Written by Benoît Santos - Updated on Oct 27, 2024
Many people wonder about the appearance of the universe and the planets. One of the most asked questions is: Did the universe created by God appear randomly?
We decided to help you better understand the universe as a whole made up of several planets by writing this article.
The universe is the set of living beings, the sky and the earth. It is also the set of everything that exists, the totality of beings and things. The principle of correlation is universal and this foundation is common to all beings that have relationships.
In this article you will discover:
- The origin of the physical universe and the universe according to the Christian faith,
- Did the universe appear by chance?
- What is the current vision of the Universe?
You want to know the secrets of the universe created by God and know exactly the origin of this universe, we invite you to discover it now! 🙏
The origin of the physical universe

The rigorously scientific consideration of the origin of the universe is a relatively new problem. However, its incorporation into human thought can be considered very old. Although our knowledge of oral and written human history is less than 5,000 years old. It is clear from various archaeological data that man is concerned with the world in which he lives. He forms ideas about the Universe as a whole. It can be said that traces are lost in time.
When man became a farmer, he needed to scan the sky to better regulate sowing periods. He also needed to scan the sky to harvest and thus gain efficiency in his new mode of survival. Then, the observation of nature, and fundamentally of the cyclical behavior in the movements of the sky, became an important task. This occupation allowed him to collect a set of observations for several millennia. These observations accumulated in parallel with the different theories of the Universes that he developed to explain them.
These theoretical descriptions are not Scientific because several of the elements that we consider today as fundamental to form this discourse are missing. In any case, they gave man an overview of what he observed and in certain clearly recurring phenomena. They even allowed him to predict their future consequences, a fundamental objective of current science. The first interpretations that analyzed the observed regularities by considering the "celestial spheres" (homocentric) are supposed to locate the "fixed" stars. The inclusion of epicycles and deferents made it possible to explain planetary movements. They constituted an important advance in the construction of a primitive "science of totality" or "cosmology". These primitive cosmologies developed and progressed into real schools of thought that are remembered today alongside the names of Hipparchus, Apollonius, Aristotle or Claudius Ptolemy.
Origins according to the Christian faith

The idea we have presented so far is derived from the scientific method. According to this method, theories are confirmed or abandoned if the results of experiments and observations on theuniverse do not verify the conclusions. Sometimes, these same experiments provide new data that do not fit with existing theories and require new formulations. The starting point, our first affirmation on this path is therefore our personal recognition and acceptance (at least), of the possibility of the existence of this Being: God.
The concept of the Universe of God that we will analyze comes from sources very different from science. In this case, the concepts on which to reason come from a spiritual experience at the start of which God himself is situated. And God is not a philosophical idea . For all monotheists, he is a person. He is the Being par excellence, the only necessary Being, according to which it has been revealed to us: God is He who is, that is, the only being that is by himself. The rest of us are contingent beings, created by Him.
When we affirm that we are contingent beings, we are not introducing anything new compared to the previous vision: for science, this is also obvious. Man did not create the Universe or create himself, and therefore, in relation to nature, we are also contingent. But in our religious conception, there is a fundamental difference: God is above nature, he is both the Creator of the universe and our Creator. In this sense, God is superior to destiny, unlike other religions of antiquity which, like the Greeks, assumed that their gods were subject to it.
What was God doing before he created the universe?

According to Saint Augustine, time itself is a divine creation and did not exist before.
The recent trend to consider what may have happened before the creation of the universe is the latest change in thinking in millennia. Philosophers and theologians have grappled with this question of the creation of time and the creation of the world in all cultures. Our "genealogy" leaves behind the first forms of life, the formation of stars, the composition of the first elements, and reaches the energy that bathes the main space.
Will everything continue like this forever or will everything end at some point in life? Greek philosophers have discussed the origin of time at length. Thus Aristotle expounds on the absence of continuity, invoking the principle that nothing comes from nothing. If the Universe cannot arise from Nihilo , it must always exist. Similarly, time must extend forever into the past as well as the future. But Christian theologians do not agree with these thoughts of Aristotle at all. Saint Augustine asserts that God exists outside of space and time and can create them by forging other aspects of the universe.
The changes that the universe created by God takes over time
Over time, the Universe created by the eternal changes itself. Here are some examples of changes:
Expansion and stretching of the Universe towards infinity

