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Jesus Walks on Water: Miracle of Jesus


Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 27, 2024

Summary :

    What miracles did Jesus perform during his teachings? Did Jesus really walk on water? What do the laws of physics say?

    We are interested in this topic. Would you like to know more about this Great Miracle? In a few words, here is what we can tell you:

    Gliding on water is a theory that must meet certain conditions in order to be put into practice. Newton demonstrates in the simplest way how it would be possible to walk on water. Of course, these apostles present at the spectacular miracle give their versions. The entire life of Jesus is a mystery.

    Discover in this article:

    • The conditions for the achievement of this miracle

    • The principles of the laws of physics

    • Faith as a science

    • Intelligence as an Integral Part of Faith

    If you would like to discover our articles of the Lord Jesus Christ, here is a list with all our articles available on our site:

    Lessons from Jesus' Miracles

    Shortly before dawn, Jesus, from his high place, notices that the sea is agitated by a strong wind. In the light of the moonlight, he can see the boat tossed by the waves and the disciples struggling to move forward against the wind. The Messiah has compassion for them, so he comes down from the mountain and walks on the water toward the boat, several hundred yards from the shore.


    When the disciples see him, they start shouting, thinking he is a ghost. Jesus reassures them and Peter comes forward: "Lord, if it is you, order me to come to you on the water." "Come!" Jesus replies. Then Peter, getting out of the boat, walks on the water and goes to Jesus. But when he sees the waves overtaking him, he is afraid and, as he begins to sink, he cries out: "Lord, save me!" Then Jesus' rebuke to Peter: "Man of little faith!" How often does this call also apply to us, to our lives?

    The physical laws of walking on liquid

    Non-Newtonian divine fluids.

    There is a way to walk on a liquid . This is possible if it is a special type of non-Newtonian fluid. The difference between Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids is essentially that the former maintain a constant change in viscosity as a function of pressure and temperature, while the latter behave in a "peculiar" way. The example we will use today is the solution of water and corn starch: the result is a liquid that normally acts like one, but which responds to pressure by stiffening.

    This means that if enough pressure is applied to this solution, it will behave like a solid, while in all other cases it will obey the laws of liquids. To better understand what this is about, this video shows people actually walking on it, but sinking if they stop. Jesus could have done the same: perhaps with divine help (or simple cornstarch), he could have transformed the water he intended to pass through into such a non-Newtonian fluid, and then made it pass at a sustained speed. Since, in the early years of the Christian era, this particular physical phenomenon was probably unknown, such an event would surely have been considered a miracle .

    The probable utopia of Jesus walking on water.

    We realized that it is not so much a question of weight, but rather of pressure. Pressure is the quantity that defines the force applied relative to the surface area (F/s): this means that reducing the applied force is not the only way to reduce it, but you can also increase the surface area of ​​application. Now, water has a fundamental characteristic called surface tension, created by the hydrogen bonds between the H2O molecules: it is nothing more than a weak force that holds together the surface molecules of the liquid, creating a sort of compact patina.


    This is a principle exploited by some insects, such as the "Water Striders", which are able to walk on water by taking advantage of it. Therefore, in theory, any organism capable of applying to the surface of the sea a pressure lower than the value of the surface tension of water , equal to approximately 72 N/m^2, is capable of walking on it without breaking the bonds. This is the problem, because assuming that Jesus was an adult man within the standard of 1.80 m by 70 kg, we are about to distribute. This means that to stay within the imposed limits, we must apply them on an area of ​​9.5 square meters.

    So he has two choices: try to distribute his weight along what is practically a room, or try the opposite approach, and work on his own mass. Water striders are able to move by creating small air bubbles under their legs.

    The miraculous mastery of the Higgs effect.

    Trying the opposite approach, assuming that the surface area of ​​Christ's foot is 220 cm^2, we should increase its mass to about 0.16 kg. This seems impossible, but in reality, with the divine help mentioned above, it could be a possible procedure, modifying the Higgs effect of his body. This effect is a very complicated pillar of physics that has solved the problem of the mass of elementary particles. Without being too specific, the Higgs effect is the process by which a particle acquires mass. It passes through an energy field that is supposed to exist throughout the universe, called the Higgs field, and slows down its motion.

    Meanwhile, the field itself interacts with the particle with one of its own, the famous Higgs boson, and the result is a mass accomplishment. In fact, the field does not create matter, a process that would be contrary to the fundamental laws of energy conservation, but "provides" mass to the particles. Thus, what the external observer would consider a miracle could be a manipulation of the way in which this interaction is carried out, resulting in a temporary reduction in mass and the ability to walk on water . Which, from a scientific point of view and given the tools we currently have, remains for now a miracle.

