Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 27, 2024
Have you ever heard of the Mary prayer? Do you know her prayer? Do you want to know why we should pray to her?
Interested in Christian worship, we conducted our little investigation on this subject. We will then give you some information so that you can enrich your knowledge and why not, also do the Prayer to Mary.
Mary is the mother of Jesus, the son of God. She is also called the mother of God. She remains the perfect example to follow the right path towards God. Woman, mother and virgin, she has the image of a saint but also of a protector, reason why we pray to her to show us the way.
Through this article, you will learn:
- Why pray to Mary ?
- Prayers to Mary,
- Information about Marie
Now, discover all the prayers to Mary .
Why pray to Mary?

Mary is an essential figure for Catholic and Orthodox Christians. She holds a privileged place in the Christian faith since she is the mother of Jesus . She is also the first of the disciples and the one who always carried out the will of God without resignation.
Mother of God , Mary is also the mother of men. She takes up with her Son the prayers of those who implore her for help. She therefore plays the role of messenger to God.
But why pray to Mary and not directly to Jesus or to God?

Some people are perplexed by the different prayers addressed to the Saints . Indeed, in the Gospel, Jesus affirms that he is the only way to God and that no one will access it except through him. So, the questioning is quite legitimate. You are not wrong to ask if you also wonder why pray to Mary?
The importance of Marian devotion
Christians consider Mary as a being who goes before us on the path. In truth, Jesus did not want Christians to do nothing but admire him without asking for anything. On the contrary, he does not like immobility. What he meant by: "I am the way" is that we must follow what he did and adopt a dynamic life. That said, those who want to truly see God must do as he did: serve others humbly. It is not a placid path but a steep and winding one. There are many surprises, good and bad. And it is precisely on this path that Mary intervenes. She is not the way, but she knows it and accompanies the pilgrim .

Since she had already been there long before him, she was aware of the asthenias and the traps that were there. In the Gospels, the presence of the Holy Virgin is very discreet. She took her place near the apostles to learn from her Son. She is therefore a mother but also an example to follow as a servant.
Mary shows the way!
Mary 's place in the Gospels is not salvific but indicative. She helps those who believe in her and in God to access the mystery of her Son.
Marie plays three roles:
- That of mother;
- Women ;
- And protective.
Thus, several Saints, Saints and other important figures of the Church refer to her. This is the case of the Polish Pope Karol Józef Wojtyła, known as Pope John Paul II, as well as Saint Dominic, Saint Louis-Marie Grignon de Montfort and Saint Bernard. They have strongly marked the Christian faith by their Marian adoration and have made the Mother of God an unmissable figure of Christian prayer.
Saint Bernard exclaimed: "If we take away Mary, the star of the immense sea, we will be left with nothing but the shadow of death." As such, Mary is a scout of darkness.
For Father Maurice Zundel, one of the great spiritual figures of the 20th century, Mary is simply the path that will allow Christ to enter the souls of men. She also leads to God thanks to her great faith in God. In all her different apparitions, Mary did not speak of herself but of her son.

Furthermore, all representations of Mary seem to mean, Jesus is the way. This is the case for example of the Virgin, mother of God "mater theou". She holds the Child Jesus in one hand and her other hand indicates "way, truth and life". This is a gesture that means "Jesus is the way".
Prayer to the Holy Virgin
Hail Mary, full of grace,
The Lord is with you,
You are blessed among all women,
And Jesus, blessed is the fruit of your womb,
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.
Prayer to Mary who unties knots
Virgin Mary, dear Mother,
Mother who never abandoned a child who cried for help,
Mother whose hands work ceaselessly for her beloved children, because they are stimulated by divine Love and the infinite Mercy that overflows from your heart, your compassionate gaze towards me.
See the bundle of "knots" that suffocate my life. You know my pain and sorrow. You know how much these knots paralyze me.
Mother whom God has charged with undoing the "knots" of your children's lives, I place the ribbon of my life in your hands.
No one, not even the Evil One, can stop your motherly help.
I know that in your hands there is not a single knot that cannot be undone!
Almighty Mother , by your grace and by your power of intercession with your Son Jesus, my Savior, receive today this "knot" That poisons my life (name it, if possible). For the glory of God , I ask you to undo it, to undo it forever.
I hope in You. You are the only Comforter that God has given me, you are the fortress of my fragile strength, the mediator of my miseries, the deliverance from all that prevents me from being with Christ.
Accept my call, guard me, guide me, protect me.
You are my sure refuge.
Mary, you who undo knots, intercede for me.
Prayer for life

O Mary Dawn of the new world, Mother of the living, We entrust to you the cause of life:
Look, O Mother, at the immense number
Children who are prevented from being born,
Poor people for whom life is made difficult,
Men and women victims of inhuman violence,
Old and sick people killed by indifference
Or by a false pity.
Make those who believe in your Son
Knowing how to announce to the men of our time
With firmness and with love The Gospel of Life.
Obtain for them the grace to welcome it as an ever new gift,
The joy of celebrating it with gratitude
In all their existence
And the courage to bear witness to it
With active tenacity, in order to build,
With all men of good will,
The civilization of truth and love,
To the praise and glory of God the Creator who loves Life.
Magnificat: Prayer of Mary
My soul magnifies the Lord,
My spirit rejoices in God my Savior!
He has looked upon his humble servant; henceforth, all generations will call me blessed.
The Mighty One has done wonders for me;
Holy is his name!
His love extends from age to age to those who fear him.
Deploying the strength of his arm, he scatters the proud.
He brings down the mighty from their thrones and exalts the humble.
He fills the hungry with good things, and sends the rich away empty.
He raises up his servant Israel, he remembers his mercy , the promise he made to our fathers, to Abraham and to his descendants forever.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever.
Who is Mary?

Mary of Nazareth or Virgin Mary, Saint Mary, Holy Virgin or simply Mary, lived in Nazareth, in Galilee. She was the daughter of Joachim and Anne. A Jewess from Judea, she was raised according to the law of God and in the reading of the Holy Scriptures. She was the betrothed of Joseph, a carpenter. Out of love for the Lord, the couple had decided to remain virgins before marriage.
After the appearance of the Angel, the Holy Spirit is said to have come upon her and given her Jesus, the Son of God as a son. The child was born in Bethlehem in Judea and was accompanied by a series of circumstances that are related in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. Thus, Mary became the Mother of Jesus or the Mother of God. She is also considered the Mother of all believers.
Pray with a piece of jewelry engraved with the Virgin Mary
You now know better the why and how of the different prayers to Mary. You also know why she has a place of honor in the Christian faith . You can now make your prayers to Mary easily thanks to the information we have shared with you.
We now invite you to come and visit our Christian site to learn a little more about prayers , about Mary and other Saints of the Bible. You will be able to discover all our blog articles directly from our online site, including the article on how to address a prayer to GOD .
1 comment
To write a comment
Jacoberger Gilles (Gilles-René)
Sep 4, 2022Merci beaucoup pour votre travail ; merci à Lui d’abord, n’est-ce pas ?
Alors :
Todolael, Alléluia et Gapaféasé dans tous les siècles (séculaires et séculiers == dans tous les temps et dans tous les lieux de vie) ! Amen !
Fraternellement en Christ Jésus et en Marie Mère de Dieu, Corédemptrice du genre humain,