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Who is my guardian angel?


Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 27, 2024

Summary :

    Do you want to know your guardian angel? Did you know how to recognize your guardian angel?

    We are interested in this subject in order to help you find your guardian angel.

    The guardian angel is a celestial being whose function is to transmit important messages from the Lord. It has always been believed that each individual has a guardian angel of his own, with whom he builds an intense relationship that is nourished on a daily basis. They are with us from birth to death and probably in the afterlife. Feeling attracted to one's guardian angel always symbolizes the beginning of a spiritual change.  

     In this article you will discover:

    • What a Guardian Angel Really Is;  
    • The name of all guardian angelsaccording to your date of birth;  
    • As well as ways to summon and communicate with your guardian angel.  

    Without further ado, let’s get to the heart of the matter!

    10 Things to Know About Your Guardian Angel


    According to Christian tradition, each of us has a Guardian Angel, who accompanies us. From birth until death, remaining at our side at every moment of our life. The idea of ​​a spirit, a supernatural entity that follows and watches over each human being was already present in other Greek religions and philosophies. In the Old Testament, we read that the Creator is surrounded by a veritable court of celestial figures. They worship him and perform actions in his name.

    Already in these ancient books, we find frequent references to the angels sent by the Creator as protectors of his people. In the Gospel, Jesus invites us to respect even the smallest and most humble. Referring to their angels who, from heaven, watch over them and contemplate the face of the Creator at all times.  

    The Guardian Angel is therefore linked to all those who live in divine grace. The fathers of the Church, such as Tertullian, Saint Augustine, Saint Ambrose, Saint John Chrysostom, Saint Jerome and Saint Gregory of Nysostoma , supported the existence of a guardian angel for each person. And although there has not yet been a dogmatic formulation regarding this figure. Already during the Council of Trent (1545-1563) it was affirmed that every human being has his own angel.

    From the 17th century onwards, popular devotion spread and Pope Paul V included the feast of the guardian angels in the calendar.  Even in sacred representations and especially in popular devotional images, Guardian Angels began to appear, usually depicted in the act of protecting children from harm.

    In fact, it is especially from children that we are encouraged to dialogue with our guardian angel and to address our prayers to him. As this blind trust, this unconditional love for a reassuring invisible presence develops, it is lost.  This is what we must remember to find her next to us:

    Guardian angels exist and have always existed.

    The Gospel affirms it, the Scriptures support it in countless examples and episodes. The Catechism teaches us from a very young age to feel this presence at our side and to trust in it.  

      Our Guardian Angel is not created with us at the moment of our birth. He has always existed, since the moment the Creator created all the angels. It was a single episode, a single moment when the divine will engendered all the angels, by the thousands.

      There is an angelic hierarchy

        Angels also differ in their tasks and especially in their position in heaven in relation to the divine. Certain angels in particular are selected to pass a test and, if they pass it, they are called Guardian Angels. When a child is born, one of these angels is chosen to stand by his side until death and beyond.  

        Our Angel guides us on the path to Heaven

        Our Angel cannot force us to follow the path of good. He cannot decide for us, he cannot impose choices on us. We are and remain free. But his role is precious, important. As a silent and trustworthy advisor, he remains at our side, trying to advise us for the best, to suggest the right path to follow, to obtain salvation, to deserve Paradise , especially to be good Christians.  

        Our Angel never abandons us

          In this life and in the next, we will know that we can count on him. On this invisible and special friend , who never leaves us alone.  

          Our Angel is not the spirit of a dead person

            Although it is nice to think that when someone we love dies, they become an Angel. And as such, they come back to our side, this is unfortunately not the case. Our Guardian Angel cannot be someone we have known in life. Nor a member of our family who died prematurely. They have always existed, they are a spiritual presence generated directly by God .

             Our Guardian Angel has no name

            In the Scriptures are mentioned the names of some angels, such as Michael, Raphael, Gabriel. Any other name given to these celestial creatures is not documented or confirmed by the Church, and as such, it is inappropriate to claim to use it for our Angel, especially by using, to determine it, the month of birth or other imaginative methods.  

            Our Angel fights alongside us with all his strength

              We must not think that we have at our side a plump putto playing the harp. Our Angel is a warrior, a strong and courageous fighter , who stands by our side in every battle of life. He protects us when we are too fragile to do it alone.  

