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Archangel Zadkiel: Powers of the Angel and How to Invoke Him?


Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 26, 2024

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    Who is Archangel Zadkiel and How Can He Help You


    Archangel Zadkiel is the archangel of God's justice and virtue. He is also known as Sacchiel, Satquiel, Sadkiel, Zedekiel or Zadquiel. This does not refer to the crude and harsh form of justice that we might find as an attribute of other angels, but to a more gentle, merciful and kind form.

    However, no angel or archangel should be underestimated. They hold within themselves the divine laws and are able to apply them quickly when needed.

    Archangel Zadkiel works constantly with Archangel Michael to heal suffering emotional people, replacing the negative conditions in our lives with light and joy.

    They always team up for the good of humanity by helping in conflicts with dark entities.

    Zadkiel reveals the light within us through guidance and understanding and advises that judging others is wrong. He teaches us how to be compassionate and not point fingers, but rather share forgiveness towards those who have wronged us.

    One of Zadkiel's main attributes is the violet flame or the sacred amethyst .

    With its essence, the violet flame represents a symbol of freedom, forgiveness and justice.

    The Origins of Archangel Zadkiel

    Zadkiel appears in Kabbalah dominating the 4th Sephiroth, named Chesed on the Sephirotic Tree. This dimension corresponds to grace, benevolence and compassion. It represents unconditional love and kindness manifested by the Divinity on Earth .

    The Sephiroth Tree is a representation of the multiple astral planes and pillars of the universe. An Archangel guards each threshold to a level higher spiritual . A person can advance to such levels through the process of reincarnation. The more advanced the spiritual level, the more "tests" one must go through in one's life in order to grow.

    In the Holy Bible, Archangel Zadkiel is the one who probably prevented Abraham from sacrificing his son, Isaac.

    He is depicted as wearing a shining purple cloak, set with jewelry . His eyes are pure blue with purple sparkles while his beard is white and clean.

    He carries two objects: a crown set with sapphires and a scepter of triumphant , jeweled, shining like lightning.

    Zadkiel has immense wisdom, often compared to a king, strong and wise, with many years of experience.

    This is why Zadkiel is also known for spreading the ideal of tolerance in the hearts of humanity.

    What is the angel Zadkiel known for and the meaning of his powers?

    Zadkiel aims to help the people of Earth seek forgiveness, primarily for themselves and each other.

    It is the primordial step in all religions and philosophies that leads to spiritual evolution .

    He is the patron of all angels who are responsible for forgiveness, mercy or who have spiritual missions to teach humanity compassion.

    By willingly accepting your mistakes and asking for forgiveness, Zadkiel can guide you on the right path to awareness of oneself .

    Some spiritual practitioners suggest that Zadkiel has a plan to help humanity free itself from negativity by empowering it to have a more balanced life and gain healthier relationships, including that with Divinity.

    Somewhat similar to the Count of Saint Germain, Archangel Zadkiel is the bearer of the violet flame. In this case, it is a vibration higher, called the “twin violet flame.”

    This is why it is often represented by the colors: violet, indigo or deep blue.

    The violet flame is a form of vibrational energy very high capable of healing and burning negative energies or low vibration entities.

    Not everyone is ready to receive this type of energy . When called upon, Zadkiel offers everyone as much as is needed for their highest good.

    All occurrences that have a favorable or unfavorable event, all gains and losses go through his judgment.

    One of Zadkiel's female extensions is Kwan Yin, the Asian master considered the goddess of compassion.

    Although Zadkiel is considered kind and noble, he maintains a good balance between masculine and feminine, while being simple and cheerful at the same time.

    You can read more about stimulating divine energy feminine in this article on the Violet Flame Reiki system.

    Archangel Zadkiel and Memory

    Whenever we have trouble remembering things, call upon Zadkiel for him to intervene.

    This is because he is also known as the angel of memory.

    The fast-growing world we live in can have a negative influence on us at some point. We lose sight of the spiritual nature important to ourselves and the fact that through the Divinity we are everything.

    We tend to forget to take care of ourselves emotionally and physically and seek advice when we are under pressure or going through a difficult time in our lives.

    Once invited to do so, the "work" of Zadkiel is to help maintain our memory . Of course, it is we who must take the next step and use these transitions to our advantage.

    This is why one of the attributes of Zadkiel is to help us remember important things and improve our memory functions.

    Prayer to Archangel Zadkiel

    Archangel Zadkiel guards the powers of affirmation, invocation and the essence of prayers. Through our sincere desire for spiritual growth and prayer, Zadkiel is ready to guide us on the right path.

    Meditate and invoke Archangel Zadkiel leads to an increased ability to understand angelic messages and awareness of its guidance.

    Whenever we feel the need for divine mercy and compassion or help from a material and emotional point of view, Zadkiel can be invoked.

    Noticed : The following prayer originally belongs to Doreen Virtue. I have made small adjustments modified based on a few elements that I consider valuable in this prayer.

    “Archangel Zadkiel, please help me heal my heart. If I am holding back forgiveness, please help me release it.
    Please help me see clearly if I need to show more compassion, and fill my heart with it!
    If I am worried or troubled, please fill my heart with faith and peace.
    With your guidance, I wish to forgive myself first. I forgive all those who have hurt me and I ask them for forgiveness as well.
    I leave this situation to you and God.
    With grace, harmony and wisdom , I firmly believe that your divine healing power will watch over every element of this event.
    Please come beside me and show your love and compassion in my life.
    Amen. »
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