Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 27, 2024
The Feast of Pentecost
Pentecost is a commemoration of the day when the apostles of Christ received the Holy Spirit. It occurs 50 days after Easter and 10 days after Ascension Day.
The Holy Spirit can be defined as the part of God that prompts believers to act according to His will. This entity has a well-defined role and function. Jesus brought the Holy Spirit to Earth 10 days after His ascension to heaven. In this way, His disciples will not feel the lack that His absence may have left. It is important to remember that even if Jesus is no longer physically present on Earth, He continues to watch over all of God's children. The Holy Spirit can be likened to this benevolence on His part.
What does Pentecost symbolize?

Pentecost is an occasion to celebrate the Holy Spirit. More explicitly, it is also an occasion to celebrate the anniversary of the founding of the Church.
During the celebration of Pentecost , it is common to address a prayer to God so that he sends us the Holy Spirit.
In the Bible , we can read that the arrival of the Holy Spirit is generally accompanied by a physical and perceptible manifestation. The Church has taken up these manifestations to make them liturgical symbols. Thus, the dove, the tongues of fire and the breath of wind are often represented during worship.
The importance of prayer
Pentecost closes the Easter season which begins with Lent. As with the other Easter celebrations (Holy Week, Easter and Ascension), prayer must be an integral part of the festivities.
Pentecost is the culmination of a series of events that are meant to save humanity. It is therefore quite normal to give thanks to God on this day. We must thank Him for all that He has done. The fact of wanting to pray is a sign that the Holy Spirit is already beginning to operate. Pentecost is the day when this feeling should be felt most intensely.
“If the Spirit is your life, let the Spirit also make you move!” (Gal 5:25)
Holy Spirit, grant us the gift of wisdom, that we may know how to recognize God present and manifested in the world, considering all things in his light and in the permanent memory of eternal life.
Holy Spirit, grant us the gift of counsel, that we may always discern the will of God, even in the most difficult moments; and keep us from every rash decision, guiding us always and in everything by your prudence.
Holy Spirit, grant us the gift of strength, that it may give us the courage to overcome trials on the path that leads us to salvation.
Holy Spirit, grant us the gift of intelligence that will enable us to understand the truths of the faith, to enter into their meaning and to contemplate their inner harmony. Put in us love and intelligence for the truths taught by the Church.
Holy Spirit, grant us the gift of knowledge, that we may let ourselves be guided by faith, day after day, and that we may know how to discern what leads us to you.
Holy Spirit, grant us the gift of piety, that we may remain in trust under the loving gaze of our Father and that we may be witnesses of his tenderness to all men.
Come Spirit of fear, make us sufficiently aware of the omnipotence and majesty of God so as not to sin against it.
Invocation to the Holy Spirit
Come into us, Creative Spirit
Visit the souls of yours;
Filled with grace from above
The hearts that are your creatures.
You who are called Advisor
Gift of the Lord of Majesty,
Living source, fire, Charity
You who are spiritual anointing,
You the Giver of the seven Gifts,
Power of the hand of God,
You whom the Father had promised,
Who makes our praise spring forth,
Put your light in our minds,
Spread your love in our hearts,
And may your strength never decline
Pull our bodies out of their weakness.
Pushes the opponent away;
Without delay, give us peace;
Open the way before us:
May we avoid any fault!
Make us know God the Father,
Let us also learn the Son
And believe at all times that you are
The unique Spirit of both.
Prayer to obtain “the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit” from the Holy Spirit

