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The Definition of Marriage and Its History


Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Nov 13, 2024

Summary :

    Are you married? Are you for or against religious marriage? Do you want to know more about this concept before giving your judgment? Are you interested in the definition, the basis and the reasons for a marriage?

    We are Christians and we want to help you better understand the different sacraments of the church. So we are going to talk to you about the connection between marriage and Christianity.

    Marriage is one of the most important sacraments celebrated by the Church . Orthodox, Catholics, Protestants and many other Christians practice it. However, there are different ways of performing the ceremony depending on the church. The rites are therefore variable with some points in common all the same.

    Through this article, you will be able to obtain some information concerning:

    • Definitions and meanings of Marriage ;
    • His story;
    • Biblical references on its foundation.

    Now, let's get into the details of religious marriage!

    What is marriage?


    Marriage is a rite or contract that unites two people. Its duration can be unlimited, fixed or indefinite. It can be recognized and supervised by a legal or religious institution. The modalities and rules vary depending on the place or the institution that performs the ritual ceremony . It is one of the frameworks that establish the social structures of a community.

    Several factors can cause marriages to vary: the forms of a society, culture or even religion.

    In the Christian tradition in particular, marriage is the alliance of a man and a woman who become one flesh and a family. It must be formalized by a religious rite which is the sacrament of marriage . In the epistle to the Ephesians, Paul speaks of marriage as a mutual submission where each party must give themselves entirely to the other without expecting anything in return. It is therefore not a 50/50 contract but to love without conditions.

    Marriage in the church makes God associated with the infinite and exclusive bond joined by the spouses. This matrimonial union is a sacrament, that is to say, it makes Christ present. Christian marriage is therefore the sacramental and symbolic sign of the bond between the Church and Christ.

    If civil marriage could be contractual and limited in time, religious marriage must be a bond that unites the two people until death separates them. Moreover, they must make a vow each before the altar and therefore before God and all men, to love, cherish and help each other until their death.

    Before telling you about the story of marriage, we would like to share with you a website offering a selection of several wedding rings. If you are looking for a professional store offering wedding jewelry , we recommend that you visit the Ordumonde website and find the ideal jewelry for your wedding.

    The story of marriage


    The history of marriage dates back to ancient times. It was not a marriage of love but rather a contract. At that time, the goal was not to love each other but rather to ensure the survival of the species. People marry between two different families whose goal is to join forces and have successors. The union was practiced interested in the possession of property, land or livestock or even the protection obtained by alliance . The woman wears a white wedding dress and the man is often in a suit with a tie.

    Over time, marriage changed its form. It became a kind of exchange or transaction in which the girl is given in marriage for dowries.

    In the Middle Ages, the concept of marriage would develop and become an institution in its own right. The Romans in particular had three types of unions, the most common of which was the "per usum" marriage, which, after a year of cohabitation or concubinage, formalized the alliance between the two lovers.

    From the 5th century, the place of the church became more and more important within society. New moral rules also appeared and there was the publication of banns. In the 13th century, marriage was no longer forced. Both parties must consent to the bond but they must also accept its sacred and indissoluble character. The concept becomes stricter with a signing of a contract , marriage rites marked by the exchange of rings and the payment of a dowry. Despite everything, the woman was not yet free to choose what she wanted, she must respect her husband. Only widowhood gives her back her rights. But times have changed and the marriage of love was born.

    In 1792, France celebrated its first civil marriage, which was to formalize the union of a man and a woman. This marked the separation of the State and the Church. At the beginning of the 19th century, divorce was accepted for the first time. In 2013, the concept of marriage for all revolutionized marriage . People of the same sex can now unite.

    Christian Marriage


    Contrary to popular belief, Christian marriage is not as old as Christianity and the history of marriage as it stands today does not date back to the time of Adam and Eve.

    Indeed, Christian marriage, that is, the celebration with rites in the church or in front of an altar in the presence of a priest, a deacon, a pastor, etc., is a medieval invention. The practice of marriage in the church only became common in the 15th century. The establishment of this concept was much contested.

    Then it was finally established and the main decisions are:

    • The sacramentality of marriage ;
    • monogamy;
    • administration and legislation of marriage by the Church;
    • indissolubility.

    Marriage must be:

    • Anticipation of the publication of the banns;
    • consecrated by a priest and before witnesses;
    • materialized by the signature of both spouses and witnesses in a parish register.

