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Prayer to the Holy Cross of Jesus Christ

Prière à la Sainte Croix de Jésus-Christ

Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 26, 2024

Summary :

    What do you do when you are going through a difficult time? Do you pray often? Do you know about the prayer to the Holy Cross and its benefits?

    Just for you, we have found several prayers to the Holy Cross of Jesus Christ. Here is a preview of the content of this article:

    Prayer is important in everyone's life. It is the only way through which one can communicate with God. The roles of prayer to the Holy Cross are powerful in being able to convey a message to God.

    So at the end of this article you will be able to:

    • To speak with ease of this prayer;

    • Give an explanation of the prayer;

    • Pray to have the expected satisfaction.

    Let's start the article now! 🙏

    Miraculous Prayer to the Cross of Christ


    Prayer of Saint Charlemagne

    This prayer, according to an ancient tradition, was found in the tomb of our Lord Jesus Christ. In 802, it was given by Pope Leo III to Emperor Charlemagne before he left with his army to fight his enemies. It was written in gold letters on parchment and was carefully preserved for a long time in the Abbey of Saint-Michel. He who recites this prayer, or hears it recited, or carries it upon himself, no poison can cause him death, nor will he die a sudden death; he who carries this prayer upon himself will not be affected by evil.

    This prayer kept in a house will protect it from lightning and evil. Whoever recites or has recited this prayer every day will be warned by a sign three days before his death.

    Whoever writes this prayer for himself or for others, the Lord will bless him and when a person is affected by evil, let him put this prayer on himself on the good side.

    Prayer to the Cross of Jesus

    In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit . Amen.

    O Almighty God, you suffered the tree of the gallows of the Cross to atone for all my sins: have mercy on me.

    O HOLY CROSS of Jesus Christ , be with me always.

    O HOLY CROSS of Jesus Christ, take away all my weapons.

    O HOLY CROSS of Jesus Christ, preserve me from all bodily harm.

    O HOLY CROSS of Jesus Christ, keep all evil away from me.

    O HOLY CROSS of Jesus Christ, fill me with all good things, that I may save my soul.

    O HOLY CROSS of Jesus Christ, remove from me all fear of death and grant me eternal life.

    O HOLY CROSS of Jesus Christ, keep me and drive away all evil spirits visible and invisible, now and forever.


    Prayer to the Cross of Jesus Christ


    As it is true that Jesus was born on Christmas Day ,

    for it is true that Jesus was circumcised,

    for it is true that Jesus received the gift of the Three Wise Men,

    because it is true that Jesus was crucified on Good Friday,

    how true it is that Jesus was taken down from the cross by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus and laid in the tomb,

    as it is true that Jesus rose again and ascended into heaven: it is therefore equally true that Jesus preserves me and will preserve me from every attack of my visible and invisible enemies.


    O Almighty God, under the protection of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joachim of Jesus, Mary and Saint Anne, of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph, I entrust myself to you.


    O Lord, for the affliction you suffered on the Holy Cross for me, especially when your soul separated from your body, have mercy on my soul when it leaves this world.


    In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit .


    Prayer to the Cross of the Lord Jesus

    God who can do all things, who suffered death on the sacred wood for all our sins,

    Holy Cross of Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.

    Holy Cross of Christ, you are my hope.

    Holy Cross of Jesus Christ, keep away from me all sharp weapons.

    Holy Cross of Jesus Christ, pour out upon me all your goodness.

    Holy Cross of Jesus Christ, keep all evil away from me.

    Holy Cross of Jesus Christ, help me to follow the path of salvation.

    Holy Cross of Jesus Christ, deliver me from bodily and temporal accidents.

    Holy Cross of Jesus Christ, King, I will adore you forever.

    Holy Cross of Jesus Christ, keep invisible evil spirits away from me.

    Jesus, lead me to eternal life. Amen .

    Prayer for a miracle to the Holy Cross

    O Lord Almighty! You suffered death on the cross for our sins. O Holy Cross of Jesus , be my true light. O Holy Cross! Fill my soul with good thoughts. O Holy Cross! Help me in my salvation. O Holy Cross, protect me from impious thoughts and the dangers of the world, so that I may worship the Holy Cross of Jesus of Nazareth crucified . Have mercy on me. O Holy Cross of Jesus! Be my hope. O Holy Cross, have mercy on me forever and ever.


