Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Feb 4, 2025
The Christian Cross has a double meaning: death and life. This is simply because it represents the Passion of Christ which led to his death, but also the Resurrection which followed. In any case, it is certainly the most known and most used religious symbol.
We will have in more detail the true meaning of the Christian Cross as well as its value in the eyes of believers. This religious symbol actually has a long and fascinating history.
In this article you will find:
The Christian Cross: Carrying Your Cross
The different crosses
The Multiple Meanings of the Christian Cross
The History of the Christian Cross
Without further ado, let's start reading the article right now.
Christian cross meaning: wearing religious jewelry
A person feels protected because of his harmonious union with the structure of a Christian cross. The human being naturally feels in alliance with the universe and this is what protects him/her. The Church did not reject these ideas, but, on the contrary, adopted them sanctifying them and embracing them with the higher spiritual meaning provided by Christianity. Therefore, the Christian cross being the main Christian symbol (as well as because of its rich pre-Christian symbolism), has come to occupy the central place in the life of a religious and other people wishing to move towards God.
A. Cross for Men
Being a man of God is a high calling that Christian men should aspire to. Jesus died for people who had lost their way. Jesus still loves sinners. He came and gave His life for them. The message of the Cross remains a gift of love for every human being even a sinner. Above all, the Cross is a symbol of love and kindness .
A man wearing a Christian cross wants to be a sign that the man has a great desire to keep the faith by staying close to God. Many men these days wear a Christian cross in order to affirm their faith and also to increase their self-confidence thanks to the Eternal One who protects them. You will have understood, when a man has decided to wear this sacred Christian cross , he will keep it close to him at every moment of his life, exactly like a lucky charm. But this one is a divine lucky charm. 🙇♂️
B. Cross for Women
Necklaces with the cross pendant are normally associated with Christianity. They are usually worn by followers of Christianity to display their faith. Wearing a cross has become very common today especially for women. Women wearing a Christian cross are beginning to take the first steps towards the path of God, or simply wanting to feel free to express themselves through a sacred cross of Christ. Many have even converted to religion after wearing a Christian cross.
In many religious nations, it is truly believed that wearing a cross helps defend against evil spirits. The cross is indeed a symbol of hope and faith. 🙇♀️
C. Christian cross necklaces
The Christian cross necklace is the most engaging, inspiring and popular religious figure in the Christian jewelry genre. One of the reasons is that the cross is full of Christian symbolism and meaning . The cross is the symbol of the crucifixion of Jesus. It is also symbolic of the resurrection of Christ (Latin Christian cross). The cross is a symbol of hope and love for humanity providing its only begotten to pay the price of sin.
The Christian cross necklace also has many other symbolic meanings. One of them is that it represents faith, hope, love, and eternity. Another symbolic meaning for Christian cross necklaces is that they signify mercy, grace, love, and forgiveness. 🙏
D. Silver Christian Cross Necklaces
Silver Christian crosses are usually worn with chains in order to keep the cross around the neck. Why is the silver Christian cross so important? Simply because after wood and gold, the majority of Christian crosses have gone towards the precious metal of silver. After gold and wood were used extensively for the divine representation of the cross of Jesus, the making of a Christian cross has evolved a lot by highlighting it with silver.
Sterling silver Christian cross necklaces are one of the most versatile religious jewelry pieces that showcase the Christian cross of Christ through its precious metal. They look beautiful when worn by men, women, and children.
E. The first cross necklaces
Indeed, the first Christian crosses were represented in wood and gold . By the principle that Jesus was crucified on a wooden cross, the first Christians and disciples of the Lord, wore a wooden tau cross to represent their faith for Christ. This cross can also be called: the pre-Christian cross. Following this cross, the Christian cross representing the ultimate torture of the Lord, was represented in gold in order to make the symbol of the cross, the most recognized sign of Christianity in homage to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
The cross pendant began to be worn by priests only after the decree of Emperor Nicholas II on May 14, 1896. Before that, priests were allowed to wear award crosses, which in turn, had appeared during the reign of Peter I as a way to honor the most distinguished. This tradition became more common when Emperor Paul I introduced in 1797, a uniform award of a cross pendant .
F. Wearing a cross inside or outside clothing
If one chooses to wear the cross out in plain sight, there will be one observer: the world. When that world is Christian, as in Byzantium or ancient Russia, the result will be a harmonious connection between the cross, the wearer, and the world. But in today's world, wearing a cross on one's clothing or through religious jewelry requires a special sense of responsibility and spiritual qualities that distinguish the wearer. If we are prepared for this, displaying the Christian cross in public is not a bad thing.