              Our Guardian Angel is also our personal messenger

              In Abrahamic religions, but also in other types of religious and philosophical beliefs, they are mainly considered as divine envoys or messengers responsible for bringing our messages to the Creator, and vice versa .

              Tradition recognizes several categories of angels, including guardian angels also called protective angels. Which are assigned to the protection of the salvation of men. Thus each man has a protective angel who accompanies him and watches over him throughout his life.  

              The Angelic Hierarchy


              The angels are subdivided into nine choirs , themselves grouped into three hierarchies.  

              The three hierarchies gradually rise from man to God.  

              • The Higher Beings: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones. They constitute the first hierarchy, the closest to the Creator. They represent the Creator in his perfection: his Holiness and his love.  
              • Intermediate Beings: Dominations, Powers, Virtues. They constitute the second hierarchy of angels. They represent the Lord in his sovereignty over creatures: divine strength and justice.  
              • The Beings of Light or Guardians: Principalities, Archangels, Angels . They constitute the third hierarchy, the closest to men. They represent the Eternal, in his action outside: his testimonies of goodness, his celestial revelations.  

              What is the name of the Guardian Angel associated with your day of birth?


              Angels belong to the hierarchy of guardian angels and each one watches over us according to the day of our birth and astrological sign. They provide us with special protection during the period in which we were born. But outside of these specific dates, we can call him at any time to ask for his help and protection. Here is the list of these 72 angels subdivided into three groups:

              Higher Beings:

              • Seraphim Angels, their prince is Archangel Metatron

              March 21 / March 25 – Vehuiah  

              March 26 / March 30 – Jeliel , Yeliel  

              March 31 / April 4 – Sitael  

              April 5 / April 9 – Elemiah  

              April 10 / April 14 – Mahasiah  

              April 15 / April 20 – Lelahel  

              April 21 / April 25 – Achaiah  

              April 26 / April 30 – Cahetel  

              • Cherub Angels, their prince is Archangel Raziel

              May 1st / May 5th – Haziel  

              May 6 / May 10 – Aladiah  

              May 11 / May 15 – Lauviah  

              May 16 / May 20 – Hahaiah  

              May 21 / May 25 – Yezalel  

              May 26 / May 31 – Mebahel  

              June 1 / June 5 – Hariel  

              June 6 / June 10 – Hekamiah  

              • Angels of Thrones

              June 11 / June 15 – Lanoiah  

              June 16 / June 21 – Caliel  

              June 22 / June 26 – Leuviah  

              June 27 / July 1 Pahaliah  

              July 2 / July 6 – Nelchael  

              July 7 / July 11 – Yeiayel  

              July 12 / July 16 – Mebahel  

              July 17 / July 22 – Haheuiah  

              Intermediate beings:

              • Angels of dominations, their prince is the archangel Tsadkiel

              July 23 / July 27 – Nith-Haiah  

              July 28 / August 1 Haaiah  

              August 2 / August 6 – Yerathel  

              August 7 / August 12 – Seheiah  

              August 13 / August 17 – Reiyel  

              August 18 / August 22 – Omael  

              August 23 / August 28 – Lecabel  

              August 29 / September 2 – Vasariah  

              • Angels of the powers, their prince is the archangel Camael (Chamuel)

              September 3 / September 7 – Yehuyah  

              September 8 / September 12 – Lehahiah  

              September 13/September 17 – Khavaquiah (or Chavakiah )  

              September 18 / September 23 – Menadel  

              September 24 / September 28 – Aniel  

              September 29 / October 3 – Haamiah  

              October 4 / October 8 – Rehael  

              October 9 / October 13 – Yeiazel  

              • Angels of virtues, their prince is the archangel Michael

              October 14 / October 18 – Hahahel  

              October 19 / October 23 – Mikhael  

              October 24 / October 28 – Veualiah  

              October 29 / November 2 – Yelaiah  

              November 3 / November 7 – Sealiah  

              November 8 / November 12 – Ariel  

              November 13 / November 17 – Asaliah  

              November 18 / November 22 – Mihael  

              Beings of light or guardians:

