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Cross of Saint Andrew Meaning: Definition of the Decussated Cross


Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 27, 2024

Summary :

    There are many stories about the cross of Saint Andrew that appear on the internet and in other media such as books for example. Some information on this subject is false . In order to enlighten all Christians on this subject and to know how important the meaning of the cross of Saint Andrew is to our religion, it is appropriate, in order not to make mistakes, to learn the true story as well as what it represents .

    The cross of Saint Andrew or decussated cross , is a very well-known Christian cross in Christianity. This X-shaped cross was used to crucify Saint Andrew, one of the first apostles of Jesus.

    When you hear about the cross of Saint Andrew, you may ask yourself several questions such as: What is the story of Saint Andrew? What does the cross of Saint Andrew spread about Christianity? What is its meaning?

    Christians have several elements that can bring out all the important things that are linked to belief . The cross of Saint Andrew represents a lot for Christians and is even currently presented as a strong symbol of love as well as wisdom. This rather classic cross has a rather particular X shape . Most believers nowadays pay particular attention to this cross which is both original and above all symbolic .

    Below you can see the different chapters that make up this article on the cross of Saint Andrew:

    • How do you recognize the cross of Saint Andrew?
    • The story of Saint Andrew
    • The different meanings of the cross of Saint Andrew
    • A Christian symbol of identity in different areas
    • Why Christians Use Sacred Objects Engraved with the Cross of St. Andrew

    Without further ado, let’s start reading the article!

    How do you recognize the Cross of Saint Andrew?

    St. Andrew's Cross

    The cross of Saint Andrew is, as we mentioned above, presented in the form of an X. The name of the latter comes from its shape which is identical to that which was traditionally used to crucify Saint Andrew . It has therefore become an important symbol that is currently used by many countries in Europe.

    Also called "decussated cross" or inheraldry "saltire", it has a particular and unique history . It is often present in European culture and in the field of religious art. This cross can also symbolize the identity of a country, a region, the daily life of certain people, as well as political parties . Moreover, the latter can show through this cross their strength and robustness.

    It is also possible to see the shape of the St. Andrew's cross in other environments . Indeed, buildings that are half-timbered can have two crossed pieces of wood. These allow you to have a rigid and resistant structure. The frame of this type of building cannot deform with such a shape of crossed pieces.

    Now we are going to see a chapter on all the essential information that will talk about the life of Saint Andrew . And we will also see why this Christian icon can have a very great importance in the religion of Christianity.

    Saint Andrew History: Important things to know about the life of Saint Andrew


    The word Andrew comes from the Latin Andreas . The latter means man in ancient Greek. Those who are called Andrew are therefore considered to be a person who is endowed with great virility and is therefore very masculine.

    The Apostle Andrew, the one who brought to light the existence of the X-shaped cross, was the brother of Saint Peter, a recognized and especially appreciated disciple of the great Saint John the Baptist . Also called " The Protoclet " which means the first of the Twelve Apostles, Saint Andrew was therefore a person quite close to Jesus Christ. Moreover, he is the only one who knew how to speak and especially hear Jesus Christ first .

    If we talk about the life of Saint Andrew, it is because it was really interesting and especially full of surprises. Indeed , he was able to travel around the world by arriving in Greece which represented the land he particularly cherished. It was in the year 62 that he was condemned to be crucified . This man was nevertheless adored and loved by almost all human beings of the time for his kindness and especially for the fact that he was considered to be a healer and a miracle worker. He was also a very good companion of Jesus Christ. In general, he could intervene for all kinds of health problems, but he was specialized rather in resurrections, exorcisms as well as healings which required occult powers that he had according to all those who knew him .


    Saint Andrew was and still is currently considered to be a protector of the Greek empire. He was wrongly condemned to death to save a very large part of the country's population . He is therefore a martyr who knew how to put his life in danger for others, and above all, to help Jesus Christ spread the message of true and strong love for all.

    The cross that was used to make him suffer and die is presented as a symbol of belief . We will be able to talk about this subject later in the article.

    Now we can continue with the chapter that tells us about what the cross of Saint Andrew can symbolize for all Christians , for some European countries and for the Church.

    The different meanings of the Cross of Saint Andrew

    saint-andrews cross

    The cross of Saint Andrew is presented under the letter X and its name was given in view of the cross which was used to crucify one of the first apostles of Jesus Christ . It is important for you to know that very ancient and old representations of this cross still exist today. These were found in the city of Sumer on seals .

    For some people, the cross of St. Andrew is an oblique cross or a lying cross. And it is thanks to its striking resemblance to the Latin number C which is represented in the form of an X, that this cross can also be called "decussata".

    Now let's look at the areas in which the cross of the Apostle Saint Andrew is used.

    A Christian symbol of identity in different areas


    As we said in the lines above of the article, the apostle Saint Andrew has been named by many European personalities as being the patron saint . The cross of Saint Andrew then became a great symbol of the identity of some monarchies, some nations, some armies, some political forces, and even some regions.

    It was then common to find on military flags or on objects that are used in everyday life, a cross of Saint Andrew . People from European countries even used this cross to show their love and their attachment to their identity. In addition, it is this cross that highlighted their origin.

    This symbol has also been used by several political movements to show their party, as well as their color .

