Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 27, 2024
Would you like to discover several Christian prayers for All Saints' Day ? Then you are in the right place!
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And without further ado, discover the prayers for All Saints' Day ! 🙏
Prayer for All Saints' Day 2023
We have several prayers that have been meticulously chosen to offer you for All Saints' Day 2023. Without waiting any longer, let's see the prayers that you can recite for All Saints' Day 2023 .

“In the Light” by Charles Delhez
“Holy ones of God, you who reflect the light divine , tell me about him.
You have been given an eternal place with God even if you don't have a date in the calendar.
You have welcomed the fruits of the creation and are therefore the humble laborers of the Earth.
Every day, you sow tenderness, as a housekeeper, a seamstress, a cook, an ironer or a nanny would do.
YOUÂ keep the joy of God in your heart . You are the monks and nuns of fraternal life, of prayer and of silence.
You, men of science, scholars and philosophers, who have never ceased to seek the truth, you have ended up discovering the mysteries of God .
You, who brought us joy and taught us to appreciate beauty. You, the people of entertainment and the artists.
You, who raise our praises to God the Father, through God the Son, in the Holy Spirit. You, children blessed of God , Saints, pray for us.
Amen. »
“There are many blessed ones” by Robert Lebel
"There are many blessed people who have never had the opportunity to be talked about. There are many who have left no image.
They have continued to love their brothers as much as God throughout the ages.
These blessed ones are humble. They have not made miracle and almost nothing is said about them.
They left no trace of their passage, except a cradle or a corner of earth. They never had their moment of ecstasy.
There are many of these blessed, these people of no value who will not have their names in the history books. They worked to completely wear out their hands to earn their bread, but without knowing any moment of glory .
Their names are inscribed on thousands of stones and they are sometimes mentioned in our prayers.
The name of each of these blessed ones is in the heart of God .
A star appears in the sky every time one of them leaves Earth to join the Lord."

Meditation with Blessed Cardinal John Henry Newman
“Lord Jesus, I pray that you flood me with your Life and your Spirit . Make my life a reflection of yours, even if it means taking possession of my whole being. Inhabit me and shine through my person so that all those I meet can feel your Presence. They will see only you when they look at me, Lord ! If you remain in me, I will be able to shine. I will be, in turn, a light for others. I will be a light that will emanate completely from you. Through me, you will be able to illuminate others. In this way, my life and my whole being will become a praise has your glory . I will become the praise that will make all those around us shine. By the love and the radiant fullness that I carry in my heart. Amen.
Other prayers for the Christian feast of All Saints' Day

Happy, blessed
Happy, blessed,
Who listens to the word of God.
Happy, blessed,
Who keeps it in his heart.
Happy are those who have a poor soul.
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are the meek
For they shall possess the land.
Blessed are the afflicted
For they will be comforted
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness
For they shall be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful
For they will obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart
For they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers
For they will be called sons of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake.
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Happy are you when you are insulted
And that you will be persecuted,
And that will be said falsely against you
All kinds of evil because of me.
Be joyful, be glad,
In heaven you will be fulfilled!
Emmanuel Editions
An All Saints' Day prayer for children
All saints!
Lord, you invite me to follow in your footsteps.
To be like you, I would have to become a saint!
So Lord, help me
to look at my friends with your eyes
to open my ears to listen to my parents,
to speak softly to my little brother
to praise you, who are always at my side.

Lord our hearts rejoice in You
Lord, our hearts rejoice with You
For all the anonymous saints around us.
Those who build a fraternal world,
Those who are patient, trusting and generous,
Those who live in faith and hope,
Those who share the joys and sorrows of their brothers.
Lord our hearts rejoice in You.
Genevieve Pasquier -
Let us pray to God for our world, with the prayer of Pope Francis:
Lord and Father of mankind,
you who created all human beings
with the same dignity, breathe into our hearts a fraternal spirit.
Inspire in us a dream of meeting, of dialogue,
of justice and peace. Help us to create healthier societies and a more dignified world, without hunger, without poverty, without violence, without wars.
May our hearts open to all the peoples and nations of the earth, to recognize the good and beauty that you have sown in each one to forge bonds of unity, common projects, shared hopes.

