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Christian Prayer: How to Pray?


Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 27, 2024

Summary :

    In this article, I reveal to you how and why I practice prayer whether it is for a dramatic event or when everything seems to be going well. I discovered a form of inner freedom through prayer in the name of the Lord God and all the Christian saints. This is to thank God for bringing health to me, my family and all the people who need it. But also so that he forgives me for a sin that I committed in the past.

    Prayer has become more than just a moment of relaxation between me and the Lord . It is what allows me today to live with a smile knowing that God is watching over me and my family. I even pray for just 2 minutes for an important event. Even if I recommend taking 20 minutes to pray, if you can find time to pray for at least 5 minutes, it will completely change your life.

    • Missionary Benedict

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    1) Why Pray? The Meaning of Prayer

    A. Daily Prayer

    I don't have a particular step or path when I start a prayer session. In fact, I almost always start with the same things: pray for my wife and my son so that they realize their wishes for the day and I do the same for myself. I pray for the challenges of the day or the days to come. I need to give everything to God and leave with his peace , to recognize that I need him, that my family needs him by bowing to my knees. This is a first part where I don't have to think too much. These are the subjects that are close to my heart, that come to my mind instantly and that concern the greater part of my existence.

    In the second part of my prayer, it is a manner of speaking, because I do not divide the time in two, I move from one to the other in a natural way. I pray for a specific subject. For example, on Tuesdays, I pray especially for my wife beyond the subjects and challenges of her week. Each day, there is a particular theme (husband, child, work, friends ...). I pray for the subjects for disastrous events that took place a few days before. I also let myself be carried away by prayer by praying for all the other things that come to mind.


    As the days are busy, I chose to take 20 minutes for this sacred moment. It is not much and at the same time, it is enough. Not much, because I think that in a whole day it should be possible to pray longer for the Lord or a Christian saint. But given the number of tasks that there are to do during a day, 20 minutes is relatively sufficient in the modern world in which we live being very hectic. That said, the little time we have to devote to pray makes this moment even more precious !

    B. Reason for Praying

    Do you know your purpose? Often, prayer accompanies a ritual, which gives the prayer a purpose . It can be a long ceremony of burning fires and offering sacrifices to ensure good luck in the coming season. It can be a simple, thoughtful statement of thanksgiving over a meal. It doesn’t have to be asking, pleading, asking questions, or giving thanks; it’s also a time of appreciation. Prayer can be a conversation, but it doesn’t have to be. Some religions value prayer as an opportunity for intellectual contemplation. Also, prayer is not about you, but rather about a life topic or event that happened not too long ago.


    2) The Benefits of Prayer

    When I take 20 minutes to pray one day I am always in better shape and more efficient in my tasks than on days when I do not pray. I have been doing it for years and it has become a source of positive energy ! I am less stressed, more relaxed, not that the problems are solved, but just the assurance that God will do what he thinks is right. I am more rested and my trust in God grows. I experience trials differently and moments of prayer strengthen me in difficult times . When I do not do it, I miss it enormously and I feel bad inside my soul.

    We often talk about the mental burden of women who have to think of everything, manage the family organization and are always thinking, etc. Since my wife also started praying at least 20 minutes a day, the mental stress of a day evaporates .


    So is it useful and should we as a Christian of religion pray regularly? I would say yes! By praying, all the good things in life come together ! Your relationship with God grows, the relationship you have with your family improves and everyone in the house feels more joyful. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Not to mention the times when we go to church to pray for the holy spirit accompanied by the faithful disciples of God and in religion. We pray hand in hand and we hear the good word of the gospel transmitted by the priest of the church.

    3) Union of Prayer

    We all need a moment of hope and faith in our lives. More than we can imagine! We need to regularly open our hearts, stop running and present our burdens and those of others (Philippians 4:6). Pray for our hearts and also listen to God. I believe that when we lay down our burdens, things appear in a new way, an obvious solution then appears to us. Prayer submits our soul to God . It is a time when we want only the will of the holy spirit to be done and our hearts to be guided by the way and path of eternal life.


    I am always amazed at what happens in my heart during prayer. I often feel like the answers to my questions come all at once when I start praying. The peace of the Lord appears in us when everything is silent and calm. I finally realize that prayer is the best way that the son of God Jesus Christ has given us to enter into the spirit of God.

