Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 27, 2024
Do you want to have an analysis on original sin? We have done research on this subject in order to bring you all the light on the origin of sin.
The term "original sin" is the sin that Adam and Eve committed in the Garden of Eden by eating the forbidden fruit. The fact that they disobeyed God by eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
In this article you will discover:
- Original sin ;
- The reasons for the existence of original sin;
- And how original sin is erased.
Let’s get straight to the point!
What is original sin?

The term original sin refers to the sin of Adam in eating the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil" and its effects on the rest of the human race. Original sin can be defined as "that sin and its guilt which we all possess in the sight of God as a direct consequence of Adam's sin."
The doctrine of original sin focuses particularly on its effects on our nature and our situation before God. This is true even before we are old enough to consciously commit sin. There are three main schools of thought that deal with this effect:
- Pelagianism;
- Arminianism;
- and Calvinism.
In Pelagianism the Adam's sin had no effect on the souls of his descendants. Except that his example of sin influenced those who followed him to sin as well. According to this view, man has the ability to stop sinning, if he simply chooses to do so.
This teaching is contrary to the number of passages that indicate that man is inevitably enslaved to his sins, apart from God's intervention, and that his good works are "dead" or worthless to merit God's favor (Ephesians 2:1-2; Matthew 15:18-19; Romans 7:23; Hebrews 6:1; 9:14).

Armenians believe that Adam's sin resulted in the rest of humanity inheriting the inclination to sin, commonly referred to as the " sin nature ." This nature sinfulness makes us sin in the same way that a cat's nature makes it "meow", it happens naturally. According to this perspective, man cannot stop sinning by himself. This is why God grants a universal grace to all, which allows them to stop.
In Arminianism, this grace is called prevenient grace . And according to this doctrine, we are not responsible for Adam's sin, but only for our own. This teaching is contrary to the fact that everyone bears the penalty of sin (death), even if they have not sinned like Adam (1 Corinthians 15:22; Romans 5:12-18). The teaching of prevenient grace is also not found in Scripture.

Calvinist doctrine holds that Adam's sin not only caused us to possess a sinful nature, but also to incur guilt before God. Having been conceived with original sin (Psalm 51:5), the result is that we inherit a sinful nature . It is so perverse that Jeremiah 17:9 gives this description of the human heart: The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? And not only was Adam found guilty because he sinned, but his guilt and punishment (death) come upon us all as well (Romans 5:12,19).
There are two opinions as to why Adam's guilt should be considered by God as something that belongs to us as well. The first opinion says that the human race was in Adam in the form of a seed. As Adam sinned, we all sinned in him. This is similar to the biblical teaching that Levi paid tithes to Melchizedek, even though Levi was born hundreds of years later. The other main opinion is that Adam served as a representative and as such, when he sinned, we were also found guilty.
The Calvinist view holds that man is incapable of overcoming his sin apart from the power of the Holy Spirit. A power that is obtained only when one repents of one's sins on the one hand. On the other hand, one places one's faith in Christ and in his atoning sacrifice for sins on the cross. The Calvinist view of original sin is more in line with biblical teaching.
Are we responsible for Adam's sin?

There is a credible interpretation that we are responsible for original sin when we choose to accept our sinful nature and act accordingly. There is a point in each of our lives when we become aware of our tendency to sin.
At that point, we can abhor the sinful nature and repent of it. On the other hand, we all “approve” of this sinful nature, saying that it is actually good. By approving our sin, we are expressing our agreement with the actions of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Therefore, we are guilty of this sin without having committed it.
Why does sin exist?

