Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 26, 2024
Many humans have commented on the size of the Archangels. They can be enormous. Archangels , such as Michael, Raphael, Ariel, Gabriel and others, can be enormous, appearing to be nearly 10 feet tall.
If they should appear to you in this size, know that you are encountering the full energy of this being.
Gabriel is known as the Archangel for those in marketing, messenger, leadership and communicator positions. Gabriel an archangel often among spiritual teachers, activists and journalists and messengers of truth .
Before you continue reading, here are several blog topics you can discover on our site about archangels:
- How to invoke Archangel Michael
- How to invoke Archangel Raphael
- How to invoke Archangel Metatron
- Who is Archangel Gabriel?
- Who is Archangel Metatron?
- Who is Archangel Raphael?
- Who is Archangel Uriel?
- The history of Mont-Saint-Michel
- Archangel Raziel: Powers and How to Invoke Him
- Archangel Sandalphon: Powers and How to Invoke Him
And if you want to wear a sacred symbol of the archangels, we share with you all the pieces exclusively available in the jewelry store by clicking just below:

How to Call Archangel Gabriel for a Miracle

Gabriel is an Angel of the fourth ray, it is the Ray of Divine Purity and Unity with Purpose.
The name of the archangel Gabriel (GAB-ree-el) means God is my strength. Through Gabriel, one often receives courage, strength and the ability to act above the human.
Archangel Gabriel helps people feel comfortable in a leadership role, able to guide others and help them get their message out into the universe.
For this reason, the energy of Archangel Gabriel can be called upon for miracles of any magnitude.
Gabriel can appear as feminine and is helpful for those coming up on a platform who need grace and truth.
Think of Gabriel as the embodiment on Earth of the Swan or Crane energy, a movement towards grace, harmony and perfect solutions.
Archangel Gabriel is in the color range of aqua blue to white gold or copper, so Gabriel will often appear this way in meditations.
Gabriel also helps you take time to nourish yourself when you need to realign with your purity, your sense of Divinity and your purpose.
Call on Gabriel when you want to connect with your higher purpose and need help to actively and comfortably realize that purpose in the world around you through communication, writing, and leadership.
Gabriel rules communication, therefore also the throat chakra, and truthful protection, therefore also health, and this is one of the areas in which you can ask Archangel Gabriel for miracles .
Considered the second-in-command angel of Source Energy, Gabriel is often known for getting things done quickly.
So this Archangel Gabriel is one of the angels that people often want to call the most.
For this reason, below I review a three-step process for enveloping your situation, yourself or your actions with Gabriel's energy to manifest positive change , known as a miracle, here on Earth.
The 3 Steps to Calling Angel Gabriel for Miracles
Ask for something specific for Gabriel to guide you through
Think about the only solution that can bring you closer to all the solutions you need, Gabriel guides you to the solutions.
Buddha called this the reason under reason. Whatever the reason for something you need, ask Gabriel to direct the energy there .
If you need miracles everywhere, just focus your request on one area, a prayer or mantra can help you decide.
Think strength to heal, abundance for finances, courage or extra energy to face something. Whatever you need from a miracle or quick positive change.
Visualize blue and white light
In your mind, visualize a blue and white light, with a touch of aqua and gold, coming down from above.
Imagine it draped over you, swirling down your back, entering your chest from behind and filling your Heart Chakra. Then observe this energy as it continues outward in front of you, flowing from your Heart into the situation or miracle needed.
In this space, follow the energy until you see it in your mind, circle the situation that the miracle needs to flow into. Continue visualizing this until the situation feels right to you.
To enhance this experience, do this part while listening to harp or other soothing instrumental music, for as long as a typical piece of music plays, about three to six minutes.
This helps maintain the vibration and your focus.
Bring your hand to your heart
Bring your hand into your Heart space, the one that flows naturally there as you read this.
Hold your palm over your heart.
Now that it is flowing with Gabriel's energy, intuitively ask your Heart for an inspired action to take from this place.
See what comes up in your mind or through your inner wisdom. It's usually something small, like making a cup of tea or some other act of self-love.
One of the energies Gabriel works with is Jophiel , the Archangel of Beauty and Balance.
Very often what I see with these two angels is that they ask people to take an act to work miracles in a most concerning situation that was the last step. Then they ask you to do something self-sustaining.
It is about balancing the scales and allowing yourself to receive the miracle of an open place as the final step brings you into harmony with a state of reception.
- Choose a location where Gabriel will direct the energy towards;
- Visualize it flowing through your body to the object of your request and continue until you feel good;
- Finally, check in with your heart chakra to balance the gift and harmonize yourself to receive a miracle.
When Gabriel communicates, the energy can take the form of a number sign or lots of beautiful blue-green light in meditation.
When Gabriel is near, know that the number series of Archangel Gabriel is 1:11 and 11:11 to symbolize the first commandment, or 3:33 to symbolize the truth, and you may see many of these.
You can also see 2:22 to symbolize unison with Jophiel, that everything happens in balance. Both can indicate the presence of Archangel Gabriel.
Gabriel's energy can also come in the form of a flood of positive feelings or thoughts since it originates from this place; we can connect with other energies of positive change.
And because Gabriel's energy is channeled through the Heart, this Angel also symbolizes that you have with you the strength or courage to perform miracles .
You may have a sudden burst of loving energy or courage when working with Gabriel.
Archangel Gabriel , being associated with truth, also helps you keep an open Throat Chakra. Gabriel's presence can enhance clairaudience, or your ability to hear your inner voice.
This means that Gabriel can help strengthen intuition.
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