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Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes


Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Feb 4, 2025

Summary :

    Do you have a loved one who is sick or do you have a health problem for which the chances of recovery are minimal? Are you or your loved ones facing a difficult situation?

    Our Lady of Lourdes, your mother is our unwavering support in trials. Entrust your heavy heart to her, she will know how to give you the comfort, love and help you need.

    In your moments of distress, illness, solitude, remember that the Blessed Virgin is never far away. Miraculous solutions have been accomplished for those who have had faith in her. In all humility, invoke her, each of us has the right to his share of miracles.

    Come and find the powerful prayers, the miraculous prayers that we have selected for you:

    • Prayer for the health of the sick
    • Prayer of Grace and Refuge to the Virgin Mary
    • Prayer for the Holy Rosary
    • Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes
    • Miraculous prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes
    • Prayer for healing

    Let’s discover these beautiful prayers!

    Prayer for the health of the sick


    Since the apparition of the Virgin Mary in the grotto of Massabielle in 1858, several miracles have occurred. Thousands of sick people have regained their health thanks to the miraculous water of Lourdes and the belief in the Immaculate Virgin.

    February 11 of each year is World Day dedicated to the sick.

    Here is the prayer written by Pope John Paul II to ask for healing for the sick.

    “O Virgin Mary , Health of the sick, you who accompanied Jesus on the road to Calvary and who remained at the foot of the cross where your Son died, participating intimately in his sufferings, accept our sufferings and unite them to his so that the seeds sown during the Jubilee will continue to produce abundant fruits in the coming years.

    Most tender Mother, we turn to You.

    Obtain from your Son the power for us to soon return to our occupations, after a complete recovery, to make ourselves useful to our neighbor through our work.

    For now, stay with us in this time of trial and help us to say our yes every day with You, sure that God will know how to draw a greater good from evil.

    Immaculate Virgin, may the fruits of the Jubilee Year be for us and for those who are dear to us the pledge of a renewed impetus in our Christian life, so that we may find the abundance of God's mercy in the contemplation of the Face of the Risen Christ, as well as the joy of a more complete communion with our brothers and sisters, the first fruits of the endless joy of Heaven. Amen ."

    The prayer of Grace and refuge to the Virgin Mary


    Oh my Mother, you who love me with unconditional love, I entrust my heavy heart to you so that it may be recharged again with your love, your courage, your strength, your patience. Plant serenity in my heart. Mother, like a child, I implore your help for my health, for my financial and professional difficulties. Grant me the grace to start anew. I ask you to receive my calls, to accept my prayer and to answer it. Our Lady of Lourdes, I thank you for your prayers during your intercessions . Amen

    How to pray the Holy Rosary properly?

    The powerful and proven prayer in every area of ​​our lives and across all nations.

    The rosary reminds us of the most important moments in the lives of Mary and Jesus. It is composed of four great mysteries:

    Take the rosary and say

    In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit

    God comes to my aid

    Lord, to our Help, Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

    to the God who is, and who was, and who is to come, for ever and ever. Amen.


    Kiss the cross and say the Creed

    After a moment of meditation, recite the Our Father,

    On the three beads, we recite: three Hail Marys,

    On the next grain: say Glory to the Father,

    On the miraculous medal , announce a mystery, for example the Joyful mystery

    On the ten beads: recite ten Hail Marys .

    After announcing the mystery and before reciting the decade, you can add your invocation.

    At the end of each decade say the Glory to the Father

    On the first isolated bead: you announce the first mystery of the Joyful Mystery. And on the next isolated bead, you announce the second Joyful mystery and so on until the fifth Joyful mystery.

    At the end of the complete round of the rosary, recite the prayer of Fatima and the prayer of “Hail, O Queen”

    Novena Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes


    This powerful prayer chain takes place from March 17 to 25 for the invocation of the Immaculate Conception.

    All people in search of spirituality, inner and outer peace, healing, love can resort to the intercession of the Immaculate Conception to obtain a grace.

    Miraculous prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes

    With this short, but very powerful and easy to remember prayer , miracles of healing, liberation, conversion have been accomplished. This medal continues to bear fruit throughout the world.

    Here is the symbol of this precious medal

    “ O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you .” Then say your prayer intention. To be recited three times a day for nine days. You will see, the results are astonishing. Have faith !

    Prayer for healing to Our Lady of Lourdes

    Our Lady of Lourdes , mother of all humanity.

    Pure and infinite light, I invoke you in my prayer to free me from all evil, from all darkness.

    By your holy power and grace, I ask you to wash me from all my sins.

    Pour out your mercy on me so that I may become a being of light and goodness.

    Heal my heart of all my wounds, of my refusal to forgive

    Heal me from shame, guilt, feelings of inferiority

    Make me your instrument of love and peace


    Prayer to the Virgin Mary of Lourdes

    • Prayer 1

    “ Mary, Our Lady of Lourdes , you who appeared in the hollow of the rock of Massabielle to Bernadette, the little shepherdess, you brought her the radiant light of your smile, the sweet and radiant brilliance of your presence. Here we are before you, poor too, and we pray to you humbly. Give to those who doubt to discover the joy of trust, give to those who despair to taste your discreet presence.

    Make us discover the joy of forgiveness constantly offered, put in us the desire for recovered innocence and joyful holiness. Come to the aid of blinded sinners. You gave birth to the Savior of the world, look with tenderness on our splendid and dramatic world. Open in us the paths of hope, guide us towards Jesus, the Source of Life.

