Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 27, 2024
You have certainly already heard about guardian angels who protect us and guard us at all times. Many people talk about communicating with their guardian angel. However, do you really know how to communicate with your guardian angel?
Given our advanced knowledge on this subject, we have decided to provide answers to your questions.
The prayer to the guardian angel is used to make a complaint to the angel and ask for his protection. It is very easy to do and does not take much time. It is also the best way to talk with your guardian angel.
As you read on, you will find:
- Why pray to your guardian angel ?
- What are the different prayers to the guardian angel ?
- What graces come from praying to the guardian angel ?
- Novena to the Guardian Angel
Light your candles and incense and let's explore this spiritual and mysterious universe together.
And for those who wish to know who their guardian angel is and how to invoke them in their life , we invite you to discover our book exclusively available on our site by clicking below:
Why should we pray to our guardian angel?

Angels are considered to be God's messengers to men. It is through them that we make the right decisions to act according to God's will. Also, guardian angels carry our prayers to the Father and they also intercede for us.
Our guardian angels protect us from evil and keep the evil eye of the evil one away from us. They are, in fact, the sign of the active presence of God with us, his children. Thus, the angels accompany us throughout our journey on earth.
Moreover, the help of angels in our life is very precious because it defends us from invisible forces. Indeed, we wage a spiritual battle daily and it is thanks to our angels that we win . The spiritual universe is full of several beings that we do not see most of the time.
The mission of guardian angels

Guardian angels , being our protectors against evil and bad luck, also protect us from pride. Indeed, angels know what we should and should not do. Pride, for example, leads us away from God's will and leads us into sin.
Furthermore, in the universe of angels, we have good angels and bad angels called demons. These are the angels who push us towards sin and lead us towards evil. It is by praying that we manage to distance ourselves from evil and preserve our relationship with God .
To pray and invoke your guardian angel , it is important to measure the strength of this spiritual dimension that surrounds us. Angels considered evil hate us, God's creation, and find us inferior to them. They are jealous of the love that God has for us, inferior creatures, and of the forgiveness that he grants us despite our sins.
Knowing the Measure of Spiritual Warfare

When we pray to the angels, we measure the scope of the fight we are undertaking as Christians. By fighting against pride and selfishness and by distancing ourselves, we gain more. The demons are filled with only hatred, jealousy, envy and desire only one thing, our fall.
By praying to our guardian angels, we ask them for intelligence and clairvoyance to see spiritual issues. Thus, we will be able to cultivate faith, hope and charity following the example of the angels. This also allows us to evaluate our relationships with our brothers in heaven and to maintain our connection.
In any case, to better understand the spiritual life of angels, we must refer to the Bible . These are the holy scriptures that give us more information about angels, their role and the graces we obtain from them. The spiritual universe is vast and for this reason, we must arm ourselves with knowledge to better understand it.
The attributes and functions of angels
In the Bible, we can read that angels carry out four different actions on our behalf. Indeed, angels are prophets and bearers of the word of God . In this sense, we will take the example of the appearances of angels in the New Testament to announce the coming of the Savior of the world.
Angels can also intercede for us with God. Through prayers and offerings, the Bible tells us that angels ask God for graces for us. The healing role of angels is no longer in doubt when we take the example of Raphael in the book of Tobit.
Finally, angels are the guardians of the mystery of God . Indeed, they appeared to the women and to the disciples of Jesus at his resurrection from the dead. Moreover, some people grant angels the attribute of teachers.
What else should we know about guardian angels?
Guardian angels therefore have well-defined tasks and missions. They also have their own way of doing things. However, the different beliefs about guardian angels only make sense in the Catholic faith. Indeed, only the Catholic Church officially recognizes their power, status and authority. Catholic believers are therefore the only ones to address prayers to them and ask for their protection.
Yet believers are not necessarily aware of the details of these beings who watch over them. Sometimes, they simply pray, hoping that their prayer will reach God.
There are many angels to whom one can ask for goodwill and protection . Before addressing a prayer to one of them, it is better to know the exact identity of the angel to whom one is addressing oneself. In this way, the prayer will be more effective, because it will have reached its true recipient. The Bible gives information about only a few of them. But the Catholic Church knows the details about each of them.
Before praying to your Guardian Angel , you must therefore start by choosing it and finding out about it. There are books and collections on them that have been developed by the Catholic Church itself. This information should even be quite easy to find.
Although popes and theologians have affirmed the existence of guardian angels, the teaching of angels remains restricted in Catholic doctrine. Probably to avoid any confusion with fallen angels. Praying with guardian angels seems a very simple and natural thing but at the same time delicate because it is not advisable to be in contact with fallen angels or evil angels.
What are the different prayers to guardian angels?