Until today, the idea we have of the world is very simple, not to say naive. The Universe was reduced to the Milky Way . In all and for all, there can only exist one Universe which is ours and no other. However, the observations of Hubble and Humason show, without possible dispute, that the Universe is not made of a single galaxy, but of millions of others.
When the discovery was officially announced on the morning of January 1, 1925, the whole world was stunned. The universe was much bigger and much more immense than we could ever believe. In 1929, Hubble had something more disturbing and very interesting. Something unheard of, something that no one expected.
But spectral images are incredibly unimaginable because galaxies are far from stationary. As we thought, galaxies are moving relative to each other at a dizzying speed. What can this mean: galaxies are moving? These are not galaxies, but the universe itself, the whole universe that is running away! Every moment it is expanding, being drawn towards infinity.
The evolution of the universe created by God towards increasing complexity

As with all living beings, there is genetic data that "codes" the physical characteristics of each being. The Universe could thus be preceded by cosmological information. These genetic computers also "encrypt" the properties and higher physical laws of beings. Like any code, this "universal basic" program is reduced to a system of instructions and digital data.
For 137 million centuries after the birth of the world, life appeared in a small, trivial world. This small world is in the form of flowers; bacteria; dogs; paramecia; rhinoceroses; oaks and mites; starfish and human beings . However, despite this terrible diversity, the organism of all human beings, at the genetic and molecular level, exhibit a remarkable unity of structure and function. They all have the same nucleic acids and proteins made from the same building blocks (amino acids). Their genes are all forms of a DNA molecule, the genetic code is the same, the same enzymes are involved in the same reactions.
Of course, luck plays a role, but there is also a mysterious program that limits and contributes to the increasing complexity of the evolution of the Universe .
Current view of the universe and its formation

Generally speaking, we can say today that the visible matter in the universe is 99% hydrogen and helium. The remaining 1% corresponds to the heaviest elements, which astronomers collectively refer to as "metals". Their relative abundance, the temperature of formation and the time during which they were formed can be seen in the figure. With the current data and accepting the hypothesis of "inflation", we can summarize the history of the universe as follows: in the first moments, during the "Planck time" (10-43 s), the universe was filled with very dense energy, at a temperature and pressure corresponding to this state.
Subsequently, it rapidly expanded and cooled, undergoing phase changes of the type that occur during the condensation of a vapor, but related to elementary particles. At about 10-35 of the first second, the universe underwent a phase change that caused an exponential expansion step, known as " cosmic inflation". This inflation step produced as a result a plasma of elementary particles called "quarks" and "gluons", with relativistic motion.
The increase in the size of the space causes further cooling, which continues until another phase transition occurs and "bariogenesis" occurs, the genesis of the components of the atomic nucleus, about which very little is known. It is believed that at this time the "baryonic mass of the universe" was formed and that the asymmetry between matter and antimatter that we observe today occurred. That is, at this time the quarks and gluons, previously free, combined to give baryons such as the proton or the neutron, the basic constituents of the atomic nucleus.
Is the Big Bang the beginning of time, or did the universe exist before it?

Less than a decade ago, such a concern emerged as a sacred shrine. For cosmologists, such a question simply had no opinion at all. Imagining an epoch before the Big Bang was like looking for a place north of the North Pole. According to the theory of general relativity, a growing world must have begun with a big bang. This implies the finiteness of time, which appeared simultaneously with space and matter-energy.
This way of seeing things has changed in recent years. When the universe was born, it was concentrated in a very small area where the laws of quantum physics had to be applied. General relativity, which is not a quantum theory, is valid at the scale of the Big Bang. String theory, in development for about thirty years, is likely to be replaced by a quantum description of gravity. Recently, the design of two cosmological models (the pre-Big Bang model and the expirotic model) has made it possible to describe a world before the Big Bang. These scenarios, where time has neither beginning nor end, may have had a visible effect in the diffuse background of cosmology. The radiation emitted shortly after the Big Bang and which is detected today in a fossil form across the entire sky.
A strange homogeneity of the universe

