Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 26, 2024
Do you perform morning prayers? Do you know their importance? Do you want to know more about morning prayer?
We are here to help you by answering any questions you may have about this topic. In a few words, the morning prayer is:
Prayer upon waking transforms our day in a significant way. By expressing to God all our gratitude and love for Him, we put ourselves in a position to receive His peace and joy.
In this article we will discuss:
- The importance of morning prayers;
- How to talk to God;
- What is the purpose of morning prayer?
Now let's find out everything you need to know about morning prayer!
The Importance of Praying in the Morning

Many Christians throughout history have testified to the importance of morning prayer , and I think every Christian understands that he must begin the day by seeking the face of God, knowing Him in His Word, and pouring out his heart to Him in prayer.
If our Lord Jesus Christ prayed while others slept, why should we do less? (Mark 1:35). Why not devote more fully to the Lord the hours when we are most alert and attentive?
Truths about prayer to start your day
Praying in the morning is not always easy; or at least not for me. I understand people who have said to me: "Brother Joshua, I have a hard time praying early in the morning." Personally, I think that my flesh does not bother me as much when I learn, through reading, as when I want to cry out to God, to humble myself before Him in prayer (because knowledge can make me proud if it does not penetrate my heart). I have seen preachers testify to the same thing, it is very common! Praying is not very comfortable for our flesh! The worst thing is that when it is rare that I do not pray in the morning because I wake up late and I have commitments, and I say "I will pray later", I generally do not do it or I find it very difficult.
The devil certainly doesn’t care how much I want to pray, as long as my intention is to do it “later.” He’s willing to do anything, even distract me with good things trying to persuade me to “pray later.”

Furthermore, the world calls us to do a lot of things very early and as quickly as possible so that we can be “productive” people. However, much activity does not always translate into real productivity. I have experienced that when I take time to pray in the morning , God makes sure that everything else in my day is as productive as He wants it to be. “There is no point in doing a million things if we are not doing what God wants us to do.”
No matter what the world, the devil, and our flesh say, prayer is essential, and having our daily devotional time is the most productive thing we can do. There is no point in doing a million things if we are not doing what God wants us to do and what we need most. We cannot live for the glory of God without prayer.
Praying to God upon waking is crucial to mortify in us any idea of independence from God.
- Remember: When we pray to begin the day, the Lord shapes our thinking for the next few hours and fixes in us the centrality of what is truly precious and necessary. In other words, with morning prayer we witness to ourselves that the most important and worthy thing of our attention is God , and then we live in worship before Him in all we do, and this is used by the Lord to cause us to be less distracted. We also anticipate many of the temptations of the day before they knock harder at the doors of our minds.
How to talk to God?
Prayer is a gift that God gives to live in full communication with him, known as an impulse of the heart provoked by God, who wants to speak to us. The relationship with God is similar to that of a father with his children; he seeks them, speaks to them, instructs them and directs them towards the path he wants them to travel, because every good father wants to be in constant interaction with his children.

The best way to learn to pray is to follow the example of Jesus Christ, because he is the perfect model, to seek a silent and peaceful place where it is possible to concentrate, since Jesus Christ always turned away from everyone, in order to concentrate his attention on what God had to say.
Open your heart, express what you feel and/or what you need, always placing God's will above what you want, the most important thing is to have faith that God listens and that he will give the best.
When should I pray?
One should pray every day or whenever possible, but the best time to pray is in the morning, because this morning act shows that communication with God is a priority in life.
It is important to avoid the habit of praying exclusively when things are going badly, or when you need to respond to situations that cause concern, because although God is pleased whenever you take the time to pray , you must share with Him the good things in life and not just the anxieties.
What is the purpose of prayer?
Prayer is used as a means of demonstrating to God His importance in the life of the believer. It must therefore be kept in mind that prayer is the only means God has given to communicate with His children, by which they can elevate their souls and obtain His grace.
How does morning prayer go?
The best way to start your day is to say a morning prayer when you wake up. No matter what the day brings, spending time with these words will energize and comfort you no matter what.
Morning Prayer: 1

