Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Feb 4, 2025
More than just jewelry, each cross pendant is a very important sacred object in Christianity. The cross symbolizes the love that Christ has for every person living on earth. It is a sacred religious symbol that many people wear as a sign of divine protection . There was a time when the wearers of a cross pendant were knights of the Middle Ages, men of great authority such as: Constantine I or the ancient popes.
Today, in addition to ancient Christian icons and priests of all generations, the cross pendant for men has become very widespread by all men who absolutely want to keep a sacred symbol of God. How is it that such a sacred object of Christianity has become a jewel used by many men today? Could it be a desire to convert to religion? Or maybe a cross pendant would be the perfect symbol to keep faith in your life?
In this article, you will understand why so many men wear a cross around their neck , whether they are priests or celebrities, and how the trend of wearing a cross has emerged in our modern era.
1) Cross-shaped Pendant: Its Appearance
A. Popularity of Cross Pendant
All over the world, images of the cross adorn church walls and steeples. For some Christians, the cross is part of their daily clothing worn around the neck . In Egypt, for example, religious leaders wear a tattoo of the cross on their wrist.
It is clear that today the cross is accepted as the most popular symbol of Christianity . But most scholars believe that early Christians did not use the cross as an image of their religion. Because the crucifixion evoked the shameful death of a slave or a criminal. Scholars say that the first public image of Jesus' crucifixion was on the fifth-century wooden doors of the Basilica of Santa Sabina. Since it took about 400 years for Jesus' crucifixion to become an acceptable public image, scholars have traditionally believed that this means that the cross did not originally function as a symbol for Christians. But over the years, this thinking has changed.
The cross is today a symbol of Jesus' death and resurrection . The Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches display images of Jesus still hanging on the cross. This is a reminder of his suffering. Protestants display images of an empty cross as a reminder that Jesus died and came back to life. 🕊️
B. The Cross Worn by Celebrities
Why do celebrities wear a cross ? We could simply come to believe that wearing a cross pendant would affirm that a desire to expand one's faith has manifested itself in the artist's life. Even if many women wear a Christian cross through a bracelet, a ring or a cross necklace, men have started to attach themselves to the cross , whether it is Steven Tyler, or Johnny Hallyday wearing a cross that he himself had forged in silver.
The idea of men wanting to wear a cross pendant may be related to the search for an accessory for style as many celebrities do, but it is also to keep the sacred lucky charm belonging to God. Each of the cross pendants were made to represent the sacrifice of Jesus Christ .


A cult character from the Fast and Furious saga played by actor Vin Diesel , one of the most famous actors in Hollywood. Throughout the film, the character wears a solid silver cross around his neck , whether during car races or at a tragic moment in the film. Could it be a coincidence that the character wears the cross in every shot of the film? In fact, this cross has great importance in all the films of the saga. Like the union that God created by uniting several thousand Christians to follow the path of Eternal life, Dominic Toretto , being very attached to his loved ones, keeps a pendant of the cross near him as a lucky charm that will allow him to always reunite his family no matter the danger.
C. Men's Cross Pendant: Medieval
One of the first groups to wear a cross was: the Knights Templar . The Knights Templar were a group of elite warriors during the European holy wars against the Islamic armies in the Holy Land. The region around Jerusalem where Christ was believed to live and die. These wars were called the Crusades and took place in the Middle Ages, around 1000-1500. They were ordered to wear the cross into battle . It was the Christian symbol that protected the Templar soldiers during the great battles. They believed with conviction, that the cross they wore would protect them . 🛡️
Have no doubt about the cross you carry! They all have a divine force in them that will protect you from all negative waves and the demon Satan. Like a knight of the crusades carrying his cross on his shield and his warrior armor, carried your cross which, like each of the Christian crosses , will protect you with God at your side. 🙏
2) Christian History: The Birth of the “Cross Pendant”
History tells us that wooden crosses had different designs. The question many people ask is: Are there any historical facts about the illustrations of the shape of ancient crosses ? What is the meaning of all the crosses of Jesus Christ?
The meaning of the cross is not its design, its construction, but its symbolic meaning . It is the symbol of the death of Jesus. It is symbolic of the fact that Jesus died in order to forgive men of sin.
