proceed to make the sign of the cross correctly.

    If you enjoyed this article, then you will surely enjoy our article explaining why the cross is the symbol of Christianity .

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      1 comment

      Massa Guilavogui

      Aug 12, 2023

      Très bien. Merci.

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