Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 27, 2024
Have you ever wondered why we pray before meals? Is it a Christian routine? Are there different prayer formulas we can say at the table ?
Saying a prayer before starting to eat seems like a simple and routine gesture, but when you look closely, the meaning of this concept is far from trivial... Devoting time to prayer before a meal gives a spiritual dimension to our food. If it is blessed, it goes without saying that our body receives the blessing as well.
With this gesture, the Christian expresses his gratitude to God. It reminds him that he is the source of all things. It is also thanking all those who have made it possible for the dish in front of us to be ready to be eaten.
In this article, we bring you some perspectives on:
- The need to pray before meals
- The Benefits of Blessing Food
- Grace around a family table
- How to pray before a meal
- Examples of prayers for blessings
And now let's find out what it's all about!
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Why is it necessary to pray before meals?

Prayer before and after the meal is also called "Benediction". As a general rule, we eat three times a day. This can be done alone, with friends, in community or with family . What we eat is supposed to bring us health, energy, everything that is positive for our body. God has filled everything he has created with his blessing. Each food (vegetables, fruits, meat, fish etc.) has a virtue which is the positive energy that we all wish to benefit from.
Eating is not a duty although it is a completely natural gesture behind which there is something sacred. This is explained in: Corinthians (10, 31): "Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God " - Among the characters in the Bible, only Jesus, the Son of God, gives thanks for food. This is enough as an example to encourage us to follow in his footsteps.
Praying before a meal is a two-sided act. First, we thank God for the gifts He gives us. And at the same time, we put our ego aside because we think of those who have nothing by asking the Lord to give them their daily bread.
In this world, there are still many people who do not have the privilege of obtaining food on a daily basis.
What are the benefits of blessing food?
The blessing amplifies the healing , energetic and regenerative powers of foods.
Each food has a specific role to play in maintaining the balance and health of all the cells in our body. We pray that this process is carried out in the best conditions.
The family table, a place of thanksgiving
Today, it has become a challenge to bring all the family members together for every meal. The vagaries of life and the lack of time tend to change habits. Meals are meant to be a time of sharing, laughter and sometimes, there can be tensions.
It is therefore up to each family to find the prayer that suits them for meal times, under the benevolent gaze of the Lord .
How to Say Prayers Before Meals
There is no precise formula. The Our Father can be very suitable because we say "give us this day our daily bread". This prayer alone is a complete prayer . But it is also possible to read a Bible verse, to sing or simply say a prayer coming from the heart. The principle is to recognize that God is the source of everything in our life without forgetting to think of those who are disadvantaged.
Even if we are alone, we should still pray for the various reasons mentioned above.
There are several ways to pray before a meal, take inspiration from the following texts:
Examples of prayer before meals
Prayer 1
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit!
We thank you, Lord, for the meal we are about to take. It will sustain us by giving our body, our strength and happiness for the spirit .
You who, through the abundance and richness of Your gifts, nourish all living beings, whether human or animal, we thank You for preserving the health and life of these bodies.
May food also serve to give us the disposition to serve the weakest, those who have nothing, those who need help, so that we can serve you, my Father, living in constant communion with our brothers and with you, as the Lord and the world deserve.
Let us praise our Lord Jesus Christ.
Prayer 2
Lord Jesus, you who have blessed
the five loaves and the two fish
before distributing them to the crowd,
send upon us and upon our food your holy blessing.
May we continue to say thank you every day.
for the blessings you give us. Amen.
Prayer 3
Thank you Lord for the gifts
Gathered at our table,
Bless them and all of us
Who are we going to eat them.
We praise you endlessly
For the fruits of creation
Prayer 4
Here is a selection of blessings that can be sung to ask that our food be blessed:
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit . Lord, bless this table, and may Your helping hand give us all the daily bread and wine.
Bless us Lord, bless this meal, those who prepared it, and provide bread for those who have none. Amen.
Bless, Lord, the bread that You give us, and also provide bread for the hungry; we pray to You, Lord Jesus , forgive the unfortunate who have not known how to love You.
God of the manna of the Hebrews; God of the miracle of the Host, bless this meal in this place. So be it.
O God, who provides food for the little birds, bless our food and purify our water.
Bless the labor of the peasants of France, master of the harvests. Make their efforts assure all our brothers, the daily bread ; and if one day it comes to be lacking in France, remember this day when for an immense crowd, You multiplied it.
Lord of Heaven and the seasons, bless the bread we eat; to all who are cold and hungry, give home and bread. Amen.
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