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Prayer of Protection for his Family


Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 26, 2024

Summary :

    Did you know that you can pray to God for protection over your family? If you care about your family, it is in your best interest to pray as frequently as possible.

    Praying for your family is a very honorable gesture , and God is very receptive to this kind of attention. You only need one or two small prayers to recite daily to feel the presence of God and to be aware that He is close to you to protect each member of your family.

    In this article, we will see:

    • The family
    • Ask God to protect your family
    • Prayers for protection for the family

    Before you continue reading, here are several prayer articles that you can discover by clicking on one of the links below:

    Without further ado, let us see the prayers of protection for his family.

    The Christian Family

    The family is the first social union that we encounter in our lives . It is through this that we begin our process of socialization.

    Everyone comes from a family. The most common model is a father, mother, and children. For larger families, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins ​​are usually considered. But it is not necessary to have all of these people together to make a family. Two simple roommates who live together and share the same living space can very well be considered a family. Sharing one's life with one or more other people is what defines a family . Blood ties are just a bonus. The case of Joseph is a very telling example of this. He agreed to take on the role of father to Jesus, even though he had no part in his conception. Joseph is remembered as a loving and responsible father. He looked after his family throughout his life.

    christian family

    Ask God to protect your family

    Our family members are people to whom we are generally very attached . Anything that could happen to them worries us a lot. So, asking God to protect your family is something normal. You can ask Him to watch over each of the members. In this way, you will be more serene. If you have the assurance that your children are under God's protection, you are already more reassured. You are no longer afraid to send them to play or send them to school alone.

    God is very attentive to this kind of request. If you ask Him to watch over your family members , you will be seen as a caring person. You show that you care about others as well, not just yourself. So this type of request has a very high chance of being granted.

    Family is more than just flesh and blood. Love is the foundation of it. And God is where there is love . He will not only protect your family, but He will also hold it together.

    Prayers for protection for the family

    Asking God to protect your family

    Prayer 1

    “Lord, in the name of Christ, I pray that you will grant me your protection. I know that it is by your grace that I can still open my eyes each morning. It is by your grace that I can move forward peacefully each day. I admit that I have not always followed your advice. Yes, I have not always acted according to your word, and that saddens me. But you have always preserved me. I ask you to grant me your mercy. I pray that you do not consider my errors and mistakes. Forgive me, for I have been weak. Have mercy on me. Continue to protect me. You are powerful and strong. Protect me from temptation. Let me take shelter under your wing. In this world, there are still too many dangers that can destroy me. Preserve me in your holiness. Keep away from me the people who try to harm me. Lord, grant my family your holy protection. Protect us from illness and disability. I have a lot of love for my family. I know you do too. Please grant them your protection. For those who have not yet had the opportunity to meet you, give them that opportunity. Accompany us in our life, in our death and for eternity.

    Prayer 2

    “O Lord, we beseech you to come and visit our home. Repel the enemies who try to sow ambush in our home. Let your powerful archangels come and dwell in it. Let them come to establish peace. Lord, grant us your blessing and let it remain forever in our family. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.”

    Now you know why it is important to pray for your family . You have an idea of ​​the type of prayer you can make to attract God's protection for your family. You know that your family, under the protection of the Lord, will be able to live peacefully and that prayer is the best way to attract His blessing.

    On our site, you can find other prayers of protection , whether against the devil, visible and invisible enemies or prayers against illness or old age. Do not hesitate to also visit the bookstore by clicking just below:

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