Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 26, 2024
Archangel Metatron is one of those angels whose life continues to be a mystery. Would you like to know more about this angel?
We were interested in the history of the angel and did some very interesting research.
As simple as it may sound, Metatron is said to be Enoch. The Bible says nothing about this. But in some works, it is the name of the archangel he bore after being taken from earth to serve in heaven.
To have a more in-depth knowledge on this subject, discover in this blog article:
- The Story of Metatron;
- How to explain its origin;
- RabbiYshmael's description of Metatron;
- Metatron: the mediator between God and creation;
- And the meaning of Metatron's cube symbol.
Let’s get straight to the point!
To learn more about archangels, we invite you to come and discover another of our articles just below:
- How to invoke Archangel Michael
- How to invoke Archangel Raphael
- How to invoke Archangel Metatron
- Who is Archangel Michael?
- Who is Archangel Uriel?
- Who is Archangel Gabriel?
- Study on the Archangel Raphael
- The history of Mont-Saint-Michel

The Story of Archangel Metatron

Enoch, Noah's grandfather, is a mystic who visits heaven in various visions. In one vision, he sees the cherubim in the sky, which he describes as beings of fire. Later, he is taken by the archangel Michael to the highest heavens. Enoch also travels in his visions or dreams to the Tree of Wisdom. At the end of his visions, Enoch is transformed into the Archangel Metatron , a powerful archangel who is also called the lesser Yahweh.
Born from the bowels of the Middle Ages, the fruit of Kabbalistic texts , Metatron represents the most controversial archangel in Judeo-Christian mythology. A being difficult to understand through the multiple texts that, throughout history, have described him in a double and sometimes contradictory way. However, whatever his meaning, he is the most powerful archangel in the celestial kingdom. Which earns him the title of " Little Yahweh ". As it is not explicitly mentioned in the Old or New Testament.
The figure of the Archangel Metatron is not accepted by the Christian religion in any of its variants. On the other hand, he appears in the Talmud, which led the rabbinical tradition to consider him as the celestial scribe . The most important of the divine archangels whose Kabbalah specialists find in the text of the Zohar an identification with the angel. He guided the people of Israel during their exodus and describe him as the king of the angels. The one who reigns over the tree of good and evil.
How to explain the origin of Metatron?
Basically, there are two ways to explain his origin. He is either Enoch, transformed into an archangel after several visits to the kingdom of heaven. Or he is the first being of creation, seated at the left hand of the father, who in tradition is associated with Satan. Either way, he is not human, his figure is controversial, and he is today part of mysticism as much as occultism.
The etymology of his name also poses serious difficulties. While some maintain that Metatron comes from the Hebrew expression guardian of the entrance. Others think that he obeys the Greek expression which is behind the throne. Certainly, there is no Hebrew correspondence for his name, which has many variations: Methraton, Metrator , Merattron, Meetatron, among others.
The appearance is described as that of a divine fiery being, with 36 pairs of wings and 365 thousand eyes. Kabbalists consider him the most powerful of the seraphim , who usually have only 3 pairs of wings. Metatron, on the other hand, has this number, multiplied by 12 (which are the tribes of Israel). In addition, being the scribe of heaven, he holds the cosmic secrets and possesses infinite wisdom.
Metatron in Jewish texts
The Torah and the Bible mention that the prophet Enoch lived a long life and was taken to heaven without dying (Genesis 5:23-24). The texts of the Book of Enoch were excluded from the official canon of Judaism.
So, they are not accepted by the Christian scriptures either. Nevertheless, the Archangel Metatron was very important in medieval mystical Judaism and is mentioned in the Talmud .
Metatron in Hebrew מיטטרון

The name seems to have been created by the union of two Greek words, "after" and "throne", μετὰ θρóνος . From these two words, the meaning emerges: "servant behind the One" or "attendant at the throne or beside the throne of glory". Some people present Metatron "confidentially" as the right arm of God, belonging to the CHORUS OF ANGELS OF SERAFIN.
He can be defined as the Voice of God and his task is to bring the thoughts of God. By making them manifest, through sound waves, the Archangel offers us knowledge, revealing to us:
- The goal,
- The objective,
- And the plans of the Divinity.
Rabbi Yshmael's Description of Metatron