Almighty Father,
Thank you for this new day,
for with the rising of the sun, with my waking and wandering through it,
I am fortunate to be closer to you, to be a better servant than I was yesterday.
I thank you for the family you have placed me in,
by my friends who guide me for good
and everything that leads to you, that represents something positive in my life.
Glorify with your Holy Spirit, Lord,
so that I can be an example of your good heart
to all those on the track.
Glorify with your Holy Spirit, Lord,
my tongue, my lips and my voice,
so that they may be the defenders of your word and the transmitters of it.
Melt your holy blood on my hands, Lord,
to be filled with your divine obedience, so that my employment may be blessed.
May your joy touch my heart, and may the knowledge that I am your faithful servant be a universal chain,
and thus be an instrument of your divine peace.
I place in your hands all that I am and will be today,
so that you can shape me in your image and according to your preferences,
so as to be like you, for the good of your people,
and may your name be glorified wherever he goes.
I ask this in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit .
Morning Prayer: 2

Lord God Almighty , I thank You for this new day, because with this new day, I have the opportunity to grow closer to You, and to serve You better than yesterday.
I thank You for my family, my friends and for everything You have already placed before me for my good.
Sanctify, Lord, by your Holy Spirit, every step I take, so that through them I may show your glory and power to those I meet on my way.
Bless my lips, Lord Jesus Christ, that they may bear witness to your mercy and love; anoint my hands, Lord Jesus Christ, with the fragrance of your holy obedience to the Law, that they may bless my work; open my eyes that they may see your splendor and thus have you as a light that gives clarity to all the decisions I make today.
By your grace, may my heart rejoice so that the whole universe knows that I am your servant, and thus humbly serve as an instrument of your Divine Peace.
I give you my heart, my thoughts and my whole being so that you transform them into your Image, and so I can be more like you for the good of your people and for the glory of your Holy Name. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord . Amen 🙏
Prayer for the new day

