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Meaning of Christian Cross Jewelry


Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Feb 4, 2025

Summary :

    The cross has always been a Christian symbol known to all. It naturally symbolizes the Crucifix, joining both the Passion of Christ and Salvation. But if you did not know, there are several Christian Crosses. You will discover or rediscover them below.

    Many Christians wear cross jewelry, knowing that these accessories symbolize Redemption and the Trinity. But Christian Cross Jewelry each has an even deeper, often unsuspected, meaning.

    In this article you will find:

    • The different Christian Cross Jewelry and Religious Jewelry

    • Latin Cross Jewelry

    • The Crucifix Jewelry

    • Fleur de Lys Jewelry

    • Horizontal Cross Jewelry

    • Orthodox Cross Jewelry

    • Jerusalem Cross Jewelry

    • Celtic Cross Jewelry

    • Maltese Cross Jewelry

    • Cross of Lorraine Jewelry

    • Camargue Cross Jewelry

    • The Templar Cross Jewels

    • Cross Pattée Jewelry

    • Claddagh Cross Jewelry

    • Tau Cross Jewelry

    • Saint Benedict of Nursia Cross Jewelry

    • Inverted Cross Jewelry: Saint Peter

    • Saint Andrew's Cross Jewelry

    • Materials for making Religious Jewelry

    Let's start the article now.

    1) Christian Cross Jewelry & Religious Jewelry

    A. Different Crosses

    Religious icon jewelry , including Christian crosses , is meaningful to the individual who wears one of these sacred symbols. Many Christians choose to wear the cross as a sign of their faith and as a reminder of Jesus' sacrifice. It is not up to any of us to judge whether wearing cross jewelry or religious jewelry is appropriate or not. Every Christian should seek God's approval in everything they do.

    All forms of religious jewelry are used as a symbol of faith, hope, and love among Christians. It is a popular gift that is appropriate for many religious events and holidays. The cross represents Jesus and his love for people, as Jesus is the only one who was born with the intention of dying. Therefore, a cross is the perfect reminder of his sacrifice for religious holidays. There are many events and holidays that lend themselves to the gift of a cross. Examples include: Christmas, Easter, for a Baptism or for a First Communion and many more!

    christian crosses

    For secular milestones like graduation, the gift of a cross or a sacred image of a saint engraved on a piece of jewelry is a powerful symbol. In these times, it symbolizes the inner strength we receive from our faith as we enter new phases of our lives. It reminds us that we can accomplish anything when we trust in a divine power.

    B. Christian Cross Jewelry

    The traditional cross is a simple image with two crossed bars, but there are a myriad of different variations. When choosing a cross jewelry piece , you should consider the different crosses and their meanings . Some crosses are simply more intricate for beauty reasons, while others have designs that indicate associations with different cultures or faiths. Many Christians wear crosses to proudly express their love, respect, and service to Christ. As well as to remember what He has done for us.

    Throughout its rich history, the cross has been represented in many forms, served many purposes, and taken on many meanings. For many, the cross is most commonly associated with the Christian religion where it is seen as a sign of sacrifice and salvation . This refers to the death of Jesus Christ on the cross during his crucifixion. However, the appearance and use of the symbol of the cross or a religious icon long predates Christianity and has both ornamental and religious significance . We have put together a guide to the variations of several Christian crosses that are commonly found in jewelry stores. Use this guide to help you choose the perfect piece of religious jewelry for a special gift or for yourself. 🎁😇

    2) Latin Cross Jewelry: Simple Cross

    This is the most traditional form of the cross that we usually see with a necklace around the neck accompanied by its cross pendant. The piece is in a vertical position . The sideways cross or horizontal cross is a more modern interpretation of the traditional form. It is rotated 90 degrees on its side and the result is that it is lying horizontally, but we will come back to this a little later. 👇

    When you think of the traditional cross, you probably picture the Latin cross. The Latin cross is a simple T-shaped cross . The horizontal beam known as the "patibulum" is shorter than the vertical beam known as the "stipe." Many Christian denominations use a bare cross to emphasize the resurrection of Jesus . Several churches in the Western Hemisphere have a plan based on the Latin cross. People who tend to appreciate classic jewelry will love the beauty of the Latin cross. Its simple, clean design is appealing. The Christian faith shines as brightly on this sign as any other form of Christian cross!

