Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 27, 2024
Do you want to discover everything that Saint Rita represents?
In this article, we invite you to learn more about the life of this Saint Rita, as well as the foundation and functioning of her prayer.
The prayer of Saint Rita is one of the few that corresponds to the resolution of almost all the problems of your life. It is important to know Saint Rita well to understand the depth of the words. Not to mention, the power of the spirit that animates this prayer. No matter the situation, a Christian is never afraid in the face of adversity.
As you scroll through the lines of this article, you will gradually read:
- His biography and history;
- Its foundations;
- His worship and his prayers;
- Why it is called the holy reconciliation.
If you would like to discover more stories about Christian saints, here are several articles available on our site that you can discover:
- The story of the patron saint of lovers
- The Story of Padre Pio
- The Story of Saint Anthony the Great
- The Story of Saint Joseph
- The story of Saint Therese
- All about the history of Saint Benedict of Nursia
Saint Rita of Gascia her biography and her whole story
Margueritte Manchini, also known as Rita of Cascia , is of Italian origin. She was born around May 138. In addition, she grew up as a nun of the Augustinian order. She died on May 22, 1457 at the age of 76. A very beautiful story about the day of her birth tells that a swarm of bees covered her cradle. In particular, the legend says that she was then fed honey, without harming her.
The reason why the saint became famous can be divided into two parts. The life of a woman, wife and mother, then a model monastic life. Which makes that any woman, whether mother or religious person , can identify with her. In addition, Rita is first considered a conciliatory saint. Because from the beginning, her cult has been the source of harmony between the Augustinian spirit and Franciscan piety (the two orders clash in the city of Cassia).
Rita is different from other mystics because she never made predictions and did not urge anyone to repent. Through prayer and postponement, she felt that she was an excellent mediator and mediator. And because she managed to make the "impossible" possible in the world. After her death, when she became a mature and luminous life, she continued to work miracles.
The foundations of prayer to Saint Rita
We often want to give Rita the image of a woman who obeys men (her father, husband, missionary, etc.) and institutions (monasteries), with the sole aim of making her a model for women for centuries.
We also know that Rita works with the poor and the sick and she is very involved. She would go out to meet people, and even when she was in the monastery, people would come to see her. She would act as a mediator in conflicts.
The cult in honor of Saint Rita
Prayer to Saint Rita is usually done in the form of novenas , preferably done in groups. It is recommended to accompany these nine days of prayer with fasting and adoration in order to mark the intensity and fidelity of the prayer.
The aim is also to show the trust that we have in Saint Rita. You can do the novena at any time of the year. But it is planned to take place between May 14 and 22 (her feast day). The prayer to Saint Rita can however be done in the form of a triduum or litanies.
The feast dedicated to Saint Rita
In 1562, to commemorate Saint Rita who became Queen of the territory of Cascia. On May 22, the blessing of the roses is the culmination of the feast in memory of the flowers that Rita questioned shortly before her cousin 's death. The feast of Saint Rita was established as a symbol on her date of death and gives particular importance to prayer when performed on this day. This is why the novena to Rita ends on May 22.
Why should you pray to Saint Rita every day?
Saint Rita is one of the patron saints who has been most talked about throughout the world. Like the Holy Virgin Mary, Saint Therese , Saint Bernadette or even Saint Philomena. Very appreciated by all during her life as a nun, because of her actions towards lepers. She is particularly appreciated because of her boldness in the face of trials, especially those she experienced in her home.
She is even renamed as the saint of desperate and impossible causes. This is in homage to her invulnerability in the face of the plague that ravaged the world. Saint Rita is known by all to be an intermediary between them and the Lord. Generally, to explain their situation, and to expect a favorable response, especially in difficult situations. Which often ends up being heard, and resulting in a tangible impact in the daily lives of believers.
In general, when you find yourself in a critical situation, Saint Rita can be the one who unties the knots of the problem. Prayer to this saint is very effective because of her many actions on earth. Advocating the qualities most dear to God (humility, obedience, belief and love for the poor and oppressed). Any intercession of Saint Rita in your favor always finds its place of importance with God.
Why do we say that Saint Rita is the saint of reconciliation?

The most holy Rita was a very humble character who always knew how to touch people's hearts with words. The great difficulties she experienced during her life filled her with wisdom and discernment. She was able to understand people's minds and find the solution to their problems. Her main weapon to achieve this level of diplomacy was her perfect knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. She often referred to the Gospel of John in her interventions.
The greatest diplomatic force deployed by Saint Rita was the reconciliation of the Augustinians and Franciscans (1628, on the occasion of the feast of the Holy Supper). During her religious life, she mainly contributed to the social integration of disadvantaged people. By pleading for them with the aristocrats of the time. She was very often asked to play the mediator in family or friendship conflicts in view of her experience.
Saint Rita was also the advisor of many priests and families of her time. She was able to guide them with tact in order to avoid conflicts before they even arose. This great power that she embodies continues to have an effect to this day. When you call upon her, you will surely be very quickly enlightened on the steps to follow to resolve your conflicts whatever the area.
How to pray to Saint Rita?
The cult of Rita can be done by novena, triduum or litany. It must be remembered that we do not pray directly to Saint Rita but rather to the Lord through her. In addition, there are several places from where you can pray to Saint Rita outside your home.