    In honor of the Precious Blood of Jesus, His fearful death and resurrection , and His glorification unto eternal life. It is true that Jesus was born on Christmas and was crucified on Good Friday. It is therefore true that St. Joseph and Nicodemus took Jesus down from the cross. It is true that Jesus ascended into heaven. May He preserve me forever from my enemies, visible and invisible. Amen.

    Lord Almighty, into Your hands I commend my soul and body. Oh Lord Jesus, give me the strength to carry the cross as You do. Teach me to bear it with great humility so that the Virgin may fill me with the Holy Spirit. Preserve my soul and lead it to eternal life. Amen .

    Explanation of Prayer

    This prayer was found in the tomb of the Lord Jesus in 1709 and was sent by the Pope to Emperor Charles the day before he left to fight his enemies and sent by him to St. Michael in France. He said: "Whoever reads it or brings it with him will never burn or drown, and no poison will harm him. He will never be a prisoner of war and will never be defeated.


    When a woman has labor pains, leave this prayer for her and she will be immediately protected . And when the child is born, let her place this prayer on the child's right side and he will be safe from any accident.

    Whoever carries this prayer with him will never have seizures and if you see someone having seizures, put the prayer on his right side and he will be healed immediately.

    “Whoever writes this prayer for himself or for others, I will bless him, but whoever mocks it and is condemned,” says the Lord. When this prayer is performed in the house , it is protected from thunder and lightning . Whoever reads this prayer every day will be warned three days before his death by the sign of the cross .

    Let us pray the Holy Cross, the prayer of the Lord Jesus Christ! 🙏


    Other prayers to the cross of the Lord


    Prayers in Afflictions and Demonic Temptations

    Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered, and let those who hate him flee before his face. Hail, O Mother of God, to the flames of fire; let the smoke be extinguished, let them disappear; let the wax be extinguished before the flames, let them flee before those who love God, bearing the sign of the cross and saying with joy: Hail, most holy and life-giving Cross , who, by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, who was crucified on you, descended into hell, overcame the power of the devil and gave you his honest Cross to drive out all enemies . O most holy and life-giving Cross, help me with the Virgin Mary and all the saints for ever and ever. Amen.

    Or briefly:

    O Lord, protect me by the power of the most holy and life-giving Cross , and keep me from all evil.

    He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, in the shadow of the Almighty, says to the Lord: "My refuge and my protection, my God, in whom I trust! He will deliver you from the trapper's snare, from the plague of destruction, with his feathers he will cover you with his shadow, and under his wings you will be safe; his truth is a shield and a railing. You will not be afraid of the terror of the night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the scourge that ravages at noonday. A thousand and ten thousand will fall under you, and ten thousand at your right hand; but you will not come near you, only you will look with your eyes, and you will see the vengeance of the wicked. For you have said: "The LORD is my hope , the Most High in whom you have chosen as your refuge; no evil will come upon you, nor will the pestilence come near your dwelling; for his angels will rule around you, to guard you in all your ways; they will bear you up in their arms, lest you stumble with your foot over a stone; you will tread on an adder and a basilisk; you will trample a lion and a dragon. "Because he has loved me, I will deliver him; I will protect him because he has known my name. He will call on me, and I will listen to him; I will be with him in tribulation, I will deliver him and glorify him, I will satisfy him with length of life and will show him my salvation."

    Prayer to the Holy Cross of the Lord who gives life

    O wonderful and miraculously powerful Cross of Christ with four points and three arms! On your footstool I adore you, O sacred tree, which drives away from us all demons and all pains, and frees us from all evils, all sorrows and all afflictions. For you are the tree of life, you are the purification of the air, the sanctification of the holy temple, the protection of our dwelling, the protection of my bones, the illumination of my mind, my heart and all my senses. Your holy sign has guarded me since the day of my baptism ; it is with me and on me, all the days of my life, on earth and in the waters; it will also accompany me to the grave; it will also overshadow my ashes, Indeed, the sacred sign of the mighty Cross of the Lord , will proclaim to the whole world the hour of the eternal resurrection of the dead and of the terrible and just last judgment of God.


    O Holy Cross ! By your light shining upon me, teach me and bless me, my unworthy one, who always believes in your invincible power; keep me safe from every enemy and adversary; heal me of all my physical and mental ills.