    4) When to Pray: Finding a Time for Prayer

    Make time to pray. No matter how you pray or to whom you pray, it can be difficult to find time to pray during busy times. One way to solve this problem is to incorporate prayer into your daily routine . For example, praying first thing in the morning, right before bed, or before every meal. There is no wrong time to pray. Many people pray during emotional times, such as when they are feeling sad, scared, or happy. You can pray at any time of day and as much or as little as you feel is necessary for your spiritual life. Some people make it a goal to maintain a state of prayer all the time, remaining aware of their spiritual connection throughout the day. Observant Jews pray 3 times a day (Shacharit, Minchah, and Maariv/Arvith) and Muslims 5 times a day. Still others pray completely spontaneously when the mood strikes or on special occasions.


    5) Places of Prayer

    Find a good place to pray. You will find that you can pray anytime and anywhere . It may be helpful to be in a place where the emphasis is on spirituality (such as a church or temple) or in a place where the environment reminds you of your spiritual connection (such as a natural setting or a place with a stunning view). You may choose to pray in the presence of others, or you may pray privately. For some religions, such as Buddhism, meditation is a standard form of prayer. This meditation could even be done in a room that has been completely purified with natural air from a purifier.

    Finding a place where you can be quiet and feel connected to your spirituality is an equally respectable form of prayer. Whether it’s an outdoor field in the snow or inside the warmth of your home, find your place of worship.


    6) How to Pray: Prayer Position

    What position should you adopt for prayer? This depends on your belief, if any. Sometimes, the physical expression of your thoughts can make the experience more complete. People's positions during prayer vary : sitting, kneeling, lying on the ground, hands folded or raised, holding hands with others, head bowed, dancing, prostrating, etc. Some people even pray with their eyes open and others with their eyes closed. What works best for you? Some religions believe in facing a certain direction during the act of prayer. If there is a spiritual place in your life, consider its place in relation to you.


    7) Prayer Ritual

    Depending on your belief, you may have a way of preparing for prayer. You may find that it helps you get into the right frame of mind. Prepare yourself in whatever way is most comfortable and appropriate . People all over the world wash, ring bells, burn incense or paper, light candles, place themselves in an artificial nature environment, or make the sign of the cross . Sometimes the preparation is led by someone else, such as a spiritual friend, a prayer group leader, or a teacher of your beliefs. It may take place in the few minutes beforehand (as with washing or making the sign of the cross), or it may last for days or even weeks (as with fasting).

    Many religions take into account your appearance. Certain clothing is considered appropriate or inappropriate for prayer meetings. If for some reason you find your current attire distracting, opt for a presentation that is more reminiscent of you and your spirituality.


    8) Christian Prayer Step (bonus)

    You can pray by speaking out loud or by thinking in your mind. Some prayers are recited from memory or read from a book, while others are more like conversations. You can begin prayer by calling out to God or a Christian saint for help (or whatever your intention is). There is no wrong way to pray . If a memorized prayer or song conveys the message you want to convey, there is no need to fumble for words. Make the request, ask the question, or simply make yourself heard. You can ask for answers, seek inner strength, or send wishes to others. Perhaps the most basic forms of prayer are requests for help in becoming a better person.

    There is no set length of time for prayer either . Clearing your mind can be a helpful part of prayer. Don’t feel the need to think, talk, or listen to outside messages. You may find a clearer mind that has the answers in a contemplative silence within your Christian soul.


    To end their prayer, some people end or close the prayer with a particular word, phrase or gesture, or simply by standing or sitting in silence for a minute or two, or by saying " Amen ". You will know when your prayer is over. Always thoughtfully withdraw from your position or workplace and continue your day, a little more spiritually than before. 🕊️😇

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    dessablon shirley

    Aug 12, 2023

    merci pour ce blog! ceci m’a beaucoup aider !


    Aug 12, 2023

    Merci pour tout ! Que Dieu vous bénisse !


    Mar 25, 2023

    Nous vous invitons à visiter nos articles d’actualités sous “Prière Chrétienne”. Vous trouverez comment prier à Dieu et plein d’autres prières disponibles gratuitement sur notre site. Prenez soin de vous 🙏

    Teraimateata isabelle

    Mar 14, 2023

    Je cherche des prieres et veux bien apprendre a bien prier dieu svp

    Benoît Santos

    Jan 22, 2023

    Bonjour Hélène, vous pourrez découvrir tous les articles de prières depuis l’actualité du site. Il vous suffit de vous rendre sur le menu principal et de cliquer sur “Actualités Chrétiennes” puis ensuite cliquer sur “Prière Chrétienne”. 🙏

    Hélène Lavoie

    Jan 22, 2023

    Je cherche des prières qui utilisent le vouvoiement. Est-ce que vous pouvez me dire à quel endroit je peux en trouver?


    Oct 3, 2022

    Je souhaite apprendre à bien prier Dieu

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