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Sacred Heart of Jesus Meaning


Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 26, 2024

Summary :

    The flaming heart of Jesus called "sacred heart" is more present in Catholicism, but all the faithful of Christ are sensitive to this sign defining the love that the Lord has for us.

    As you may already know, the Sacred Heart of Jesus symbolizes the love He has for us . But in reality, it is a sacred sign that has a deeper meaning that we are going to discuss in this article.

    In this article you will discover:

    • The definition of the Sacred Heart of Jesus;

    • The meaning of the Sacred Heart of Jesus;

    • The origin of devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

    So let's start the article right now!


    Definition of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

    The representation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus recalls the Passion of Christ with the wound opened by the lance, the Crown of thorns and the cross. In other words, this Christian sign recalls the love of the Lord as well as his mercy . It is directly linked to the very foundation of Christianity which is none other than the coming of the Messiah on earth as a man with the aim of saving us from our sins. The flames surrounding the Sacred Heart mark the ardor of this divine love .

    The majority of statues that represent this sacred sign, display a full figure of Jesus Christ in a position of blessing , highlighting the Heart crowned with thorns and surrounded by flames in the middle of the chest. Furthermore, theologists define the Sacred Heart as the meeting point between Man and God . During his time on earth, the Savior was indeed both.

    What does the Sacred Heart of Jesus mean?

    sacred heart of jesus

    Today, the Sacred Heart of Jesus has become a religious symbol that represents divine love, mercy and charity towards our neighbors . In addition, it symbolizes the mystery of the life of Christ . He is the Son of God, but during his time on earth, he was a human. Jesus Christ is also uncreated wisdom. His love is so great that he sacrificed himself for us. The Sacred Heart reincarnates the very principle of salvation and sanctification for all of humanity. The Heart of Christ represents his entire mysterious being .

    Pope Pius XII explains in the encyclical entitled Haurietis Aquas in Gaudio that the mystery of the heart of Jesus hides another: the mystery of the merciful love of the Trinity (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit) towards men.

    It is important to know that devotion to the Sacred Heart has a double object , sensible and corporeal on one side, intangible and spiritual on the other. The sensible object refers to the Heart of Christ, a human organ that gave life to a divine entity , which allowed Salvation. The spiritual object is none other than the mercy of Christ, his infinite love for all humanity which also led to Salvation. It is for this reason that the Sacred Heart is always linked to the Passion and the Eucharist . The entire object symbolizes the loving Heart of the Messiah, who is both a man and a God. There is human love (created) and the divine Love (uncreated) of the Son of God.

    In the past, the term "heart" did not only evoke emotions and feelings as it does today. In the Old Testament, it is even used to represent the deep life of man. It includes his sensitivity, but also his will, his courage and his intelligence.

    Why do Christians buy objects dedicated to the Sacred Heart?

    The Sacred Heart of Jesus often takes the form of statues and paintings in churches . You can find different kinds of items that pay homage to the Sacred Heart of Christ . Statues of the Sacred Heart to decorate the office, a photo frame to install on the bedside table, a Sacred Heart Painting to hang on the wall, a medallion or a bracelet that accompanies you every day, the choice is vast. Some clothing brands even make t-shirts and dresses representing the Sacred Heart of Jesus printed or embroidered on the garment.

    We therefore advise you to purchase items dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus to demonstrate your belief in the mystery of the Incarnation . The Christian religion is based mainly on the coming into the world of the Son of God, clothed in human nature to wash us of our sins. Having an object dedicated to the Sacred Heart therefore symbolizes your belonging to Christianity .


    Having such items also helps to strengthen your belief . Nowadays, more and more factors are likely to push you to question your faith in God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Moreover, the Sacred Heart of Jesus can be a sign of recognition between Christians . It always feels good to cross paths with a person who has the same religious beliefs as you. By seeing the sign on a Religious Jewel for example, it will allow you to recognize yourself more easily and start a biblical conversation with your neighbor.

    Some believers think that devotion to the Sacred Heart is a manifestation of idolatry towards an organ in the pulpit and therefore linked exclusively to the human side of Jesus. But in reality, it is a totally symbolic value of his entire being. So do not hesitate to get some articles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and show that the passion of Christ is in you , and never forget that the Lord is among us .

    Origin of devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

    During the Last Supper or the last meal that Jesus shared with the 12 apostles before his arrest, John placed his head on the Heart of Christ. He also saw the Heart of the Savior pierced at the moment of the Passion. During the centuries that followed, other saints spoke of the Sacred Heart, to name only Saint Francis de Sales, and Saint Catherine of Siena. But this famous representation of the Heart in flames did not see the light of day until towards the end of the 17th century, after the 3 apparitions of Jesus to Marguerite Marie Alacoque at the convent of the Visitation of Paray les Monial.

    The apparitions of Jesus to Marguerite Marie Alacoque

    The first apparition took place in December 1673. Jesus then made the nun rest her head on his chest for several minutes. It was at this moment that he revealed to her the inexplicable secrets of his Sacred Heart by presenting it on a flaming throne. The Heart radiated like the sun as it bore the wound opened by the lance, crowned with thorns and surmounted by a cross. This naturally brings to mind the Passion and redemption .

    sacred heart symbol

    Christ then said to Marguerite Marie Alacoque: " My divine Heart is so passionate with love for men and for you in particular that, no longer able to contain within itself the flames of its ardent charity, it must spread them through you. "

    The second apparition occurred in June 1675. Still showing her His Sacred Heart, Jesus Christ said to her: " Here is this Heart which has loved men so much that He has spared nothing to show them His love; and instead of gratitude, He receives from most only ingratitude, indifference and even contempt in this sacrament of love ."

