Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 26, 2024
Do you feel alone, hopeless or afraid? Do you feel a need for courage, comfort and protection? You want to address Archangel Michael , but you don't know how to do it. What prayer should you choose to invoke this powerful Archangel?
The Archangel Saint Michael whose name means "he who is like God" is a protective angel. He is the figure of the forces of good to fight against evil. He is a great defender of God. Known as the Chief of the heavenly militia, he is also the prince of lights. He triumphed in the fight against the demon who presented himself in the form of a dragon — (Revelation chapter 12, verse 1).
We implore his help to fight the demon, evil spirits, bad spells, bad habits, visible and invisible enemies and many other spiritual battles . We ask him for his intercession with God to obtain the help we need.
Before you start reading, we invite you to visit our blog where we share many other topics about archangels. Here are several examples of articles that you can discover:
- How to invoke Archangel Raphael
- How to invoke Archangel Metatron
- The history of Mont-Saint-Michel
- Who is Archangel Michael?
- Who is Archangel Metatron?
- Who is Archangel Uriel?
- Who is Archangel Gabriel?
- Study on the Archangel Raphael
And if you want to wear a sacred symbol of the archangels, we share with you all the pieces exclusively available in the jewelry store by clicking just below:
How to communicate with Archangel Michael?

In a relationship, you have to invest yourself continuously. There is a basic formula for creating contact with angels or archangels . This can be modified according to each individual:
- Be in a quiet place;
- Be alone, make sure you are not disturbed;
- Focus on your breathing to begin the meditation ;
- Focus all your attention on your question or request;
- Begin your prayer and speak to the Archangel as a friend;
- Do not hesitate to confide;
- Thank as if you already have an answer;
- Pay attention to everything that happens around you, because the angel can manifest itself through a circumstance, a situation or through the action of a human or even in your dreams;
- For greater effectiveness, say the prayer for 21 consecutive days and preferably at the same time.
Why invoke the Archangel Saint Michael through prayer

The role of Archangel Michael is to protect the creatures of the Divine, and you are part of it. It is quite legitimate that you benefit from his protection . Humans must constantly face the force of darkness which is the source of spiritual and physical damage.
Through regular prayers , through meditation rituals you can create a relationship with the archangel and also receive protection, courage, strength and spiritual inspiration .
In this article we reveal prayers allowing you to invoke the Archangel Michael to benefit from his protection.
Act of personal consecration to the Archangel Saint Michael
O great prince of heaven, most faithful guardian of the Church, Saint Michael the Archangel , I present myself to you, although unworthy to present myself to you, but confident in your particular goodness, moved by the excellence of your prayers and the multitude of your good works, accompanied by my Guardian Angel ; and in the presence of all the Angels of Heaven , whom I take as witnesses of my devotion to you, I choose you today as my protector and my particular advocate, and I have the firm intention to honor you always and to exalt you with all my strength.
Help me during my life , that I may never offend the purest eyes of God, neither by deeds, nor by words, nor by thoughts. Defend me against all temptations of the devil, especially those that oppose faith and purity; and at the hour of my death, give peace to my soul and bring me to the eternal homeland.
Prayer to Archangel Saint Michael to destroy toxic bonds and limiting thoughts that could hinder your well-being

“By the Most High Almighty
By Yahweh the three times great
By the holy names of our father, our mother, our savior Archangel Michael
Which composes a sacred Blue and Golden light
By the ascended masters, guides and angels
May the divine hand surround me and embrace me with its very great power
May every cell in my body be filled with blue light
that the soul and body be bound to the love of the Father and the Mother,
May my whole being be protected and blessed
May the Golden light always remain present, active around me, in me
And let it spread to the places that need it and are calling for it.
Let the blue light penetrate into me and around me
I feel infinitely protected and reassured.
I feel totally enveloped, surrounded and protected
I am loved and protected
I am who I am meant to be
I am the light
So be it."
Prayers to create your protective shield. Say this prayer every Wednesday at sunrise and in the evening at sunset

Prayer 1
Saint Michael the Archangel
Protect me, my children and my entire family from people who are unkind to us.
Put your power before us as a shield. Amen
Prayer 2: Consecration
“Saint Michael the Archangel, I consecrate myself to you.
I place myself, my family and all that belongs to me under your powerful protection .
Increase the fervor in my heart and remember that from this day forward, I am under your protection.
Obtain for me the grace to love with all my heart: God, my Father, Jesus, my Savior, the Holy Spirit, my Sancifier, and Mary, my sweet Mother.
Amen. »
Prayer 3: Light a candle in front of his statue
“ Archangel Saint Michael, you who stand constantly before God, unite our prayer with that of all the angels. May the flame of this candle be our joy in the immense Thanksgiving that rises towards the Father .
Look at us and let us see the beauty and the light in our lives .
Give us to see the beauty, the light in our lives.
What makes us suffer, soften it and make it so that one day we are capable of loving in truth .
May this offered flame shine for us before God Father, Son and Spirit.
Saint Michael, pray to the Lord for us.
The prayer of the Rosary of Saint Michael
With this prayer , we ask for the intercession of the Archangel Saint Michael and the other choirs of angels to allow us to receive inestimable graces, victories in spiritual battles . For this practice, obtain a specific rosary with 39 beads.
The statue of Saint Michael

In the Christian tradition, the iconography of the Archangel Saint Michael is that he defeats the dragon with his left foot and in his right hand he holds his sword.
This figure reminds us of the beginning of the text of a very powerful prayer "The Invocation of the Archangels of King Solomon": " Power of the kingdom, place yourself under my left foot and in my right hand..."
This first sentence which is correlated with the statue indisputably marks the power of the Archangel Michael , because he is the one who is invoked first. This figure represents the victory of the Archangel in his fight against evil.
Bien vouloir m’indiquer l’heure la plus favorable pour invoquer Saint Michel Archange.
Merci beaucoup pour pour votre article.
Bonjour monsieur Benoît S., j’habite Brazzaville et ma vie est un combat en permanence malgré mon âge( 63 ans) , j’ai tout perdu,je n’ai pas la paix il ne me reste que Jésus , rien ne marche .
Pour la première fois mon cœur s’est rempli de joie en lisant vos prières aux saints ; je souhaite vraiment a travers vôtre partenariat entrer en contact étroit avec vous afin de représenter croix chrétienne au Congo, je vous en courage et vous dis merci pour la qualité de vos articles et surtout la paix spirituelle que cela nous procure
To write a comment
Mar 5, 2024Bonjour Albert,
L’heure la plus favorable pour invoquer Saint Michel Archange varie selon les traditions religieuses, les croyances personnelles et les coutumes, sans règle universelle. Certaines personnes prient à des moments clés de leur journée, comme au lever ou au coucher du soleil, tandis que d’autres privilégient des dates spéciales comme la Saint-Michel le 29 septembre.