    One wonderful miracle was followed by another, even more wonderful. As in the case of the saturation of thousands of people, our judgment about the truth of what happened depends on our perception of who Jesus is, and how his authority was exercised on earth. However, we must remember that our attitude will depend on what Mark and the other authors say in their gospels, because they are, after all, the main eyewitnesses. They were neither fools nor deceivers. The main problem with demystifying the gospel events is the emergence of many new myths in the twentieth century, which have replaced the myths of the early centuries.

    Marc's opinion.

    Therefore, it is completely unclear why Jesus died and why he had to die for today. By accepting the stories as presented by Mark, we can get an answer to both questions. Apparently, Peter shared his memories of this event with the author. Quite typical for the eyewitness story is a remark in verse 48, which is rather difficult to perceive - wanted to pass them by. We see how natural is the power of Jesus over nature, and how painful is the struggle of his disciples to understand the meaning of what is happening. This double angle is probably the main goal of Mark.

    The fact that he sent his disciples forward shows that Jesus wanted to give them the rest they needed. It is difficult to determine the time of this incident, given the following sentences: much time had passed and how much time had passed and how much time had passed into the evening. However, it is possible to resolve this problem if, with Taylor, the reference in verse 35 is taken to mean "the day had risen into the evening." The biblical accounts suggest that the hour was indeed late, much later than the time when the crowd would have been sent out in search of food.

    After the prayer, Jesus sees the disciples struggling against the wind on the lake and goes to them right along the lake. The next sentence leads us into the same confusion as the previous one! He wanted to overtake them. Sometimes we have to admit our inability to understand something that keeps us guessing. The idea that he wanted to reach the opposite shore before the disciples seems far-fetched, because we do not know why or for what purpose he would do it. More convincing is the assumption made in and that Jesus is trying to help his disciples gain new insight or greater maturity.

    The faith of Jesus

    When Saint Peter confesses that Jesus is the Christ , the Son of the living God , Jesus tells him that this revelation did not come "from flesh and blood, but from my Father who is in heaven." Faith is a gift from God, a supernatural virtue infused by him. "To give this response of faith, the grace of God is necessary, which goes forward and helps us, with the interior help of the Holy Spirit, who stirs the heart, directs it towards God, opens the eyes of the spirit and gives "to all the taste to accept and believe the truth."

    It is possible to believe only by grace and the inner help of the Holy Spirit. But it is no less true that believing is an authentically human act. It is not contrary to the freedom or intelligence of man to place his trust in God and to adhere to the truths revealed by him.


    Already in human relationships it is not contrary to our own dignity to believe what others tell us about themselves and their intentions, and to trust their promises (as, for example, when a man and a woman marry), in order to enter into mutual communion. It is even less contrary to our dignity "to present by faith the full submission of our intellect and will to the God who reveals" to enter into intimate communion with Him. In faith, the intellect and will of man cooperate with divine grace: "Belief is an act of the intellect which affirms divine truth by the rule of the will moved by God through grace"

    Faith and intelligence

    The reason for belief does not lie in the fact that revealed truths appear to be true and intelligible in the light of our natural reason. We believe "because of the authority of God himself who reveals himself and who cannot deceive or be deceived. "However, in order that the homage of our faith may be in conformity with reason, God has willed that the interior helps of the Holy Spirit should be accompanied by the external proofs of his revelation." The miracles of Christ and the saints, the prophecies, the propagation and holiness of the Church, her fruitfulness and stability "are the surest signs of divine revelation, adapted to the intelligence of all," reasons of credibility which show that "the assent of faith is in no way a blind movement of the mind."


    Faith is certain, more certain than all human knowledge, because it is founded on the very word of God , which cannot lie. True, revealed truths may seem obscure to human reason and experience, but "the certainty which gives divine light is greater than that which gives the light of natural reason. "Ten thousand difficulties do not make a single doubt"

    The grace of faith opens "the eyes of the heart" to a living understanding of the content of Revelation, that is, of the whole plan of God and of the mysteries of faith, of their connection with each other and with Christ, the center of the revealed Mystery. Now, "in order that the understanding of Revelation may be deeper, the Holy Spirit himself constantly perfects faith by means of his gifts." Thus, according to the adage of Saint Augustine, "I believe in order to understand and I understand in order to believe better."

    Faith and science

    "Although faith is above reason , there can never be any contradiction between them. Since the same God who reveals mysteries and instills faith gives to the human mind the light of reason, God cannot deny himself or the true never contradict the true."