    O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God! By the power of your holy and life-giving cross, have mercy on me, a sinner. Amen.

    • Psalm 45

    The Lord is our refuge and strength, and our help in the troubles of those who have found us. Let us not fear for this cause, when the earth is troubled, and the mountains are turned into the hearts of the sea. Their waters are tossed and crushed, the mountains are crushed by his power. The river strives to make the city of God joyful: the Most High has sanctified his field. The Lord God is in the midst of him, and he shall not be moved: the Lord God will help him in the morning. The nations have been shaken, the kingdoms have turned: the LORD has given his voice to the Most High, the earth has been moved. The Lord is with us, our intercessor, our God, the God of Jacob. Come and see the work of God, and the wonders that the earth has done: the bow shall break the wolf, and the shields shall be consumed with fire. I will be exalted in tongues, and I will be exalted in the earth. The Lord is with us; our intercessor is our God, Jacob.

    The Lord will arise, his enemies will be scattered, and those who hate him will flee before him. Like smoke, let them disappear; like wax melts from the face of fire, let them flee from the face of those who love God, and who are signified by the sign of the cross, and who speak with joy: Hail, most holy and life-giving Cross , who by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, who was crucified on you, descended into hell, and overcame the power of the devil, and who gave us his honest cross to drive out all enemies. O most holy and life-giving Cross , Lord, help me with the most holy Lady Theotokos and all the saints forever. Amen.

    • Psalm 90

    Prayer to the Holy Cross of the Lord who gives life

    O wonderful and miraculously powerful Cross of Christ with four points and three arms! On your footstool I adore you, O sacred tree, which drives away from us all demons and all pains, and frees us from all evils, all sorrows and all afflictions. For you are the tree of life, you are the purification of the air, the sanctification of the holy temple, the protection of our dwelling, the protection of my bones, the illumination of my mind, my heart and all my senses. Your holy sign has guarded me since the day of my baptism; it is with me and on me, all the days of my life, on earth and in the waters; it will also accompany me to the grave; it will also overshadow my ashes, Indeed, the sacred sign of the mighty Cross of the Lord , will proclaim to the whole world the hour of the eternal resurrection of the dead and of the terrible and just last judgment of God.

    O Holy Cross ! By your light shining upon me, teach me and bless me, my unworthy one, who always believes in your invincible power; keep me safe from every enemy and adversary; heal me of all my physical and mental ills.

    O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God! By the power of your holy and life-giving cross, have mercy on me, a sinner. Amen.

    Invoke the prayer of the Holy Cross 🙏 ✞


    Prayer "Let God arise". Prayer to the Cross of the Lord who gives life :

    The prayer "May God arise" is also called "the prayer to the Cross of the Lord who gives life" or "the prayer to the Holy Cross". We pray to the Lord and ask him to protect us from demons . We know that after his death on the cross , Christ descended into hell to bring out the righteous, conquered death and conquered hell. Therefore, since [...]

    The prayer "May God arise" is also called "the prayer to the Life-giving Cross of the Lord" or "the prayer to the Holy Cross". We pray to the Lord and ask Him to protect us from demons. We know that after His death on the cross, Christ descended into hell, in order to bring the righteous out of hell, conquered death and defeated it. Therefore, since we cannot do it alone, we turn to the One who saved and redeemed us by His death on the cross.

    • Prayer to the Holy Cross

    Mark yourself with the cross and say the prayer at the Cross of Honesty :

    Let God arise, let his enemies be destroyed, and let those who hate him flee from his face. Like smoke they will disappear; as wax melts from the face of fire, so will the demons perish from the face of those who love God and mark them with the sign of the cross, and who say with joy: Hail, Cross of the Lord , most honorable and life-giving, who casts out demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, crucified on you, who descended into hell, who overcame the power of the devil, and who gave you his honest Cross to cast out all enemies. O Cross of the Lord, most honorable and life-giving, help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and all his saints for ever and ever. Amen.

    For your alliance with God

    You have been able to discover several prayers to the Holy Cross, prayers that will help you communicate with God . Remember this: the prayer of the Holy Cross, when kept in a house, is abstinence from lightning and evil. If you want to obtain even more favor, we invite you to read our article on prayer to St. Joseph .

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    Dec 7, 2022

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