    3) Crucifix Jewelry

    The crucifix cross is the classic Christian cross, but it also bears the figure of Jesus representing his death by crucifixion. This cross represents the actual crucifixion of Christ . Of all the Christian crosses and their meanings, the crucifix probably has the greatest interpretation. The crucifix has meaning for all Christians but it is especially important in Catholicism and for an Orthodox Christian. They see the crucifix as a stronger reminder of Jesus Christ's sacrifice and resurrection . As opposed to a simple cross without the crucified Christ. A crucifix necklace can be a beautiful piece of art and a sublime piece of jewelry to wear for the glory of the Lord.

    This cross like the Latin cross is one of the most recognizable and famous symbols of Christianity! It represents the crucifixion of Jesus and the believers' faith in their religion. The image of Christ's body on the cross is used to represent his sacrifice. Whether we choose to wear cross jewelry or religious jewelry, this is a reminder of Jesus' love for sacrificing himself to save us! 🙇

    4) Fleur de Lys Jewelry

    As its name suggests, the fleur-de-lis is the image of a lily or sometimes a lotus flower . While this symbol has often been associated with French royalty, it also has religious connotations. The Roman Catholic Church associates the lily with the Virgin Mary . While the three petals of the flower symbol can be interpreted as the Holy Trinity. All arms of the vanishing cross are of equal length. Each arm ends with the three petals of the fleur-de-lis. ⚜️

    5) Horizontal Cross Jewelry

    The horizontal cross, also called the sideways cross or the lateral cross , is a common style for necklaces. Each of these pieces of jewelry usually features a simple Latin cross. The meaning of this type of cross is a little more open to interpretation . It can be seen as a simple symbol of the Christian faith. Others may interpret the lateral position simply as an aesthetic choice. Another interpretation suggests that the cross is lateral because Jesus placed it after securing the salvation of humanity.

    The beauty of religious symbolism, especially the symbols you choose to wear yourself, will have a meaning that is personal . Choose this cross if you feel connected to one of the possible interpretations or simply because you think it is a beautiful way to share your faith. 🙇‍♀️

    6) Orthodox Cross Jewelry

    The Orthodox cross , Greek cross or Russian cross , is a cross used in the Christian religions of Eastern Orthodoxy. It was also common in the very early years of Christianity.

    This Eastern Orthodox cross has three bars : the upper bar symbolizes the placard on which the accusation against Christ was written. Some crosses have Slavic letters that signify Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews. The middle bar is where Christ's hands were nailed. Some models have a sun-shaped design engraved on this bar symbolizing the light of Christ. The lower bar represents a footrest. Some sources suggest that the inclined footrest symbolizes the balance of justice. Those on the right of Christ will ascend to heaven, and those on the left will descend into the earth.

    7) Jerusalem Cross Jewelry

    What is the place of the Jerusalem cross in our faith? The Jerusalem cross is rich in symbolism and meaning and goes by many different names, including the Crusader cross and the quintuple cross . It is a variation of the heraldic cross and the Christian cross. It consists of a large cross potent in the center surrounded by four smaller Greek crosses , one in each quadrant. Throughout history, there have been many variations of the Jerusalem cross. Each with historical or cultural significance. The Greek cross, Latin cross, Celtic cross, and Jerusalem cross are just a few examples of the different types of crosses created throughout the history of our faith. 🙏

    The Jerusalem cross is composed of Greek crosses. The symbolism of the five crosses has several origins . Here are some of them:

    The first is: that the five crosses represent the five wounds that Jesus received on the cross . The large central cross signifies the wound on Jesus' side, while the four smaller crosses represent the wounds he received on his hands and feet. The second supposition is that: the large central cross represents Jesus and the four smaller crosses represent the four evangelists . The third is that: the five crosses represent the five nations active in the crusades : Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain. And the fourth interpretation is that: the five crosses represent the five principalities of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem .

    8) Celtic Cross Jewelry

    This cross is most common in Ireland and the British Isles. It is shaped like a traditional Christian cross with a circle around the intersection. The Celtic cross is linked to Gaelic culture. The crossbars come from a central circle and the horizontal crossbar is shorter than the vertical crossbar . 🕈 The central circle may represent a halo. Others claim that it symbolizes the Roman sun god Invictus. The idea of ​​Roman gods often intertwined with Christian beliefs as Christianity began to spread to Ireland. Some traditions suggest that the Celtic cross evolved from the "Chi Rho" symbol of Christianity, the first two letters of "Christ" in Greek popularized by Saint Constantine. This made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire in the fourth century.

    The Celtic cross evolved in the British Isles . Its earliest forms (7th to 9th centuries) were carved from large slabs of rock that rested on the ground. Later forms stood upright. There are various traditions regarding the origin of the circle of the cross . One includes the story of Saint Patrick. The enlightener of Ireland who took a standing stone engraved with a circle symbolizing the Druid goddess of the moon and marked a Latin cross on the circle. Thus incorporating a pagan symbol into a new Christian cross for the converted Druids.

