Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 27, 2024
The Three Wise Men and the Feast of Epiphany
The Feast of Epiphany is a celebration that commemorates the arrival of the Magi in the manger where Jesus was born. They had come from far away to worship and offer gifts to the Child Jesus . This celebration takes place on the first Sunday after January 1.
The gesture of these three wise men has an important symbolism for all Christian believers. The Catholic Church considers the three kings as saints. As such, they are therefore endowed with divine privileges and powers. It is therefore possible to address prayers to them.
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Who were the three wise men?

The true identity of the Magi , as well as their number, is a subject that is still controversial. Studies about them do not all give the same version. However, many people agree that there were three of them, and that their names were respectively: Caspar , Balthazar and Melchior .
This character is known as the one who offered myrrh to Jesus . This gift symbolized the fact that Christ was also a man and that he was going to die on the cross.
Balthazar is the one who offered gold to Jesus. This gift symbolized the royalty and glory of Christ .
Melchior is the one who brought incense. This offering symbolized the divinity of Christ .
The Magi played an important role in the nativity story . Even though they were kings, they did not hesitate to question their title in front of Christ . They placed themselves in the rank of servant in front of him. This gesture testifies to all the greatness of the Messiah . Without forgetting that the kings had come from very far away, and that they represented their respective nations.
How to prepare well to pray to the Magi

To be successful in prayer , it must be done in good conditions. A long preparation is not really essential. However, this step can help you pray more effectively. People who are used to praying do not need to prepare for a long time. They can manage to concentrate in just a few seconds.
Before addressing a prayer to God or a Saint , it is important to purify your heart. Ulterior motives can distract you from your interlocutor, or even break off contact with him. You must be as sincere as possible in your words. Only in this way will you be heard.
Prayers to the Three Wise Men
Praying with the Three Wise Men
“Grant, Lord, that on this day of Epiphany , I may have a clear gaze, a pure soul, a strong will, and ardent love, in order to find in the world the manifestations of your holy will and your love . May my soul be, today especially, in a state of confident expectation; raised towards you, occupied with you. May my intelligence apply itself to noticing the splendors that surround me and speak to me… Your stars, your flowers, your streams, your birds, your children… Amen.”
The intercession of the 3 kings
“Today I rise and bow towards the East, towards you, O GOD, from whom I have received the Graces. The First is God the Father, the Second is God the Son , and the Third is God the Holy Spirit, may the Most Holy and Benevolent Trinity protect our souls and bodies. We want to be blessed as were blessed the disciples of our beloved Lord Jesus who graciously blesses us with the most Holy Sacrament of His Body and Blood. I come and go from my home, walk along the roads and paths. May Jesus, Joseph and Mary as well as the Three Wise Men , Mensor, Seir and Theokeno, be our dear traveling companions; the Heavens be our hat, the earth our shoes.
May these 6 Holy Persons accompany us and protect us, when we are at home or outside, as well as all the people we mention in our prayers and, in particular.. (mention names). May they protect us from thieves, murderers and malicious people. All those who meet us should be kind to us and treat us with dignity. Help us in these ends God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Jesus, Joseph, Mary, Mensor, Seir, Theokeno and the 4 Holy Evangelists.
Through their intercession may the Lord be continually with us in all that we do in our behavior, in our way of life, in the place of our work and in our rest, on earth or in water, in fire or among the waves, may God protect us with His Mighty Hand. I give myself to You, God the Father, I trust in You, God the Son. And I immerse myself in God the Holy Spirit . May the Benevolent Trinity protect us; may Jesus, Joseph and Mary be before us; may Mensor, Seir and Theokeno be with us at all times until we have attained the Eternal Happiness, the Eternal Salvation! Help Us in these ends Jesus, Joseph and Mary; Amen! Amen! Amen! »

May the Magi open the way for us!
“Like them, let us set off, we do not know exactly what the adventure will be.
Like them, let us trust.
Like them, let us raise our eyes, the Light comes to us from elsewhere, it comes from God .
Like them, let us allow ourselves to be enlightened.
Like them, let us seek, let us not have too many certainties, let us only have convictions.
Like them, let us discover the Signs of a Presence.
Like them, let us offer gifts: that of prayer, that of respect for every man.
Like them, let us seek to please God and men.
Like them, let us agree to take a new path, even if it seems tough.
Like them, let us allow ourselves to be disturbed by God and by our brothers and sisters.
May this year be a walk together, in the footsteps of the Magi.”

Short prayer to the three wise men
“O holy Magi, who lived continually until the star of Jacob allowed you to see the birth of the true Sun of Justice, obtain for us the grace to live always in the hope of seeing the day of truth and the beatitude of paradise rise for us.
Saint Gaspar, Saint Melchior and Saint Balthazar, pray for us!”
Mes 3 sages orientaux Gaspard Melchior et Balthazar Montrez moi le chemin.Amen
Merci pour cette priere. Qui sont ces 3 personnages: Mensor, Seir et Theokeno ?
To write a comment
Jan 9, 2024Bonjour Dumel,
Mensor, Seir et Theokeno sont traditionnellement identifiés comme les noms de trois Rois Mages dans certaines traditions chrétiennes. Les Rois Mages, aussi connus sous le nom des Mages ou des Trois Sages, sont des figures célèbres de l’histoire chrétienne, principalement connues pour leur visite à l’enfant Jésus après sa naissance, comme le raconte l’Évangile selon Matthieu dans le Nouveau Testament. Soyez bénis 🙏