For centuries, the scope and importance of guardian angels has been studied by many priests, religious and lay people. These studies have given birth to the different prayers for angels . Thus, we have, prayers of intercession, healing, protection, etc.
There is now at least one prayer to invoke the help of one's guardian angel in various circumstances. Also, novenas and meditations to pray to guardian angels are created and applied by many believers. Moreover, to pray to one's guardian angel , several provisions must be respected and applied.
To pray is to enter into dialogue with a celestial being, to communicate with a higher world. For this reason, before praying to your guardian angel, it is important to prepare yourself. Preparation is done both inside and out.
Pray to your guardian angel
To begin, you must prepare the space in which you will stay to pray. Your prayer must be done in complete tranquility and serenity to facilitate exchange and discussion. Therefore, choose a peaceful, calm and pleasant place where you will not be disturbed.
Also, set a time in your life where you can enter into meditation and pray. Prepare your space by lighting candles or incense of your choice. When you light the candle and begin your meditation, keep in mind that it is with a spiritual being that you will be converting.
Before you begin the prayer, welcome the calm within you and empty your mind. To be as close as possible to your angel , you must forget all your worries and concentrate. Do a silent meditation for a few minutes to ensure the transition.
Prepare the prayer to your guardian angel
It is essential to adopt a serene behavior throughout your prayer. You thus allow your guardian angel to speak to you. Once the prayer is finished, thank your guardian angel and accompany him back to his universe with the devotion of the lit flame.
Prayer to the guardian angel is essential to protect yourself from evil. You must therefore regularly pray to your guardian angel to show him that you are aware of his presence. The one who prays and invokes his guardian angel must be serene and humble to welcome the graces that result from it.

The importance of praying to one's guardian angel is no longer in doubt because it has shown many believers its strength. Thus, in the books of testimonies, we read to what extent angels are our protectors on earth. In addition, the guardian angel is our messenger to God and our fellow men.
Prayers to our guardian angels
Praying to your guardian angel is a way to maintain the sacred and intimate bond that connects you to this higher being. For this reason, this moment of sharing is done with joy and gladness. Here we offer you some prayers dedicated to guardian angels.
Prayer of devotion
“O my Angel, you are my guide, my protector, I am your devoted disciple. Receive my devotion and my love. I reach out to you with all my strength, with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my being. You who are the light of my conscience, the guardian, the protector of my soul in the sun, I honor you and I bless you.
O my angel, I stand before your flame in humility and great respect. Guide me, direct me, I want to be carried by your clarity and your greatness, and become a faithful servant of what is purest. I want to be faithful, true and carry what is great and noble so that all beings are in the great blessing of God.
Oh my angel, be alive in my life, acting in my daily life. May my body be your body, may my hands be your hands, may my feet be your feet, my heart, your dwelling place. Protect me, may I be worthy of you and may I be able with you to do the will of God on earth.”
Prayer to your guardian angel
“Blessed are you, Holy Angel , since in his love for me, God has chosen you to take care of my life, you who from the first moment of my existence, have never abandoned me, who, day and night, assist me to turn away from evil, and help me to do good.

I thank you for what you have already done for me, and I ask you to continue to protect me. Be my help in my needs, my consolation in my sorrows, my support in my discouragements, defend me against the enemies of my salvation, keep away from me the occasions of sin, obtain for me the grace to be faithful and docile to you.
But above all, protect me at the hour of death, and do not leave me until you have brought me to my Lord.
O my guardian angel , since in his love the Lord has entrusted me to you, enlighten me, guide me, guard me and govern me.
Prayer of consecration to my Holy Guardian Angel
“ Holy Guardian Angel , you whom God has given me to be my protector and guide from the beginning of my existence, here, in the presence of God my Lord and Master, of Mary, my heavenly Mother, of all the Angels and Saints, I, a poor sinner, consecrate myself today to you; I beg you to take me by the hand and never let me go. By this hand which has become yours, I promise constant fidelity and obedience to God and to the holy Church; I promise always to venerate Mary, as my Sovereign, my Queen and my Mother and to imitate her life; I also promise always to venerate you, my holy protector, and to propagate according to my means the devotion to the holy Angels, in order to obtain the help of your protection, which is especially promised in these times when spiritual combats are being waged for or against the Kingdom of God. Obtain for me, I beg you, holy Angel of God , that perfect Love may consume me, and that an unfailing faith may keep me from every false step. By your powerful hand, keep from me the assaults of hell. I ask you, through the humility of Mary, to free us from all dangers, so that, under your aegis, I may reach the gates of the heavenly City. Amen.
What graces come from praying to the guardian angel?