    Mary , salvation of the sick, be at the bedside of all the sick in the world, of those who, at this hour, have lost consciousness and are going to die, of those who have just begun their agony, of those who have abandoned all hope of healing...

    …of those who scream and weep in pain, of those who cannot afford treatment due to lack of money, of those who would so much like to walk and remain motionless, of those who would like to lie down and are forced to work by poverty, of those who search in vain in their bed for a less painful position…

    … of those who are tortured by the worries of a family in distress, of those who must give up their dearest project for the future, of those, above all, who do not believe in a better life, of those who rebel and curse God, of those who do not know that Christ, painfully abandoned on the Cross, suffered like them and for them.

    Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us!”

    • Prayer 2

    “Hail Mary, woman of faith, first among the disciples!

    Virgin, Mother of the Church, help us to always give account of the hope that is in us, trusting in the goodness of man and in the love of the Father.

    Teach us to build the world from within: in the depth of silence and prayer, in the joy of fraternal love, in the irreplaceable fruitfulness of the Cross. Holy Mary, mother of believers, Our Lady of Lourdes , pray for us. Amen."

    • Prayer 3

    “Blessed are you, God our Father, for having created Mary so beautiful,

    And for having given her to us as a mother, at the foot of the Cross of Jesus. Blessed are you for having called us, like Bernadette, to see Mary in your light and to drink from the source of your Heart.

    Mary , you know the misery and sins of our lives and of the life of the world. We want to entrust ourselves to you today, totally and without reserve; from you we will be reborn each day by the power of the Spirit, we will live the life of Jesus as little servants of our brothers. Teach us, Mary, to bear the life of the Lord. Teach us the yes of your heart. Amen."

    Lourdes is also known for its miracles . More particularly the miraculous water of Lourdes for healings. Many cases of healing have been recognized by the Catholic Church .

    The Apparitions of Our Lady of Lourdes

    On February 11, 1858, Bernadette Soubirous (a young woman from Lourdes) and two other young children went to collect wood near the Massabielle cave. She saw "a beautiful lady" nestled at the very top of the main cavity. She decided to call her "aquero". Three days later, Bernadette decided to return, but this time accompanied by young children, and they came to her again. Such an unusual event could only attract more and more people. Thus, Bernadette Soubirous was accompanied by a growing crowd during the apparitions that followed. The ninth apparition was marked by the discovery of a source of water. Guided by the entity, Bernadette dug the ground at the precise location where the source was located.

    But as the crowd grew, the police eventually intervened, fearing a disturbance of the peace. They pressured the young clairvoyant not to return to the scene, but without success.

    On March 25, the lady of the apparition finally reveals her identity, and says she is "the Immaculate Conception." The priest of Lourdes is convinced that these apparitions are authentic, and has therefore no longer questioned them. The last apparition dates back to July 16 of that same year. The authorities banned access, which caused high-ranking figures, including Napoleon III, to react. After the latter's intervention, the places became accessible to all. According to many people, the water from the spring has miraculous healing properties. These testimonies attracted even more people.

    Recognition of the apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes


      The alleged miracles and apparitions were the subject of an investigation lasting more than three years. The investigations were led by the local bishop, Mgr Laurence. He had a commission of theologians convened and questioned Bernadette in person. On January 18, 1862, the commission rendered the following verdict: "We judge that The Immaculate Mary , Mother of God, truly appeared to Bernadette Soubirous on February 11, 1858 and the following days, eighteen times, in the grotto of Massabielle, near the city of Lourdes; that this apparition bears all the characteristics of truth, and that the faithful are justified in believing it to be certain.

      It was not until 1907 that the feast of “Our Lady of Lourdes” is entered in the liturgical calendar. This event is celebrated on February 11 .

      The Sanctuary of Lourdes

        In 1861, the land surrounding the grotto was all purchased by the diocese. Work on the construction of the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception began in 1862. Construction was completed in 1871, and the church was consecrated in 1876.

        In 1883, the construction of the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary began. The architectural plans were drawn up by LĂ©opold Hardy. The work was completed in 1889, and the building was consecrated in 1958.

        In 1956, a new project was born: the construction of the Basilica of Saint Pius X (the underground basilica). The building was completed and consecrated in 1958.

        The Sanctuary of Lourdes welcomes millions of visitors and pilgrims every year. It is the most important Catholic shrine in all of France. It is also one of the main places of pilgrimage in the world.

        Carry an item of Our Lady of Lourdes with you to feel close to her


        Thanks to this article, you now know that Our Lady of Lourdes is a great source of comfort, healing, peace and love.

        We invite you to visit our site to find other Christian prayers to practice and surprising articles from Lourdes that could well give you an intimate relationship with Our Lady of Lourdes . In addition to this prayer, you can add another extremely powerful prayer. It is the prayer to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal .

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        Oct 25, 2024

        Bonjour Laliche,
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        Oct 25, 2024

        Pouvez vous m’envoyer une médaille miraculeuse pour que je la porte au coup et que je réalise les neufs prières,

        mon adresse 65 Avenue Jean Jaurès, 69007 Lyon, Christian Laliche.


        Bernadette hasquin

        Jan 9, 2024

        Je prie de toutes mes forces la vierge marie l’immaculée conception pour que mon bébé d’amour felix guérisse exaucé mes prières pour qu’il puisse retrouver la santé et la forme et toute sa vitalité et qu’il ne souffre plus merci a toi Marie mère de dieu

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