Lord, Almighty God, you have brought us to the beginning of this day: give us your help so that we do not fall into sin today, but that our words, thoughts and actions follow the path of your commandments.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, forever and ever .
Amen .
Psalm 5
As my eyes touch the light of day, Lord,
my heart accompanies you in search of your gaze.
Listen to the words of him who finds life again,
and pay attention, Lord; near my open hand,
Answer my question; help me in my agitation,
you who are my Lord, in whom I trust.
I open to you my being, my will to live, my awakening;
in the morning , I put my fears, my illusions in your hands;
In the morning, in your eyes, I put purity and sincerity
of my research.
tomorrow on your path, I want to guide my steps.
Hear my voice, Lord, you who are good and merciful
and encourage my life which seeks light and warmth in you.
Look, Lord, at my poor heart, which like a little sparrow
seek shelter in your hands, take my clay
and to shape it according to the plans you have for me today
I want to stand before your eyes and let your gaze penetrate me;
Before your eyes, Lord, I feel small and fragile.
Pour out your tenderness and kindness early in the morning
to make my heart feel strong and encouraged.
Lord, remove from my path the evil that surrounds me,
and don't let lies take over this day.
give me gentleness and humility so that my heart, Lord,
don't be violent or play with anyone today.
I believe in the abundance of your love and I walk towards you
I am sure you will take me to your house. Do. Lord,
to walk in your presence today and be afraid to leave you.
Lead me, Lord, you who are good and holy;
lead me into the light and let me walk as a child of the light;
guide me and make my path faithful to your law.
And in your way, Lord, be today the passion of my young heart,
and may your Holy Spirit help me every step of the way.
May my mouth, Lord, be the expression of my inner self today;
Let my words be drawn from the depths and be true.
Lord, give me a pure heart so that I can see you,
Lord, give me a poor heart to live your kingdom today,
Lord, give me a merciful heart, that I may spread mercy,
Lord, give me a heart full of peace, that I may be your son,
Lord, give me a heart that hungers and thirsts for justice
to be satisfied and to do his will;
Lord, give me a gentle heart to possess the land,
May my heart rejoice and be happy today,
because I expect everything from you, my God.
It is to you that I turn, Lord, at the beginning of the day, protect me.
In you I place my childlike trust in his fact, help me.
I open to you my projects and plans for this day, accompany me
I offer you what I am and what I have, take it.
To you who are the God of life, I ask for strength, encourage me.
My heart loves you and, full of joy, rejoices in you.
Bless me, Lord, and lead me in the right path;
like a great shield, defend me, be my strength.
Let your wings, O Lord , shelter me and keep me.
as I live today.
Morning Prayer: A Step Every Christian Should Take
Morning prayer is probably the best way to start your day. Praying when you wake up can make a huge difference to the rest of your day. Not everyone is lucky enough to be able to enjoy a new awakening. In fact, many people die every day around the world. Some of them fall asleep and never wake up again. Being able to enjoy a new day is therefore the fruit of God's blessing. That is why we must not forget to give thanks to Him.
The best time to pray is when you wake up . This way, you will realize how lucky you are to wake up. Moreover, it is also an opportunity to put your day in God's hands. The earlier you pray, the more you will be able to enjoy the blessing of the Lord. However, if you need to come to your senses after waking up , you can always postpone your prayer for a little later.
Morning is a very important moment in life. It marks the beginning of a new day, another stage of our life. Even if we live the days that follow each other in almost the same way, we must not forget that our time on earth is limited. The more days pass, the closer we get to the time of our death. We do not know exactly when our life will end, but one thing is certain: the more time passes, the closer this fateful moment gets. That is why it is important to pray every day and not to minimize morning prayer.
Prayer always comes first
But he withdrew into the wilderness and prayed (Luke 5:16).
Prayer is the foundation of your personal Christian life and also of your ministry in the church. Just as the foundation of a building strengthens and secures it, prayer gives you something solid to rest on. Clearly, this is why Satan works tirelessly to occupy and distract you from your daily, intimate communication with your heavenly Father. But there was one person Satan could not advance against when he sought to interrupt your prayer life: Jesus. And He is the great example of what your prayer life should be; He began and ended His public ministry in prayer.

In the first chapter of Mark, on one of the busiest days of His life, we read that Jesus rose before dawn to pray. Luke wrote that He set apart for prayer (Luke 5:16), which was part of His daily routine! In the Garden of Gethsemane, He prayed with an intensity that none of us will ever know.
Not surprisingly, the disciples asked him how to pray! How important is prayer? Consider Peter. It was precisely Christ’s prayers that kept him from falling apart after denying his Lord; his prayers saved him and made him a leader in the church. And the only reason you don’t fail more often is because Jesus prays for you too (John 17:20; Hebrews 7:2 5). The practical application is pretty obvious: If Jesus needed to pray, so do you. If you’re waiting for the Spirit to move you to pray, you’re missing the point. The Holy Spirit has already moved you to pray through Christ’s instruction and example. Therefore I want men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and quarreling (1 Timothy 2:8).
The Power of Prayer in the Bible

Paul, in preparing Timothy for ministry, wanted him to understand how the church worked. So he started with the basics: prayer. What Paul was saying was: before you do anything, pray. Before you teach anything, teach your people to pray . Why? Because if God is not on your side, nothing will work for you! Most of us understand this with our heads. We say a little prayer when we leave the house, we bless the table before we eat, we begin the service with prayer, but few of us understand the true importance of prayer. Paul did not want Timothy to be misled or to get the wrong idea about where prayer is in the church. Sometimes we fool ourselves into thinking we can make things happen without prayer.
If a church is not a church of prayer, it does not matter how well the Christian preaches, how well the choir sings, or how beautiful the building is; for the work to progress, Jesus said, "My house shall be a house of prayer " (Luke 19:46). Oswald Chambers wrote, "We think of prayer as a means of getting things done for us, but the Bible concept is that we should know God better and better.
You don’t go to church just to hear a lively sermon or a beautiful song. You go to meet God . The pastor and the choir are the channels through which He can speak, but there is no substitute for prayer. It’s not about feelings; your spiritual growth and survival depend on it. So if you’ve lost the habit of prayer, get back into it!

