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Prayers to the Immaculate Conception


Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Dec 8, 2024

Summary :

    The Feast of the Immaculate Conception is celebrated on December 8 of each year .

    The Virgin Mary was a simple but special young woman. She was born of a mortal father and mother like all of us. But from the moment of her conception , God decided to give her a precious gift and entrust her with a very special mission. God chose her among many others to be the mother of Jesus. The Virgin Mary is protected and guided by the Holy Spirit throughout her life. She is preserved from sin, she is the Immaculate Conception. Then, one day, an angel appeared to her, it was the archangel Gabriel, and he said to her: "Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with you." And Mary answered: "Behold the handmaid of the Lord."

    Mary lived a human life, experienced human feelings like anger, joy, sadness, but with the only difference that she walked in the light of God. At no time was she separated from God.

    This woman with a unique destiny is the model of our faith, because all Christians recognize in Mary the Mother of God . Only Catholic Christians accept the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception to establish closeness with Mary.

    Through the dogma of the Immaculate Conception , Mary shows us what we can be if we allow ourselves to be fully immersed in the Gospel. Which means that even if we were not conceived without sin, we have the possibility of living in the image of Mary in order to be in the light of God.

    Our choice to live intimately with God brings about changes in our daily lives.

    Prayer for the Christian Feast of the Immaculate Conception

    immaculate conception
    • immaculate conception

    Prayer on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception to obtain her virtues "Hail Mary, who was conceived and born without spot and without sin":

    "Hail Mary, who was conceived and born without blemish and without sin, pray to your dear Son that I may never offend him mortally. Most Holy Virgin , most worthy Mother of Jesus Christ, obtain for me by your prayers the love of God and neighbor, humility, love of retreat and silence, the spirit of prayer and peace, submission to the pain that pleases my soul, especially the last Grace, and that of being one of Your faithful servants during my life."

    So be it.

    The Prayer of the Conception of Mary “Most Holy and Immaculate Mother of God”:

    “Most Holy and Immaculate Mother of God , Queen of Heaven, Gate of Paradise, You are an excellent Virgin, very pure, You were conceived without original sin, I confess it in the presence of Your only Son whom You gave birth to; I congratulate you a thousand and a million times; I rejoice in the sign of favor and the great happiness of which our good God has warned you; I would ardently desire that all men have faith in this great Mystery; for me, I am resolved to live and die in this belief; I want to defend the first instant of your life so that you defend the last of mine. I turn therefore to Thee, O Admirable Mother, in this valley of tears! After God, Thou art my only Consolation, my Support and my Hope, I ask Thee for a Grace for me and for all my associates, which is to live and die in perfect accomplishment of the Will of Thy dear Son, and to obtain it, I propose to receive communion every year on the feast of the Immaculate Conception; visit Thy Image in one of Thy chapels on the same day and do good work on the same day, in honor of Thy Immaculate Conception .

    So be it.

    Prayer of John Paul II to the Immaculate Conception

    Pray, O Mother, for us all.

    pray for humanity

    who suffers from misery and injustice,

    violence and hatred,

    of terror and war.

    Help us to contemplate with the Holy Rosary

    the mysteries of him who "is our peace",

    so that we all feel engaged

    in the specific service for peace.

    Have a look full of particular attention

    for the country where you gave birth to Jesus,

    a land you loved together

    and who, even today, is going through so many trials.

    Pray for us, Mother of hope!

    “Give us days of peace,

    look at our path.

    Show us your Son,

    full of joy in heaven."


    Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Conception

    “Please receive my praises, O Holy Virgin!

    “Give me strength against your enemies!”

    O Immaculate Conception!

    Queen of heaven and earth,

    Refuge of sinners and loving mother

    to whom God has chosen to entrust the whole order of Mercy,

    here I am at your feet, me,

    poor sinner, sinful soul.

    Please accept my whole being

    as your property and ownership;

    act in me according to your will,

    in my soul and in my body,

    in my life and in my death, and in my eternity.

    Above all, dispose of me as you wish,

    so that what is said about you finally comes true:

    “The woman will crush the serpent’s head”;

    and also:

    “You alone will defeat heresies throughout the world.”

    That in your pure hands, so rich in mercy,

    I become an instrument of your love

    able to revive and enthuse

    so many lukewarm or lost souls.

    Thus, the Kingdom of the Divine Heart of Jesus will expand without end.

    Your presence alone attracts graces

    who convert and sanctify souls,

    since Grace flows from the Divine Heart of Jesus upon all of us,

    by your motherly hands.

    So be it.

    On the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, an ancient prayer

    One of the oldest prayers addressed to the Virgin, found on an Egyptian papyrus:

    “Under the shelter of your mercy, we take refuge, Holy Mother of God. Do not despise our prayers when we are in trial, but always deliver us from all dangers, Holy Virgin.”

    Novena to the Immaculate Conception


    The Immaculate Conception is the first major Marian feast. Catholic Christians are invited to prepare their hearts, during 9 days of prayer, to understand this great mystery, and to be able to celebrate with joy the Immaculate Conception. This preparatory novena begins on November 30.

    Prayer to be said every day of the novena of the feast of the Immaculate Conception

    O Mary , conceived without sin, you came to Fatima to ask for the consecration of the world to your Immaculate Heart, with Blessed John Paul II, today we renew this consecration, constantly reminding you that we are “all yours” and that you can make use of us for the reign of the Sacred Heart of your Divine Son. O Mother of men and nations, we entrust to you all humanity with its fears and hopes. Do not let the Light and true Wisdom be lacking. Guide it in the pursuit of freedom and justice for all. Direct your steps on the paths of Peace. May everyone find Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life, the source of infinite Mercy. Support, O Virgin Mary , our journey in faith and obtain for us the grace of eternal salvation, O merciful, O compassionate, O sweet Virgin Mary.


    Through prayers to the Immaculate Conception, we honor our Heavenly Mother, we ask for her intercession with her Son Jesus our Savior, we seek her protection.

    At every moment of our lives, the words of the Gospel must shine in us. To be like Mary, Christians are invited to read a passage from the Bible every day. In this practice, we become more and more attentive to the Word of God , changes will appear in our lives. Little by little we get closer to God!

    Here is an article on the prayer of the Magi that we invite you to see. You can also discover many other prayer articles on our website on our news page accessible from the main menu.


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