      Spouses then have obligations to fulfill. Moreover, they are recalled by the Bible through several writings as to how the two people owe each other love and assistance. They must also raise their children together and according to the rules of the church. They must be free and remain faithful.


      For Catholics, marriage is one of the sacraments and, as already said, it is indissoluble. It can therefore only be celebrated once in a person's life. No divorce should take place unless one of the spouses is infertile and the one who is infertile has hidden it from the other. Indeed, in Catholicism, marriage is intended for procreation . Among Protestants, it is rather considered as the union of two people who love and respect each other. The act of procreation is therefore not obligatory. If ever one of the two parties does not fulfill their duties and commitment , the other party can ask for a divorce and remarry. Remarriage is also possible in the event of adultery or death of one of the spouses.


      The marriage of ministers of religion

      For Catholics, ministers must preserve priestly celibacy. Thus, pope, priest, etc. must remain celibate throughout their lives.

      For the Orthodox, priests can marry while monks must observe priestly celibacy.

      For Protestants and Evangelical Christians, ministers including pastors, deacons, etc., can marry and have children.

      Interfaith marriage

      For several centuries before the 19th century, mixed marriages were forbidden. All religious denominations discouraged marrying a Christian of another Church, necessarily a heretic. Only members of the royal family could marry people of another religious denomination. However, they had to convert to the religion of the nation they married.

      Now everything is based on love marriage and freedom. Two people who choose to love each other can also choose the church in which they will celebrate their union.

      How to prepare for marriage?

      wedding preparation

      For almost all Churches, religious marriage must always be preceded by a civil marriage which must be done at the local town hall. The future spouses must agree on their marriage contract. This document contains the various information and agreements between the two people concerning the sharing of their joint property and many others. Then, they must set a date and bring identity documents such as the national identity card to allow the drafting of their marriage certificate. The latter will be given to them after signing the marriage contract and declaration by the mayor or his representative that the two are officially and legitimately husband and wife. During the civil marriage, there is not necessarily an exchange of rings.

      Afterwards, the spouses can celebrate their religious marriage. The rite takes the form of a full mass with a reading of the Bible, a sermon that mainly focuses on the importance of marriage , prayers, offerings, exchange of rings, exchange of consent before the minister of worship and witnesses and a nuptial blessing.

      It should be noted that like the sacrament of baptism, marriage is also prepared. Several days before the agreed day, the future bride and groom must contact the head of the church. The minister of the church informs them of the basis of marriage , its reason for being and its objective, the aim of which is to make both people aware of the importance of their commitment. To witness the union, the parents but also the witnesses must be present during the discussion. Thus, if ever the couple encounters problems, these people can intervene and try to save the marriage . It is a kind of responsibility that they must take on.

      The bride and groom discuss their future plans. During the practical, spiritual and liturgical preparation, they also choose the readings, songs and prayers for their wedding day. They can also decide to write vows or letters in which they express their feelings , their intentions, etc.

      It should be noted that among Catholics, there are marriage preparation centers. Young engaged couples can go there to learn a little more about marriage.

      Other preparations


      Many people choose to celebrate their wedding by organizing a party with family and friends. They must then prepare a reception hall or a place to hold a celebration. They can choose different themes as for any other party.

      There are various elements to consider including: outfits, meals, guest list, entertainment and decoration . All of this requires a budget which must also be defined in advance.



      Divorce is a step that marks the end of a marriage . When it is pronounced, the two people are free to rebuild their respective lives without the constraints of the bonds of marriage.

      However, churches are not for divorce. If there are always ways out, they do everything to ensure that the marriage lasts . They only accept divorce if there is serious fault on the part of one of the spouses.

      To apply for a divorce, that is, the annulment of the marriage certificate, several steps must be taken with the court. The file is first carefully studied by the judge before he makes the final decision.

      What do you think about marriage now?

      Now that you have all the necessary information about religious or Christian marriage and civil marriage, you can decide to celebrate a wedding at the town hall and then a wedding in church or only the first one. You also know the importance of a church wedding.

      We invite you to visit our web platform to discover more details about Christian marriage , other sacraments or to better understand the foundation of Christianity. For this purpose, we have an excellent article that explains why it is necessary to turn on the light in the church. Click here to read it.

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