God created man in his image and established him in his friendship. As a spiritual creature, man can only experience this friendship in the form of free submission to God. This is expressed in the prohibition imposed on man to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, "for in the day that you eat of it you will surely die without remedy" (Genesis 2:17).
The tree of the knowledge of good and evil symbolically evokes the insurmountable limit that man must freely recognize. Man is dependent on the Creator , he is subject to the laws of Creation and to the moral standards that govern the use of freedom.
Tempted by the devil, man let his trust in his creator die in his heart (Genesis 3:1-11), abusing his freedom, disobeyed God's command . This was man's first sin (Romans 5:19). From now on, every sin will be a disobedience to God and a lack of trust in his goodness.
Some texts from Saint José Maria to meditate on
For the love of freedom, one ties oneself. Only arrogance attributes the weight of a chain to these bonds. True humility, which is taught by one who is meek and humble of heart. It also shows us that His yoke is gentle and His burden light: the yoke is freedom, the yoke is love, the yoke is unity, the yoke is life, which He won for us on the Cross. Our Holy Mother the Church has always defended freedom and rejected all fatalisms, ancient and not so ancient. She pointed out that each soul is the mistress of its own destiny, for good or for evil. Those who have not turned away from good will go to eternal life, those who have committed evil, to eternal fire.
We are always impressed by this formidable capacity, yours and mine, that of each one, which reveals at the same time the sign of our nobility. So much so that sin is a voluntary evil, that it would in no case be a sin if it did not have its principle in the will. This affirmation enjoys such evidence that the few wise and the many ignorant who populate the world agree. I raise my heart again in thanksgiving to my God, my Lord. For nothing prevented him from having created us impeccable, with an irresistible impulse towards good, but he judged that his servants would be better if they served him freely.
God created man from the beginning and left him to his free will (Ecclesiastes 15:14). This would not happen if he did not have free choice. We are responsible before God for all the actions we freely perform. There is no room here for anonymity; man is before his Lord, and in his will he is determined to live as friend or enemy.
Thus begins the path of inner struggle, which is a lifelong undertaking. For as long as we are on earth, no one has ever reached the fullness of his freedom. Friends of God, 36
Why are we all involved in Adam's sin?

All men are implicated in Adam's sin, as all are implicated in Christ's righteousness . However, the transmission of original sin is a mystery that we cannot fully understand. But we know from the Apocalypse that Adam had received original holiness and righteousness not only for himself, but for all human nature. By yielding to the tempter, the two individuals Adam and Eve commit a personal sin.
This sin affects human nature, which they will transmit in the fallen state. It is a sin that will be transmitted by propagation to all humanity , that is, by the transmission of a human nature deprived of holiness and original justice. Therefore, original sin is called "sin" in an analogous way. It is a sin "contracted", "not committed", a state and not an act.
Why are we so weak in the face of sin?

According to José Maria we should not be surprised. We carry within us the consequence of fallen nature, a principle of opposition, of resistance to grace. These are the wounds of original sin, which are feasted on because of our personal sins. We must therefore undertake these ascensions, these divine and human tasks, which always lead to the love of God. This must be done with humility , with a contrite heart, trusting in divine assistance, and dedicating our best efforts as if everything depended on us. Friends of God, 214
The God of our faith is not a distant being, who contemplates with indifference the destiny of men: their worries, their struggles, their anxieties. He is a Father who loves his children to the point of sending the Word, the second person of the Holy Trinity , to die for us and redeem us. The same loving Father who now draws us gently to Himself, by the action of the Holy Spirit who dwells in our hearts. It is Christ who passes by, 84
Is original sin erasable?

At the moment when we make our first profession of faith, receiving holy Baptism which purifies us, the forgiveness we receive is so full and complete that it does not allow us to erase everything, whether it is original sin or any other committed or omitted by our own will, nor any pain to suffer in expiating it. However, the grace of Baptism does not free the person from all the weaknesses of nature. On the contrary [...] we must still combat the movements of concupiscence which constantly lead us to evil" (Roman Catechism, 1, 11, 3).
Does the Church free us from sin?

The Church sanctifies us, after having entered her womb through Baptism. Newly born into natural life, we can already avail ourselves of sanctifying grace. The faith of one, or even of the whole Church, benefits the child through the action of the Holy Spirit, who gives unity to the Church and communicates the good things of one to another (SAINT THOMAS, S. Th. III, q.68, a.9 ad 2). This supernatural motherhood of the Church, which the Holy Spirit confers on her, is a marvel. Spiritual regeneration, which takes place through Baptism, is in some way similar to bodily birth.
Just as children in their mother's womb do not nourish themselves, but are nourished by the mother's food. Likewise, little ones who have no reason and are like children in the womb of their Mother the Church, receive salvation through the action of the Church and not through themselves. (SAINT THOMAS, S. Th. III, q.68, a.9 ad 1) Loving the Church, 31
I would like us now to consider this fountain of divine Grace in the Sacraments, a marvelous manifestation of God's mercy.
Certain sensible signs which provoke Grace and at the same time declare it, as if they were placed before the eyes. God our Lord is infinite , his love is inexhaustible, his mercy and pity towards us admit no limit. And although he grants us his grace in many other ways, he has expressly and freely instituted, he alone could do it. These seven effective signs, so that, in a stable, simple and accessible way to all, men can become participants in the merits of the Redemption.
If you want to know more about sin, we invite you to come and discover our article on the seven deadly sins .
The impact of original sin on man

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In a nutshell, original sin is the sin committed by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. This sin was passed on to the human race. However, baptism can wash away the sins you have committed.
We now wish to present to you a religious painting of the Lord sharing the sacred word with men. This painting will be the ideal piece for a Christian decoration.
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