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Top 10: Christian Cross Rings and Necklaces


Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Feb 4, 2025

Summary :

    Rings and Necklaces in the image of Christian Crosses are unique jewels sharing the sacred bonds of Christianity. Man or woman, young or old, Catholic or Christian, this range of jewelry seduces as much as it challenges! Designed to glorify our God who lives in heaven, these accessories all have their own identity seeking to venerate the holy spirit. The credo of the Christian Crosses boutique: continue to innovate without distorting the very essence of these religious jewels!

    So here is our ranking of the Best Representations of Christian Cross Rings and Necklaces for the year 2019:

    10) Christian Cross Necklace (Latin)

    This sacred necklace is in the image of the Latin Cross also known as the crux ordinaria. It is the most common symbol of Christianity with the Greek cross. It is intended to represent the redemptive martyrdom of Jesus when he was crucified on the cross in the New Testament.

    Resistant to chlorine and water, this stainless steel Christian Cross Necklace has the ability to keep the shine of the steel intact so that it can always shine. This cross is the perfect representation of the ''Latin'' cross crossed by a descending arm longer than the bar placed horizontally. A perfect jewel to keep the holy spirit close to you. 🤲

    9) Orthodox Cross Necklace

    Called the Russian cross, Slavic cross, or Orthodox cross, this gold-plated steel necklace is a perfect representation of the Russian Orthodox Cross . This necklace is highly resistant to chlorine and keeps its bright gold color even after being soaked in water. Each of the bars of the Orthodox cross has a meaning. Starting with the upper shortest bar which represents the inscription of the name of Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews, which in Latin is called ''Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum''. Then, the middle bar where the wounds were implanted on Christ. Finally, the lower bar in a generally oblique position, placed near the foot representing the footrest of Jesus (in Latin, suppedaneum).

    This Orthodox Cross Necklace follows the doctrine of the Russian Orthodox religion due to the precision of the separations of the three bars but also the divine power which emanates from this sacred jewel.🙇

    8) Jerusalem Cross Ring

    This beautiful Jerusalem Cross Ring is in the image of the Jerusalem cross also known as the crusader's cross. A unique ring in silver-colored stainless steel. This large cross is the perfect representation of the ancient Jerusalem cross with the four small crosses in each of its corners.☩

    The Jerusalem Cross carved on this sacred ring was the symbol of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem, which existed for nearly two hundred years after the First Crusade. The four small crosses are said to symbolize the four books of the Gospel. That is, the four directions in which the Word of Christ spread from Jerusalem. Alternatively, the five crosses may symbolize the five wounds of Christ during the Passion. A sacred religious jewel to keep the light of the Lord close to you and to be protected by the Holy Spirit! 🛡️

    7) Celtic Cross Necklace

    The Celtic Cross Necklace , which can be called a haloed cross, is shown to you in a necklace format with a silver-colored chain. This cross is very common in Ireland and, to a lesser extent, in Great Britain, in churches and cemeteries. It is essentially represented by a Greek or Latin cross, with a circle surrounding the intersection of the upright and the crossbar.

    The size of the Celtic Cross pendant is a reflection of what it conveys: 5.2 cm with a very detailed design on the steel cross identical to the original Celtic Cross !

    6) Crucifix Cross Necklace (inri)

    The Cross Crucifix is ​​the image of Jesus Christ hanging on a cross which was for years a Roman practice called ''crucifixion'' . The slow death on the cross was reserved for real brigands and evildoers. It is mainly used in the Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran and Eastern Orthodox churches (cross with the three bars). It emphasizes the sacrifice of Christ through the crucifixion for the forgiveness of the sins of the world.

    This Crucifix Cross Necklace with crucified Jesus was designed in memory of our God who gave his life for us so that we can find salvation and live eternally with him. This unique and symbolic necklace is intended to be for those who are looking for the Christian faith coming from Christ while staying close to Jesus. 🙏

    5) Camargue Cross Necklace

    This sublime religious jewel is in the image of the sailor's cross also called under the name of cross of Saint-Clément in reference to the way in which he was martyred. The Camargue Cross is a cross in the shape of an anchor.⚓

    This unique and highly detailed Camargue Cross Necklace has been treated for high resistance to shocks and water while keeping the pendant's appearance smooth and beautiful. You can keep it on you at the pool or in the shower, as it is perfectly resistant to chlorine and keeps its shiny silver shine intact!

    4) Maltese Cross Ring

    An eight-pointed cross in the form of four elements each joining the others at its apex, leaving the other two points spread symmetrically outwards. This cross has been associated with the Order of Saint John since the Middle Ages. The Maltese Cross has been shared with the traditional Knights Hospitaller and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, and by extension with the island of Malta.⚔️

    This sublime Maltese Cross Ring was designed in homage to its soldier monks and for those who wish to be protected by the soul of a knight of Jerusalem. This sacred jewel has been meticulously forged in gold-plated stainless steel so that the color of the gold highlights the cross of the one who will wear it. Its gold-plated tinted color is intended to preserve its shiny appearance thanks to its high resistance!

    3) Cross of Lorraine ring

    Used in heraldry, the Cross of Lorraine is usually seen with the patriarchal cross, but is differentiated by having one bar near the bottom and one near the top, rather than having both near the top. In most renderings, the horizontal bars are graduated. The upper bar is the shorter one, although there are other variations that represent the Cross of Lorraine. It is part of the heraldic arms of Lorraine in eastern France. ☨ It was originally seen as a symbol of Joan of Arc, famous for her perseverance against foreign invaders of France.

    This Lorraine Cross Ring follows the standards of the emblem of the French homeland. It aims to be the best representation of the Lorraine cross thanks to the bars sculpted very precisely on this ring. This high quality superior jewel is made of silver-colored stainless steel, keeping its smooth appearance over time!

    2) Inverted Cross Necklace (Saint Peter)

    An inverted Christian Latin cross often associated with anti-Christian or satanic bands and some heavy metal artists, such as King Diamond. The Inverted Cross with the crossbar placed near the foot is actually associated with the cross of Saint Peter one of Jesus' apostles. It was put inverted because of the tradition that he was crucified. It is said that it was Saint Peter who wanted to be crucified this way because he did not feel worthy of being crucified like the Lord Jesus. 😦

    This Inverted Cross Necklace depicting Saint Peter, is a sacred jewel for all Catholics and Christians. This shiny gold plated pendant is meant to be unique thanks to the very detailed sculpture of Saint John!

    1) Patriarchal Cross Necklace

    The Patriarchal Cross is a double cross, with two crossbars near the top, one of which is additional to the Latin cross. The upper part is shorter, representing the plaque where Jesus Christ was crucified. It is intended to be a symbol representing all Orthodox Christian archbishops and patriarchs. We can also see it in the Eastern Orthodox Church with an additional inclined bar near the foot of the cross. It is similar to the Cross of Lorraine, although in the original version of the latter, the lower arm is lower.

    This gold plated Patriarchal Cross Necklace carved with two angels on both ends, is a perfect portrait of the original patriarchal cross. It has the sacred power to make the life of a Christian more glorious by its Christian value and to direct the soul of the one who will wear it towards the heavens! 🕊️

    To conclude this article, we would like to introduce you to the store. This store founded by animal and elephant enthusiasts, offers several bracelets with the image of an elephant and many other items. We invite you to visit if you also love this animal. 🐘

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