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Prayer to Saint Jude


Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 27, 2024

Summary :

    Are you looking for help for a desperate cause? Have you heard of the miraculous intercession of Saint Jude?

    This article allows you to overcome the impossible with the miracles you can obtain through prayers addressed to Saint Jude. At the end of the reading, you will find hope and conviction.

    Prayer to Saint Jude has an extraordinary power that gives you hope. Saint Jude is recognized as "the patron saint of the impossible."

    In this article you will find:

    • The Biography of Saint Jude
    • The Power of the Intercessor
    • Asking for mercy in a desperate situation
    • Some examples of prayers to Saint Jude
    • The Importance of Prayer to St. Jude
    Without further ado, discover the article!

    Who is Saint Jude?


    Saint Jude is one of the 12 disciples that Jesus chose. He is said to have a parental relationship with Jesus. Matthew and Mark called him Jude Thaddeus to differentiate him from Judas Iscariot. Jude Thaddeus means courageous in Aramaic, gentle, merciful, good and benevolent in Syriac.

    Saint Jude had his journey with Christ without betraying him, unlike Judas Escariotus; the apostle who would deny Jesus for money. He presents himself as Jude, brother of James and servant of Jesus Christ , without designating himself as an apostle out of modesty.

    Saint Jude is most often depicted holding a mace in his hand. It is not a stick to help walk, but it is an instrument that causes great pain and is used to massacre and stun.

    He is identified as a hope, by the fact that he was a good being. Like Saint Rita of Cascia, he is the decider of desperate causes. Jude is the sacred patron of lost causes. He pursues and goes to the extreme of his hopes. He is honored simultaneously with Saint Simon on October 28.

    The Mighty Intercessor

    Jude Thaddeus tirelessly led the beauty of the Christian faith. The church invokes and honors Saint Jude as a faithful servant and friend of Jesus, patron of desperate cases. On request to Saint Jude to pray for unfortunate people. By imploring him from the depths of the heart to give a privilege to those who invoke him.

    Jude is called upon when in need of help, to relieve misery and to obtain eternal salvation . In times of difficulty, he is called upon to obtain special help and grace from the venerable God. And above all to promote the remembrance of the immense privilege that he will grant.

    Intercession in desperate causes


    It requires extreme trust. It is part of a tradition of the Catholic Church for all those who wish to ask for the intercession of this considerable saint. By abandoning oneself entirely to the will of God with the certainty that he will answer your request in his divine way.

    Despite its breadth of teaching, the letter of Jude is a less widespread biblical writing. It can be found in the New Testament . "Keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, leading to eternal life" (Jude 1:21).

    Benedict XVI emphasizes that Saint Jude lives his own faith in fullness, such as moral integrity and joy, trust and, finally, praise . With his strong personality, Saint Jude warns the greatest number of Christians who escape from the way.

    Saint Jude in his writing (Jude 1:8) describes: "These men also, in their madness, defile their chairs, despise the sovereignty and revile dignities" and "Woe to them! for they have entered the way of Cain... They are scales in your feasts, where they brazenly feast" (Jude 1:8-12).

    Examples of Prayers to Saint Jude

    Prayer to St. Jude requires total concentration, because one can be saved only if one has faith . One must put all one's strength into always honoring St. Jude as patron and protector. In gratitude, one should do everything in one's power to develop his devotion and make him known as the patron of hopeless causes.

    Prayer to Saint Jude, patron saint of desperate causes

    O glorious Apostle Saint Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus , the Church honors you and invokes you universally as patron of desperate cases. Pray for me, so unfortunate. I implore you from the depths of my heart, use in my favor the great privilege you have of bringing visible and rapid help to those who invoke you.

    Come to my aid and relieve my misery.

    Obtain for me the help and grace of the Good Lord in all my difficulties and in particular...... (special requests).

    Make me among the chosen ones and obtain eternal salvation.

    I promise you, O Saint Jude, to always remember the great favor you will grant me.

    Always, I will honor you as my patron and protector.

    In gratitude, I will do everything in my power to develop your devotion and make you known as the patron saint of desperate causes.