Nowadays, most of those who wear a cross are women. If this is due to a sincere desire to revive the ancient tradition of wearing sacred ornaments, it deserves respect. Respecting God and His cross means respecting oneself and one's image without wearing a cross for a negative effect by mocking the symbol of Christianity. It is dangerous to revive ancient traditional forms without understanding them and establishing a connection between them and their spiritual essence. If we do so, some of the ancient customs may seem disenchanted in modern conditions or when observed by a particular person.
Our historical and symbolic overview confirms the common opinion that it would be more correct and more useful for a Christian to wear a cross pendant hidden under his clothes, since in this case the bond (or unity) is established only between the wearer and the cross. But if the desire comes to you to share your Christian cross and your passion in the Christian religion, you will feel an immense well-being to wear your cross in the sight of all.
G. The cross: spiritual strength
Today, we have difficulty understanding the difference between modern aesthetics and the protection provided by a divine cross. Presumably, wearing a Christian cross is primarily associated with veneration of Christ's sacrifice for the sins of the world. However, in ancient sacred cultures, beauty was considered part of the spiritual dimension.
In Christianity, for example, one of the names of the Lord was Beauty (according to Dionysus the Areopagite), while a collection of texts on spiritual guidance, the name of which is translated into Russian as: Dobrotoliubiye, or Love of the Good, and in the original Greek: Philokalia, which means Love of the Beautiful . A set of religious jewelry, above all, allowed one to understand the world and represent it in symbolic terms. 🙇♀️ ✞
Different Cross
Although the Latin cross is the most well-known symbol of Christianity, there are many varieties of Christian crosses around the world. For example, the cross used in Eastern Orthodoxy is distinct from the Roman Catholic crucifix (a cross representing the body of Jesus). Like this example, there are several different Christian crosses with their own history and meaning.
The cross shape has been appearing in necklaces and jewelry for several hundred years. The cross is one of the most important symbols of the Christian faith , but its unique shape and clean, simple lines have made the cross shape ideal for many jewelry designs and a popular choice among many designers.
The simple cross: Latin
The Latin Christian Cross is surely the simplest cross model, but with a strong symbolism of the resurrection of Christ. It is like the crucifix, the most used Christian cross throughout the world and the Churches. It is the most recognizable cross where the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified.
The crucifix
This Cross is represented by the body of Christ (corpus) nailed to it, in which case it is usually called a crucifix , although this word, in its original sense, refers to the body fixed to the cross. Depictions of the cross by Roman Catholics and High Anglicans are often crucifixes in order to emphasize the sacrifice of Jesus . The Crucifix is a symbol used in Anglicanism, Catholicism and Orthodoxy, unlike Protestants who only use the Latin cross.
The Celtic Cross
The Celtic cross or haloed cross , is a cross from Ireland and is a representation of spiritual strength and compassion to endure the ups and downs of life. The four bars are in reference to the four elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. The circle added to the Celtic cross is an interpretation of infinite love. It is a sacred symbol of eternal love for God.
The symbol of the fleur-de-lis
The fleur-de-lis, spelled in French: fleur de lys , is an emblem or stylized device widely used in ornamentation and, in particular, in heraldry long associated with the French crown. One legend identifies it as the lily given by the Virgin Mary to Clovis, king of the Franks (466–511), at his baptism. The lily is said to have sprung from the tears shed by Eve as she left Eden. From ancient times, it has been a symbol of purity and was readily adopted by the Roman Catholic Church to associate the holiness of Mary with events of special significance.
The Orthodox Cross
The Orthodox cross is a representation of the Latin cross with two additional bars. It is, as for Catholics, represented by Christ crucified on the cross. One of the two bars is above the face of Jesus and the second at the level of Christ's feet, symbolizing the footrest. This Christian cross is an entity for Orthodox Christians who worship God. One of the meanings of the Orthodox cross, which is not very visible to the naked eye, is that the inclined bar of the footrest is a sign symbolizing the balance of justice. Those on the right of Christ will ascend to heaven, and those on the left will descend into the earth.
The Cross of Jerusalem
The Cross of Jerusalem , one of the most famous ancient symbols in the world of Christianity. This Christian cross has several meanings attributed to it. Many historians say that the four small crosses represent the four gospels of: John, Mark, Matthew and Luke. Another meaning could also be that the four crosses would be the wounds of the hands and feet of the Son of God. And the large cross in the center would be the pierced heart of Jesus.
The Maltese Cross
A Maltese cross , Maltese cross or St. John's cross, is an eight-pointed cross used on the uniform of the Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem. This cross, belonging to the Christian family, has eight points and is often depicted in black.