The Book of Enoch , belonging to the Merkavah tradition, describes the transformation of Enoch into the archangel Metatron. In this book, Metatron himself says that YHVH called him "the little YHVH." The narrator, Rabbi Yishmael, gives a double description of who Metatron really is. First, he shows him as a primordial angel (9:2-13:2).
In the other direction as the one into whom Enoch (grandparent of Noah in the Bible) transformed himself. Metatron's name is also written in two ways. One name has six letters ( מטטרון ) and another seven ( מיטטרון ). The first would be the Enoch transformed into an angel while the second would be the primordial Metatron, an emanation of God. Metatron is the tenth and last emanation. It is linked to the divine Presence on Earth.
Metatron in other conceptions

The Zohar, the primary text associated with Kabbalah, calls Metatron "the Younger." The same title under which he appears in 3 Enoch, which could mean "servant." This text refers to Metatron as the angel of God who assisted the children of Israel during the Exodus. More interestingly, it presents Metatron as the chief of the angels , ruling over the tree of wisdom or who had once ruled over the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (Zohar 49, Ki Tetze: 28:138)
The Zohar Bereishit 51:474 says that when Enoch was on earth, he was busy writing a book containing the secrets of wisdom. Until he was taken to Heaven to become an angel. Hashem allowed Enoch to continue this same ministry in Heaven.
In the Zohar Bereishit 51:475, it is said that all supernatural secrets were placed in the hands of Metatron . Thus, he placed them in the hands of those who deserved them. The Talmud mentions in Hagiga 15a that the Supreme Being allowed Metatron to sit in his presence, in view of his position as secretary of the merits of Israel.
Metatron: the mediator between God and creation?

Of men, angels and other beings, Metatron is the conductor of God's will and the intercessor for men. With the title of Lord of the World, Metatron is the supreme angel placed above all creation.
It is said that all the intimate ordinances of God are revealed to him (Yalkut 44). Ranked in the highest hierarchy, close to the Lord, he receives orders, which he executes either himself (Yalkut 44). Or through other angels who are inferior to him (Midrash Abhir) ".
Metatron, the guardian angel of children

Metatron is the guardian angel of children due to his role in the Zohar. He helps indigo and crystal children overcome obstacles in their evolution.
Parents can ask Metatron for guidance. In order to help their children in their education, spirituality and the development of their psychic abilities. He also has other attributes:
The teacher of humanity
Leader of the Angels of Death
As a formerly human angel, Metatron is associated with the Archangels Gabriel and Samael when they work as angels of death. Metatron oversees them as they help souls make their transition from the physical to the spiritual plane.
Illuminating Angel
Archangel Metatron is responsible for leading the ascension and activation of the human light body. He is a powerful angel who, because he was once human, knows the path to enlightenment. His most important meaning for those who wish to walk towards God is that he represents the potential for transformation and purification of the soul. When it intends to transcend matter to join the pure spirit of the Divine.
Keeper of the Akashic Records
Guardian angels can consult Metatron in his role as keeper of the Akashic records. In this way, Metatron helps the human being to perfect his soul.
The Akashic Records are a way to explore past lives because they contain the "mind of God." Metatron has access to divine wisdom, which offers guardian angels to help humans in their evolution.
Metatron's Clairvoyance
Hence the symbolic number of 365 thousand eyes and its reference to a clairvoyance that penetrates all times, past and future. Associated with the creation of matter, which the Gnostics identified with evil, and with wisdom. His clairvoyance is associated by many mystical aspects with the serpent that tempted Eve with the forbidden fruit.
Metatron is also the angel who stood in the presence of God and was named prince of princes, like Lucifer in the biblical story of Ezekiel. He is the only archangel who was originally human.
Metatron's Cube: Meaning of the Symbol

This symbol comes from sacred geometry and harmoniously unites the rounded feminine principle with 13 spheres. They represent the fruit of life and the rectilinear masculine principle. Like the triangles and hexagons that, in three-dimensional terms, generate the Platonic solids.
" Metatron's Cube " represents the three-dimensionality of space. Inside Metatron's Cube is the sphere and represents the body with our three-dimensional reality, of manifested thought. The inner sphere represents the consciousness of the spirit within us, or as it is commonly called, our soul."
This symbol transmits to the observer the powerful vibration of Archangel Metatron and is a powerful tool for the accomplishment of our Life task, is the link between us and the Divine and in its essence is the perfect integration of the masculine and the feminine. It could also be called an emanation of EROS-AGAPE.
Metatron is the one who infuses the will