    Blessed be the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
    Blessed be the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
    Blessed be Saint Jude Taddée throughout the world and for eternity.


    Prayers for those who are unhappy and in pain

    "Oh Jude
    You who accompanied Jesus in his sacrifice
    And who received was forever his love and his trust
    You who carried his message everywhere where it is dangerous
    Please convey my humble prayer to him.
    so that I may be relieved of my misfortune.”

    Prayer to Saint Jude to grow in faith

    “Saint Jude, our faithful intercessor with Jesus, recall our following special intentions, to present them to the almighty Lord, Source of all good.
    Obtain for us an increase in our faith in his love.
    May we find ourselves in ever more intimate union with our heavenly Father every day.

    Amen. »

    Novena Prayer to Saint Jude

    “We recite the following prayer for 9 days:
    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored and loved in all tabernacles until the end of time. Amen.

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised and glorified now and always. Amen.

    Saint Jude, pray for us and hear our prayers. Amen.

    Our Father, who art in heaven… »

    The Importance of Prayer to St. Jude


    As we have just seen, the intercessory powers of Saint Jude are very important no matter how complex the situation is. When you are down, when your heart is broken into a thousand pieces, when nothing is going well emotionally, materially or financially, then turn to the prayers to Saint Jude and more particularly the Novena prayer . This is known to be an infallible prayer. It is not without reason that he is called the patron saint of hopeless cases and lost causes.

    We hope that by reading this article you have been able to discover the prayer(s) that you need right now and that you have been able to learn something about Saint Jude.

    We have published prayers and articles if you want to discover more Christian prayers and know a little more about the saints.

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    Joëlle HERBIN

    Jan 6, 2025

    3 janvier 2025
    Saint jude une nouvelle fois je viens te solliciter afin que tu guérisses mon petit frère qui doit commencer une chimiothérapie, nous sommes très inquiets c’est pourquoi je fais appel à toi,ĺe Saint des cas désespérés. Merci Saint jude de m’excaucerpour jp qui est triste.Merci pour tout ce que tu fais pour nous . Amen ❤ ❤ ❤


    Dec 8, 2024

    Saint jude fait qu’il y ait réconciliation avec mon fils,ma belle fille c’est trop dur. Donne la guérison à mon petit frère que ces examens faient et restent à faire soient bon
    s .Fait que ma santé et celle de ma famille 👪 s’arrange. Merci infiniment Saint jude.

    Joëlle HERBIN

    Aug 12, 2024

    Merci Saint Jude pour Ma belle fille Audrey qui a été excaucée grâce à toi. Fait que les problèmes que j’ai en ce moment soit résolus par toi. Un grand Merci pour tout Saint Jude. Amen

    Joëlle HERBIN

    Jun 24, 2024

    Saint Jude excauce mes intentions que je te demande chaque jours dans mes priéres (en particulier pour ma Belle fille Audrey qu’elle obtienne son Licenciement et ses indemnités. ) … donne nous Santé, Travail, Bonne entente dans la Famille. Merci infiniment. Amen ❤ ❤ ❤


    Feb 18, 2023

    Bonjour Françine,

    Nous vous invitons à consulter notre actualité de prière depuis notre site en cliquant sur “INFOS” puis sur “ACTUALITÉS CHRÉTIENNES”. Depuis notre catégorie “PRIÈRE CHRÉTIENNE” vous serez en mesure de trouver ce qu’il vous faut. Soyez bénis 🙏


    Jan 22, 2023

    J’ai lu et compris la prière de saint jude


    Feb 18, 2023

    Je vous demande des prières pour M.Gil , parkinsonien qui vient d’être infecté de la covid.

    Je vous remercie vraiment de prier pour lui.


    Oct 27, 2022

    Merci pour tout je les mettrai en pratique.

    Boricaud renee

    Oct 3, 2022

    Comment obtenir le livre de St judes


    Sep 4, 2022

    Merci beaucoup beaucoup beaucoup pour la prière
    Ça me va droit au cœur

    Roland Leclerc

    Jun 17, 2022

    tres tres bien. Merci de nous donner l occasion de perpetuer ces belles choses


    Jun 17, 2022

    Merci pour cette priere

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