Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 26, 2024
Are you looking for a prayer against the Devil ? Here, we will see together how to make the devil flee from your life for good!
The Devil never ceases to manifest himself in order to drag our souls into perdition. But, prayer can protect us against his actions and many others...
In this article, we will successively look at the following points:
- The Devil wants to harm us
- Prayer as protection against the Devil
- Saint Michael: the archangel of the fight against the forces of evil
- Prayers against the Devil
Without waiting any longer, let's discover the prayers presented at the end of this article which will allow you to defeat the Devil at any time!
And if you want to discover more prayers for protection, we offer two other prayer articles that can help you just below:
- How to invoke Saint Michael the Archangel through prayer to protect yourself from the devil?
- Prayers to the Archangel Saint Michael
The Devil wants to harm us
The Devil is the embodiment of pure evil. He never ceases to plot Machiavellian plans to lead us into perdition. He uses all sorts of tricks to distance us from God.
Nowadays, the Devil no longer has the habit of attacking his victims directly. There are still proven cases of demonic possession, but they are no longer very common in our time. Today, the Devil uses an intermediary to lure us into his nets. He tries to comfort us with the little pleasures of life (wealth, luxury, glory, power, health, etc.), but he wants our soul in return. It is very easy to fall into the traps that he constantly sets for us. This is why we must protect ourselves from him.
Prayer as protection against the Devil
Prayer is a very powerful weapon against the forces of evil, because it manifests our will to want to get closer to God. In a prayer, we evoke the name of the Lord. By simply hearing this name, the Devil immediately seeks to flee. Furthermore, there are prayers that have been specially written to scare away evil. Reciting them daily can keep it away from your life. It will then no longer have any hold over you. It will not be able to affect your life in any way.
Prayer is a means by which you commune with God , and the Devil abhors that. If you sense dark forces trying to interfere in your life, pray. They will be immediately chased away. If you make it a habit to pray every day , you will be constantly protected. The Devil will no longer be able to do anything against you.
Saint Michael: the archangel of the fight against the forces of evil
Saint Michael is certainly the most well-known archangel among his peers. He is the leader of the beneficial angels. He is endowed with enormous power, and is often called upon when it comes to fighting the Devil.
Saint Michael is always depicted with a sword in his hand, slaying a dragon. He embodies the victory of heaven over Satan and the fallen angels. He is the very embodiment of the fight against the dark forces. By calling upon this archangel , you will make evil shiver with fear.
Asking for the protection of Archangel Saint Michael will be very beneficial for you. With this powerful protector at your side, the Devil will not even dare to approach you.

Prayers against the Devil
Prayer for Saint Michael
“ O mighty Saint Michael, offer me your protection while I fight. Become my help against the snares of the devil and his malice. I beg you, make God reveal to him the greatness of his empire. Prince of the heavenly militia, drive Satan back to hell. Send back there the evil spirits that prowl in our world. Send back there the forces that seek the perdition of our souls. Amen.”Â
Prayer of Pope Francis
“Glorious Saint Michael, you announced to the world the defeat of evil in the face of good. You brought hope into our lives. God has endowed you with immeasurable strength. You are able to easily unmask the traps of the Devil. Become our protection against the temptations of wealth, power and sensuality. Become a bulwark against everything that could threaten the serenity of God’s children. Guide us in our fight so that we are always on the path to eternity. Amen.”Â
Prayer to ward off evil
“Lord Jesus, I invoke your holy and powerful name, the one that makes all knees bow on earth and in hell. I invoke it to drive out evil spirits. I implore you to pour your divine protection on me and on those around me.”
Now you know how to repel the forces of evil. The prayers we have seen will allow you to equip yourself with protective power against the evil intentions of the Devil.
If you have managed to recite these prayers and feel the protection of God , you will also be able to discover the other prayers to receive protection according to your needs. All prayers are available on our online religious center by clicking below:
1 comment
To write a comment
Apr 29, 2024Accord moi seigneur la force d’accepter cette épreuve qui m’étouffe et le chagrin qui me perce le cœur
Je crois en toi Seigneur le ressuscite gloire Ă toi
Amen 🙏
C’est une prière confiante 🙏📿🙏