The Cross of Lorraine
This cross is called: the Cross of Lorraine which can also be called the Cross of Anjou . There are several models of the cross of Lorraine. The most common is the one that has two crossbars, a smaller one located horizontally above the second bar being longer. The difference between the cross of Lorraine and the Latin cross is that the symbol of Lorraine has an additional bar that has been added to the symbol. In the country of France, this sacred sign is a representation of the strength of a free France at the time of the Second World War.
The Camargue cross
The Camargue Cross is the emblem of the Church of Saintes Maries de la Mer in Camargue, in the south of France. This Christian cross is composed of three emblems: an anchor, a cross and a heart. It is a traditional emblem of the three cardinal virtues which are respectively: hope, faith and charity.
The Cross of Tau
The Tau Cross , often referred to as the pre-Christian Cross , is a letter of the Hebrew and Greek alphabets found in the ninth chapter of the prophet Ezekiel. As a Franciscan symbol, the tau, resembling the Latin cross, is a sign of conversion. Because of his affection and devotion to the cross of Christ, St. Francis used this sign as his personal signature. For Francis, conversion involves turning to God and turning to one's brothers and sisters. Thus, the Tau Cross becomes a permanent symbol, the seal of the Kingdom of God, a call to service to others.
The Cross of Saint Benedict
The St. Benedict Medal is rich with meaning. The front contains an image of St. Benedict holding a cross and his famous monastic rule. On the left and right are words that read: The Cross of the Holy Father , St. Benedict . The outer edge contains the words in Latin: May our death be strengthened by his presence. The back of the medal is even more interesting. It contains a series of initials that represent a prayer of exorcism in Latin, as well as a prayer of guidance. The letters CSSML - NDSMD, which represent the prayer in Latin, appear prominently on the cross.
The Cross of the Templars
The Templar Cross , very similar to the Latin cross, is the symbol of the martyrdom of the Templars. It was worn on the robes of the Templars. Death in battle was considered a great honor for the Templars, as it guaranteed them a place in heaven. A strict and cardinal rule forbade the Templars to give up, but only if all the Templar flags had fallen were they allowed to leave the battlefield. This strict and powerful principle, together with their courage, strength, heavy weaponry and excellent training, made the Templars the most powerful and feared fighting forces of the medieval era.
The Cross Pattée
A Cross Pattée is a model of cross very similar to the Maltese cross and very often confused. The cross pattée is also sometimes associated with another crusader order, the Knights Templar. By its circular arms, it is identified in theory, with an infinite spiral thanks to its circular force.
The personalized cross
Many crosses are engraved with either a pattern or a few words. This adds texture to the cross and the engraving adds a dramatic dimension. Many personalized Christian crosses are engraved with biblical words to support the authenticity of the person wearing the cross. By wearing the cross with the sacred words of the bible, this is concrete proof that the Christian is indeed wearing a cross to the glory of the word of God. 📖
The cross of Jesus
Of all the different Christian crosses that exist, this cross pendant has almost become a model of sacred cross counted in the list of Christian crosses in the world. It is a religious symbol because it conveys a sacred religious image: the face of Jesus dying on the cross . His eyes look at the ground where the Virgin Mary and the apostle Saint John are, looking at Christ nailed to the cross by the Romans. On the cross, it has been incorporated the crown of thorns of Jesus Christ with his initials inri above the head of the lord.
This absolutely unique cross in our shop was made by the Christian jeweler in homage to the Son of God! Many of the crosses depicted by Jesus show the figure of Christ nailed to the cross. This pendant has been worked to have the clearest possible image of the Lord's face. Even if the most symbolic cross is the crucifix, this cross could, in the near future, be a new modern religious symbol that can be worn by many Christians in homage to the sacrifice of Christ.
The Ethiopian Cross
European missionaries brought Christianity to many parts of Africa, alongside colonialism. But this was not the case with Ethiopia. The kingdom was probably the second country (after Armenia) to embrace the Christian faith , when Saint Frumentius of Tyre converted King Ezana in the 4th century. There is evidence that Christianity flourished in the country as early as the 1st century, and since then the state religion has been Orthodox Christianity for most of the country's history.
It is therefore not surprising that the Ethiopian cross has a distinctive African appearance rather than the European Latin cross. These crosses are often named after the regions and cities in northern Ethiopia in which they are found, for example Lalibela, Axum and Gondar.
