Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 27, 2024
What is a Christian symbol? How well do you know the symbolism of the world's most popular religion? What meaning do these religious symbols carry?
If you want to know more, here is an article about the most important Christian symbols. In short:
Christian symbols are a set of signs represented by ancient objects, very significant actions and even animals. Each religious symbol has a deep meaning and it expresses Christian ideas. These very significant symbols despite the centuries have succeeded one another and remained intact in the religion thanks to Christians.
In this article, you will discover:
- Definition and history of Christian symbols;
- Meaning of some Christian symbols;
- Animals represented in Christian symbolism.
Without further ado, let’s start the article!
Definition and history of Christian symbols
Each religious symbol has its own meaning which comes from the mythical or doctrinal thought which animates it. Thus the interpretation of testamentary figures , ritual symbols, prophetic images which weave the Scripture, can only, for a believer, be unitive. Since this interpretation is based on the doctrine according to which the Scripture is only commented on in a figurative perspective. That is to say that each event of the New Covenant is preceded in the very history of Israel, by a tupos whose meaning is thus explained.
Even outside the Judeo-Christian domain, it is striking to note the extent to which the exclusivity of religious symbols prevails. The Christian religion is not a mysterious religion. But the first believers should be very vigilant. Vigilant because of their convictions, but also because of the hostility of non-believers towards them. Certainly the Christian persecutions were less numerous than one believes, however, this community was the object of discrimination. Some of them were imprisoned, others condemned to exile or to death. From this discrimination arose the need to communicate using symbols, from the Old and New Testaments.
These symbols are painted or engraved on the walls of the catacombs and on the sarcophagi . Later, when the Christian religion will be firmly rooted in Roman society; they will not hesitate to decorate their houses with mosaics or frescoes with evocative Christian symbolism. Even if the Decalogue of the Bible prohibits any representation of the divine, the symbols used summarize the principles of the Christian faith. It should be noted that there are many symbolic animals, some of which have similar roles. Here is a non-exhaustive list of the symbols of the Christian religion frequently used: the Chi-rho, the Christian cross, the Good Shepherd, and others that you will discover.
Christian symbols: landmarks for believers
Christian symbols are representations that have been given meaning. Catholic believers are probably the ones who are most particular about these symbols and their meanings.
Each symbol not only has its own meaning, but also its own story. Usually, they are born following an important and spectacular event. The white dove , for example, became the symbol of hope, because this animal had allowed Noah to know that the flood was over. Later, the white dove became the symbol of the coming of the Holy Spirit to earth. This is why it is common to represent the feast of Pentecost with an image of this animal.
All Christian symbols have a history of this kind. Symbols that find their origin in the Bible are easier to accept. As for the others, they are less so. Some symbols are so recent that it is sometimes impossible to give them a unanimous meaning. Among Catholics, the Church must validate a symbol so that it has a true religious value, recognized by all. Reformed churches do not tend to use symbols too much, except those that are mentioned in the Bible.
Christian symbols are therefore still the subject of controversy. While some are easily recognizable (the cross for example), some are not recognized by certain communities. Symbols linked to the Saints for example are only accepted within the Catholic Church. Non-believers are generally not aware of their meaning. They simply wear them because they find them beautiful.
Some Christian Symbols and Their Meanings
The Chi-rho
The Chi-rho is an ancient symbol used by the early church. This symbol is formed by superimposing the first two letters of the word " Christ ": Ch for Chi and r for rho. Far from being a cross, this symbol is rather a reminder to believers of the crucifixion of Jesus. It symbolizes the status of Jesus as the Christ. According to research. It was discovered that at the beginning of the 4th century AD.
Constantine used the Chi-rho symbol on an imperial standard called the Labarum. According to the report of Lactantius, he had a vision of the Lord on the eve of the Battle of the Milvian Bridge in 312. According to the early writer, the Creator ordered Constantine to mark the shield of his men with the insignia of the Chi Rho. This was done and Constantine won the Battle of the Milvian Bridge. Since this century, the Chi Rho has become an official imperial insignia.
Surprisingly, archaeologists have discovered it emblazoned on Constantine's helmet and shield, proof of what the apologist has been reporting for centuries. Archaeologists have also identified this insignia on the helmets and shields of Constantine's soldiers , as the writer had indicated. And that's not all. Excavations have shown that during Constantine's reign, the Chi-rho insignia was struck on coins and medallions.