Since ancient times, Jewish oral traditions have referred to Metatron. The first written information about him appears in the Book of Zohar. It was a transcription of oral teachings published in the thirteenth century and attributed to a second-century rabbi.
He is considered by some to be the giver of Kabbalah and the Tree of Life. Some scholars are of the opinion that Metatron is the " Angel of the Lord ," as written in various passages of the Old Testament. Metatron is known as: the king or prince of angels, the angel who sits at the right hand of God, the voice of God, the angel at the top of the tree of life, and the angel of the presence.
Metatron only interacts directly with humanity at times of great cosmic significance. According to some scholars, Metatron is the ascending prophet Enoch . According to the Keys of Enoch: "Metatron is the Creator of the Outer Light that penetrates the formless and void regions allowing the living Light of YHVH to penetrate the regions of the 'outer universes'." (Key 107 v. 11 - read during the evening)
Metatron and Archangel Sandalphon
Metatron and his counterpart, the archangel Sandalphon, "uphold creation" as angels at the top and base of the tree of life. They are like two mighty pillars supporting a hammock. Between them, they maintain the form and continuity of our life experience.
The main alchemist of the universe

Metatron is the main alchemist of the universe and he supports us, with his vibration. By sending us high frequency light from the higher dimensions of existence. These higher photons of light serve to accelerate the ascension process, stimulating our evolution. His mission is to assist man in order to bring him back to the perfection of the first divine model: the Adam Kadmon of the origins.
"I always pray that God will grant me the wisdom to accept His way of doing things" (Franck, SIOUX CHIEF). Later, Metatron is also the angel of numbers, as he is described as having 72 wings and 12 faces. He is known for his "Cube", which has a connection with the "Flower of Life".
This symbol represents the completion of the creative work of the world and consists of seven interconnected circles according to the golden ratio pattern. For initiatory schools, it represented "Genesis". That is, the days of God's creation in seven different times. Finally, it was considered a symbol of perfection in the earthly world.
Visit our Christian store offering you its magnificent Metatron medal

It is difficult to situate Metatron concretely. In the absence of material evidence attesting to his existence, one is forced to rely on belief. At least, those who want to, because Christians do not believe in his existence despite all the texts that speak of him and the references made in relation to the Bible.
As one of the most symbolic angels, we have decided to offer you an exclusive book on Metatron . If you would like to see it or discover other books on archangels, we invite you to click below:
Bonjour Huguet,
Pour trouver des représentations de Métatron, vous pouvez chercher dans les œuvres d’art inspirées par la mystique juive, la Kabbale ou dans des illustrations d’ouvrages ésotériques. Ces représentations sont généralement le fruit de l’imagination des artistes et varient considérablement. Pour une recherche plus spécifique, vous pouvez consulter des librairies spécialisées en spiritualité, des galeries d’art en ligne, ou des bases de données d’images qui contiennent des œuvres d’art religieux ou mystiques. N’oubliez pas que l’image que vous trouverez sera une interprétation artistique et non une représentation exacte ou “officielle”. Merci et prenez soin de vous.
Bonsoir ou trouver une image ou photo de Metratron svp ? . Il est présent près de moi , avec ses rayons blancs. mais je ne connais pas son apparence . Qui pourrait me renseigner svp
Merci infiniment.
Metratron m’est apparu, après mon appel auprès de mes guides de Lumière…
Bonjour Sylvain,
Si vous souhaitez connaître la différence entre Metatron et Menadel, nous vous invitons à découvrir notre article sur l’ange gardien Menadel depuis l’actualité des archanges dans le menu principale : https://croix-chretiennes.com/blogs/blog-croix-chretiennes/ange-gardien-menadel
J’aime bien
Quel est la différence entre ange metatron et ange menadel?
Bonjour Mbengi,
Je vous invite à consulter notre article “La vie de Jésus” où vous découvrirez l’histoire de la vie de Jésus-Christ et ainsi connaître la différence entre le Christ et l’Archange. Voici le lien que vous pourrez trouver en cliquant sur la catégorie “Jésus-Christ” de l’actualité chrétienne du site : https://croix-chretiennes.com/blogs/blog-croix-chretiennes/la-vie-de-jesus
Bonjour Zakaria, nous proposons à présent un ouvrage pour communiquer avec l’archange Metatron. N’hésitez pas à découvrir notre nouvel ouvrage disponible dans la bibliothèque en ligne.
Bonjour, vous pourrez découvrir nos ouvrages des archanges ainsi que celui de Metatron depuis la bibliothèque du site. Merci et soyez bénis
est-il possible de rentrer en contact avec lui ?
Merci pour la découverte
Je vais savoir la différence entre Archange Metatron et Jésus-Christ
Où et comment puis je avoir le livre de metatron?
Merci pour d’apporter ces précisions sur Metraton.
Salut,Avec un coeur d plaisir j bien Lu et je eux la motivation EST BCP d espoir merci
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Dec 22, 2024Merci pour vos explications