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Hail Mary: Prayer


Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 27, 2024

Summary :

    The Blessed Virgin is an emblematic figure for the Church. Believers have even dedicated a special prayer to her. As the mother of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary played a crucial role in the history of sovereignty, and this is why she was elevated to the rank of Saint.

    Why pray to the Virgin Mary?

    The "Hail Mary" is a prayer that Catholics say to the Virgin Mary. Practitioners recite this prayer to the Blessed Virgin when they practice the rosary.

    Praying to the Virgin can help believers atone for all their sins. This prayer is a mark of devotion to God, and allows us to give glory to Him. The mercy promised by the Gospel can be interpreted in the words. It is part of one of the prayers of the Rosary , with the "Our Father". This incantation can also be recited during worship, before or after the invocation of the Holy Spirit.

    As the Mother of God, the Virgin Mary has the power to atone for sins . She can act directly, but also as an intermediary (a bit like the apostles). Moreover, the Catholic Church dedicates a mass in her honor on the day of the Assumption . Being the Holy Mother of the Trinity is indeed a very great privilege. Having given birth to Jesus Christ the Savior of souls is the greatest of honors.

    virgin mary prayer

    The Blessed Virgin Mary is a specially blessed woman . She bore the Lord Jesus and gave birth to Him without having recourse to carnal intercourse. In prayer, believers can address her in the second person, and use the words "your son" to refer to the Savior. Reciting this prayer can therefore lead to forgiveness , but also encourage the coming of the Holy Spirit. Thanks to her divine power, the blessed one can help sinners obtain absolution.

    The different prayers to Mary, the Mother of God

    mother of god

    The prayer to the Virgin Mary has several variations. But the best known, and most often recited, is undoubtedly the liturgical version:

    “Hail Mary, full of grace; the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God , pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen. »

    In these words, one can clearly note the most holy greatness of the Mother of God . This recitation specifies that she carries the son of God in her womb. She can ask forgiveness from sinners, and this in a timeless way. This divine recitation is a prayer of the rosary.

    The Blessed Virgin is a figure full of humility. Catholics and Orthodox worship her in homage to the Visitation, the moment when Mary pronounced the Magnificat.

    The adoration of the Immaculate Virgin also has a lesser-known variant, which is this time a prayer dedicated to the Virgin Theotokos.


    “O Virgin Theotokos, rejoice, Mary , full of grace, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus, you have given birth to the savior of our souls!”

    This is an Orthodox version of the classic “Hail Mary,” but without the part that asks the Virgin to pray for our souls.

    The Prayer to the Virgin is also another version of this same prayer, but with more piety.

    “Rejoice, Virgin Mother of God , Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, for you have given birth to the Savior of our souls!”

    The “Hail Mary” is a short version of the classic recitation. This prayer is more practical for long devotions, such as the novena.

    “Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you! Blessed are you among women , and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus!”

    What does the Hail Mary mean?

    Hail Mary

    The prayer to the Blessed Virgin can be divided into several parts in order to understand its full meaning. To make things easier, we will break down this prayer to Mary into two main parts.

    The first part deals with the situation of Mary, the mother of God . As such, she enjoys a special blessing. Like all women, Mary, the mother of Jesus , gave birth for nine months, and all this with the aim of giving glory to God. This is a true miracle, because the Virgin Mary did not indulge in carnal relations, hence the term "Immaculate Conception". For non-believers, this phenomenon holds many mysteries . For believers, it is a divine intervention.

    The second part of the Hail Mary is a kind of imploration to the Holy Mother of God . In the Catholic religion, the saints have the power to absolve our sins. As the Mother of God, Mary also has this power , except that she remains humble, and acts as an intermediary. The prayer to Mary asks her to pray for us. That is to say, it is the Virgin who will pray to the Lord so that our sins are expiated, and this even when we no longer have the opportunity, such as at the hour of our death. Satan implements all the necessary means so that Men all end up in hell. But the fact of saying prayers and praying fervently, even for the souls in purgatory, can help to save us.

    The Virgin Mary: a reference figure

    virgin mary mercy

    For Catholic believers, Mary holds a primordial place in the sovereignty of humanity. Without her devotion, the Child Jesus would not have existed. The entire life of Jesus is closely linked to hers, even after he died on the cross. For Catholics, the kingdom of God is accessible through the Virgin of the Rosary , hence this prayer addressed to her, and the many cults dedicated to her. In addition to the Hail Mary prayer, we have many other prayers to Mary. In this case, our article that teaches you how to pray to Mary .

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