    9) Maltese Cross Jewelry

    The Maltese Cross is a symbol that is most commonly associated with the Knights of Malta. The shape of the Maltese Cross resembles a star with four V-shaped arms that are joined at the ends. Although the Maltese Cross is most commonly associated with the Knights of Malta, as well as Malta itself as a country, the symbol originates from Amalfi. An Italian republic in the 11th century.

    The Maltese Cross, officially adopted by the Knights Hospitaller of St. John in 1126, owes its stylistic origins to the crosses used in the Crusades. It was at this time that it was identified as the sacred symbol of the " Christian warrior ". ⚔️ With its eight points that indicate the eight obligations or aspirations of the knights. Namely: to live in truth, to have faith, to repent of one's sins, to give proof of humility, to love justice, to be merciful, to be sincere and without reserve and to endure persecutions. Over time, the eight points also became the eight languages ​​of the nobles who were admitted to the famous order, namely those of Auvergne, Provence, France, Aragon, Castile and Portugal, Italy, Bavaria (Germany) and England (with Scotland and Ireland).

    Today, the cross can still be found everywhere in Malta. It is worn by the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. For them, the eight points represent eight beatitudes that depict the ultimate goal of human actions in the Christian faith. It can also be found on Malta's tourism industry, sports teams and Air Malta.

    The Maltese cross is also found all over the world . It is used by different militias to signify bravery. Germany, France, the Philippines, Sweden, and Poland all use the Maltese cross on their highest medals of honor. It is also inscribed on many coats of arms. This sacred Christian cross is still considered a symbol of honor and courage around the world. 🙋‍♂️

    10) Cross of Lorraine Jewelry

    The Cross of Lorraine consists of a vertical bar and two regularly spaced horizontal bars . It is a heraldic cross used by the Dukes of Lorraine (formerly known as the Dukes of Anjou). This cross is related to the Crusader cross, the standard of Joan of Arc, and the six globes of the Medici family. The Cross of Lorraine was carried on the Crusades by the early Knights Templar, granted to them by the Patriarch of Jerusalem for their use. The Hermetic alchemists of the Renaissance used the emblem as a symbol of earth and spirit by combining the square earth cross with the cross of Christ.

    The bars are supposed to be evenly spaced as seen in most images of the Free French Forces, although several variations exist. In France, the Cross of Lorraine is the symbol of the Free French Forces of World War II. Of the liberation of France from Nazi Germany and of Gaullism.

    11) Camargue Cross Jewelry

    The Camargue cross or Camargue cross has the two recognizable short arms that cross horizontally over a slightly longer vertical bar. Rather than being a simple, unadorned bar, the vertical portion of the cross incorporates elements of a ship's anchor . The lower portion of the bar rises in the shape of an anchor's bottom. This cross is traditionally centered with a heart. Christianity, for many Christians, is the anchor that holds their lives and loved ones together. 🤝

    Anchor crosses come in a variety of styles, from the traditional anchor shape to those with hooks, swords, ropes, and more. For Christians, Jesus Christ is the anchor of the soul: that hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope that is both sure and steadfast. It enters within the veil where Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us, having become a high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. (Hebrews 6:19-20).

    12) Templar Cross Jewelry

    The original meaning of the Templar cross is protection from evil forces and harm . It is believed that this cross can attract negative energy and transform it into positive energy. That is why it is often used to protect against the evil eye, rumors and false gossip. In addition, this amulet can protect its owner from jealous, angry and cruel people with malicious intentions.

    Due to its shape, the Templar cross can share positive energy with its owner. It brings vitality that is very important, especially for older people. The person who wears this symbol can experience an increase in efficiency and energy, becoming more active. The Templar cross attracts luck and happiness. It can improve your well-being and help a person choose the right path in life. 🛣️

    The Templar Cross is a symbol of the Poor Companions of Christ and the Temple of Solomon . The most famous name for the Templar Cross is the Order of the Knights Templar. It was famous for its fight for Christianity, Christian values, and the destruction of those who did not want to accept this faith. The Order of the Knights Templar received the blessing of the Pope for the liberation of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. The knights who belonged to this order were known for their crusades and brutal reprisals against people who were of the other faith.