Ethiopian crosses are almost invariably made from elaborate lattice work. Hand-held crosses usually include a square at the base, which represents the Ark of the Covenant, and both the Ark and the Cross carry the Shekinah. Geometric patterns are common in Ethiopian art and there is order and meaning in the interwoven lattice style. This represents eternal life and is also related to the nature of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church . Here is one that is a near-similar representation of the original Ethiopian cross.
The Ichthus symbol and the cross of Christ
The Christian Fish Symbol: Ichthus. According to several Bible commentaries, some members of the New Testament Church used the Ichthus symbol as a secret reference (number) to Jesus. This correlation apparently led to the creation of an easy-to-draw form as a profession of faith. There are also other non-biblical traditions that say early believers used the Ichthus to mark meeting places, designate Christian graves, and generally identify one another.
On this religious Christian fish pendant , a Latin Christian cross has been placed in the center making this piece of jewelry unique and very meaningful. The meaning of such a pendant, with the Latin cross highlighting the resurrection of the Lord and the Ichtus symbol meaning: Jesus Christ Son of God Savior, would define it as: the resurrection of Jesus Son of God.
The Cross and Mary
A Christian cross also symbolic centered on the Virgin Mary. This sacred cross is not only very much a representation of the Latin Christian cross , but the Virgin Mary present on this divine symbol adds love to Jesus' cross.
Many Christians and especially Catholics adore the Virgin Mary venerating her as much as the Lord Jesus Christ. This unique cross was made for all Christians who want to keep Mary close to them and venerate the cross of Christ.
The Cross of Pope Francis
For centuries, popes, cardinals, and bishops have worn the pectoral cross as a sign of authority and prestige among other members of the clergy. One of the first popes to wear a pectoral cross was Pope Leo III, in the year 811. He received a gold cross as a gift from Nicephorus, the Patriarch of Constantinople. It soon became customary for the pope to wear a pectoral cross.
In the center is the figure of a man representing Jesus , the Good Shepherd, who has found one of his sheep and is carrying it while the other sheep follow closely behind him. At the top of the cross, the dove representing the Holy Spirit, helping those who are lost and in darkness, and bringing them new life! 🕊️ The linear style is a symbol for a new ecclesiastical era, a poor Church among the poor, as indicated by Pope Francis . The original papal pectoral cross of Pope Francis, worn by the pope in question, is made of sterling silver and weighs 80 grams.
The horizontal cross
Popular and trendy, this Christian or non-Christian cross for some people, is a cross whose meaning is personal. Some will say that it is the symbol of Jesus carrying the cross to Mount Calvary Golgotha, others will say that it symbolizes the salvation of Jesus to the people at the moment he placed the cross on the ground. Each of these meanings can be taken into account or not. Many people, seeing many celebrities wearing this cross, would say that it is a fashion to wear a horizontal cross with a chain around the neck.
You can interpret it as you feel, if this cross helps you feel the presence of Jesus Christ in your inner soul, then this pendant is a good option according to the list of these available Christian crosses.
The Cross and the Sacred Heart
This religious cross bears a heart, the sacred heart of Jesus. The shape of the heart of the Lord, was added in order to create a stronger symbol of the original Latin Christian cross. It incorporates the whole notion of faith, with its heart added to the center of the cross, which can be interpreted as the: sacred heart cross.
The symbol of Catholics
For all Catholic Christians, the most used crosses are the " Latin cross " and the " crucifix ". Each of these two religious crosses is venerated by Catholics and they are very present in their lives. Catholic Churches place them either on the roof or inside the Church. But from a general point of view, the crucifix cross is mostly used more to show the image of the crucified Christ. Catholics glorify the resurrection of Jesus by taking into account the sacrifice of Christ for the sins that were forgiven by God thanks to his Son Jesus. This cross is very symbolic for Catholics who take the death of the Lord very much to heart for the salvation of the earth. 🌍 🤲
The symbol of Protestants
Protestants, unlike Catholics and Orthodox, do not use the crucifix cross in their churches. Protestants venerate the Latin cross highlighting the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Observing a simple cross without the crucified Christ projects a strong image of the coming of the Lord three days after his death. Another very common symbol in the Protestant religion is the Huguenot cross in the shape of a Maltese cross represented by a hanging bird. This cross also bears several fleur-de-lis forming a circle. 🕊️⚜️
The cross for baptism
The Baptism Cross , is a sacred symbol for all babies undergoing their baptisms and who have just become part of the Christian family. Choosing a Baptism Cross in solid silver or stainless steel, is relatively easy, because the most common cross in a baptism event is the simple cross. As for the color of the pendant, most baptismal crosses are either tinted in a gold or silver color.