There are two more natural explanations: either the Universe was much smaller in its early moments than classical cosmology assumes, or it is much older. In both cases, two distant parts of the sky before the emission of cosmic radiation could have interacted.
First hypothesis
The first hypothesis is the one that astrophysicists prefer. The Universe would have experienced a period of dizzying expansion, inflation, at the very beginning of its history. Before that, all the regions of the cosmos were so close that their characteristics were homogenized. Then, during the inflation phase, the expansion spread and the Universe expanded faster than light. The different parts of the Universe are separated from each other. After a fraction of a second, inflation stopped and growth returned to a slow trend. Contact between galaxies was gradually reestablished as light caught up with the delay created by inflation.
To explain this crazy expansion, physicists inserted a new force field. They also introduced an inflaton that produces a very high repulsive force in the first moments after a big explosion. Unlike gravity , the inflaton accelerates the expansion. A fraction of a second after the big bang, it got tired, lost its repulsive force and took over again. This theory, proposed in 1981 by physicist Alan Guth, has helped explain a large number of observations. However, some theoretical difficulties remain, starting with the nature of the inflaton.
Second hypothesis
The second way to solve the problem is less classical: it assumes the Universe to be much older than expected. The Universe would have had a homogeneous time, if the beginning of the current expansion period had been preceded by a long period of time. It would have a homogeneous time also if time had not begun with the Big Bang. Such a scenario also eliminates the difficulty posed by the singularity that arises when one wants to extend general relativity beyond its domain of application.
Indeed, as we approach the Big Bang, the confinement of matter is such that quantum effects must be dominant, and relativity takes no account of this. To find out what really happened, physicists must replace general relativity with a quantum theory of gravity. Theorists have been working on this since Einstein's time, with little progress until the mid-1980s.
The Real Secrets of the Universe Created by God

If you want to begin the analysis of the sources from which the Holy Scripture comes, you must turn to the written tradition in the Old Testament that we receive from the people of Israel. The references to the origin of the universe in the Holy Scripture are found at the beginning of its first book, " Genesis ". In its chapter I, first verse, the Bible says: "Bereshit bara Elhoim", that is to say: "In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the Earth".
The ideas of genesis
God: the necessary Being, the one who is by Himself, as He will later tell Moses from the burning bush, created everything we know. No one on Earth will be able to attribute to God a human name, at best that can be said of Him, He has revealed it to us: I am who I am. He created us and we cannot fill this abyss, and it is He who takes the initiative.
He created the "primordial atom". He created the Earth that was before us, the Universe that was before the Earth, and He is before the Universe, time and space. This idea of God, transcendent to any idea, matter or energy that we can think of, is diffused throughout the biblical conception of the Old Testament. God transcends everything that is natural. The texts of revelation multiply: Genesis II, 5-25, The Psalms, 2 Maccabees VII, 28. This conception passes completely to the New Testament. God sends his Word to Earth. But his Word already existed before creation.
Naturally, Revelation does not say by what process we were created, nor does it communicate scientific data to us, we are free to discover it. Revelation gives meaning to our life and tells us how we must live it. At the same time, the freedom that God has given us forces us to choose at every moment: we can assume our destiny and give meaning to our life or reject it. It is prudent to emphasize that although the evolutionary sectors consider ideas about the origin of man, in reality they do not speak of the origin of the universe. And much more than the origin of life on the planet, it is a theory about the transformation of elementary forms of life into more complex forms. But this subject deserves a special consideration, much more extensive and detailed, for which it refers to the relevant bibliography
Everything You Need to Know About the Secrets of the Universe Created by God

Experimental data have confirmed that the expansion exists, is accelerated, and few scientists today think about the possibility of a stationary model for the universe. Therefore, the theory of a final regression (or "Big - Crunch") currently has very little acceptance. The evolution of the universe as it has been described (with general relativity and the "standard model" of elementary particles ), is also accepted today by most scientists and specialists. But this should not suggest that everything is known about the origin of the universe and its future.
To estimate its future evolution, we work on analytical extensions of current theories. In these cases of long-term projection, we know that science tends to describe past processes and their probable continuation very well. But science cannot say much about the possibility of new emerging phenomena, new discoveries or unexpected results in observation, a situation that has been normal in its history. For example, it is now thought that most of the matter that makes up the universe is " dark matter ", about which nothing is known. Nothing is known about dark energy either, although there is no shortage of theories for all these cases. We know "for certain" that the visible universe is expanding and cooling, and that some stages of the initial big bang have very strong experimental verification. The rest, as already said, for now is speculation.
Wonder of God's creation
Now that you have all this information, you will have no more doubts about the secrets of the universe created by God .
If you want to discover even more articles about GOD and the world around us, do not hesitate to take a look at our blog. We have an excellent article to present to you, it is about the definition of blessing. Click here to read it.
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