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How to Summon Archangel Raphael?


Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 26, 2024

Summary :

    Would you like to benefit from healing to free yourself from stress, discomfort, anxiety or fatigue? Do you want to help people suffering on an emotional or physical level? Ask Archangel Raphael to manifest his healing powers.

    Archangel Raphael helps you heal from an emotional wound. He helps you climb the path of forgiveness to relieve your heart. Forgiving yourself, forgiving others is not easy at all. We need a spiritual guide to achieve this.

    Archangel Raphael known as the "Divine Physician" is the healer of all the ills of the earth and humanity. He reveals himself to all who invoke him.

    To benefit from the gifts of Saint Raphael, we offer you simple and effective methods and prayers:

    • The roles of Archangel Raphael;
    • Methods of invoking Archangel Raphael through prayer;
    • Prayers to the intercession of Archangel Raphael:
    • Prayer to implore the help of Saint Raphael for oneself;
    • Prayer to implore help for a loved one;
    • Prayer to meet your soul mate;
    • Prayer for travel;
    • Prayer for the Archangel Raphael Rosary;
    • Novena prayer for the healing of the sick.

      Before you start reading, we would like to introduce you to all our articles on Archangels. If you enjoyed reading, you can discover our other articles by clicking just below:

      And if you want to wear a sacred symbol of the archangels, we share with you all the pieces exclusively available in the jewelry store by clicking just below:


      The Roles of Archangel Raphael


      The powers of Archangel Raphael over the inhabitants of the earth know no bounds.

      He is the archangel who guides doctors and all those who practice in the profession of care. He is also the protective archangel of travelers. He watches over each of us, because we are travelers of this earth. He is also the angel of abundance and creativity.

      Often it manifests itself in the form of strength and courage. This allows man to continue to be motivated in the fight against the evil that bothers him in order to achieve health or well-being.

      Archangels transmit energies through rays of light. In the case of Archangel Raphael , it is the green ray. The color green is associated with abundance and healing.

      Invocation of Archangel Raphael through prayer


      It is important that your prayer is in harmony with your heart and with the energy of the archangel. There are several techniques to communicate with Archangel Raphael . Through the practice of meditation, prayer, the use of candles (preferably green), incense, visualization of the vibration of the green ray, the use of crystals it is possible to create a relationship with the archangel and benefit from the gift of healing, protection and creativity.

      Prayers to Archangel Raphael:

      To implore the help of Saint Raphael for oneself

      Prayer 1

      “Come to my aid, I beg you, glorious prince, Saint Raphael , the best physician of souls and bodies.

      O you who healed Tobit's eyes, give physical light to my eyes and spiritual light to my soul;

      Drive away all darkness from me by your heavenly supplications.

      So be it."

      Prayer 2

      O Resplendent Raphael ,

      Hear my supplication and answer my prayer.

      Heal the wounds of my soul and the sufferings of my body.

      Free my mind from doubt and fear.

      In this moment of distress, infuse me with angelic energy

      to radically dispel the evils that overwhelm me.

      Give me the strength to forgive unconditionally

      to others as to myself.

      Help me, regardless of merit.

      Deliver my being from the existential torments that assail it.

      Give me hope and certainty in this miraculous recovery.

      Grant me the grace of instant healing

      of my soul and my body.

      May I be at peace so that I can celebrate with full awareness

      the power of unconditional Love .

      So be it,


      To implore the help of the archangel for a loved one

      O Resplendent Raphael,

      Hear my supplication and answer my prayer.

      Heal the wounds of XXXXX's soul and the sufferings of his body.

      Free your mind from doubt and fear.

      In this moment of distress, infuse him with angelic energy

      to radically dispel these evils which overwhelm him.

      Give him the strength to forgive unconditionally

      to others as to himself (herself).

      Help him, regardless of merit.

      Deliver his being from the existential torments that assail him.

      Give him hope and certainty in this miraculous recovery.

      Grant him the grace of instant healing

      of his soul and his body.

      May XXXXX be at peace so that we can celebrate in full awareness

      the power of unconditional love .

      So be it,


      To meet your soul mate

      “Divine guide Saint Raphael , you who found a life companion for young Tobias, lead me in my desires and my uncertainties. Many dangers are on my path, be my light and by your powerful intercession may I find the one (or the one) that God intends for me to found with him (or with her) a true Christian home that gives glory to God and ensures my happiness here below and in eternity.” Amen.

      For travel

      Dear Archangel Raphael , I ask you to accompany me on the journey that I will make on... (give date and destination). Grant me your benevolence in all the details relating to my journey so that everything happens in better conditions and in my favor.

      Prayer for the Archangel Raphael Rosary


      This is a rosary made up of 12 beads and a medal of the Archangel Raphael .

      — on the medal, say the following prayer: “You are Saint Raphael the healer. You are Saint Raphael the guide. You are Saint Raphael the companion always at the aid of human suffering.”

      — On each of the first three beads, in honor of Mary, Queen of Angels , recite the “Hail Mary”

      —The remaining nine beads represent the nine choirs of Angels. On each bead, name a particular choir and say the following prayer: “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your glory! Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit .”

      The nine choirs: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominations, Powers, Celestial Virtues, Principalities, Archangels , Angels.

      Conclude the rosary on the medal with the following prayer:

      Saint Raphael , angel of health, love, joy and light, pray for us.”

      Novena prayer to Archangel Raphael to ask for healing for the sick or for desperate cases

      The novena prayer is a very powerful prayer. You can practice it alone or in a group. It is advisable to always do it at the same time during the nine days. This novena prayer to the archangel Raphael can be accompanied by fasting.

      Suggestions for ending your prayer


      You can say your prayer silently or in an audible voice. It can be done in familiar or formal language, it doesn't matter. The important thing is the intention, it's the emotion you put into it. Speak to the archangel with your heart, your body and your soul. After your prayer session, let go, trust in divine wisdom. Don't forget to give thanks, because remember: Everything you ask for in faith through prayer, will be given to you. Act as if you have already received it.

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      Mujinga -serena

      Oct 25, 2024

      Bjr archange Raphaël je suis gravement malade je demande de me guérir amen

      Khonde kimvidi

      Sep 23, 2024

      Moi Ernest khonde kimvidi, j’invoque saint Raphaël pour guérir les malades. Que je sois exaucé


      Jun 24, 2024

      Archange Raphaël merci de guérir mon copain JP ainsi que ma famille et moi même malade. Merci infiniment mon Archange Raphaël. Amen ❤ ❤

      Joëlle HERBIN

      Jun 24, 2024

      Archange Raphaël accordé la guérison à ma famille à mon copain JP qui a un cancer et qui ne supporte pas son traitement ainsi qu’à moi pour mes problèmes de santé que j’ai maintenant. STP Archange Raphaël fait que je me réconcilie avec Julien et Audrey. Je te prie tous les jours excauce-moi . Merci beaucoup Amen

      Faustin Ovono Abessolo

      Feb 6, 2024

      Bjr Archange Raphaël mon grand frère est malade Jean Fidel MBA Abessolo j’aimerai que vous le guerrisez , qu’il retrouve sa santé Amen

      YEVU Ghislain

      Nov 16, 2023

      Merci beaucoup. Ma femme est souffrante. Je viendrai témoigner de sa guérison par l’archange Raphaël

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