The Confirmation Cross
Confirmation is a formal rite or sacrament found in most branches of Christianity. Its purpose is to allow young members of the Church to publicly declare (confirm) that they freely choose to adhere to the beliefs and practices of the Church. In most branches of Christianity, confirmation occurs when a young person reaches the age of adolescence and is therefore considered capable of freely professing his or her faith.
The most used cross on the day of confirmation is a cross centered on a bird spreading its wings to fly away. Each of the religious jewels, small or large, is meticulously designed to highlight the cross of Jesus and the little bird. Like this wonderful confirmation cross tinted with a silver color. 🕊️
Should you wear a cross?
Millions of people wear a cross, but without really knowing the meaning of the cross and its ancient roots. By having been able to observe these different crosses and their meanings , the choice of your cross will be more obvious and much easier. It must have a personal meaning that will help you feel healthy and close to God.
Let one of these crosses lead you to the path to heaven from our Christian store. The cross is revered and admired across the wide spectrum of traditional religious churches. Each of these crosses represents a sacred symbol depicting the message of Jesus Christ and how he died for the sins of humanity.
The different meanings of Christian crosses
We see the cross in churches and church towers, hanging in homes, and placed around the necks of many Christians. There is also much debate about whether it is appropriate, or even sinful, to wear religious jewelry such as Christian crosses. To understand whether it is good or bad to use the cross, we must understand the history of the cross and all the deeper meanings of each of the Christian crosses.
Christians began to use the cross around the neck only after crucifixion was no longer the primary source of capital punishment. Many see the cross as the instrument of death used to kill the Savior of heaven, Jesus Christ. Because it was God's will, Jesus willingly went to the cross, taking upon himself the sins of the world, cleansing those who believe in him from their own sins.
The cross shows the depth of our sins. We do not realize what sin is in God's eyes, how deeply it offends Him and how it separates us from Him. Before going to the cross, Jesus prayed in Gethsemane. At that time, Jesus was dying and sad. He prayed to God: "If it is possible, let this cup pass from Me, not as I will, but as You will" (Matthew 26:39). He looked at the cup and saw the sins of the whole world. The cross is forgiveness , it is a forgiveness of death for people who are bearers of sin.
A. The deeper meaning
Christianity was then banned in the Roman Empire and criticized by some as a religion for fools. The caricature of Alexamenos, offering prayers to this crucified figure, was a way of representing Christ with a donkey's head and ridiculing God. But for Christians, the cross had a profound meaning. They understood that Christ's death on the cross was completed by God raising him from the dead three days later. This resurrection was a sign of Christ's victory over sin and death.
Believers could participate in this victory by being baptized, forgiven of their past sins, and reborn into a new life within the Christian community of the Church. Christians therefore frequently referred to the cross of Christ as both the "wood of life" and a "victorious cross." 🙇♂️
B. It means love
Christ died for sinners. He died for people who had lost their way. He didn’t die because it was forced on him. It was a choice. A choice made in love. But God showed his great love for humanity by sending Christ to die. Jesus still loves sinners. The message of the Cross remains a gift of love for those who deserve it and those who don’t. Above all, the Cross is a symbol of eternal love. ❤️ ✞
C. The salvation of the cross
So many people look at the Cross and hold on to the hurts, pains, and problems of the past. It is said that those hurts no longer belong on your back, because Jesus took them on His. The debt is paid. Look at the Cross and receive your salvation . This is one of the most beautiful and representative meanings of Christ's sacrifice.
D. Liberation from sin
And then there is another part of us, non-physical called the spirit. With the spirit, we can communicate beyond our physical world. With the spirit, every person can communicate with God. So who are we? We are a soul, we have a spirit, and we live in a body. That is all well and good, but if our spirit is weighed down by sin, then we might feel detached from our inner soul? The liberating cross takes place at this moment! To believe in the cross by carrying it or worshiping it is to believe that all our sins have been wiped away by Christ who sacrificed himself. God will have resurrected him and washed away all the sins of the world.
E. Crucifix: God has abandoned Jesus
No wonder Jesus cried out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” He was enduring the spiritual death created by billions of people, every human who has ever existed and will ever exist. By enduring this excruciating death, Jesus was disconnected from God while on the cross. That’s quite an impressive act. God did this for us because He loves the beings of the earth. If we simply ask Jesus to take our sins on the cross, He will do it. It is a free and already paid gift. If we accept it, we will enjoy eternal life with God. This is a personal decision. 😌
F. Original Sin: Sacrifice of Jesus
And that's where the cross comes in. When Jesus was crucified, God went back in time, way back in time. Anyway, about 2,000 years ago, God took the sin, the spiritual death that had been generated by Adam and all those who had lived after him. God also went forward in time, and took away the sin that would occur after Jesus was crucified. God placed that spiritual death on Jesus through the cross.