    During the third apparition in 1689, Marguerite Marie Alacoque claimed to have received from Jesus the mission to ask King Louis XIV for " the consecration of France to his Sacred Heart and its representation on the standards of the kingdom ."

    Marguerite Marie Alacoque: words questioned

    Saint Marguerite Marie Alacoque speaks very quickly of the first manifestation around her, especially in the monastery. Most members of the community then treat her as a visionary . Skepticism reached such a level that her superior ended up ordering her to submit to the communal life. It is thanks to her obedience as well as her charity towards her persecutors that she managed to make herself heard. Her sacred mission ended up obtaining the recognition of the people who had strongly opposed it at the beginning. Namely that Sister Marguerite Marie Alacoque was beatified in 1864 and canonized in 1920.

    What you need to remember about the Sacred Heart of Jesus

    The Sacred Heart of Jesus is a very strong symbol in Catholicism. It represents both Christ and his mysteries as well as the mercy he has granted us. This symbol finds its meaning mainly among Catholic believers. However, other believers may refer to it as a representation of the love of Jesus .

    The Sacred Heart is often depicted as a real human heart with an open, still-bleeding wound. The heart is set with a crown of thorns, just like the one Jesus wore at the time of his crucifixion . At the very top, a flame can be discerned with a cross inside. The fire does not burn the cross, but highlights it. On the other hand, it illuminates and brightens everything around it.

    The Sacred Heart is always depicted with Jesus in the background. The heart is usually located right in the middle of his chest. The symbolism of this figure lies in the details. The wound, the crown, the flame, the cross and Jesus showing us the heart, all these elements have a specific meaning.

    For Catholics, the birth of the Sacred Heart is a true religious celebration. The Church has been celebrating this event for almost a century now. In addition, believers generally wear objects with the image of the Sacred Heart to strengthen their faith. Rings, pendants and statuettes that represent the Sacred Heart are very popular. These objects can be used to accompany prayers in order to give them more effect.

    The beginning of the cult of the Sacred Heart of Jesus


    Father Claude La Colombière helped Marguerite Marie Alacoque spread the message of Christ on his Sacred Heart . This marked the birth of the cult of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Visitandine thus established the practice of the Holy Hour which consists of praying every first Thursday of the month. According to her, one must lie down on the ground, face down. The prayer is to be done from 11 p.m. to midnight to show the Lord that you want to share the mortal punishment that Christ had to suffer because of our sins. The ritual ends with the reception of Communion the following day, the first Friday of the month.

    The one whom Jesus would have called " beloved disciple of the Sacred Heart " made it clear that she did not invent any of this. It was the Savior himself who told her what to do from his first manifestation.

    He is said to have told her among other things: " I promise you in the excessive mercy of my Heart, that his all-powerful love will grant to all those who will receive communion on the first Fridays of the month, nine consecutive months, the grace of final penance, not dying in my disgrace, nor without receiving the sacraments, my divine Heart making itself their assured asylum at this last moment. " Those who practice the devotion of the nine first Fridays of the month will receive the 12 promises that Jesus mentioned to the nun .

    Thanks to this practice, more and more of the faithful wanted to receive the sacraments of Penance and the Eucharist, including communion , confirmation and the sacrament of reconciliation.


    The birth of the Feast of the Sacred Heart

    Still according to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, Jesus told her during his second apparition to institute the Feast of the Sacred Heart . " I ask you that the first Friday after the octave of the Blessed Sacrament be dedicated to a special feast to honor my heart... " In France, where devotion to the Sacred Heart was born, many dioceses were quick to celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart with a Mass and specific offices.

    Recognized by the Catholic Church, the feast quickly spread to many countries. The date of celebration is set between May 29 and July 2, depending on the date of Easter. In 1929, Pope Pius XI made official the composition of a new Mass and a new liturgical office of the Sacred Heart. He established the Feast of the Sacred Heart as a Solemnity to be celebrated on the third Sunday after Pentecost.


    In the 19th century, another nun, Marie du Divin Cœur Droste zu Vischering of the convent of the Congregation of the Good Shepherd of Porto, also claims that Jesus appeared to her showing her his heart inflamed and surrounded by thorns. The Lord Jesus Christ would have entrusted her with the mission of asking Pope Leo XIII to consecrate the whole world to his Sacred Heart, which she did!

    Find a Sacred Heart Object and keep it daily

    You now know that the devotion of the Sacred Heart comes mainly from the manifestations of Jesus to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque. You have also discovered in this article what this famous divine figure with the radiant, flaming Heart surrounded by a crown of thorns really means. Furthermore, you know that decorating your home or office with statuettes or paintings of the Sacred of Jesus means that the occupants as well as the visitors are blessed by the infinite Love of God. You can also wear jewelry and clothing dedicated to the Sacred Heart to share your religion.

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    Drakic Annick

    Feb 27, 2021

    Venant de l’adoration au Sacre Cœur mise en place dans mon église , j’avoue que je n’avais pas l’habitude de prier le Sacré Cœur . Et la j’apprends avec foi et ça me fait un bien énorme .Bien à vous tous

    Marie Catala

    Nov 21, 2020


    Je n’arrive pas à comprendre comment un coeur blessé qui est entouré d’épines et qui souffre peut donner de l’amour. Mais surtout comment un coeur entourés d’épine peut aimer. En tant qu’humaine cela me dépasse.

    ARON CLAUSS Françoise

    Jul 24, 2020

    Bel article explicatif sur le coeur de Jésus qui peut toucher et comprendre en donnant envie de le suivre

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