              • Angels of the principalities, their prince is the archangel Haniel

              November 23 / November 27 – Vehuel  

              November 28 / December 2 – Daniel  

              December 3 / December 7 – Hahasiah  

              December 8 / December 12 – Imamiah  

              December 13 / December 16 – Nanael  

              December 17 / December 21 – Nithael  

              December 22 / December 26 – Mebahiah  

              December 27 / December 31 – Poyel  

              • Archangels, their prince is the archangel Raphael

              January 1st / January 5th – Nemamiah  

              January 6 / January 10 – Yeyalel  

              January 11 / January 15 – Harael  

              January 16 / January 20 – Mitzrael  

              January 21 / January 25 – Umabel  

              January 26 / January 30 – Iah -Hel  

              January 31 / February 4 – Anauel  

              February 5 / February 9 – Mehiel  

              • Angels, their prince is the archangel Gabriel

              February 10 / February 14 – Damabiah  

              February 15 / February 19 – Manakel  

              February 20 / February 24 – Eiael  

              February 25 / February 28-29 – Habuhiah  

              March 1st / March 5th – Rochel  

              March 6 / March 10 – Yabamiah  

              March 11 / March 15 – Haiaiel  

              March 16 / March 20 – Mumiah  

              How to hear your Guardian Angel?


              To hear your guardian angel , you must open your mind. If you approach life only from a rational point of view, you have little chance of hearing it. Obviously, these are not beings that we meet in the physical world, to hear them you must place yourself in a more spiritual dimension . It is easier to communicate with angels for those who are used to meditating and listening to their inner voice.  

              The 3 ways to invoke your Guardian Angel


              First of all, you need to know the name of your guardian angel . Then, each of us can get in touch with our angel to ask for advice. Or to confide our hopes or fears. You simply have to speak to him with your heart, with your words. You can speak to him silently or out loud, it doesn't matter much. Your sincerity is paramount.

              However, angels are superior beings and attracting their attention is not so simple. If you cannot do this, the best way is to go through a medium who can act as an intermediary.  You can ask a guardian angel for anything, as long as you don't give him an order. That it's not a harmful action that could harm others.  


              To talk to your angel, choose a calm and relaxing place. The best is to pray to your angel always at the same time, during his hours of regency and always in the same place. For your prayers to be more effective, turn towards the East. This is the side where the sun rises, the positive energies are therefore more important there.

              Turn off your phone to make sure no one disturbs you during this communication time.  Light some incense and a candle with the angel's name engraved on it. If your guardian angel doesn't show you any signs, feel free to let the candle burn until the next morning.  


                Meditation is a great way to open your mind and heart to your guardian angel.  Choose a quiet place at home or outside, sit down, then clear your mind and breathe deeply.  Think about the air going into your nostrils and filling your lungs. Focus on the different parts of your body.

                Think of each part independently of the rest of the body (this is a somewhat complex phase that requires a little training). Then, once you are totally relaxed, your mind is empty, try to visualize your soul. This is when you will have to think very hard about your guardian angel by repeating his name. If he decides to answer you, you will quickly understand.  

                Writing to your guardian angel  

                  In case of an existential crisis you can write a letter to your angel . This letter should be written on a sheet of paper on which you will have written the date and the name of your guardian angel. Then, describe to him what worries you, what you wish. Let your heart guide your pen, then end your letter by thanking your angel for his intervention and sign.  

                  To mail your letter, hold it by the bottom, over a sink, then burn the top of the letter going from left to right and let it burn before letting go at the last moment.  

                  Wait for your guardian angel's answer. If after a while your angel still hasn't answered you, it may be that your goal is not the right one. By remaining silent, your angel is making you understand that you are not on the right path. Ask him to guide you on the right path.  

                  How to interpret messages from angels?


                  To understand your guardian angel's response, you still need to interpret the messages he sends you. What are the methods used by guardian angels to contact us?  

                  • Mirror hours  
                  If during your days you often see mirror hours ( 11:11 , 22:22, etc.) or reversed hours (like 12:21, for example), know that it is not a coincidence, it is your angel trying to tell you something.  
                  • The chills  
                  You are in great shape, you are hot, but you still shiver? This is a sign of the presence of your angel . Most often, these shivers occur in a sacred place, when we have to make a difficult decision. Or when an unpleasant event is about to happen.  
                  • Your pet is behaving strangely  

                  Animals' senses are highly developed, they are more sensitive to energies. That's why if your pet is acting strangely, it's probably because he perceives a new presence: that of your guardian angel.  

