Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 27, 2024
The Camargue Cross , also called the Camargue Cross or the Gardians' Cross, is a symbol of the Camargue created by the painter Hermann-Paul in the 20th century. Made up of a Latin cross, an anchor and a heart, it has always been linked to the Christian religion. Moreover, it is one of the most popular Christian crosses.
Do you want to know more about the history and meaning of the Camargue Cross ? You've come to the right place! By reading this article, you will discover:
The Meaning of the Camargue Cross
Camargue cultures
Camargue jewels
The Camargue jewelry store for those most passionate about the symbol of hope and love is now available on the site.
The Camargue Cross: a symbol of faith, love and hope
The Camargue Cross has a very special history. This symbol was created by Herman-Paul, a 20th century painter. So, this figure is relatively recent. However, it did not take long for the Christian religion to appropriate it. Shortly after its creation, this symbol was immediately associated with Christianity, and we quickly understand why.
The Camargue Cross is a kind of boat anchor that extends into a cross through a heart. You don't need to be an expert in symbolism or semiology to understand its meaning. Probably in popular culture, but not in the country where the symbol was invented. We won't go back over that again. If you want to revisit this topic, you can see a little further up. What interests us here is the meaning of the Camargue Cross in the eyes of ordinary mortals.
For most of us, the Camargue Cross refers to faith, hope and love. These values are the very foundations of the Christian faith . God has asked us to demonstrate these three qualities on many occasions. This is probably why the Camargue Cross is so dear to our hearts. Even though it is a human invention, we see something divine in this symbol, and that is why we are so attached to it and attribute great power to it. For example, we always feel better and safer when we wear a piece of jewelry with a representation of the Camargue Cross.
1) Camargue Cross Meaning
A. Composition & Symbolism
The Camargue Cross is an emblem formed by a Latin cross whose upper ends represent a three-pronged fork or "trident" (a work tool used by the "gardians") and whose lower end is a sea anchor surmounted by a heart . The cross, heart and anchor of the emblem represent three essential Christian virtues: Faith, Love and Hope. The unusual shape of the cross is representative of the trident-shaped tool used by the Gardians. The ubiquitous bull herdsmen (cowboys) who form a large part of the cultural heritage of the Camargue.
This cross is the emblem of Saintes Maries de la Mer in the immense delta of the Camargue River, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France. The anchor has a double function, it symbolizes the fishermen of the region. The icon of the Camargue cross is found in the south of France, on the edge of the Mediterranean Sea.
The Camargue cross is an emblem created by the artist Hermann Paul in 1924 at the request of the Marquis Folco de Baroncelli. This cross was forged by Gédéon Blatière in 1930. It is located near the Maure bridge, not far from the Simbeu farm, the former home of the Marquis. Similar crosses can be found in different neighborhoods of the town.
B. The three Maries
The local tradition is a remnant of the 12th century legends about the journeys of the three Marys of the New Testament: Mary mother of Jesus, Mary sister of Lazarus, and Mary Magdalene.
The three women were Mary's companions, and the first witnesses to the empty tomb after Jesus' resurrection. They are said to have escaped persecution by boat without sail or oar, and landed on the southern shores of France. The town also hosts an annual pilgrimage and gathering of Gypsies every May, to venerate Saint Sara, the patron saint of the Romani people who is said to have helped the three Marys .
C. Town of Camargue: Origin of the Camargue Cross
Camargue , origin of the Camargue cross , is the largest Mediterranean delta after the Nile. It is located where two branches of the Rhone meet the sea. To the north is the capital of the Camargue, Arles, to the south the department of Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer on the Mediterranean. The marshes and wetlands of the Camargue cover part of the departments of Gard and Bouches-du-Rhône (mouth of the Rhone). A third of the Camargue is made up of lakes or marshes. The magnificent ecosystem of the Camargue is a paradise for more than 350 species of birds, the most famous being the pink flamingo. 🦩
In the 20th century, the department became a literary and artistic center and was a favorite locality of Hemingway, Picasso and Van Gogh . The area is famous for its pink flamingos, long-horned black bulls and wild white horses. The area still has a strong tradition of bullfighting.
2) Camargue cultures
Camargue is a region with several cultures and known for its productions . Ninety percent of French sea salt is produced in Camargue. There are also several types of rice grown in Camargue. Red Rice is particularly popular. All this is interesting, but the most beautiful treasures of Camargue are its white horses and its long-horned black bulls that roam free over a large part of the 360 square kilometers. The Camargue horse is one of the oldest horse breeds in the world. 🐴🐂
A. Folco de Baroncelli: Founder of Nacioun Gardiano
In the year 1895, a man named Folco de Baroncelli settled in Camargue and lived in Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer. He married the daughter of a landowner from Château neuf-du-Pape and had three daughters.