Teaching you that you should always pray, without uncovering yourselves (Luke 18:1)
If someone threatened your home or yours, would you not defend them? For they are under attack, although the enemy is invisible. Paul states that the responsibility for stopping these attacks falls largely on Christian men. I want men everywhere to pray (1 Timothy 2:8).
Here the word "man" does not refer to the human race, but to the male gender. But this does not mean that only men should pray, for that is the task of every Christian. Nor does it mean that prayer is the only task, but it is the first! John Bunyan said, "You can do more than pray after you pray, but not before."
James wrote, “ The effective prayer of a righteous man can do much” (James 5:16). Look at the word righteous. Every believer is clothed with the righteousness of Christ, which means being right with God. There are two types of righteousness: positional (your standing before the Lord) and practical.
You must practice righteousness every day by allowing the Holy Spirit to cleanse, fill, and use you. Just as you don’t want to drink from a dirty cup, God doesn’t want to hear the prayers of a Christian whose life is full of filth. The prayer God answers:
1) must be done with a pure heart.
2) must be serious and intense; it does not consist of throwing a few wishes into the air to see which ones God chooses to grant.
3) It must be in harmony with God’s Word and His purposes.
4) It must come from a steadfast heart, because he who doubts receives nothing from the Lord (James 1:6-8).
@croix_chretiennes 🙏 📖 Catholic MORNING PRAYER: ALMIGHTY FATHER
♬ original sound - Christian Crosses
Prayer accompanied by your decade rosary
After reading our article, you were able to discover the benefits of prayer in the morning , some prayers that you can reuse, and why it is so important to start your day by talking to God.
Morning prayer is very important for the living. It allows us to build strong bonds with God by obtaining good graces from Him. During morning prayer, we entrust the day into the hands of the Almighty. 🙌
We hope this article has helped you in your mission to communicate with God on a daily basis. From now on, you will be able to talk to Him every morning and feel His presence in you. 😇
Do you know Saint Benedict? his story? and the prayer to St. Benedict? We have an excellent article that you might like. Just click here to read it.
Je bénis le Seigneur pour vous
Vous avez fait un travail de fourmis
que j’ai vraiment apprécié
Je vis un temps de sécheresse spirituelle
Et c’est dans mes recherches de comment reprendre la communication avec le Seigneur Jésus que je suis tombée sur votre page. Tout y est. Je vous en remercie infiniment et que l’Esprit Saint vous éclaire davantage
Union de prière
Dieu vous guide des le jour
La prière est une arme efficace ..Puisse Dieu nous combler de grâce ..
Il est bon de remercier le Seigneur nôtre Dieu chaque matin pour le don de la vie qu’il nous redonne à chaque fois que nous nous réveillons ! AMDG
Père tout puissant. Je prie pour que la santé revienne à toutes ces personnes sui en ont tant besoin. Puissent trouver le bon chemin. Amen
Père tout puissant, puisse donner à cette terre tout cet amour qu’elle a tellement besoin.
Merci beaucoup pour vos prières, je les ai noter dans un carnet.
je préfère la deuxième prière du matin donc 2 car là on sait ce qu’on veut et offrir nous même à dieu ceux qu’on fait, etc. il y a le mot peter mais c’est sûr que le mot là c’est pierre. sinon bon blog sur la prière du matin.
Vos prières sont magnifiques. Continuez à partager la parole du Seigneur!
Merci pour toutes vos prières. Que Dieu vous bénisse !
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Etchao antonia
Oct 27, 2022Merci pour la prière