The “ Prayer to obtain the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit” by Saint Alphonsus Liguori:
“ Holy Spirit , divine Comforter, I adore You as my true God, as well as God the Father and God the Son. I bless You and unite myself to the blessings that You receive from the Angels and the Saints. I give You my heart, and I offer You lively thanksgiving for all the benefits that You have poured out and continue to pour out in the world. Author of all supernatural gifts, Who has filled with immense favors the soul of Blessed Mary, Mother of God, I pray You to visit me with your grace and love, and to grant me:
The Gift of Your Fear , so that it may serve as a brake for me to never fall back into my past faults, for which I ask Your forgiveness a thousand times;
The Gift of Piety , so that in the future I may serve You with more fervor, follow Your holy inspirations with more promptitude, observe Your divine precepts more exactly;
The Gift of Science , that I may know well the things of God, and, enlightened by your holy instructions, walk, without ever deviating from the path of eternal salvation;
The Gift of Strength , so that I may courageously overcome all the attacks of the devil and all the dangers of the world that oppose the salvation of my soul;
The Gift of Counsel , that I may choose well all that is most suitable for my spiritual advancement, and discover all the snares and wiles of the tempting spirit;
The Gift of Intelligence , that I may understand well the divine mysteries, and, by the contemplation of heavenly things, detach my thoughts and affections from all the vanities of this miserable world;
The Gift of Wisdom , so that I may well direct all my actions, relating them to God as my ultimate end, so that after having loved and served Him, as I must, in this life, I may have the happiness of going to possess Him eternally in the other.
Saint Alphonsus of Liguori (1696-1787)
Lord, send your Spirit...
send your Spirit and everything will be created,
and you will renew the face of the earth.
Lord, renew your first Pentecost.
Grant, Jesus,
to all your beloved priests
the grace of discernment of spirits,
fill them with your gifts, increase their love,
make everyone valiant apostles
and true saints among men.
Holy Spirit, God of Love,
come, like a powerful wind, into our cathedrals,
in our churches, in our chapels, in our cenacles,
in the most luxurious houses as well as in the most humble dwellings.
Fill the whole earth with your lights, your consolations and your love.
Come, Spirit of Love,
bring to the world the freshness of your sanctifying breath.
Envelop all men with the radiance of your grace!
Take them all away in the splendors of your glory.
Come and comfort them in the present, still so heavy with anguish,
illuminate the uncertain future of many,
strengthen those who still hesitate in the divine ways.
Spirit of light,
dispel all darkness from the earth,
guide all the wandering sheep to the divine fold,
pierce the clouds with your mysterious lights.
Reveal yourself to men and let this day be the announcement of a new dawn.
“Do you not know that you are the temple of God?
and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?
(1 Cor 3:16)
Spirit of God, gift of the Father,
you are the spirit of our spirit
the heart of our heart.
You are always with us and within us.
Be blessed forever for so many wonders!
Spirit of Jesus, gift of the Father,
you form Jesus in us since our baptism,
you make us members of his body, in the Church.
Give us your breath, lead us,
that all our thoughts, words and actions
have their source in you.
Be blessed forever for so many wonders!
Spirit of Jesus, gift of the Father,
help us fight the evil that turns us away from you
and to choose new life in Jesus.
Make the happiness of being children of God grow in us,
brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ.
Be blessed forever for so many wonders!
Spirit of Jesus, I give myself entirely to you,
Possess me and lead me to follow Jesus.
From a text by Saint John Eudes, OC II, p.172-177
Taking stock of your faith after Pentecost

After Pentecost, we will have to wait several months before being able to enjoy another Christian holiday . In fact, we will have to wait until the Assumption (August 15) before being able to celebrate again. But this holiday concerns exclusively Catholic believers. For the others, we will therefore have to wait until Christmas.
In order not to abandon one's faith throughout this long period of waiting, it is important to take stock immediately after Pentecost . In this way, the believer will be able to take the necessary actions to not move away from God. But above all, he must not forget to pray. The ideal would even be for him to make it a daily habit.
If you are looking for prayers for specific occasions, we invite you to visit our site. If you have trouble finding the right words when you address God, you can draw inspiration from the prayers that you will find on our site. Here is an example article that you can discover: How to pray with the Bible?
Manque de sommeil je me suis dis comment découvrir une prière de trois prières en une sur les archanges Michel Gabriel Raphaël et je suis étonné de plus que ce j’attendais vraiment que la sagesse de l’esprit de Dieu vous inspire et vous protège Amen une petite Question est-ce que je peux trouver l’achat des prières des trois archanges en une ? il serait formidable à moi car en boutique je ne vois pas Merci infiniment que Dieu vous protège vous bénisse longue vie à vous pour que la bibliothèque ne soit pas brûlée prématurément car une personne d’inspiration comme vous nous quitte est une librairie qui part en fumée je pèse mes mots et cela n’arrivera pas à plus ➕️
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Jul 5, 2023Cher Mathias, merci infiniment pour votre message 🙏 Vous pourrez retrouver tous nos livres de prières aux archanges depuis la bibliothèque chrétienne du site en cliquant sur le menu sous “BIBLIOTHÈQUE”. Prenez soin de vous 🕊️