    Today, the Templar crosses are one of the most powerful amulets that provide a man or woman with the necessary protection against evil forces and negative emotions. 🛡️

    13) Cross Pattée Jewelry

    This round Christian cross has four arms of equal length that widen at the outer end so that the edges almost form a circle. The cross pattée is the heraldic name for a style of cross common, especially in "medieval" art. The term "pattée" means that the cross has flared arm ends . The arms may be straight or concave. The name "pattée" comes from the French and means paw.

    There are several variations of the cross pattée design. When the arms meet at a central point, they produce a cross composed of four triangles. The triangle represents an arrow in heraldry or the Holy Trinity in a Christian context. One interpretation is that the arms represent rays of light see the Cross of Glory.

    14) Claddagh Jewelry

    The Claddagh symbol is made up of three parts: two hands , a crown and a central heart . The two hands represent friendship and the crown represents loyalty. The heart represents love. This symbol has Irish roots, and today an Irish engagement or wedding ring may feature the Claddagh symbol . The Claddagh symbol combines this sign with a traditional T-shaped cross. The hands form the horizontal crossbar. While the heart and crown rest on the vertical crossbar. The Claddagh signifies a love centered on faith and Christian ideals.

    15) Tau Cross Jewelry

    The Tau Cross is a very ancient symbol and is also known as the Crux Commissa, the Franciscan Cross, the Cross of Anticipation, the Advent Cross, the Crutch Cross, and the Cross of St. Anthony. The Tau rhymes with how and gets its name from the last letter X in the Phoenician and Hebrew alphabets, also pronounced to rhyme with how. Sharing the same pronunciation as the Greek letter "T". Delve into heraldry and we see that its naming conventions often have deep meaning. The heraldic term for Tau is Crux Commissa, which means "commanded cross". A cross that has been entrusted with a mission (crucifixion) by a higher authority (God) .

    The Tau cross is an emblem of immortality , life in general and sometimes a phallic symbol. It is a pagan sign of the mystical Tau of the Chaldeans and Egyptians. Where it represented the Roman god Mithras, the Greek Attis and their precursor Tammuz, who was the dying and resurrecting Sumerian god, companion of the goddess Ishtar. The original form of the letter "T" was the initial letter of the God of Tammuz. During baptismal ceremonies, this cross was marked on the forehead by the pagan priest.

    As mentioned above, Tau is the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet and this has a significance: it represents the fulfillment of the revealed Word of God. It is entirely possible that this form of cross was used to crucify Jesus. The Latin cross is usually associated with crucifixion. But some believe that a Tau motif may have been used. The reasoning being that the Tau cross places the victim in the highest possible position. Allowing a large crowd to see him and also fitting in with the soldiers' desire to mock Jesus. The Tau cross is also associated with the most prominent saints of the Catholic faith .

    16) Saint Benedict of Nursia Cross Jewelry

    For early Christians, the Cross of St. Benedict was a favorite symbol and badge of their faith in Christ. From the writings of St. Gregory the Great (540-604), we know that St. Benedict had a deep faith in the Cross of Jesus and performed miracles with the sign of the Cross. This faith and special devotion to the Cross was passed down to successive generations of Benedictines.

    Devotion to the Cross of Christ also gave rise to the manufacture of medals which bore the image of Saint Benedict holding a cross aloft in his right hand and his Rule for Monasteries in the other hand. Thus, the Cross has always been closely associated with the Medal of Saint Benedict , which is often called: Cross Medal of Saint Benedict.

    We do not know when the first St. Benedict medal was designed. At some point in history, a series of capital letters was placed around the large figure of the cross on the reverse of the medal . For a long time, the meaning of these letters remained unknown. But in 1647, a manuscript dating from 1415 was found in Metten Abbey in Bavaria, giving an explanation of these letters. These are the first letters of a Latin prayer of exorcism against Satan. The sacred symbol of the Cross of St. Benedict is therefore a source of spiritual energy protecting you against the demon Satan.

    17) Inverted Cross Jewelry: Saint Peter

    An inverted Latin cross is also known as an inverted cross or St. Peter's cross . Depending on who you ask, the inverted cross serves as either a satanic symbol or a symbol of the Christian faith. 👺🙏

    According to tradition and extra-biblical sources, the Apostle Peter was crucified during the reign of Nero on an inverted cross. In this sense, the inverted cross symbolizes humility in faith because Peter would not be crucified in the same way as the Savior Jesus Christ. However, these details of Peter's death were not explicitly recorded in the Bible. In John 21:18, Jesus foretold the hopeless nature of Peter's eventual death: " Truly I say to you, when you were young, you dressed yourself and walked where you wanted; but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go. " The phrase Jesus used, "stretch out your hands," probably implied St. Peter's death by crucifixion . As the traditional interpretation has held since Tertullian in his book On the Prescription of Heretics (200 AD).

