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Prayer before Christmas: Preparation for the Christmas Feast


Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Dec 15, 2024

Summary :

    Did you know that it is good to prepare spiritually to welcome the Christmas holidays ? And that prayer remains the most effective way to live this unique and authentic moment?

    In this article, we will present you with several prayers that you can recite at home to prepare for the Christmas holiday .

    Prayer is an essential component of faith. The believer cannot do without it, especially for an event as important as Christmas.

    In this article we will see:

    • Christmas: the time that reminds us that Jesus joined with mankind
    • Preparing your soul and heart for Christmas celebrations
    • Prayers to prepare for Christmas celebrations

    If you would like to discover more Christmas prayers on the Christmas theme, here are links to our other articles:

    Without further ado, let’s discover the prayers to say to prepare for Christmas celebrations.


    Christmas: the time that reminds us that Jesus joined with mankind

    Christmas is arguably the most anticipated celebration of the year. It is a time of communion for the family , and it is an even more special event for Christian believers.

    Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Christ. Jesus , the Son of God, came to earth to join and guide mankind. He was born a man, grew up a man, and died a man. Jesus was born of a woman, like any other human being. Sin is the only component that distinguishes him from other men. He is not concerned with this evil. He came to deliver us from it.

    The birth of Christ marks the beginning of a crucial stage for the sovereignty of men. The Christmas holidays , which are celebrated every year, constantly remind us of this.

    Christmas celebrations

    Preparing your soul and heart for Christmas celebrations

    Christmas is above all a religious holiday . It is accompanied by many symbols whose meaning we do not always understand. But we must keep in mind that Christmas is the commemoration of the birth of Christ. It is therefore the ideal time to enter into communion with God . But before that, we must first prepare. This is precisely the whole reason for the Advent period. During this time of waiting, the believer prepares to receive Jesus. He will prepare his heart and his mind in order to be able to fully feel the joy of Christmas . Advent also marks the beginning of a new liturgical year. Indeed, the Christmas celebrations will be followed by Easter, Pentecost and All Saints' Day.

    Prayers to prepare for Christmas celebrations

    Prayer remains the best way to commune with God. Here are some prayers you can recite to prepare for the Christmas holidays :

    “You’re still waiting for me” by Lytta Basset

    “Lord, if You can still wait for me, I will become the fourth wise man, the one who came from nowhere, the one who left without having seen a star in the heavens, the one who left for a journey to the end of time, the one who undertook a journey to the end of himself… When the darkness ends up blurring all the tracks, When the compass inside me ends up beating wildly, When my path ends up running away on itself, somewhere in the night, You show us the unknown star and You make it rise for us. You reassure me by telling me that I have not wasted my life, This time that I dreamed of completely differently! You are still waiting for me, and tell me that the party will not begin if I am not there yet. I will offer you my childhood Hidden under the rubble of my past… I will adore the Child of Christmas . I will kneel in wonder Before the miracle of the Word of God finally becoming a reality. Now I see You in the Christmas Child, kneeling before me So that I can finally become Your child."

    “Light in our night” by Father Philippe Muller

    "Because the night is powerful in this Advent, with its many allies: violence, hatred, war, contempt, exclusion, economic crisis... When will the day of a fraternal world rise, finally alive? We need a Light that can transform these nights into day And keep us awake, standing. A light that will bring reconciliation, that will satisfy with bread and love, that will offer friendship and respect, that will light in all the nights of the world, a light of hope. We need the Light, so as not to be condemned in the night. We need the Light that can allow us to stay awake and prevent us from being taken by surprise, to be able to alert the neighborhood when the night tries To interfere in our lives. We need a Light that can help us move forward and remain confident in the future. We need the Light! But it is already with us! Its name is Jesus Christ. This light has shone in the middle of the night of time, of the world and of hearts. The birth of Jesus Christ has rooted in us the Light of God . It is up to us to leave the night and become children of Light. It is up to us to let ourselves be awakened by the many calls of our brothers. We must find, within ourselves, the hidden sources of the Gospel, because it is the Light that will prevent us from falling asleep. Urgency. We must get up!


    “Teach us to wait” by Jean Debruynne

    “God, You have decided to make me wait for the time of an Advent. I don’t like waiting in line. I don’t want to wait for my turn. I don’t want to wait for the train. I don’t want to wait to judge. I don’t want to wait for the moment. I want all this now. I don’t have time to wait, because I only live in the moment. Besides, you know that well. Everything has been designed to avoid me having to wait: credit cards, self-service , credit sales, vending machines, phone calls, instant-development photos, telexes, computer terminals, television, flashes on the radio... I don’t need to wait to get news, it comes before me. But You have decided to make me wait for the time of an Advent. You have made waiting the space of conversion, the face to face with hidden things, the wear that does not wear out. Waiting, only waiting, the waiting of waiting, seeking intimacy with the waiting that is in us. Only waiting can awaken attention, and only attention is capable of loving . Everything is already given in waiting. For You, God, prayer is the culmination of waiting.

    Now you know the prayers you can recite to prepare for the Christmas celebrations . You know how to prepare your heart and mind for the Christmas celebrations. With these prayers, you will be able to fully enjoy the celebrations when the time comes.

    If you liked the prayers we have seen, know that you can discover others on our site.

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