The cross in religions: Catholic, Orthodox & Protestant
The Christian cross is one of the oldest and most widespread Christian symbols. In the broadest sense, it symbolizes the religion of Christianity . More specifically, it represents and commemorates the death of Christ by crucifixion on a cross. A wide variety of crosses have developed throughout Christian history, some having specific symbolic meaning and others simply being culturally associated with certain groups.
The simplest and most common cross is the Latin cross. It may not have come into use until the 2nd or 3rd century. The empty cross, generally preferred by Protestants, reminds Christians of the resurrection, while the crucifix, with Jesus crucified, preferred by the Catholic and Orthodox Churches, is a reminder of Christ's sacrifice.
A. The Cross in Christianity
The cross is often depicted in different shapes and sizes and in many different designs. It can be used in personal jewelry, religious decorative paintings, or on church buildings. In Roman Catholic countries, crosses are often erected on the tops of prominent mountains, so that they are visible throughout the surrounding area.
The cross has long been used as a religious symbol . It is best known as the symbol of Christianity.
B. The Orthodox Cross
Orthodoxy does not impose strict requirements on the design of the cross, as it honors the cross itself and not a particular style of craftsmanship. It is one of the oldest crosses . The Orthodox cross is also known by several names which are: Eastern cross, Byzantine Christian cross, Russian Christian cross, Ukrainian Christian cross, Armenian Christian cross, Greek Christian cross, Macedonian Christian cross, Serbian Christian cross, Bulgarian Christian cross, Coptic Christian cross, Georgian Christian cross, Slavic Orthodox Christian cross, Patriarchal Christian cross or Christian cross of Saint Olga.
The Orthodox Church is not interested in the decorative aspect of the cross, but rather in the image of Jesus Christ that appears on it. Jesus Christ is represented everywhere as the almighty God. Christ suffered and died on the cross, but then he rose again. And he suffered, not out of helplessness, but willingly out of love for humanity, in order to teach us to love and forgive one another. This Easter joy is always present in the Orthodox crucifixion . That is why Christ does not die on the Orthodox cross, but openly stretches out his arms as if to embrace all of humanity. 🤲
C. Difference between the Catholic cross and the Orthodox cross
A fundamental difference between Orthodox and Catholic crucifixions is the number of nails used to nail the Son of God to the cross. Orthodox Christians believe that Christ's feet were nailed to the cross with two separate nails. In contrast, on Catholic crosses, Christ's feet are placed one on top of the other, held in place by a single nail. In fact, the Orthodox placed a bar inclined at the very bottom where Jesus' feet are, in addition to the bar with Jesus' initials placed above Christ's face.
Of all Christian denominations, only Orthodoxy and Catholicism simultaneously honor crosses and icons. The cross carries within itself a huge charge of spiritual energy. It is a symbol of faith, salvation and atonement.
D. The Protestant symbol
During the Reformation, Protestant churches rejected the use of the crucifix. They believed it was a human invention, not commonly used in the early church. They claimed that the crucifix had become an object of idolatrous Catholic veneration, and was used in place of the simple cross version. The various representations of the cross expressed deeper conflicts within Western Christianity.
Many Protestant traditions depict the cross without the corpus (body of Christ), interpreting this form as an indication of belief in the resurrection rather than as representing the interval between Jesus' death and resurrection.
History of the Christian Cross
A. Meaning of the Crucifixion
In ancient times, Roman soldiers crucified people on a cross using wooden structures. Sometimes they used stakes or upright posts. Other times, they used wooden crosses by attaching beams to the top or just below.
During the Roman Empire, the cross was an instrument of capital punishment. During Roman times, criminals and dissidents were placed on crosses in public places to inspire fear of authority and respect for public order. Early Christians, believing that Jesus died on the cross for the sins of humanity, transformed the symbol of the cross into a sign of God's love, grace, and ultimate sacrifice. In this way, the meaning of the cross was transformed from a Roman instrument of capital punishment to something positive and redemptive. Nevertheless, for some, the cross remained a disturbing symbol because of its macabre associations with death and torture.