The Marquis (another name Baroncelli went by) played an active role in maintaining and promoting Camargue culture . He was heavily involved in the local style of bullfighting, the object of which was to snatch a rose from the bull's head. He was heavily involved in breeding purebred Camargue bulls, and his own bull, Prouvenço, was a particularly ferocious and well-known example. In 1909, he founded the Nacioun Gardiano ("guardian nation") to preserve the traditions of the Camargue.
In 1924, the Marquis Folco de Baroncelli commissioned the artist Hermann Paul to create an emblem of the Camargue: the Camargue Cross. This cross was forged by Gédéon Blatière in 1930. It is located near the Pont de la Maure, not far from the Mas Simbeu, the former residence of the Marquis. Similar crosses can be found in different districts of the town of Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer. If you look carefully while walking through the streets of Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer near the parish church (former fortress), you will see small Camargue crosses in brass and on the bars of the windows. On the entrance to the fortress church of Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer and on a door with Camargue horses and pink flamingos.
B. The Gardians of Camargue: Cowboy
The horsemen are called gardians . They play a major role in preserving Camargue traditions. They live in traditional huts, windowless, one-story structures with thatched roofs, furnished with bull horns above the door to ward off evil spirits. The three white huts at Saintes-Maries were painted by Vincent van Gogh during his visit to Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer in June 1888. The traditional tools of a gardian are a trident, which appears on the Camargue cross , and a black hat. 🤠
C. City of Camargue : Bulls
Since the 1500s, the men (and more recently the women) of the Brotherhood of the Horsemen of Camargue have tended herds of horses and bulls in the unfenced coastal region of Camargue in southern France. People who work with horses and bulls are well regarded in Camargue, as it is a noble tradition .
Camargue bulls are bred for fighting in the hundreds of bullrings in the departments and villages of this region of France. Camargue bulls are not killed in the bullrings as in Spain. Camargue bulls can fight for a decade. They progress and become tougher over the years because they are extremely intelligent. In the Camargue bullfight or corrida camarguaise , the goal of the Camargue matador (or raseteur) is to tear a ribbon from between the bull's horns. This is extremely dangerous for the men trying to obtain this ribbon. The dozen raseteurs, all dressed in white, crisscross the arena calling the bull to attract it. They must constantly jump into the stands to escape the charging bull.
The bullfight is a tourist attraction . Of course, the bulls aren't having much fun, and more and more people are trying to banish this custom from the history books.
It is not up to foreigners to dictate the behavior of other cultures, but tourists who find the spectacle abhorrent may protest by boycotting these festivals. This will hasten the natural decline of these events. Meanwhile, local supporters will rejoice in the killing and will not understand why others consider it unfortunate that this cruel entertainment has been added as a cultural identity to a Christian cross . Yes, it is true that the cross was designed as an instrument of torture. But today, in Maries de la Mer and everywhere else in the world, the Camargue cross is a symbol of love .
D. Gypsy festival Sainte-Marie-de-la-mer
If you keep your eyes open while walking around this department of 2,500 inhabitants which increases to 50,000 during the Gypsy festival ( the festival of Saint Sara , also called Sara-la-Kali ), you will see the Camargue crosses everywhere in the small town of its origin.
The herdsman carries the Camargue cross in procession through the streets of Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer during the feast of the two Maries (Sainte Marie Jacobe and Sainte Marie Salomé). The herdsmen continue to carry the Camargue cross on their Camargue horses at sea with the relics of the two Maries on this special feast day. We also have the Jerusalem cross to show you.
3) Camargue Cross Jewelry: symbol of faith, love and hope
This article has taught you that the Camargue Cross is a sophisticated-looking religious symbol that symbolizes Faith, Love, and Hope . These are virtues that are very dear to Christians. Now you know how the Camargue Cross was created and what it represents for the faithful of God.
Besides this article, we have an excellent article on the Jerusalem Cross . We are sure you will like it.
Here are also Camargue Cross Jewelry. It is even possible to find accessories in the image of this Christian symbol, such as key rings, rings, necklaces, pendants or even religious bracelets.
Merci pour la signification de la croix de Camargue. Passant chaque année l’été en
Camargue,je me permettrai de corriger une erreur.On ne parle pas des “gardiens” mais des gardians de Camargue.Une chanson disait:“C’est le chant d’un gardian de Camargue…….”
Vous avez mentionné les points essentiels sur la croix de Camargue et sur la ville de Camargue. Il y aurait d’autres aspects à prendre en compte pour approfondir l’histoire et la culture de Camargue, mais votre article en dit suffisamment pour avoir une idée de la signification de Camargue prenant en compte la culture de Camargue avec les taureaux noirs et ses chevaux blancs.
Bonjour, voici donc la signification de la croix de Camargue. Très intéressant, j’ose espérer que vous écrirez d’autres articles au sujet de la croix de Camargue. Merci beaucoup pour cet effort ! Cordialement.
Ce fut un plaisir de lire votre article. Il y a beaucoup de choses à dire sur la croix de Camargue, mais votre article est un bon résume de cette croix chrétienne. Merci.
Votre article sur la signification de la croix camarguaise est très agréable à lire. Merci beaucoup !
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