In particular, in the sanctuary of Cascia in Italy, the cave of Roccaporena (place of his birth) or the church of the Annunciation in Nice. Depending on the situation, you can do several types of prayers:
Prayer for couples in conflict
O Powerful and Glorious Saint Rita, here at your feet is a helpless soul, who, needing help, has recourse to you with the sweet hope of being heard. Because of my unworthiness and my past infidelities, I dare not hope that my prayers will succeed in forcing the Heart of God. This is why I feel the need of an all-powerful mediator. And it is you that I have chosen, Saint Rita, for your incomparable title of Saint of impossible and desperate cases.
O dear Saint Rita , take my cause to Heart, intercede with God to obtain for me the grace that I so need and ardently desire. Do not allow me to have to leave you without being heard. If something in me is an obstacle to obtaining the grace that I ask, help me to remove it. Cover my prayer with your precious merits, and present it to your Heavenly Spouse, in union with yours. Thus presented by you, his faithful spouse among the most faithful, you who have felt the pains of his Passion. How can he reject it or not hear it?
All my trust is therefore in You, and through You I await with a tranquil heart the accomplishment of my wishes. O dear Saint Rita, may my trust and hope in You not be disappointed, make my request not remain in vain; obtain for me from God what I ask of You; then I will make known to all the goodness of Your heart and the omnipotence of Your intercession.
Prayer for hopeless cases
O powerful and glorious Saint Rita, here at your feet is a helpless soul. She has recourse to you with the sweet hope of being heard. Because of my unworthiness and my past infidelities, I dare not hope that my prayers will succeed in forcing the heart of God. This is why I feel the need of a powerful mediator, and it is you that I have sought. Saint Rita, with the incomparable title of saint of impossible and desperate cases.
O dear saint, take my cause to heart, intercede with God to obtain for me the grace that I so need. And that I ardently desire (express the grace that one desires) Do not allow me to have to withdraw from your feet without having been heard. If, in me, something is an obstacle to obtaining the grace that I ask. Help me to remove it, cover my prayer with your precious merits and present it to your heavenly Spouse in union with yours. It will thus be enriched by you, most faithful spouse among the most faithful. You who have felt the pains of his Passion, how can he reject it or not hear it?
All my trust is therefore in you, and through you I await with a tranquil heart the fulfillment of my wishes. O dear Saint Rita, may the trust and hope placed in you not be diminished. Make my request not remain in vain. Obtain for me from God what I ask, then, to all, I will make known the goodness of your heart and the power of your intercession. And you, adorable Heart of Jesus, who have always shown yourself so sensitive to the smallest miseries of humanity. Let yourself be moved by my needs, and, without looking at my weakness and my unworthiness. Grant me the grace which is so dear to my heart, and which for me and with me your faithful spouse, Saint Rita, asks of you.
Daily Prayer
Glorious Saint Rita, who art in heaven, a powerful protector before God, I have recourse to you, with confidence and abandonment. Intercede with the Lord of all goodness. Help me. In advance, I thank you.
I place my trust in you: hear my prayer Eternal God, whose mercy is infinite, I thank you for the gifts you have granted me through the merits of Saint Rita. And you, my protector, make me more and more worthy of God's love and your protection.
Prayer of intercession
On this feast day of Saint Rita, I propose that we continue with this prayer for the sick. O most sweet Heart of Jesus, with the same faith and love that dictated to Martha and Mary this message: "Lord, the one you love is sick." We too address these words to you, because we feel the need for your help and your mercy . May your grace come, O Jesus, through the hands of Rita. So that the sick people, whom we recommend to you, may regain their health.
Do it by the merits of this saint, by her penances, by her atrocious pains which she suffered during the fifteen years. Where she was a participant in your painful Passion. Address, O Saint Rita, a prayer to Jesus your sweet Savior who, certainly, will hear you. Granting health to these sick people who have placed their trust in you. With you, we entrust ourselves to the will of the Father who always acts for the greatest good of his children.
The miracles of Saint Rita
Several significant events in history have been associated with our beautiful Saint. Saint Rita offers us miracles every day, when we invoke her with devotion and place our trust in her .
The 5 great miracles of Saint Rita:
- Cradle
- Reconciliation
- The vine
- The rose one
- And the thorns
The miracle of the vine
This story tells of a dried branch that was watered regularly by the saint at the monastery of Cascia for a year. It miraculously sprouted and the prodigious vine of Saint Rita still exists today, without having been renewed. It is very robust and bears very sweet grapes every year.
The miracle of the thorn
This miracle happened on Good Friday of the year 1432 when Saint Rita prayed fervently. Asking the Lord to make her feel at least one of his thorns. A deep wound then appeared on her forehead leaving the mark of a thorn and could never be healed until her death. The wound remained like this for more than fifteen years and can still be seen on her corpse.
The miracle of the rose
This is the last miracle of the saint's life by which she obtained a very blooming rose through her sister . She wished to have a rose from her garden in the middle of winter which curiously was still in full shape. The rose has since been a symbol of life associated with Saint Rita which is often offered to the sick.
What to remember about praying to Saint Rita
This tour into the heart of Saint Rita's life will teach us that humility can resolve many conflicts. The path that the saint traced for Christians who wish to follow her is full of wisdom, love and difficulties.
The novena to Saint Rita is one of the unstoppable prayers to untie any family, professional or social situation. Her prayer can also be associated with healing and the support of the Holy Spirit to undertake.
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Jun 24, 2024Merci beaucoup pour vos conseils. Je suis souvent content de vous lire. A bientôt. Unions de prière.