The cross reminded Christians of Jesus' victory over sin , as it was believed that Jesus' death and resurrection had conquered death itself. Thus, the meaning of the cross was changed from a Roman instrument of capital punishment to a symbol of Christ's love, atonement, and sacrifice at Calvary: the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
B. Pre-Christian Cross
The two pre-Christian cross symbols that are probably the most common are the tau cross , so named because of its resemblance to the Greek capital letter T, and the swastika or fylfot. Also called Gammadion because of its shape which is that of four Greek capital letters gamma G placed together. The tau cross is a common Egyptian device and is indeed often called the Egyptian cross.
Variations of the tau cross were widely used by Christians in Egypt. The ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol of life: the ankh, a tau cross surmounted by a loop and known as the crux ansata. It was adopted and widely used on Coptic Christian monuments. The tau form of the cross had been used as a pagan Egyptian symbol, and then adopted by Christians, called Copts in Egypt. A Copt is a member of the traditional Monophysite Christian Church originating and centered in Egypt.
The use of the cross as a religious symbol in pre-Christian times and among non-Christian peoples can probably be considered almost universal. And in very many cases it was connected with some form of nature worship.
C. The influence of the cross of Jesus on Constantine
In the early 4th century, Emperor Constantine legalized Christianity . He authorized the excavation of some of the holy sites of Christ's life in what was called the Holy Land. At the time, it was part of the Roman province of Syria Palestina, bisected by the Jordan River to the east, the Mediterranean Sea to the west, and Syria to the north. In the fifth century, legend has it that pieces of the cross were discovered by Constantine's mother, Helena, during these excavations. Believers said that a miraculous healing took place when a sick woman was touched by a piece of the cross. Evidence that it was a section of the true cross of Christ .
Constantine built a large church , the Martyrium, on what was supposed to be the site of Jesus' tomb. The September date of the inauguration of this church became the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross. The supposed discovery of the cross by Helen herself, was given its own feast day in May: the "Invention of the Cross".
D. First representation of religious icons and the cross
Many Christian churches were built in the Roman Empire during the 4th and 5th centuries. With financial support from the Empire, these large buildings were decorated with intricate mosaics depicting scriptures and figures, particularly of Christ and the apostles. The cross that appears in mosaic is a gold cross adorned with round or square gemstones. A visual representation of the victory over sin and death achieved through the death of Christ. It was called the "crux gemmata", or "gemmed cross".
From the 6th century to the early Middle Ages, artistic representations of the Crucifixion multiplied. Sometimes, Christ was depicted on the cross alone, perhaps between the two other criminals crucified with him. Most often, Christ on the cross is surrounded on either side by the figures of Mary and the apostle Saint John.
E. Protective Cross of Soldiers
The shape of the cross also influenced the development of Christian architecture. For example, the great cathedrals and abbeys that were built in Europe during the Middle Ages were usually designed in the shape of a cross.
Since Emperor Constantine I ordered his soldiers to put the cross on their shields, the cross has also been considered a popular medieval weapon (the sword) and has been associated with crusader knights and colonial imperialism. The crusader kings were commanded by the sword, and they believed that the cross would protect them in battle, as would future Christian empires. Thus began a long history of association of the cross with battle. ⚔️
F. Knight's Cross: Sister Macrina
St. Gregory of Nyssa also mentions an iron cross on a thin iron chain that he had found among the belongings of his sister Macrina after her death (+379 AD). In addition, she wore a signet ring engraved with a cross (similar to this medieval religious ring ) inside which was embedded a fragment of the Holy Cross of the Lord . She often wore outfits resembling robes .
It is the symbolism of the Christian ministry that is highlighted when someone decides to openly wear a cross on his clothes. In this case, he demonstrates that all his activities, even as a layman, are carried out under the banner of the Holy Cross and are aimed at serving Christ. Therefore, a cross pendant intended to be worn on one's clothes was part of the status of a bishop, first in Byzantium and then in Russia.
G. The cross in cemeteries
According to Babylon Mystery, Religion by Ralph Woodrow, years ago in Italy, before the people knew anything about the arts of civilization, they believed in the Christian cross as a religious symbol . It was considered a protector and was placed on graves. This symbol is still placed on graves today.
Crosses are a prominent feature of Christian cemeteries , either carved on tombstones or as carved steles. Similarly, the insertion of small crosses is sometimes used in countries with a Christian culture to mark the site of accidents.
The 5th century BC tombs at Naqsh-e Rustam in Iran are carved into the cliff face in the shape of a cross. They are known as Persian crosses. Thus, various cross-shaped symbols have been used in different cultures, not only for their ornamental value, but also for their religious significance .
H. The Christian Cross in the Bible
Christianity often has its followers focused on a Jesus Christ who is either depicted as a helpless baby in a manger or as a weak, long-haired effeminate man hanging from a cross.