    High stability in building construction


    The cross of Saint Andrew is used very often in the construction industry. It represents an important pillar in the field of construction, because it can help to optimally strengthen walls or even frames . Half-timbered houses are equipped with this type of X stabilization to be durable over time. It is for this reason that we can say that the cross of Saint Andrew can represent balance and stability . In addition, it can offer a harmonious distribution on the different forces that are exerted on the houses.

    The cross of Saint Andrew can also evoke a square, an element that can show great stability. It is often said that the square shape can highlight organization, perfection or even balance. The symbolism of the square comes from 4 numbers which are the cardinal directions, the 4 seasons, the 4 alchemical elements which are air, fire, earth and water, as well as the 4cardinal virtues . This cross can therefore evoke the perfection of creation, space and also time .

    It is an expression of divine intention for some people. It is also important to know that the cross of St. Andrew can suggest 5 numbers. Indeed, the forces come from the center and can show a new dimension of existence which is life .

    The cross of Saint Andrew symbolizes multiplication


    The cross of Saint Andrew can also correspond to the sign of multiplication . In the Bible, the first apostle of Jesus Christ plays a vital role in the multiplication of food that fed thousands of people.

    Multiplication therefore represents for all Christians, a symbol of the divine word . The latter can be shared and repeated endlessly without any limit. It is with the word of God that all believers can be fed to their hunger and in an optimal way. You can then take and consider the cross of Saint Andrew as being a sign of the multiplication of the word of God that all men must follow and respect. This rather powerful word continues to travel throughout the world and can therefore spread .

    The cross of Saint Andrew symbolizes the hourglass


    The cross of Saint Andrew is also a symbol of the hourglass . The latter shows two different spheres or two different worlds which are none other than the Most High and here below, the spirit and matter or the celestial and the terrestrial. The sand can fall down but the soul can rise up . That said, the cross of Saint Andrew can show the way to heaven, the divine, the best.

    The X-shaped cross represents unlimited love


    In addition to representing a symbol of strength and divination, the cross of Saint Andrew can also mean a strong and eternal love . In fact, Saint Andrew, one of the first to be called by Christ, was able to save many people from the evil they may have done. He was condemned, not only for the mistakes he may have made, but also for those that human beings may have made .

    As when Jesus was crucified, Saint Andrew also showed great strength towards what he was able to endure and suffer through this condemnation. The cross that was used to crucify him has a totally different shape than the one used to crucify Jesus Christ . Indeed, the latter takes the shape of an X and represents a lot, not only in religion, but also in other areas as we mentioned above. It is therefore an important cross currently in the life of the human being. Many people do not notice it, but this Christian cross is an integral part of our daily lives and especially of our faith in our religion .

    The cross of the apostle of Jesus represents an indisputable victory


    Saint Andrew was crucified on two X-shaped beams. His arms were turned upwards, that is, in a V. According to experts and especially Christians, this position of the apostle can represent a victory over death . In fact, it is thanks to the V shape produced by the arms of St. Andrew that we can say that the sins of all human beings of that time and also today, have been washed away so that they are not condemned.

    The cross of Saint Andrew is therefore a strong symbol of the dissolution of evil as well as the acceleration to eternal life . As a result, all sins were able to be erased and this Christian character was able to free all believers and human beings from evil as well as malevolent occult forces. He was therefore able to offer us in a religious and sacred way as Jesus Christ did, eternal life. 🙏

    The cross of Saint Andrew, even if it was used to crucify him, can then represent a great victory against death by all Christians who live on earth . This is a sign that God can do anything to free his children, even if they do not fully respect the rules of life that he has been able to put in place through his word.

    Why do Christians use sacred objects engraved with the Cross of Saint Andrew?


    With all the elements that have been shared with you in the lines above, you now know what are the different meanings of the cross of Saint Andrew. This article has allowed you to learn about the history of the apostle Saint Andrew, as well as what exactly the cross that is in his name represents . This Christian cross can support you to go in the right direction, and above all, help you benefit from an eternal blessing and a harmonious life in belief.

    The meaning of the cross of Saint Andrew is an essential subject that deserved to be treated and understood by all Christians around the world. So do not hesitate to share this article with your entourage as well as your family member so that they can also discover what this Christian cross represents.

    If you didn't know that the St. Andrew's Cross can highlight several symbolic and sacred messages, it's not so bad. As Christians, we happily share our knowledge about this powerful symbol that has traveled several decades and is still as important to Christians today.

    In addition to the meaning of the decussated cross of Saint Andrew, we offer you another article that deals with the meaning of the crossed cross .


    By having an object that is derived from the Cross of St. Andrew, you will be able to keep your belief and direct it towards those who wish to follow the right path . You will also be able, through this cross, to show to everyone that you are one person among all those who have accepted the love of Jesus in their life.

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    Oct 3, 2022

    Mon église étant fermée continuellement par choix du maire du village qui est franc -maçons j’ai mis une croix de Saint-André constitué de deux cannes de bambous en travers de la poignée de la porte pour que tous voit avant de monter les marchés qui mènent à l’entrée que la porte est fermée à clef mais que la croix resplendit quand même un pied de noeud à ceux qui se délecte de voir la CIVITAS DEO close, Saint-André leur dit bonjour en nous aimant nous qui sommes en peine

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