Written by Benoît Santos - Mis à jour le Oct 27, 2024
Do you know Saint Joseph? Do you master his prayer?
We have taken an interest in Saint Joseph in order to enlighten you on this subject. Here is a brief summary of what we can say:
When you are looking for work, housing, family, the prayer to Saint Joseph is very famous. It is enough that it is said with faith and with a specific spiritual goal.
In this article you will have:
Prayer to Saint Joseph;
The novena to Saint Joseph;
The consecration of the family to Saint Joseph.
Enough wasting time, let's get started now!
Prayer to Saint Joseph
To thee, O blessed Joseph , straitened by tribulation, we have recourse, and we invoke with confidence thy patronage, after that of thy most holy spouse. By that sacred bond of charity which united thee to the Virgin Mary, Mother of God, and by the paternal love which thou borest to the child Jesus, look, we beseech thee, with a benevolent eye upon the dear inheritance which Jesus Christ purchased with his Blood, and by thy power and aid, provide for our needs. Protect, O guardian of the divine family, the chosen offspring of Jesus Christ: Keep from us, O beloved Father, the errors and vices which encumber the world; assist us from heaven in this struggle with the power of darkness, O our most powerful protector; and as thou didst once save from death the threatened life of the child Jesus, so now defend the holy Church of God against hostile snares and all adversity; And extend Your patronage over each of us, so that, by Your example and through Your help, we may live virtuously, die piously, and attain eternal bliss in heaven.
Novena to Saint Joseph
1. O Saint Joseph , my protector and advocate, I have recourse to you, that you may implore for me the grace for which you see me groaning and supplicating before you. It is true that the present sorrows and bitterness are perhaps the just punishment for my sins. By acknowledging myself guilty, shall I for this reason lose the hope of being helped by the Lord? "Ah! no!" - answers your great devotee Saint Teresa - "Certainly not, O poor sinners. Render every need, however grave, to the efficacious intercession of the Patriarch Saint Joseph; go to him with sincere faith, and you will certainly be heard in your questions". With such confidence, I therefore present myself before you and implore pity and mercy. Deh!, as much as you can, O Saint Joseph, help me in my tribulations. Fill my lack and, powerful as you are, make it so that, having obtained through your pious intercession the grace that I implore, I can return to your altar to pay you the homage of my gratitude.
Our Father - Hail Mary - Glory to God.
2. Do not forget, O merciful Saint Joseph , that no one in the world, however great a sinner he may have been, has ever had recourse to you and has not been disappointed by the faith and hope placed in you. How many graces and favors have you obtained for the afflicted! The sick, the oppressed, the slandered, the betrayed, the abandoned, have all seen their prayers answered by having recourse to your protection. O great saint, do not allow me to be the only one among so many to remain without your comfort. Show me your goodness and generosity, and in thanking you, I will exalt in you the goodness and mercy of the Lord.
Our Father - Hail Mary - Glory to God.
3. O exalted Head of the Holy Family , I venerate you deeply and invoke you with all my heart. To the afflicted, who have prayed to you before me, you have granted comfort and peace, graces and favors. Deign, then, to console my sad soul, which finds no rest in the midst of the injustices of which it is a victim. You, most wise Saint, see in God all my needs even before I express them to you in my prayer. You know very well how necessary the grace that I ask of you is. No human heart can console me; through you, I hope to be comforted, give me, O glorious Saint. If you grant me the grace that I ask so insistently, I promise to spread devotion to you, to help and support the works that, in your name, arise to help so many unfortunate and poor dying people. O Saint Joseph, consoler of the afflicted, have pity on my pain!
Our Father - Hail Mary - Glory to God.
Seven supplications to Saint Joseph
O God, come to my aid.
Lord, come quickly to my aid.
Glory to Saint Joseph ...
- Dearest Saint Joseph, for the honor that the Eternal Father has done you in raising you to make his place on earth with his Son Jesus , and to be his putative father, obtain for me the grace that I desire.
Glory to Saint Joseph ...
- Dearest Saint Joseph, through the love that Jesus had for you, recognizing you as a tender father and obeying you as a respectful son, implore from God the grace that I ask of you.
Glory to Saint Joseph ...
- Most pure Saint Joseph, for the very special grace you received from the Holy Spirit, when he gave you in marriage his own spouse, our very dear Mother , implore of God the grace you have so desired.