Yet the Bible reveals that Christ looks completely different today. Inspired by God, the apostle John described Jesus’ present appearance: “His head and hair were white as wool, white as snow; his eyes were like a flame of fire; his feet were like fine brass, as if burning in a furnace; and his voice was like the sound of many waters. He had in his right hand seven stars, and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword; and his countenance was like the sun shining in its strength” (Rev. 1:14-16). Since the King James Version of the Bible speaks of the "cross of Christ" (Gal. 6:12), does this mean that a Christian should use this symbol as a physical manifestation of his faith?
Notice also what the Davis Dictionary of the Bible says about the origin of the cross : "The pre-Christian cross, in one form or another, was used as a sacred symbol among the Chaldeans, Phoenicians, Egyptians, and many other nations. In the sixteenth century the Spaniards also found it among the Indians of Mexico and Peru. But its symbolic teaching was very different from that which we associate with the Christian cross today.
I. Feast of the Cross of the Lord
The holiday has its roots in late antiquity, when the cross became an important part of Christian art and worship. The cross, once a shameful form of execution for criminals, became a predominant symbol of Christ and Christianity.
The veneration of crosses as relics, and the wearing of crosses on the body, became an important part of Christian practice in the ancient world. One of the twelve major feasts of the Eastern Orthodox Church is the Exaltation of the Cross, on September 14. It commemorates the dedication of the basilica on the site where the (allegedly) original cross of Jesus was discovered in 326 CE by Helen of Constantinople, mother of Constantine the Great. The Catholic Church celebrates the feast on the same day and under the same name (In Exaltatione Sanctae Crucis), although in English it has been called: the Feast of the Triumph of the Cross .
In the fall, Catholics and some other Christian churches celebrate the Feast of the Holy Cross . With this feast, Christians commemorate the life of Jesus Christ, particularly his saving death on the cross and subsequent resurrection, as they believe this offers them the promise of forgiveness and eternal life. The Feast of the Holy Cross emphasizes the significance of the cross as a powerful sign of divine love and salvation for early Christians.
The Cross: Black Meaning
A. The Ku Klux Klan
Later, the cross was also literally taken over by activists protesting social progress. For example, the Ku Klux Klan, as part of its campaign of terror, often burned simple wooden crosses at meetings or on the lawns of African Americans, Jews, or Catholics. A monolith listing the names, dates, and reasons for the lynching of African Americans stands in front of a photo of a burning Ku Klux Klan cross on display at the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum in Jackson.
B. Swastika: Swastika
A few decades later, Adolf Hitler's quest for German expansionism and the persecution of the Jews, based on his belief in the superiority of the Aryan race, crystallized under the sign of the swastika . This religious symbol is said to have originated in India as a symbol of eternity or good fortune. It has been used for centuries in Christian iconography as one of the many expressions of the cross.
C. Inverted Cross: Saint Peter
Another symbol that is very common as a satanic symbol is the inverted cross . This cross is probably a cross used by many anti-Christian people. In truth, this cross is the representation of an apostle of Christ called Saint Peter. The disciple of Jesus Christ, instead of being crucified like his master, preferred to be crucified upside down because he did not feel worthy of being nailed to the cross like Jesus.
Being originally a Christian cross, this religious symbol has become a negative cross and frowned upon by most people. It has appeared a lot in horror films and is often worn by rockers.
Keep a memory of Christ
The image of a cross is no different. Yet, with the number of Christian crosses that exist, many people still wonder what each of these crosses means. Many questions may arise: Does God want you to wear a cross and display it? Does God want to see this instrument of cruelty hanging around someone’s neck? Does He want to see a symbol that reminds Him of the time when He had to completely turn away from His Son? Why worship an instrument whose symbolism is the death of Jesus?
God sent his Son Jesus of Nazareth so that he would be heard and present in the life of every human soul on earth. Through Jesus, the word of God was spread throughout the world. It is up to us, with the Lord within us, to share the sacred word of God whether it be by telling the story of Christianity and the coming of Jesus to earth, or by wearing the symbol of a Christian cross showing a strong image of the victorious cross of Jesus Christ.
The Christian cross thus symbolizes the Passion of Christ as well as the Resurrection. But this religious symbol also has various meanings. In addition, there are several types of Christian Crosses, each with their own origin, their own history and their own symbolism. Their common point is the homage to the Love of God, in particular to the sacrifice He made by letting his only Son die to save us from our sins. Indeed, Jesus had to carry his cross so that we could access eternal Life. To learn even more about this Christian symbol, do not hesitate to take a look at our article on the origin of the cross .
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