The Christian Cross
The cross is undoubtedly the most famous representation in the Christian religion. It is formed by two straight lines crossed in the shape of a T. Thanks to the mother of Constantine the Great, Helena who supposedly found the real cross. The one on which Jesus was crucified, the cross has therefore become an important mark in religion.
This cross represents Christ's victory over sin and death through his own sacrifice of life. According to belief, Christ was crucified and then resurrected. According to the Bible, Jesus willingly allowed this to happen. He died to save humanity in order to end all the mortal sins that have been and will be committed by humanity. This symbol makes Jesus Christ, the lord and savior, executed on the cross.
The crown of thorns
The crown of thorns is also one of the most revered and well-known symbols in Christian symbolism. It is a crown made of thorns that Jesus wore before and during his crucifixion. The thorns represent the sins of humanity that Jesus took upon himself. Jesus died bearing the sins of the world to give humanity a chance at redemption. The crown of thorns symbolizes the suffering and death of Jesus Christ.
The Rings of the Trinity (Borromeo)
Often referred to as the Borromean Rings, this interlocking ring symbol represents the Trinity. The fact that the rings are both separate and connected to each other refers to the Holy Trinity . According to the Christian Bible, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one whole. Even though they are completely separate, we know that they are the exact same thing. Trinitas is a Latin noun and means “three in one.” In other words, the Lord is made up of 3 separate but completely equal parts. They exist in perfect harmony.
Bread and wine
Bread and wine are Christian symbols used to represent the supper or communion of Jesus. This is a familiar practice among Christian churches. In Catholic churches it is permitted to feed worshipers bread and wine during communion. This is a way of representing the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
Bread represents life because it sustains life and also symbolizes the body of Christ. Wine represents the divine covenant in the blood. Which was shed at the crucifixion as compensation for the sins of humanity. The purpose of eating bread and drinking wine during communion is for Christians a symbolism to remember the sacrifice of Jesus.

The Alpha and the Omega
This symbol is the symbol of Christ, the beginning and the end of all things. Alpha and Omega are respectively the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. These symbols thus represent Eternity. Christ shows by this symbol that he is the assurance of all souls.
The Anchor
The Anchor is the symbol of Hope , of Salvation, of the soul which has reached eternity thanks to the Christian faith.
The Good Shepherd
Represented by a man carrying a sheep on his shoulders, the Good Shepherd is a symbol that represents Christ the Savior and the saved soul. Christ is thus the one who gathers, guides, searches for the lost sheep and also gives his life for others.
Jacob's Ladder
Jacob's Ladder symbolizes the way for angels to testify in favor of Jesus. Indeed, Jesus is the new Moses often represented, like the latter, with a staff in hand, symbol of power. In the Bible, following the advice of his mother, Jacob fled his twin brother Esau and was looking to marry. Then in a dream, Jacob sees a ladder placed between heaven and earth, allowing the angels to descend and ascend. He also sees the Lord who renews his covenant with him and when he wakes up, Jacob consecrates the place as a pure place .
The Prayerful Woman
The Orante is the symbol of a man represented with his hands raised and outstretched, palms open towards the sky. This symbol is a traditional gesture of prayer. It is the symbol of the soul that lives in divine peace.
The Vine and the Wine
The Vine and the Wine in the Gospels symbolize the blood of Christ. Indeed, wine, for example, refers to the Last Supper in the Old Testament and to the wedding at Cana, where Jesus transforms water into wine, in the New Testament. The vine recalls the mystery of Christian communion.
The Empty Throne
The Empty Throne represents the invisible presence of Christ among believers but also Christian martyrs. This symbol dates from the era of Alexander the Great. On the Empty Throne, there are emblems of the reign were placed on a cushion. Under Augustus, in Rome, the Throne was carried to the games. Later, under Caligula, the empty throne replaces the emperor of the Capitol. The senators come before it and come to kneel there.
The Lighthouse
The Lighthouse or its variant the Tower is the safest, most solid way to reach the kingdom of God . It therefore symbolizes the Church. It indicates the happy end of the journey for the faithful who, like the sailor, sees his soul finally absorb the port of Salvation. It is often associated with a ship and built on water, symbol of the forces of Evil.
To show that Christians must constantly struggle and repent before entering the kingdom of Heaven. Apart from these symbols, we have also noted symbolic animals in Christianity . We have among others: the Dove, the Rooster, the Peacock, the Phoenix, etc.
Animals represented in Christian symbolism

There are many animals mentioned in Christian symbols. We will take a look at 8 animals that are considered the most important.