A. Meaning of the Cross of Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ died on a wooden cross . He died because some Jewish leaders conspired to pressure Pontius Pilate, the governor of Judea, to put him to death by crucifixion (Matthew 27:1, 11-20; Luke 23:13-24). The Roman soldiers had already beaten him and placed a crown of thorns on his head (John 19:1-5). After the decision to crucify Christ was announced, Jesus was forced to carry the cross on which he was to die (John 19:17-18). He had to carry the very instrument of his death. Later, it became the sacred symbol of Jesus' death to forgive the sins of the world .
B. Jesus Christ and His Rejected Cross
Although the word “ cross ” was so repugnant and Cicero and other Roman elites would have nothing to do with it, each of the Gospel writers recounts Jesus’ crucifixion in astonishing detail. According to Mark, Jesus’ death on the cross is not only necessary, but an example of the service required of true discipleship (8:34-38). Similarly, Jesus’ death on the cross is not presented as shameful or humiliating in John’s Gospel; Jesus’ crucifixion is envisioned as a saving event foretold by Moses when he lifted up the serpent in the wilderness (John 3:14).
C. The Cross of the Crucifixion according to the Romans: Spartacus crucified
The word " cross " was offensive to the Romans. One Roman insulted another by using it in graffiti discovered in the squint baths of Pompeii: May you be nailed to the cross! Classical texts also use the term "cross" in curses. The Roman writer Plautus, for example, uses the phrase "go to a bad cross" as slang for going to hell. Even the Latin word for cross (crux) sounded harsh to the ears, according to St. Augustine (De Dialectica 10.10).
The Romans reserved crucifixion primarily for criminals and rebellious foreigners. The first-century Jewish historian Josephus records numerous instances in which the Romans crucified Jews. Of course, when the Romans crucified rebels and criminals, the cross was more than a punishment; it was also a deterrent. For example, the Romans crucified Spartacus and his rebellious slaves on the Appian Way for all to see from Capua to Rome (Appian, The Civil Wars 1.120). A long row of crosses to which rebellious slaves were attached must have discouraged other slaves from similarly revolting against their masters.
D. The Cross: A Symbol of Heaven
According to the fifth-century Christian historian Sozomen, Constantine abolished crucifixion out of special respect for the power and victory he received through the symbol of the cross (Church History 1.8). This abolition certainly changed the Roman perception of the cross. Simply put, Constantine's public endorsement of the cross changed its connotation. From a repulsive device for the execution of slaves, foreigners, and Roman citizens of low social status, to a public and revered symbol .
Constantine did not create the symbol of the cross . Rather, he adopted it as a new symbol for his empire that had converted to Christianity . Of course, this meant that when craftsmen depicted the crucified Jesus on the wooden doors of Santa Sabina in the fifth century, the cross was no longer an offensive image. Quite the opposite! The image of the cross had already transformed from an execution device to a symbol of Christianity . And soon, the image of the crucifix would adorn the walls and steeples of churches around the world, making the cross the preeminent symbol of Christianity .
E. Ancient representations of the Christian Cross
Although the image of Jesus on the cross was not very popular in the second and third centuries, scholars have identified at least a few instances where Christians depicted it. Perhaps the earliest Christian depiction of the cross is found in the iconography of their papyrus manuscripts, particularly the Staurogram, or shape of the cross made by overlapping the Greek letters Rho and Tau . A more obvious depiction of the cross is found in a third-century gem in the British Museum, which depicts a crucified Jesus with an inscription listing various magic words.
Furthermore, some scholars claim that the depiction of figures with outstretched arms in early Christian artwork may be the archetype of the depiction of Jesus on the cross . Such a theory is supported by Christian texts from the second and third centuries, which mention Christians (especially martyrs) making the sign of the cross by extending their arms.
The Best Cross Pendants for Men
Over time, the demand for cross pendants for men has increased greatly. It has become a must-have sacred religious accessory for every man. Men of all ages and from all parts of the world have shown keen interest in cross pendants. It is mostly a beautiful sacred lucky charm to wear in order to have the protection of God.
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