    "Therefore, methodical research in all disciplines, if it is carried out in a truly scientific manner and according to moral norms, will never really be in opposition to faith, because profane realities and the realities of faith have their origin in God himself. Indeed, he who, with a humble spirit and constant courage, strives to scrutinize the secret of things, even without knowing it, is as it were guided by the hand of God who, holding all things together, makes them what they are."


    Freedom of belief.

    "Man, in believing, must respond voluntarily to God; no one must be forced against his will to embrace the faith . Indeed, the act of faith is by nature voluntary." Certainly, God calls men to serve him in spirit and in truth. They are therefore bound in conscience, but not constrained. This was made clear above all in Christ Jesus. In fact, Christ invited people to faith and conversion; he never forced anyone. He bore witness to the truth, but he did not want to impose it by force on those who contradicted him. For his kingdom develops from the love with which Christ, exalted on the cross , draws men to himself.


    The need for faith.

    To obtain this salvation, it is necessary to believe in Christ Jesus and in Him who sent Him to save us. Since without faith it is impossible to please God and to participate in the condition of His children, no one is justified without it, and no one, unless he has persevered to the end, will obtain eternal life.

    Perseverance in faith.

    Faith is a free gift that God gives to man. We can lose this inestimable gift; Saint Paul warns Timothy : "Fight the good fight, keeping faith and a right conscience; some have made shipwreck in their faith because they have rejected it". To live, grow and persevere to the end in faith, we must nourish it with the word of God; we must ask the Lord to make it grow; we must "act out of charity", be sustained by hope and be rooted in the faith of the Church.

    Faith, the beginning of eternal life. 🙏

    Faith allows us to taste in advance the joy and light of the beatific vision, the end of our journey here below. We will then see God "face to face". Faith is therefore already the beginning of eternal life: "As we now contemplate the blessings of faith as if reflected in a mirror, it is as if we already possessed the wonderful things which our faith assures us that we will one day enjoy"

    Now, "we walk in faith and not ... in sight", and we know God "as in a mirror, dimly ... imperfectly". Shining through the one who believes, faith is often lived in darkness. Faith can be tested. The world in which we live often seems far from what faith assures us; experiences of evil and suffering, injustice and death seem to contradict the good news, they can shake faith and become a temptation to it.


    It is then that we must turn to the witnesses of faith: Abraham, who believed, "hoping against all hope"; the Virgin Mary who, in "the pilgrimage of faith", reached the "night of faith" by participating in the suffering of her Son and the night of his tomb; and so many other witnesses of faith: "We too, having a great cloud of witnesses around us, let us shake off every weight and the sin that threatens us, and let us run with strength into the trial that is set before us, our eyes fixed on Jesus, who initiates and consummates faith".

    How often, Lord, I want to do things on my own, in my own way and not the way you want. I am the strong and independent man - I can do everything. Then I fall and claim to heaven: Lord! why have you abandoned me? But, in reality, it is I who have abandoned you. I have forgotten you. It is you who created me, who loves me and who saves me. Without you, I can do nothing. I know that you will never abandon me, even in the misery of my pride. Fight by my side, Lord, in today's battle!

    Faith in all its power.


    It is clear as day to all that Jesus performed his greatest miracle with respect to Newton's laws on the Sea of ​​Galilee , also called the Lake of Tiberias or Lake Gennesaret in Israel .

    But now that place is drying up. According to Israeli authorities, the lake is now twenty centimeters shallower, which is the lowest level the waters have reached in a century.

    The entire Middle East is suffering from a severe drought, and Israel is no exception. Today, the Jewish country has put into operation a desalination plant that provides nearly a third of all the drinking water consumed by its population.

    We praise the Lord for his miracles!

    This article has introduced you to one or the greatest miracle that Jesus has done since he came to earth. This miracle is as incredible as the resurrection which is none other than the coming of Christ from the dead.

    We would now like to offer you sacred objects at low prices that highlight the cross of Christ and other symbolic signs, all keeping the spirit of Christianity. We share with you our gems that support Christians to keep the faith daily.

    Now that you know about one of Jesus' greatest miracles, we invite you to read our article on the hidden story behind Jesus' death .

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    1 comment

    Monseigneur Michel-Roch

    Nov 30, 2020

    Nous tenons à vous adresser nos remerciements et nos félicitations pour cette étude d’un miracle de Jésus-Christ basée sur les lois bien terrestres de la physique ! C’est fort intéressant !

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