Jesus protects our family
Jesus Christ, you who came back from the dead,
You who taught us through your resurrection that nothing ever goes out
Lord, you who taught us the most beautiful lesson of life given by your Father,
Through your prophetic and Divine message our fragile hearts in all things hope
On this day that celebrates all Saints, this day when we remember our dead
We entrust you with the protection of our family, our children and our friends.
God our Father, from the heights of heaven, take care of us and make us reborn to Life.
The Prayer of Dom Ludovic Lécuru “Lord, grant us the support of the Saints who are our Companions in Heaven”:
“Lord, we thank You for all the Saints in Heaven , the angels, the patriarchs, the prophets, the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph, the apostles, the evangelists, the martyrs, the priests, the religious men and women, the laity who have chosen You at every moment of their lives. By celebrating all the Saints in Heaven, we celebrate Your action in their lives. Like them, You call us to be Saints as You Yourself are Saints. We cannot achieve this without You. Fulfil in us our vocation to holiness by the power of the Holy Spirit. You want that where there is more holiness, there is more humanity. Support us so that we do not let ourselves be discouraged by our shortcomings, our sins, our delays. We do not want to be heroes who rely only on themselves, but Saints who rely only on You to accomplish Your will in every movement of our lives. May this Feast of All Saints remind us in this time of autumn of the eternal Promise of life that You made to us at Baptism. Grant us the support of the Saints who are our Companions in Heaven. We entrust to You all our loved ones who have died, so that they too may share the fate of the Saints in Your Light . So be it.
The Prayer to “All Saints” by Saint Augustine :
“Queen of all Saints, glorious Apostles and Evangelists, invincible Martyrs, generous Confessors, learned Doctors, illustrious Anchorites, devoted Monks and Priests, pure Virgins and pious women, I rejoice in the ineffable glory to which you are raised in the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, our divine Master .
I bless the Most High for the extraordinary gifts and favors with which He has bestowed upon you and for the sublime rank to which He has elevated you. O friends of God!
O you who drink deeply from the torrent of eternal delights, and who inhabit this immortal homeland, this happy city, where solid riches abound! Powerful Protectors, lower your gaze upon us who fight, who still groan in exile, and obtain for us the strength and the help that our weakness solicits to attain your virtues, perpetuate your triumphs and share your crowns.
O all you blessed inhabitants of heaven, holy friends of God who have crossed the stormy sea of ​​this perishable life, and who have merited to enter the tranquil harbor of sovereign peace and eternal rest!
O Holy souls of Paradise, you who, now sheltered from the pitfalls and storms, enjoy a happiness that must never end, I implore you, in the name of the charity that fills your heart, in the name of Him who chose you and made you as you are, listen to my prayer.
Take part in our labors and our battles, you who bear on your victorious brows an incorruptible crown of glory; have pity on our innumerable miseries, you who are forever delivered from this sad exile; remember our temptations, you who are established in justice; take an interest in our salvation, you who have nothing more to fear for yours; peacefully seated on the mountain of Zion, do not forget those who still lie prostrate in the valley of tears.
Powerful army of the Saints , blessed band of apostles and evangelists, martyrs, confessors, doctors, anchorites and monks, priests, holy women and pure virgins, pray unceasingly for us miserable sinners. Stretch out to us a helping hand, turn away from our guilty heads the angry justice of God; bring our frail ship into the harbor of blessed eternity by your prayers. Amen.
If you are having difficulty communicating with God in prayer , we invite you to visit our Christian Crosses website, so that we can help you with your difficulty. In this regard, here is an excellent blog on: Prayers for the Month of the Rosary .
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