Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 27, 2024
Welcome to our religious center. From our article, we will share with you several prayers dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima.

Christian prayer to the Virgin Mary of Fatima
Prayer of the Angel
“My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love you. I ask your forgiveness for those who do not believe, who do not adore, who do not hope and do not love you. Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore you profoundly and I offer you the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifference by which he himself is offended. By the infinite merits of his Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I ask you for the conversion of poor sinners.”
Prayer of the Virgin
“O Jesus, it is out of love for you, for the conversion of sinners and in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary! O my Jesus, forgive us, preserve us from the fires of hell; take all souls to Paradise, especially those who are most in need.
Prayer of consecration to Our Lady of Fatima
“Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our Mother , we consecrate ourselves to your Immaculate Heart to be fully offered and consecrated to the Lord. Through you, we will be presented to Christ, your Son and only Son of God, and through Him and with Him, to his Eternal Father. We will walk in the light of faith, hope and love so that the world may believe that Christ is the One Sent by the Father whose Word He came to transmit to us. We too will be his envoys in order to make him known and loved to the ends of the earth. Thus, his Resurrection, and through Him offered to the Father for the Glory of the Most Holy Trinity, whom we adore, praise and bless, Amen.”
"Blessed Virgin of Fatima , Lady of the Immaculate Heart , refuge and path that lead to God! Pilgrim of the Light that comes to us from your hands, I give thanks to God the Father who, at all times and in all places, acts in human history; pilgrim of the Peace that in this place you announce, I praise Christ, our peace, and for the world I ask for concord among all peoples; pilgrim of Hope that the Spirit animates, I want to be a prophet and messenger to wash the feet of all men, at the same table that unites us."
The origin of Our Lady of Fátima
Our Lady of Fátima can be defined as an invocation of the Virgin Mary after her apparition in a village called "Fátima". She is said to have appeared to three little shepherds , six times, at this location in 1917. However, it was not until 1930 that the Catholic Church officially recognized these apparitions, and Fátima thus became a world center of pilgrimage.
The Marian apparitions that took place in Fátima were particularly significant for the Catholic Church. Indeed, it was in response to the request of the Virgin of Fátima that the consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary was initiated since 1942 by successive popes.
Our Lady of Fatima is celebrated on May 13. The very first celebration dates back to 1917.
The Marian apparitions of Fatima

The apparitions are said to have taken place in 1917. They were preceded by three apparitions of angels (1915 and 1916). According to the visionaries, the angel of Portugal appeared to them and invited the children to pray. The angel in question taught them " the prayer of the angel of Fatima ".
In total, there are six Marian apparitions in Fatima . A lady dressed all in white is said to have appeared to Francisco, Jacinta Marto, and Lucia dos Santos. She is said to have asked the three little shepherds to come back and pray in the months that followed. But each time they returned, they were accompanied by more and more people. On October 13, 1917, nearly seventy thousand believers witnessed live a luminous phenomenon that is today called the "miracle of the sun." This miracle in question was not recognized by the Church until 1930, the date when devotion to Our Lady of Fatima was approved.
Francis and Jacinta Marto died in 1919 and 1920. Pope John Paul II beatified them on May 13, 2000. On May 13, 1917, they were canonized by Pope Francis. As for Lucia dos Santos, the process for her beatification is still ongoing.
Fatima and its secrets
It was during her third apparition that the Virgin Mary is said to have revealed a great secret to the children. She is said to have asked them not to divulge it right away. The message, which consisted of three main parts, was not revealed until several decades later. It was in 1942 that Lucie dos Santos decided to reveal the first two parts. The third part was reportedly written in 1944 on two sheets of paper, then sealed and filed in the Vatican archives in 1957. In the year 2000, Pope John Paul II decided to officially publish the texts, shortly after the assassination attempt on him.
The message of Fatima is centered on the following key points: adoration, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, conversion, the Eucharist, mercy, pilgrimage, reparation for sins and the prayer of the rosary.
Statues and shrines
A statue in honor of Our Lady of Fatima was made in 1920. This figure was solemnly crowned on May 13, 1946.
The first chapel was built on April 28, 1919 on the site of the apparitions . It was a small chapel covered with tiles and measuring only a few meters.
It was only after the recognition of the Catholic Church that the construction of the first large church could begin. Work on the construction of the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary was completed in 1953.
Currently, the sanctuary has (in addition to the large esplanade) several chapels and two immense structures.
If you would like to discover even more Christian prayers , we suggest you consult our news from our menu under info and "Christian News". You will be able to discover several articles of prayers, such as our article on the prayer to the Holy Family .
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