    In popular culture as in music and film, the inverted cross can signify anti-Christian and Satanist sentiments in particular or rebellion against social and political power in general. In Hollywood films like Rosemary's Baby and The Conjuring, inverted crosses are associated with demonic activity and general evil to scare the audience away in a visceral way. The symbolic nature of the inverted cross is best determined by its context!

    18) Saint Andrew's Cross Jewelry

    This type of cross is associated with Saint Andrew because of its shape. The cross has four arms of equal length . It is tilted to the side, creating an X shape instead of a traditional upright cross. It is believed that Saint Andrew was crucified on this shape of cross. Anyone who is sympathetic to Saint Andrew will appreciate the significance of this cross.

    This is certainly not an exhaustive list of all the cross shapes available. The shapes, sizes, and styles of crosses on jewelry vary greatly and are limited only by the creativity of the jewelry artist. The crosses described above seem to be the most common cross designs in different types of jewelry for both women and men .

    19) Religious Jewelry: Manufacturing

    When we browse a website or a jewelry counter of a department store, we see cross jewelry of all shapes. They have different colors and designs. Some religious jewelry is made of stainless steel, others are made of silver or diamond and also gold.

    A. Stainless Steel Cross Jewelry & Religious Jewelry

    Chlorine resistant and easy to match with any outfit, try treating yourself to a 316L stainless steel religious jewel. Resistant to daily wear, it is also very comfortable to wear and can sometimes be perceived as silver or gold jewelry. Treat yourself to a cross, a religious Jesus ring or another religious symbol in stainless steel that lasts over time by preserving its silver or gold color from our two collections:


    B. Sterling Silver Cross & Religious Jewelry

    For greater resistance, be directed by this type of high-quality jewelry. In rhodium silver or pure solid silver, these jewels offer you the same accessorizing possibilities as stainless steel but for a greater duration. It is the perfect option for those who prefer something more solid and in order to enlarge the value of the sacred symbol worn around the finger, wrist, neck or even in a pair of earrings.

    C. Cross Jewelry & Diamond Religious Jewelry

    Many materials can be used: stone, metal, resin, leather, steel, ... The list is as long as the human imagination. It is no wonder that it includes religious jewelry decorations made of diamonds! Diamonds can be large or small, many or few, and can include other gemstones like a zirconium diamond centered at the junction of the cross arms. It is said that the greatest jewel in the world is its own nobility, but even so, men and women love other sparkling things. For jewelry, the cross is a good background for a group of diamonds or gemstone substitutes like glass crystals that are not so expensive.


    D. Wooden Cross & Religious Jewelry

    The wooden cross is a beautiful, understated version of the cross worn on necklaces. Its simplicity underlies its spiritual significance in the belief that Jesus was crucified on a wooden cross. A wooden Christian cross pendant is used as a sacred religious symbol all over the world.


    20) Conclusion: Should we wear Religious Jewelry?

    There is much debate about whether or not it is appropriate or even a sin to wear religious jewelry such as crosses or crucifixes. It is not for any of us to judge whether or not wearing religious jewelry is appropriate . Every Christian should seek God's approval in everything they do.

    Now you know that all Christian Crosses have great value in the religion of Christianity. They all pay homage to the Passion of Christ and the Redemption, but each one has its own origin and meaning.

    After reading this, you should know the type of Religious Jewelry you need to show your faith in the Lord. And if you still have doubts about the type of bilju to choose, we have made a list of the top 10 best jewelry. If you want to see the list, click here .

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    Sep 23, 2024

    Bonjour Yazid,
    Nous vous recommandons de contacter des archives locales ou religieuses pour obtenir plus d’informations sur cette croix spécifique. Ou, de consulter notre Blog qui traite des différents symboles en croix. Cordialement

    yazid salhi

    Sep 23, 2024

    bonjour, je suis a la recherche du croix
    l’histoire: j’ai grandi dans un foyer pour enfants a Montélimar dans la drome dans les année 1980
    se foyer de l’aide social a l’enfance était tenu par des religieuses habilles en gris
    leurs croix était d’une forme Pluto moyenne et d’un cercle a l’arrière du crucifie
    le christ était représenté


    Aug 12, 2023

    Bonjour Echard,
    Vous pourrez découvrir la boutique chrétienne tout en haut du site depuis le menu principal. Soyez béni 🙏


    Aug 12, 2023

    Ou peut-on obtenir ces bijoux et ou commander ceux-ci ?

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