For those who practice prayer to their guardian angel regularly, they obtain much grace. Likewise, this prayer provides blessing and protection to all those who adopt it on a daily basis. Prayer is defined as an art of living with the heart.
For this reason, you can pray to your guardian angel spontaneously. Also, when you pray to your guardian angel, do not just make requests or complaints. Learn to thank him, to show him your gratitude for his daily actions in your life.
So, when you pray to your guardian angel, you benefit from protection, from grace. Likewise, it allows you to be in communion with the spiritual universe and to apprehend its immensity. Prayer to the guardian angel also keeps you away from the evil into which the demon wants to lead you.
Novena to the Guardian Angel

Praying to your guardian is also an act that calls for blessing since all the intentions and words you say will come back to you in grace. If the words you say to your angel are therefore words of blessing, you will subsequently reap these blessings. Prayer is also a source of virtues emanating from the heart and soul.
Prayer to the guardian angel also involves novenas. They allow you to offer yourself without any conditions. From September 24 to October 2, you can do this novena, because this period is intended to celebrate the guardian angel.
The novena to the guardian angel is done as follows. We begin with the sign of the cross and then recite 1 Our Father, 10 Hail Marys and 1 Glory Be. The meditation of the day follows and the invocation and daily prayer close.
Let us pray the litanies to the holy Guardian Angels

This path must be followed every day until the end of the nine days. Several graces indeed flow from this novena. At the end of each novena, you must read the litanies of the guardian angels .
Litany of the Holy Guardian Angels
Lord, have mercy on us
Jesus Christ, have mercy on us
Lord, have mercy on us
Jesus Christ, hear us
Jesus Christ, hear us
Heavenly Father who art God, have mercy on us.
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
Holy Spirit who art God, have mercy on us
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.
Pray for us
Saint Mary
Holy Mother of God, ...
O Mary, Queen of Angels, ...
Saint Michael the Archangel, ...
Saint Gabriel the Archangel, ...
Saint Raphael the Archangel, ...
Holy angels and archangels, ...
Our holy guardian angels, ...
Our holy guardian angels, who contemplate the Face of the Heavenly Father, ...
Our holy guardian angels, who never depart from us, ...
Our holy guardian angels , who are attached to us by a heavenly friendship, ...
Our holy guardian angels, who faithfully exhort us, ...
Our holy guardian angels, our wise counselors, ...
Our holy guardian angels, who preserve us from many evils of body and soul, ...
Our holy guardian angels, our powerful defenders against the assaults of the Enemy, ...
Our holy guardian angels, who support us in temptation, ...
Our holy guardian angels, who help us when we falter and fall, ...
Our holy guardian angels, who comfort us in misery and suffering, ...
Our holy guardian angels, who carry our prayers before the Throne of God, ...
Our holy guardian angels, who help us progress towards good, ...
Our holy guardian angels, who inspire us with good, ...
Our holy guardian angels, who constantly suggest good to us, ...
Our holy guardian angels, who despite our faults never leave us, ...
Our holy guardian angels, who rejoice in our progress, ...
Our holy guardian angels, who watch over us and pray when we sleep, ...
Our holy guardian angels, who do not leave us in our dying moments, ...
Our holy guardian angels, who console the souls in purgatory, ...
Our holy guardian angels, who lead the righteous to heaven, ...
Our holy guardian angels, with whom one day we will see God, ...
Our holy guardian angels, with whom we will eternally praise God, ...
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, forgive us Lord
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, hear us Lord
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Let us pray
Eternal and almighty God, who is in your ineffable goodness, has sent to all men, from the womb, a special angel for protection of body and soul, grant that we may love and follow him faithfully, that we may attain with him to eternal bliss. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Keep a picture of a Protective Guardian Angel close to you
Now you will be able to pray to your guardian angel daily with the prayers we have shared with you. We would like to offer you an article on praying to Padre Pio .
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Sep 23, 2024Merci beaucoup pour détails