Glory to Saint Joseph ...
- Most tender Saint Joseph , for the purest love with which you loved Jesus as your Son and your God, and Mary as your beloved spouse, pray to the most high God, that he grant me the grace for which I implore you.
Glory to Saint Joseph ...
- Most sweet Saint Joseph, because of the great joy your heart experienced in conversing with Jesus and Mary and serving them, may the most merciful God grant me the grace I so desire.
Glory to Saint Joseph ...
- Most blessed Saint Joseph, for the good fortune you had to die in the arms of Jesus and Mary, and to be comforted in your agony and death, may your powerful intercession obtain for me from God the grace for which I pray.
Glory to Saint Joseph ...
- Most glorious Saint Joseph, through the veneration that the entire Heavenly Court has for you, as the putative Father of Jesus and spouse of Mary, grant the requests that I make to you with living faith, obtaining for me the grace that I so desire. Amen.
Glory to Saint Joseph ...
- Pray for us, O blessed Joseph.
- that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray :
Almighty God, who in your loving plan has willed to entrust the first fruits of our redemption to the benevolent care of Saint Joseph, through his intercession, grant the Church the same fidelity to carry out the work of salvation. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Prayer to Saint Joseph the Worker.
(May 1st)
O Saint Joseph, putative father of Jesus and most pure spouse of Mary, who in Nazareth knew the dignity and burden of work, accepting it in obedience to the will of the Father and to contribute to our salvation, help us to make daily work a means of elevation; teach us to make the workplace a "community of persons", united by solidarity and love; grant all workers and their families health, serenity and faith; ensure that the unemployed quickly find a dignified occupation and that those who have honored the work of a lifetime enjoy a long and well-deserved rest. We ask this for Jesus, our Redeemer, and for Mary, your most chaste spouse and our most dear mother. Amen
Consecration of the family to Saint Joseph
Glorious Saint Joseph , look upon us prostrate in your presence, our hearts full of joy because we count ourselves, although unworthy, among your faithful. Today we wish, in a special way, to show you the gratitude that fills our souls for the favors and graces thus signaled that we continually receive from you.
Thank you, dear Saint Joseph, for the immense benefits that you have bestowed upon us and that you constantly bestow upon us. Thank you for all the good received and for the satisfaction of this happy day, because I am the father (or mother) of this family that desires to consecrate itself to You in a special way. Take care, O glorious patriarch, of all our needs and the responsibilities of the family.
Everything, absolutely everything, we entrust to you. Inspired by the many attentions we have received, and thinking of what our Mother Saint Teresa of Jesus said, that during her lifetime you obtained for her the grace that on this day she implored you, we dare with confidence to ask you to transform our hearts into burning volcanoes of true love. May everything that approaches them, or concerns them in one way or another, remain inflamed by this immense fire that is the divine Heart of Jesus. Obtain for us the immense grace to live and die of love.
Give us purity, humility of heart and chastity of body. Finally, You who know better than we our needs and responsibilities, take care of them and welcome them under Your patronage.
Increase our love and devotion to the Most Holy Virgin and lead us through her to Jesus, so that we may advance safely on the path that leads to happy eternity. Amen.
More prayer to Saint Joseph
O Saint Joseph with you, through your intercession
we bless the Lord.
He chose you from among all men
to be the chaste husband of Mary
and the putative father of Jesus.
You have been watching constantly
with special attention
mother and child
to give security to their lives
and enable them to fulfill their mission.
The Son of God has agreed to submit to you as to a father,
during his childhood and adolescence
and to receive from you the teachings for his life as a man.
Now you stand by his side.
Continue to protect the whole Church.
Remembering families, young people
and especially those in need;
through your intercession, they will accept
Mary's maternal gaze
and the hand of Jesus that helps them.
@croix_chretiennes 🙏 📖 Christian PRAYER to Saint Joseph: HELP US
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Call on Saint Joseph to find love, a job or a home 🙏
The prayer to Saint Joseph , when meditated nine consecutive mornings to obtain any favor, is always granted. It is therefore important to really make sure that you want what you ask for. He is usually invoked when one is in search of love, work, housing. We have another prayer as important as this one. Pirère to St Michael the Archangel .
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