- The Dove
The Dove represents the divine Spirit . It is a source of life often associated with Baptism, or with wine, a symbol of communion. It can also be represented holding an olive branch in its beak, thus indicating to Noah the end of the flood or also recalling the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem before he was handed over to the Romans. It symbolizes the innocent, humble soul of the faithful, who has found divine peace, liberation after his death. It is the symbol of the Church itself by extension.
- The Rooster
The rooster in Christian symbolism is the herald of the dawn. It embodies courage, intelligence and resurrection . If we find the rooster on the bell tower of churches it is because it is the emblem of Christ, capable of awakening sleeping Christians.
- The Peacock
The Peacock is the symbol of the renewal and resurrection of Christ. This is explained by the fact that its feathers fall and grow back in the spring. This symbol is a promise of eternity for Christians.
- The Phoenix
The phoenix is a bird of Arabian legends. Blood red in color, ancient beliefs say that the bird burned its ashes after several centuries. For Christians it represents the symbol of the cycle of death and resurrection. It can be found associated with the mystical flower that is the rose.
- The Serpent
The Serpent represents the symbol of protection , of resurrection like the Phoenix (because it sheds its skin), of divine power and of health. It can be, according to beliefs, used to heal the sick thanks to its venom which serves as an antidote. It sometimes symbolizes the serpent of the Garden of Eden, knowing Good and Evil who seduces Eve and leads her, with Adam, out of the earthly paradise.
- The Fish
The fish is a symbol of Christianity that has been used for centuries. In the Bible of Genesis, fish are created on the fifth day, at the same time as birds. It is a sign of abundance and life. In the gospels, Jesus managed to feed a whole crowd thanks to five loaves and two fish that he is said to have blessed.
For the early church, the symbol of the fish is consistent with the acrostic "Ichtus". Ichtus, which is written ΙΧΘΥΣ and means "fish" in ancient Greek. But the Greek letters are also the initials of the profession of faith: Ιêsoûs Khristòs Theoû Uiòs Sôtếr, "Jesus Christ Son of God, the Savior". This initial served as a code or sign of recognition for the early Christians who were forced to live their faith in secret in particular.
- The Lion
The lion symbolizes strength and dominion. “When the lion has roared, who can escape fear? When the Lord has spoken, who will refuse to be a prophet?” This prophecy of the fall of Israel expresses the power of the Creator’s word .
The lion is also the symbol of the evangelist Mark. Described in Ezekiel's vision, the four evangelists are associated respectively with a symbol of the four Living Beings . For the apostle Mark, the Lion was assigned to him because his gospel began with the evocation of the cry in the desert of John the Baptist.
- The Eagle
The symbolism of the Eagle is freedom and majesty . The Eagle is the lord of the heights symbol of light. In the Book of Isaiah it is written: "Those who put their hope in the Lord find new strength; they spread out like eagles' wings."
Similarly, in Deuteronomy the Lord is compared to “an eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over its young.” The eagle is also the symbol of the evangelist St John and if the latter inherited the Eagle it is because his gospel begins with the evocation of the Light .
Christian symbols in society

Christian symbols are very present in our society. The Christian religion has adapted many symbols that are important in other cultures and other religions of the world. They use this symbolism to represent Christian ideas and values . The world of symbolism is not that big and it is normal that they were inspired by other cultures, even without being inspired by the signs of other cultures, there would probably be many similar or identical symbols.
Let yourself be seduced by our religious symbol articles
You are now informed about Christian symbols, their meaning and the impact they have in the symbolism of the Christian religion.
If you liked this article, then we have another article that you will surely like. It is about the meaning of the symbol of chrism . Enjoy reading!
Un vitrail de la chapelle du Mont Sabot (Nièvre) présente un trait noir vertical sur lequel sont dessinés des petits ronds de même taille, alignés, répartis équitablement mais de couleur différente, le premier en haut est rouge, les deux suivants sont jaune, le quatrième rouge, le cinquième vert et le dernier jaune. Ca fait penser à un feu rouge pour la circulation routière. Est-ce le résultat d’un travail de vitrailliste fatigué ou y a t’il une signification. J’avais pensé à une échelle de Jacob style corde à noeuds ?
Je m en sers pour transmettre des infos à des amis Chrétiens!!! MERCI DE NOUS NOURRIR DE VOTRE CONNAISSANCE!
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Benoît S.
Jan 27, 2025Jean-Pierre, Il est probable que ce vitrail s’inspire symboliquement de l’échelle de Jacob, représentant un lien entre la terre et le ciel, mais pour une confirmation précise, il faudrait examiner le contexte religieux ou artistique de la chapelle. Benoît S.