                  • The guardian angel in your daily life !  

                  As you already know, the mission of every guardian angel is to lead each of us to heaven and eternal salvation. But you need to know the best way to relate to him in your daily life.  
                  To be able to communicate with your guardian angel , you must place yourself in a spiritual dimension. The first and meditation are the best ways to invoke it.  

                  If you would like to read our article on angels, and more specifically on do angels have wings , we invite you to click on the blue link.

                  Keep your Guardian Angel with you through our medallions

                  You now have all the information about your guardian angel. His name, his impact on your life and the different ways to establish contact with him.

                  Share :



                  Jan 9, 2024

                  Bonjour Eliane,
                  Pour une personne née le 13 octobre, l’ange gardien pourrait être nommé “Hahahel” ou “Hahael”. Cependant, il est conseillé de se référer aux enseignements de votre propre tradition religieuse pour des informations plus précises. Prenez soin de vous 🙏


                  Dec 25, 2023

                  Je parle en tant que catholique, je ne sais pas si c est pareil chez tous les chrétiens, mais les médiums sont considérés comme des moyens d’accéder aux démons et il est fortement déconseillé de s’y fier. De plus l’astrologie n’est pas non plus compatible avec la foi catholique, enfin, il n’y a que 3 archanges pour les catholiques.
                  Attention à ne pas invoquer un ange mauvais (démon) en voulant bien faire, le mensonge leur est familier.


                  Jan 9, 2024

                  Bonjour très important de connaître son ange gardien. Je suis né le 13 octobre quel est le nom de mon ange gardien ?


                  Aug 12, 2023

                  Bonjour Daniel toko,
                  Nous allons vous envoyer un mail pour vous aider à connaître votre ange gardien. Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur votre ange gardien, vous pourrez faire une visite de la bibliothèque chrétienne, nous proposons plus d’informations à propos des anges. Soyez béni

                  Daniel toko

                  Aug 12, 2023

                  Mois c,est Daniel né le douze avril mais je connez pas mon ange est son nom u


                  Jul 30, 2023

                  Bonjour Serge-Pacôme, si vous souhaitez en savoir davantage à propos de votre ange gardien, nous vous invitons à visiter la bibliothèque chrétienne du site. Vous trouverez un livre parlant des anges gardien.

                  Serge-Pacôme TIÉTO

                  Jul 30, 2023

                  Je veux connaître mon ange gardien


                  Jul 5, 2023

                  Bonjour Merie 🕊️
                  Dans la tradition catholique, invoquer son ange gardien est considéré comme une pratique spirituelle légitime, car les anges sont considérés comme des êtres célestes qui veillent sur les humains et peuvent être invoqués pour obtenir protection, guidance et intercession. Cependant, se faire passer pour un médium pour invoquer son ange gardien peut être considéré comme un acte non chrétien, car cela impliquerait prétendre avoir des pouvoirs surnaturels de communication avec les esprits, ce qui est souvent associé à des pratiques occultes ou ésotériques qui ne sont pas conformes à la doctrine catholique. La foi catholique encourage plutôt les fidèles à s’adresser à leur ange gardien par la prière et à rechercher la guidance spirituelle par des moyens reconnus et approuvés par l’Église…


                  Jul 5, 2023

                  Bonjour Didas 🕊️
                  Votre ange gardien est Mebahel. Si vous souhaitez avoir plus d’information sur votre ange gardien, nous vous invitons à suivre notre livre des anges gardiens disponible dans la bibliothèque du site.


                  Jul 5, 2023

                  Je suis de 31 mai, quel est mon Ange gardien svp.


                  Jan 22, 2023

                  Merci pour ce que vous faites

                  Alphonse wa Maweja

                  Dec 1, 2022

                  J’aime mon ange


                  Oct 27, 2022

                  15 juillet 1981 priere a ange gardien pour débloque tout situation rapide

                  Attekpami julice

                  Oct 3, 2022

                  Mon ange gardien

                  Junior Oloy

                  Sep 4, 2022

                  J’ai découvert de nouvelles informations vraiment. Ce que je n’ai jamais eu à lire quelques part avant. C’est vrai que dans la vie chaque jour est une étude.



                  Dec 15, 2021

                  En passant par un médium pour invoquer mon ange gardien sa ne restera plu le catholique non????

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